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my disapointing review stands :(
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RPGDot Forums > Gothic - General

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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 30 Nov 2001
Posts: 28

after making it over half way throug the game... here is what i have come up with.

nothing will make my machine run this game smoothly. NOTHING! which is one of two reasons.. 1. the engine sucks and cant handle my hardware. or 2. my hardware is crap.

you can throw out #2 because im not having any problems with other games that require more than this game does.

the engine is poor!

the game play is slow. didnt see much action unless i instigated it.

the lvl sytem is not bad. ill give it that. but the skills and variety is weak. not too much there.

the fighting is worse than most. BORING. play some other games and then compare.. the fighting is poor.

the menus (im a graphic artist.. so yes i care) they suck. if you are going to make a damn good looking game they sure made some crapy menus.

the story.. well.. i give it about 60%. but it doenst really grab you and make you want to follow it. i found killing random guards and poeple more exciting.

the cinema work. complete crap.

i give this game about a 60%. i would much rather play the might & magic series. lol.. for those of you that know those games.. i thought they were even better.

bring it on fanboys. you and all your horned-hoofed children. bring on the flames!
Post Tue Dec 04, 2001 12:25 am
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Digital Pimp
Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 28 Nov 2001
Posts: 40

I just think your bitter that your computer sucks.

I played it at 1024*768 32bit every up and the game looks beautiful so don't tell me the enigne sucks. I'll give you that the cinema work isn't the greatest but its till decent enough to push the story along.

By listening to the way your talking you don't play many RPG's so why would your opinion matter anyway. Go play Diablo II
Post Tue Dec 04, 2001 1:33 am
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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I'm running at 1024x768x32 and it is running smooth as silk.

People claim over and over that the GeForce cards are better than the Voodoo 5's, but why is it they're always having problems with games being choppy?

I'll stick with the V5 until they are 100% out of the picture for gaming standards.

You can tweak that card and have it running better than anything on the market.
Post Tue Dec 04, 2001 1:43 am
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You're a sad, sad man. Just wear a big sign that says "Insult me please!" over your head, and that'll get the same effect.

Most people don't seem to be having much trouble running the game, so maybe something is wrong with your l33t machine.
Post Tue Dec 04, 2001 7:03 am


On my computer I had to set all graphics on minimum, not until then was it playable (i have a 600 with 128 ram and tnt2) but this didn't really bother me because it is such a good game...
Post Tue Dec 04, 2001 9:52 am
Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 05 Sep 2001
Posts: 48

Well, I have a P3 733 with a G400 video card and a mere 128 megs of ram (I think the memory is the problem), so I'm not getting the best performance. Still, the game is very playable (well, the demo anyway). I'm running it at 640x480 at high performance (low detail) and with music on... Big wow! Well, the graphics are fine as they are, ans the game itself rules anyway!
Post Tue Dec 04, 2001 3:28 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 30 Nov 2001
Posts: 28

even if my comp did suck, which would be strange to me and a huge waste of money.. the fact still remains that only poor engine would be explained.

the fact would still remain that the story is weak and the controls suck.

ive already given my comps specs.. and most thought it to be a "monster machine". so im pretty sure we can rule that one out.

the game runs fine on yours? i dont doubt it. and thats what makes this a poor engine. a good engine is not one that runs great on 2 or 3 top market cards. its one that runs smooth on any reasonable 3D card. this engine either runs great or runs like crap. and on all 3 of my comps it runs like crap. so i guess until i buy the Voodoo5 (if i can even find one now) then the game probably wont run well on any of my machines.

also, i would like to compare it to other games that run fine on my machines. games like sacrafice and giant citizen kabuto. games that even have a higher system req. but run a hell of a lot better on my machines that this game does.

explain that to me? and tell me its a good engine!

as far as the remark that i probably dont play many RPG because i dont like this game.. and that i should go back to diablo 2.. its laughable. because i would not classify diablo or this game as a true RPG. this game is an action adventure RPG. diablo 2 is an action RPG.

baldurs gate is an RPG. daggerfall is an RPG. and many others that you probably never played.

i think you are the one that needs to not play RPG's because this game is NOT and RPG. just because you lvl up does not make this an RPG. yes its an action adventure.. but this game leans more toward the action adventure than it does RPG. this game is basically RUNE with lvl ups and the ability to walk around.

p.s. RUNE wooped the shit out of this game. better engine, better world, better story, and more believable voice acting.

so go back to the diablo 2 series? i will. its a much better game. and dont tell me its not.. just look at the shier volume of users for d2 compared to this title. this is a patch game. one you buy to hold you of for a few days until something better comes out.

hell.. even darkstone was a better game than this.

your posts done hold much when all you seem to want to do is defend the game by trying to insult me. if you want to act like 3rd graders at least do it right. but making asumptions and resorting to name calling shows your idiot-ness.

if you really liked this game.. im very interested in others you have liked as well..
Post Tue Dec 04, 2001 4:02 pm
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Max Killen
Exalted Potentate
Exalted Potentate

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I have a P3 1G and I'm running at 1024x768x32 and it is running fine, not choppy and the graphics are seamless to me
Post Tue Dec 04, 2001 4:03 pm
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The game runs fine on my system at 1280x1024x32 with detail set to high and view distant set to 300%

AMD TBird 1450
Crucial 512MB PC2100
Visiontek Geforce 3
IBM 40GB ATA100 7200 RPM
SB Live
Toshiba 16X/48X DVD
Pacific Digital 16X/10X/40x CDRW
Onboard LAN
Sparkle 350 PSU
Post Tue Dec 04, 2001 6:52 pm


The-Skull-King has one of those P4 2GHz systems that came with a TNT video card which is maxed out by 400MHz CPU, and he wonders why the game runs badly.
Post Tue Dec 04, 2001 6:59 pm
High Emperor
High Emperor

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baldurs gate is an RPG.


No it isn't.

The true response of a non-RPGer is to claim that Baldurs Gate is a roleplaying game. It's always some of the most halarious comments I see on forums. BG is ROLLplaying, not roleplaying, huge difference.
Post Tue Dec 04, 2001 7:08 pm
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Game Console games get beta tested properly before they are released because they know there is no way to patch a game after it's released.
As for computer games it seems more and more every day that companies release buggy games for the PC because they think they got a bunch of idiots to pay $50 to beta test their software for them. In return we complain to them about how screwed up the game is and 12 patches later the game works like it should have in the first place.

Post Tue Dec 04, 2001 9:20 pm


With my 1,3ghz athlon & geforce 2 pro card, and 256mb of sdram the game runs smoothly at 1024x768/32bit+300% view distance.
only laggy thing is that it swaps the hell out of my harddrive
i guess it needs really much memory, system is windows xp.

i've now played like 48hrs straight this game! ok, i did get 10hr sleep in the middle.. but all I can say, that the game is really captivating, i've really enjoyed the story line, and the HUGE world it seemed to offer in the beginning, now that i've reached the level 13 and in the very beginning of the chapter 3, i see that it isn't perhaps that HUGE but surely a large one.

what goes for roleplaying games.. i really cant get that much into the character when i'm playing a single player game.. should the case be with gothic being a multiplayer game, i see there'd be a big possibility it being a real hit. the world and story is really good.

sometimes i just admire the view for few seconds, the distant towers etc. looks really great, also the sky effects(day/night changes, etc) are great.

now, i'm somebody who plays alot and also demand alot from a game, and the only nagging i can THIS FAR give to gothic is the poor fighting, the camera very often blocks the view to the enemy, and the battle becomes save-load-try-again shit.

but, what can i say.. played this far, and nothing bigger than that has occured.. except the fact that the game would crash every time i would engage more than one enemy, when i used the EAX2 sound provider - either the windows xp's drivers aren't good enough for my sb live!, or the game.
but that was solved when i switched to the direct sound HW, which sounds crappier but atleast it's quite stable now.

havent read a single review of this game, but based on my gameplay so far i'd throw gothic a hefty 87% which is alot from me. =)

Post Tue Dec 04, 2001 10:58 pm
Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 30 Nov 2001
Posts: 28

i asked for examples of RPG's and instead of givening them to me you flame me because i think baldurs gate is an RPG. lol.. im thinking you dont know what RPG is and where it came from. otherwise you would know who made baldurs gate. who wrote the story. and who designed the game play engine. oh well.

im running a voodoo 4. not a tnt. and the game sucks.

i have moved on to another game.. so dont expect me to post back.

Post Wed Dec 05, 2001 3:09 pm
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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i asked for examples of RPG's and instead of givening them to me you flame me because i think baldurs gate is an RPG. lol..

I didn't flame you, please read the post for a second time, and then try to understand what was said. "ROTFLMAO" is not a flame. "No it isn't" is not a flame. Calling it a ROLLPLAYING game versus a ROLEPLAYING game isn't a flame. A flame is a direct personal attack on someone.

This is a mini-flame--- You half wit dumbass moron, if you had even the slightest ability to comprehend what people are trying to tell you, we wouldn't be having this discussion. If you weren't such an idiot people wouldn't be annoyed with your presence here.

im thinking you dont know what RPG is and where it came from.

RPG an abreviation for roleplaying game. A term losely thrown around to any game with combat and experience.

otherwise you would know who made baldurs gate. who wrote the story. and who designed the game play engine. oh well.

There was this group of roleplayers up in Canada that worked for a small company called BioWare. They went around to various publishers until they found Interplay, pitching an idea to bring AD&D 2nd edition back to the PC on a grand scale. Interplay actively pursued a license contract with Wizards of the Coast to get a mid-term Forgotten Realms license in order to help BioWare out with their game Baldur's Gate. Interplay had their roleplaying division, Black Isle Studios help out with the project since BioWare was new to the CRPG scene. A few years later, Baldur's Gate was born.

The story of a character who later finds out he is the child of a god named Bhaal, who, seeing his own death walked the Forgotten Realms as a mortal planting his seed in as many women as possible. Knowing that one of the Bhaal spawn would cause his return. Sarevok was going to be this person, as he worked on starting a blood war in the realm to cause enough death and chaos to gain the powers of Bhaal. But our little hero spoiled his plans and killed Sarevok at the temple.

Would you like a story version of BG2 as well? You stupid little moron...

By the way, the engine used for the first Baldur's Gate was the Infinity Engine, it was upgraded drastically for Icewind Dale, then had a complete overhaul for BG2. Shall I go on?

Stupid dumbass...

im running a voodoo 4. not a tnt. and the game sucks.

Then you have no clue how to configure your voodoo card, and you deserve to get shitty performance from this game.

i have moved on to another game.. so dont expect me to post back.

You'll be back, you'll post as anonymous or you'll just read my comments and foam at the mouth knowing that I made you look like a fool.

Hmmm, now you have a tough choice, do you either not respond and allow everyone to laugh at you because I made you look stupid? Or, do you go back on your word and respond to these comments, making yourself look even more idiotic because you don't even have the willpower to not respond to someone that is calling you out? Hard choice there little guy, you can either chicken out and run away, or be a hypocrite and try to pointlessly defend yourself.

edit---Oh and to answer your question on what games I like.

Icewind Dale and the expansion & add-on
Planescape Torment
Fallout 2
Ultima 7
Ultima 7 part 2
Ultima Underworld
Ultima Underworld 2

SimCity 3000
Blade of Darkness
Half Life
Deus Ex
Blood 2
Diablo 2
Starcraft/Brood War
Age of Kings
Return to Castle Wolfenstein

[ This Message was edited by: Llama on 2001-12-05 09:34 ]
Post Wed Dec 05, 2001 3:29 pm
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