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SWG:The day I went overt to enjoy PvP...
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Eagle's Shadow
Eagle's Shadow

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Ok, maybe it's just that to me the way SOE defined the "Hybrid" and "Elite" prefessions are warped, but I usually tend to think of what SOE calls a "hybrid" class should actually be referred to as an Elite, and vice versa. I have trouble expressing myself in this I think, so please bear with me....

What I mean to say is that a Master pistoleer (which apparently is an "Elite prof.) has more versatility than a Master BH because the pistoleer can complement his Mastery with other "Elite" professions, which a MBH cannot. As Xen illustrated, give a Master CH the Master Pistoleer profession as well, and you have yourself a "hybrid" class, which uses both professions together, that cannot be stopped, and is probably much stronger than either commandos and BH by a LONG shot!

Taking into account that a Master Pistoleer should already be doing pretty good on his own against a BH, what happens when you add the CH skill to it? It gives you a heap of dead BH's

THAT's my point. A BH has to rely ONLY on his BH skills, wheras a MP, MC or MR has a wide variety of skills to choose from to complement his already pretty advanced skillset. Acknowledging that, I am saying that a BH should be a little more powerful than a MP, MC or MR alone. Give these guys a complementary combat skill, and they beat me, and that is fine. They probably exerted much more effort to master both professions than I did mastering only one. Kudos, they win! Fine by me!

I just tested something using the Character builder, and it's astonishing... You could actually master Pistoleer and CH and still have a whopping 52 skill points to advance a good way into another skill, like medic! Now THAT would deserve to beat a BH hands down, no doubt about it...

As a MBH, I have only a very limited choice: I can add some very meagre(sp?) medic skills, or a few boxes in CH to have some backup (which makes me that much stronger, I agree), or a little bit in both. Or some skills in the pistoleer, carbine, or rifle line.... Never enough to do me a lot of good, although it doesnt hurt. But even then I don't come close to Xen's template.

Now that all being said, Eyeshot is still very much overpowered, and it should be either moved up in the skill tree to BH Pistol 4 or even Master, or not hit the mind pool any more, or even both!

Hope I'm a little clearer this time... I never meant to imply that a BH or commando, or a TKA should "rule" the PvP, but a MBH should, in my opinion, be stronger than someone that *only* mastered pistoleer, carbineer or rifleman.
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Post Thu Sep 18, 2003 6:09 pm
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Black Ring Leader
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Q just made this post to the official forums. It contains combat proposals from the responsible designer. Don't read if you are a nerf-sensitive person .
Post Thu Sep 18, 2003 8:33 pm
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What's it say? I can't read the bloody official forums most days (keeps asking me to log in endlessly and then proclaims that I must log in and all).
Estuans interius, Ira vehementi

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Post Fri Sep 19, 2003 12:29 pm
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Eagle's Shadow
Eagle's Shadow

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I'm having the same problem as you, Xen... But I finally went in. It's a little lengthy, but here it is:

Originally posted by SWG System designer in charge of combat
Intro and notes:

First, PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE THREAD. There is some information at the top that will hopefully explain the overall direction I’d like to take all combat professions in. These changes are paramount to understanding which issues I’ve called out and haven’t called out.

Although the problems are labeled #1, #2, etc, they are not in order of priority. It’s just a random order I made up based on how I wrote the document.

If you are a ranged profession, please read the proposed melee changes. Same for meleers. There’s information contained that pertains to both types of combat.

General Combat Stuff:

Combat Combo Proposal:

One of the ideas that has been floating around here for the past month or so is the idea of a combo system for combat actions.

As you hit a target, I would like to see a system of damage/move efficacy "step-up" for each subsequent successful hit. A miss will remove the "step-up" values.

This will encourage people to vary their attacks and improve the effectiveness of each subsequent move. The number of combo hits allowed will be a value that will scale as you improve in combat ability. A newbie marksman might get a maximum combo size of 2, while a master rifleman might be able to string together 8 attacks.

In addition to these combo moves, I would like to add a few new "generic" combat moves. These would be used for all weapons and would directly interact with the combo system. One of these moves could interrupt/clear a the combo counter, while another could actually steal a portion of the combo counter. I think this would add a nice level of depth to this system, and make it more interesting for PVP.

Melee Defense Proposal:

We removed knockdown as a "tank" ability. I stand by our decision to do this. However, I think adding this type of gameplay back into the system is valuable.

What I propose is the addition of a "defensive bonus" move. This would last for a variable amount of time (increasing as you reach higher skill levels). The bonus would protect you from a significant number of hits for the duration of the ability.

It is in a sense a tank ability that protects the defender instead of negating the attacker. That will make it much simpler to balance.

Combat Speed Change Proposal:

So it appears that we have a problem at higher levels. The skill mods, combined with sliceability of all of our weapons results in all weapons (At higher levels), hitting our speed cap. This means that the fastest any weapon will ever be is 1 second, and it dimishes the differences between all of our weapons and skill trees.

My proposal is that we implement a variable speed cap based off of the weapon. So pistoleers and 1hswords would use a .5 second speed cap, while riflemen/pikemen would have a 3 second minimum speed.

The end result is that weapon/class differentiation would increase, which would allow me to enhance the functionality of each class. I could raise the damage on carbines/rifles because I would be guaranteed that they wouldn’t be fired as quickly as pistols. The DPS problems in pistoleer could be minimized by increasing the speed mods, as they would have more total effect on the firing speed.

Active Defense Modifiers:

Across the board we have seen complaints that the defense modifiers (counterattack, dodge and block) do not work properly at higher levels. This is true as the mods and rolls for those abilities do not scale properly compared to the toHit rolls they are being used against.

This is a known issue and we are in the process of improving all of these. However, we are modifying these numbers slowly so we avoid major disruptions to the combat system.

Melee Out of Range issue:

This is caused by the object on your client being drawn in a different location that it exists on the server.

The proposal to fix this is to increase the melee range of all weapons to a value that is closer to the margin of error between the client/server. This will make combat look a little funny as you’ll be able to hit a target further away, but I think this is an appropriate tradeoff.

Melee Damage Output:
I believe that melee damage is too low across the board. I will be investigating move abilities and look into bringing all melee class damage up to a more appropriate level.

Lack of melee weapons:

I think that we’re lacking melee weapons across the board. We added weapon certifications late in the beta cycle and didn’t add any extra weapons to our classes. The end result is that there’s limited choice, and not a whole lot of visually interesting choices for higher level weapons.

Of course, this doesn’t just affect melee. I think we could use more ranged weapons as well, and even more vibroknucklers with varying effects for Teras Kasi. I’ll see what I can get added for these classes.

All Professions:

We don’t hate any of you. I apologize for the lack of constant feedback. All combat professions will get some TLC in the future.

Ranged Class Specific Stuff:


I’m not going to go into the pistol changes as they have been addressed in the other post. Regardless, some of the general fixes detailed above should help pistoleers.


Problem #1:

HAM costs are too high for carbine special moves. This is actually a problem with the carbine weapons.

Solution #1:

Once we implement the speed limiters for all classes, I would like to reduce the HAM costs. This could be done by modifying new weapons, the actual move data, or a combination. I’m not sure which is the best approach, but I’m leaning towards modification of the moves as it will be less disruptive for existing weapons.

Problem #2:

Legshot 2 is viewed as being identical to Legshot 3.

Solution #2:

Legshot 3 is actually a cone attack. It does 2.5X damage as opposed to 2.0X damage, and should hit targets in the cone instead of a single target. There is potentially a bug in the cone calculations that is preventing this from happening. I will investigate.

Problem #3:

Carbines seem to lack class definition.

Solution #3:
I’d like to see carbines as halfway between the slow speed/high damage of riflemen and lower damage/higher speed of pistoleers. They should have a wider variety of area/high rate of fire attacks, but less "finesse" attacks. Attacks like scattershot will be improved to the point that they are viable alternatives to the focused attacks such as bodyShot.

Problem #1:

Development Hates Riflemen.

Solution #1:

We don’t hate you.

Problem #2:

Take Cover is not particularly effective given it’s penalties. It immobilizes you (at lower levels) and doesn’t give adequate protection.

Solution #2:

I’m going to try to improve the protection values of take cover. I’d like to see these protection values scale from their current value to a much higher protection level at higher levels. Sure you lock yourself to crawling/prone, but I think it should give a much more significant level of protection.

This will also enhance the "anti-sniper" moves of riflemen. If cover is more useful, more players will use it. If more players use cover, the anti-cover moves become more useful.

Problem #3:

Rifleman accuracy is lacking against moving targets.

Solution #3:

Along with the take cover defensive bonuses, I think it’s appropriate to add a large(ish) attack bonus to go with take cover. This will further enhance the "purpose" of rifleman. I’ll also investigate the toHit bonuses for all rifleman skills.

Problem #4:

Rifleman damage output is too low given the delays involved.

Solution #4:
Once we add the speed cap, I will investigate improving damage output. The combo system I have proposed will nicely fit into the rifleman attack paradigm.

Problem #5:

Rifles too difficult to craft (T21)

Solution #5:

I’ll raise this issue with the crafting designers and see if we can come to a reasonable solution for this problem.

Melee Classes:

All meleers - Please read the section at the top of this document. If you do not, you will look at these lists and say "THESE ARE SHORTER THAN THE RANGED SOLUTIONS! THE DEVS HATE US!". This is not the case. The reason these are shorter is that the problems with melee are more fundamental and global than ranged classes.

All melee professions would stand to have a new melee baseline defined, with new combo abilities, defensive bonuses, and potentially a range increase. Once we get this baseline defined, we can start addressing specific move/weapon problems.

Teras Kasi:

Problem #1:

Meditation line is not very useful.

Solution #1:

We are revisiting the functionality of the meditation line. Power boost has been fixed (the duration/effect were broken), and the rest of the moves will be revisited to make sure that the line is actually a useful addition to the tree.

Problem #2:

Unarmed Combo’s aren’t very useful.

Solution #2:
These moves will be improved in a manner similar to the carbineers scattershot moves. I’d like to see these moves be a viable alternative to localized damaging moves, even with the random hit locations.


Problem #1:

Fencer lacks class definition and useful abilities.

Solution #1:

I see Fencer as the pistoleer of the melee classes (The good parts of pistoleer). This class will benefit significantly from the global damage/HAM cost revamp as well as the defensive bonuses for meleers. Unfortunately I cannot give specifics to the changes as they will all be derived from the new melee combat baseline defined by the global changes.


Problem #1:

Empty Finesse box

Solution #1:

I’ll figure out what was supposed to go there and fix it. I apologize for the oversight.

Problem #2:

HAM costs too high

Solution #2:

This should be corrected with the general HAM cost pass.


Problem #1:

No clear class definition and underpowered abilities.

Solution #1:

Similar to the fencer, I see the pikemen as the brother class to riflemen. They should do very high damage but at the trade off of lower speed. I don’t think I want to make range a defining characteristic, as the range limitations cause playability issues for all melee classes. Fixing it for pikemen will leave the other classes with the same problems.

Problem #2:
Negative to hits at close range for some weapons.

Solution #2:

I don’t like the negative ranges in the slightest bit. I’ll see what I can get changed from the weapon crafting side to negate these modifiers. It will probably be on new weapons only L

Specialty Classes:


I’d rather not go through specific complaints about commando, but instead cover my view of the class, and potential changes.

I’m happy with the damage abilities of commandos. That being said, I am going to recategorize commando weapons to qualify as ranged weapons. This means that they won’t get a damage bonus against other ranged attacks, and all ranged defense modifiers will apply.

The other potential changes for commando revolve around the dot effect for flamethrowers (it might be too powerful), and maybe making the lefthand fire weapons more usable against larger targets as opposed to hitting everyone equally.

That said, I will argue that commando’s damage capabilities are reasonable, but they should come at a tradeoff. I might remove all defensive bonuses from the heavy weapons line to give commandos more of a weak spot, and might even add in some flame defense modifiers for other classes.

Bounty Hunters:

Problem #1:

Investigation line is too difficult to progress.

Solution #1:

I’m inclined to agree. I’ll double check the numbers and see if I can lower the xp requirements/raise the xp from the missions.

Problem #2:

Eyeshot. Everyone is worried it’s too powerful.

Solution #2:

The best solution I’ve seen for this problem is to split eyeshot into 2 separate commands. The original eyeshot would move into master, and a new different mindshot command would replace the existing newbie one. This would maintain the power of the original move and grant a new secondary move.

Problem #3:
No bounty hunter weapons except for the LLC.

Solution #3:

As stated above, I’d like to add more weapons. This includes bounty hunter specialty weapons. These would be variants on existing pistols/carbines, potentially with custom weapon specific abilities.

Problem #4:

Bounty Hunter power curve ends before easier master classes. They aren’t as powerful as a pistoleer/carbineer/etc.

Solution #4:

I’m not 100% convinced that bounty hunter should be more powerful than a pistoleer in all situations. That being said, I think they need some more class specific functionality and abilities as opposed to borrowing existing moves/mods from pistoleer/carbineer. I’ll investigate this and see what I can come up with to improve the class.

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Post Fri Sep 19, 2003 1:00 pm
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Eagle's Shadow
Eagle's Shadow

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Personally I find most things in there reasonable. I think their Eyeshot "solution" addresses some of the concern by moving the more powerful version of it up to Master level. But there's no mention of changing it's targeted HAM bar...

What really got to me was this though:

Originally posted by SWG Dev
I’m not 100% convinced that bounty hunter should be more powerful than a pistoleer in all situations. That being said, I think they need some more class specific functionality and abilities as opposed to borrowing existing moves/mods from pistoleer/carbineer. I’ll investigate this and see what I can come up with to improve the class.

This confirm that my previous post about why a BH should be more powerful than a Master Pistoleer, as long as he only has that skill, is wrong according to SOE's Vision(tm). But I'll still argue that it should be this way, and that the meaning of their Hybrid and Elite classes is warped... Just my opinion though.
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Post Fri Sep 19, 2003 1:25 pm
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I can hear the recently fixed Commando class screaming from here. They're loving doing 7200 damage to people with rifles out.

Meditation 2 is fixed? Haven't noticed. Oh well. I'll try it out and see what happens (especially when I get meditation 4 to heal wounds rapidly... no more doctors for healing ever. Just for buffs.).
Estuans interius, Ira vehementi

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Post Fri Sep 19, 2003 2:40 pm
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High Emperor
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In regards to the balancing thing... I think pistoleers (and other specialty classes) will get their boosts from new class specific weapons.

As far as the original topic on hand...

Last night, I finally dragged my butt off of Endor. (well, in reality, I did it the night before, but the server had a brain fart and I got stuck as I shuttled off of Endor) It's good to be back on Tatooine. Bought a new medical droid. Been looking for a new weapon. Got some new clothes for Eclipse. But mainly, it's good to have a faction recruiter around again. Not one hour after declaring my faction, do 10 overt rebels run into town. I was bumming around the med center, so I pop out and start shooting random people around the corner. Mainly to put some bleeds and such on them. Then, through it all, I end up targetting someone's pet and without thinking too much, I lay a bleed on it. Low and behold... a huge hunk of a Rancor that was standing in the middle of a crowd by now, turns and bee-lines for me. So, I do an about face and start running. It eventually catches up to me for a hit or two, but it couldn't keep up with my burst run. By this time, I made sure I got couple of nice bleeds going on it and I kept plinking at it with Body Shot from 40-60m away. Eventually, I got it down to about 20% health and got it stuck somewhere around the med center, just about the time my burst run ran out. So, I finished it off with a grin I didn't even know I still had in me. I know that there would be no chance in hell I could take down a Gnarled Rancor pet if the owner was around to control it and shoot at me, but it was still quite a satisfactory victory. By the time I was done with the rancor, the rest of the rebels were all gone. But this gave me a new wind into my sails. I think I'll be overt again. At least for a while.

It was actually quite fun yesterday. I took out my stormtroopers and made them patrol around my house. Then I changed into my medic outfit, and kept inviting people doing Imperial missions into my med lab to heal them and chat with them. It was quite fun.
Post Fri Sep 19, 2003 3:02 pm
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Poor rancor. The poor guys get stuck on anything at all really... buildings... trees... logs... NPC droids (had mine trip over an R2 unit and neither went anywhere)...

Now Guerrecks.... zing! They're much faster than a player can conceive of burst running and rarely get stuck on terrain because they're so small.

Good to see your winds back though. Killing a rancor has to be a rush.
Estuans interius, Ira vehementi

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Post Fri Sep 19, 2003 3:12 pm
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Eagle's Shadow
Eagle's Shadow

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Originally posted by EverythingXen
Meditation 2 is fixed? Haven't noticed. Oh well. I'll try it out and see what happens (especially when I get meditation 4 to heal wounds rapidly... no more doctors for healing ever. Just for buffs.).

I believe that anything that he referred to as "being fixed" meant that they are in the next Big Update, it doesn't mean it's currently fixed on live!

Good for you!! Sheesh! A Rancor... and I can't even put down a pet storm trooper
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Post Fri Sep 19, 2003 3:57 pm
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.... .... why??

I can drop stormies, pet or otherwise, without missing a beat.

I'd like to see meditation 2's power fixed. It's the super-saiyan power of screaming really loud until your head pops for buffage (upps your damage/physical stats by doing a horrible amount of wounds to your mind attributes).
Estuans interius, Ira vehementi

"The old world dies and with it the old ways. We will rebuild it as it should be, MUST be... Immortal!"

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Post Fri Sep 19, 2003 4:18 pm
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Eagle's Shadow
Eagle's Shadow

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Originally posted by EverythingXen
.... .... why??

I can drop stormies, pet or otherwise, without missing a beat.

Erm... if you read up I gave an account of all encounters I had so far... erm, let's se...

First one was with a guy I almost killed who ran back to get his buddy to shoot me down with two mind shots....

Second one was with a guy thathad 3 ST pets out, and a Greater Sludge Panther, while I had my puny rebel trooper and trouble targeting the right guy

Third and last time was on Tat while grouping with Caric. For some strange reason my status was reverted to covert without my aproval, and as we neared Anchorhead we met this imp BH that was pounding on a rebel. I ran in, healed the rebel, which gave me a TEF... but I had to wait until the imp BH fired on me before I could really help... that's laughable... Anyway, was dropped in three Eyeshots there too...

I guess I was only very unlucky so far. In DAoC I had lots of success in PvP even if I was much lower level than the norm. I guess I just need to get my skills up a little, and wish for better luck.

BTW, I can kill an ST without breaking much of a sweat either. Only when there's 3 around firing at me, I guess I can only run away...
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Post Fri Sep 19, 2003 5:37 pm
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High Emperor
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Originally posted by Ekim
I guess I just need to get my skills up a little, and wish for better luck.

I have 2 skill slots in Pistoleer, 5 in Doctor (one of which is for crafting) and 1 in Combat Medic. That's the extent of my 'elite' skills.

I don't think skills are really a deciding factor in PvP. I think a cool head on your shoulders and some tactics will previal most of the times. Yes, one shot kills do win every time, but with some experience, you can actually avoid being cannon fodder.

One of the main aspects of my PvP experience last night, was that I refused to join the frey on the main square in Bestine. I knew that lag and everything else would have me sent to the cloning center in a heartbeat. So, I stood behind a wall and plinked at overt Rebels from relative safety. If any of them wanted to fight me, they would have to exit the main battlefield and follow me around some buildings where it would be more one on one type of a battle that I can control and actually, maybe, win. If I saw that the battle around the corner was not in my favour, I'd run, regroup and come back to fight them in a minute or two. Point being... I don't just run into the battle head on because "I want to PvP!" I attempt to assess the situation and identify all the escape routes, odds, chances, etc. I try to see if my target is grouped or not, whether the weapon they carry matches their description or not. What sort of an armor they have. Pets? Are they hunting players or just passing by? Many things figure in the equation. If I don't feel confident, especially if in town, I'll try and garner some support. I'll run around yelling that there is/are an overt rebel(s) in town. There's always some fool that'll run into a fight head first and basically test the waters. If I feel confident, I may confront the rebel and maybe get some cool RP going out of it.
Post Fri Sep 19, 2003 7:06 pm
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Eagle's Shadow
Eagle's Shadow

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Originally posted by Ekim
I don't think skills are really a deciding factor in PvP. I think a cool head on your shoulders and some tactics will previal most of the times. Yes, one shot kills do win every time, but with some experience, you can actually avoid being cannon fodder.

I'm generally not the gung-ho type either. I rarely dash in head first. The problem here really is that I've met with a lot of bad luck. Every enoucounter I've been involved in had some elements of unluckiness to them, except maybe for the first which was probably my best fight so far.

As for skills, I agree that it doesn't really have anything to do with it, except maybe for giving a better chance at actually hitting your target. I've just really been unlucky so far... Who else had their overt status reverted on them? Happened to me twice already!
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Post Fri Sep 19, 2003 7:34 pm
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High Emperor
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Originally posted by Ekim
Who else had their overt status reverted on them? Happened to me twice already!

Most people have the exact opposite problem. They cannot go back to covert.

Under what conditions does your status change? You DO know that if you die, you generally revert to covert, right?
Post Fri Sep 19, 2003 8:33 pm
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Eagle's Shadow
Eagle's Shadow

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No death or incap was involved, not the second time it happened anyway. The first time I might have been incapped, but certainly not dead (I was with Khaaz and another PA mate on Rori).

I'm still trying to narrow down the cause. I posted a message on the official GCW forum, but I need to bump it as only one person replied. And I /bugged it too, but unsure what good will come of that.

The first time was on Rori while doing some rebel missions from a terminal with Khaaz (whom I think is overt), and Dokken who is covert.

Second time was with Caric on Tattooine. I met him near Jabba's palace and we went to Wayfar to take on some destroy missions, after which we headed to Anchorhead without encountering a single imp (NPC or otherwise) on the way....

The only remotely connecting thread I could see between the two times it did happen to me was that I was grouped with a covert. I really don't know if grouping with coverts did it since I haven't heard that it also effected Xen, or other people, but as I said that's the only thing I can remember that was similar between the two times.

I try to be more attentive to my status these days since I'd like to be able to pinpoint the source of the problem, but I can tell you it was pretty irritating.

PS.: actually, after thinking about it a little more, there is another similarity that I may have overlooked: both situations involved traveling, but that's about as long a shot as the grouping with coverts one! Also, I specifically remember checking my status before leaving Bespine on Tat before running towards Jabba's palace to meet Caric, and it was fine. Can't say I did the same on Rori though...
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Post Fri Sep 19, 2003 8:43 pm
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