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High Emperor
High Emperor

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Originally posted by Val
@|comy|: There is something to look forward to in Episode 3. Anakin screaming as he sinks into the lava.

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Charlie Dobbie
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Post Tue Aug 17, 2004 10:17 pm
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Risen From Ashes
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@DA UNDERTAKER: Have you ever considered getting therapy?
Freeeeeeedom! Thank heavens it's summer!
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Post Sun Aug 22, 2004 5:44 pm
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Darrius Cole
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@Da Undertaker
Originally by DA UNDERTAKER
i'd love to see that but i'd mostly like to see his wife-the queen die in a painful and suffering death while he is screaming, tied up in a wall, unable to do anything, watching from very, VERY close
The Dark-Side I sense in you.
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Post Sun Aug 22, 2004 8:45 pm
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Village Dweller
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Star Wars episode 3

In my opinion Episode One, while not one of the best movies of all time, was enjoyable to watch and the storyline actually added something to the Star Wars Universe. Yes characters like Jar Jar Binks were annoying, but I found C3P0 aggravating in all the films. While your never going to please everyone all the time, I have to say i've enjoyed both the Star Wars prequels so far, and Episode 3 should be the best yet.
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Post Sat Apr 30, 2005 9:45 pm
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Lucas has said that this one will be the 'darkest' Star Wars. Since Empire is among the fan favorites despite the fact the good guys spend the entire movie losing Revenge has some potential.

It's just words until it is seen. It looks good but they all look good (and they all ARE good. As I've said before a bad Star Wars is better than a LOT of *good* science fictions). I'm hoping that this one meets or even exceed an expectation so the die-hards remember it as one of the greats.

Now how does everyone think Amidala will die? I've said childbirth (as foolish as that would be given technology), a few friends seem to think Anakin will kill her in an act of uncontrolled dark side rage, a few others think Palpatine will have her assassinated as another barb to draw Anakin fully to the dark side. The problem with the last two is that Anakin and Amidala must be seperated for a long period of time so he doesn't know she's had children. I suppose that's possible if he's off on the front lines but it seems to me that you'd let your husband know you were pregnant when the other side of the galaxy is a hyper-pulse comm signal away.
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Post Tue May 03, 2005 3:08 pm
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Darrius Cole
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I don't think she has to die in this movie. When Episode IV begins Luke and Leia are young adults; so there is enough time in between ROTS and ANH to for Padme to have the children and die in between. I think it will go off with someone making that subtle statement the Padme is pregnant. Then Obi-Wan or Master Yoda will tell her that she has to hide them from Vader. Blah, Blah...Credits.

I wonder if Anakin will be wearing his Dark Vader garb when he kills most of the Jedi. I think it is very important that he does.
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Post Tue May 03, 2005 4:01 pm
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All signs point towards the Vader costume being used for the last 10 or 20 minutes of the movie at *most* (I wouldn't be surprised if it was 5 minutes or less). I don't expect to see Anakin fight in it. I suspect any jedi-killing he does (and I expect him to only bag one or two) will be done in the Sith black robes. Common belief has Yoda killing Tyranus/Dooku on Dagobah at the site of the 'dark side tree' (more likely Dooku destroying himself with the dark side as Yoda calmly weathers it). Windu should die to someone important, which leaves it to the hands of one of the three Sith (most likely Anakin). Project Outreach was where a bunch of Jedi Masters left in a transport to go to another part of the galaxy ... and their transport was intercepted and destroyed. That might make it in (being a Jedi Master only does so much when it's shuttle vs star destroyer).

As for Padme living.. it's possible but not likely. The children were given up as babies. The whole 'I'm pregnant? Vader must never know' thing is possible but Revenge is supposed to connect the prequels with the originals... which would seem to me needing to include an explanation of how Leia ended up with Bail Organna and how Luke ended up with Lars and Beru.

I still think the best ending would be a shot of Kenobi passing a bundled baby Luke to Lars and Beru as the oboe-theme started and then walking into the desert as the music began its flourish, back-lit by the twin suns before cutting to credits and credit fanfare.

Won't happen, though.
Estuans interius, Ira vehementi

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Post Tue May 03, 2005 4:35 pm
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RPG Frog
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Originally posted by EverythingXen
It's not the directing that's the problem. The space battles, lightsaber duels, lighting, viewpoint, and locations are just as good if not much better than they have ever been in a Star Wars movie.

It's the writing/story focus that is pissing fans off.

I think the dialogue could use some work. But I did like the action, sets, and effects of Episode II alot!

Hopefully, Episode III approaches the brilliance of Episode V!

Between the years when the oceans drank Atlantis and the gleaming cities…there was an Age undreamed of, when shining kingdoms lay spread across the world like blue mantles beneath the stars…Hither came Conan, the Cimmerian, black-haired, sullen-eyed, sword in hand…to tread the jeweled thrones of the Earth under his sandaled feet. - Robert E. Howard
Post Thu May 05, 2005 3:15 pm
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Darrius Cole
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By Kengo2019
Hopefully, Episode III approaches the brilliance of Episode V!
Don't hold your breath.
Always with you what can not be done. Hear you nothing that I say? - Master Yoda
Only the powerful are free. - Darrius Cole
Post Thu May 05, 2005 6:30 pm
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King of Spam
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Originally posted by |comy|
gonna get flamed but : don't you think that SW1,2 are lightyears away from the brilliance of the old Star Wars movies ? Just look at that abomination of nature called Jar-Jar-something !!! And in SW2 ( the latest one ) : mr. anakin-the-young-jedi-wannabe's and that princess-forgot-her-name's romance is like watching some soap serie ( THE IDIOTIC SCRIPTS and special effects which could have been good but they should not be the priority. I think that good special effects are the ones that people don't even notice. That's something that is hard to achieve but they failed totally. )

I have low expectations for SW3 ( speaking as a fan of the OLD SW films )
Lucas for god's sake, RETIRE ALREADY !

omfg your from slovenia too
Destroy the dark side, we will
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Post Thu May 05, 2005 8:47 pm
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Thin Blue Line
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Er... hasn't anybody noticed that the original Star Wars (Eps 4) actually didn't have a particually original (or good Storyline). Don't get me wrong I love all things star wars but I enjoyed Eps 1 & 2 and think Eps 3 will be good. I also love 4, 5 & 6 but I do get the impression that people look back with slightly rose-tinted specs. Star Wars to many of us represents our childhood, represents some of the finest Sci-fi that was around in the 70's & 80's but it is just a basic white knight v's dark night story. Eps 1 and 2 didn't do anything that different but seemed to have been canned for poor acting (which to be fair is the same as a lot of the acting in 4,5 & 6). What it can't offer us is that little slice of our childhood back and for that we blame it - it's not star wars' fault that we all have a million more things going on in our heads or that our expectaions are so much higher now. You show eps 1 & 2 to kids and they love it as much as we did at that age. I will admit I found Jar Jar mind-numbingly irritating but then I also now find C3PO annoying and I actually cheer fot the stormtroopers when they shoot Ewoks (that last bit may be using some artistic licence).
But to get back on topic - no matter what you opinion of Eps 1 & 2 we are all gonna see Eps 3 as at the end of the day it is all star wars and set in a galaxy far, far away
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Post Thu May 05, 2005 9:25 pm
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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Originally posted by Darrius Cole
I can agree with that. However, I think that it was a bad directing decision to cast Christian Haydensen (I'm sure I mispelled his name) as Anakin Skywalker.

Back to the writing...
Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't the Star Wars franchise have some really well written novels and stories behind it. I know that the story behind KOTOR 1 was better than any Star Wars movie I have ever seen.

Lucas must be writing the story himself?

That is insane, the story in KoToR was sophmoric and stupid. KoToR's story was good for a game, but stupid as hell if they make that cannon.

I watched all the original star wars in the movies as a kid (but was far to young to remember the first one, or really understand the second one) and I thought they were good as a kid. I just don't understand everyones hostility to the new ones. I was fighting for Clinton when Phantom Menace came out and all I heard was how horrible it was. When i finally saw it I thought it was pretty good.

The Clone Wars turned me into a Star Wars fan. The Clone Wars is one of the best sci-fi/space opera (or whatever the hell the genre is) movies I've ever seen.

My theory is the internet gives a forum for disgruntled dorks to vent over non existant issues. And other dorks follow the loudest angriest ones. When there is a real issue, like the death of actual rpgs, no one cares and just redefines what an rpg is.

But I know a great movie when i see one and the clone wars was great. I know a stupid story when I see one and that is what KoToR was.

If you don't like the kid that plays whatever his name is, the guy that played Luke is 1000 times worse. Ever since I've been older than 12 and saw a picture of him, or worse yet, saw one of the original star wars, I want to put him in a headlock and give him a noogy and a wedgy and smack the whine out of him. The dialogue in the originals was so outstandingly stupid it gives Barney credibility.

I've read a couple of star wars spin off books and it seems the stupider they are the better the reviews are. an example would be the medic book. I only read the first one but that was the worst book I've ever read. The best spin off book I read was the one with Samual L. Jackson going to the jungle planet to retrieve his apprentice. That was one of the better books I have read but it also got luke warm to bad reviews. One book was philosphical, consistant, deep, and raised many moral and ethical questions, the medic book was just stupid and had a philosophy as contradictory as Kerry's stance on Iraq. "On no, a soldier killed the enemy, oh no. If word of this gets out the people will be outraged. He is a bad bad man. What kind of soldier kills the enemy?" I don't know, the good ones?
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Post Fri May 06, 2005 1:59 am
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Late Night Spook
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Originally posted by EverythingXen
As for Padme living.. it's possible but not likely.

Hmmm... I'd say Annie chokes her in a fit of rage, Obi-Wan kicks Annie into a lava pit, Padme gives birth and dies, and Obi-Wan takes the babies.
Well... at least that's what my friend who read the Ep.3 comic book said. Sounds like it could happen, but knowing him he might as well have been trying to take me for a ride.
Post Fri May 06, 2005 4:56 am
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Just watching the new 'season' of Clone Wars (animated shorts) confirms how it all plays out.

It really looks like Lucas has taken the stance "This is a prequel... people know what happens so nothing is a 'spoiler'" for this one (a contrast to the first trilogy where everything was incredibly hush-hush, especially 'the revelation' in Empire Strikes Back.).

It makes for some incredible character and story depth in the animated shorts - which has shown Vader as part of a Force-vision Anakin has in a cave. It was an awesome depiction of a 'vision' using neanderthal art he discovers on a cave wall. The series shows the slippery slope Anakin is on quite nicely. The more angry and reckless he gets the more powerful he gets so the less likely he is to fight the impulses the next time they occur. It's really well done.

Probable 'spoiler' that is part of the animated series leading up to number 3 (the vision I mentioned). Stop reading if you even want to pretend to be surprised at how things go...


(The vision in question for those who have no access to the animated series starts off with a stick man with a claw for one hand (Anakin's robotic hand) and a woman seperating. The man fights a huge beast but is overwhelmed ... but then uses the claw to kill the beast. Two more beasts attack but he uses the claw and cuts them down. He is unbeatable. A great crowd of people are cheering him but then the claw grows and grows and starts cutting down everything around him. The vision snaps out as the claw, which fills the entire screen except for a little man in the middle of it, surrounds the woman figure from the start of the vision. The vision fades with a woman screaming a prolonged "Anakin!" that fades with the vision.

Estuans interius, Ira vehementi

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Post Fri May 06, 2005 1:16 pm
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Mysterious Lady
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I don't know for Padme dying, but she must be pregnant by the time the RoS occurs. She must give birth before the end of the movie.Possible Spoiler
The movie is rumoured to end with Obi-Wan and Yoda separating to deviver Luke and Leia to whoever they are delivering them to.
I also think that Another Possible
is Anakin, not Yoda, who is going to finish off Cound Duku, since in order for one the Sith Master/whatever (the Emperor) to have him as an apprentice he must finish off the previos candidate

I put the possible spoiler since I recently watched some pictures and other related stuff, but by now I have forgotten half of it and may be mistaken what is/will be in the movie, and what I read in forums [/spoiler]
Post Fri May 06, 2005 2:14 pm
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