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Everquest 2
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Baron of the Court
Baron of the Court

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Everquest 2

I couldn't find a thread about this game so I figured I'd start one

Among other games I'm keeping a close eye on EQ2.
The graphics are very much to my liking - I prefer the "realistic" way as opposed to the hand-drawn or cartoony way like WoW or UXO.
Note that I will probably try Wow anyway but like I said I prefer realistic graphics.

The official site provides good basic information but I'm not sure how the actual gameplay will be. But I've heard good things here and there.
It seems that they are planning on having instant action (good for solo play and when you have limited time) as well as multi-steps quests.
I've seen several ingame movies and I really like what I see.
Very nice fight animations!

At the moment I'm looking forward to playing a Barbarian Fighter or a Gnome or High Elf Priest. But there are so many races to play around with I'll prolly end up trying them all

What do you think about Everquest 2?
Post Mon Jun 07, 2004 8:52 am
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Warrior for Heaven
Warrior for Heaven

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Besides Darkfall, i would have say this EQ2 is my *main* game. I mean, seriously, the graphics. I mean, look at the graphics dude!

Also, i like more than graphics, which is why i like Darkfall, duh. But EQ2 will have everything standard in an MMO plus whatever they throw in there (if i remember correctly there is even PvP in arenas !!!). It will be cool, imo. I know it wont be just another MMORPG because of the tons of races, the INCREDIBLE character customization at the outset (which is mostly WHY im playing it) that will rival SWG even, and the tons of other stuff, mainly the graphics, the guild competition, the housing for EVERYBODY, the ability to play more than one character at once, like twelve or so on the SAME SERVER (a *BIG* deal for me), the large amount of classes and races (best race selection ever), the huge worldscapes, the huge amount of enemies even in the beginning (like two hundred, more than most MMOs) -- i think the biggest reason it will be the best (at least for a while) is that the most money and industry talent is being put into it.

And did i mention the graphics ?!?
Post Mon Jun 07, 2004 9:05 pm
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Baron of the Court
Baron of the Court

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Well Ammon, it seems that it's just you and me on these forums who are keeping tabs on this game, hehe.

What I also like is the intended voice-overs for just about every NPC in the game. And that the player character can call out in combat for aid or something. This can make a big difference in feeling more envolved.

The thing I'm a bit worried about is that I read that characters from the original Everquest can be transferred to EQ2...I really hope that is NOT the case! It would suck if there would be tons of lvl 50 characters already at the start.
But I'm not sure if they will actually do that. Maybe it's just the name of a character or something *shrug*

Other then that I can't see anything wrong with it. But as always, I'm gonna wait and see how it turns out. But I have good hope
Post Fri Jun 11, 2004 1:29 pm
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Most Exalted Highlord
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I am playing EQ since beta phase 2, that's over 5 years. Before that (and during and after) I've played and beta tested more then a cartload of other online games.

First, graphics isn't only thing which matters in the game. So far, Sony has the crappiest customer service EVER in all online games. Basically, they don't care about you, they only care about the monthly feel you pay to them. And, if EQ2 will be close in any way to EQ1, with it's class system and game structure and so on, then no bloody pretty pics are gonna make me play that crap.

I can't claim at the moment much about it, though, as I haven't tried EQ2. I do know EQ1 quite well, though. If I get into the beta, I can see, if not, I most likely will, of course, try it out when it's released, heck, first month is "free" anyway, so to say. But, as I said, if it's in any way close to EQ1, then forget it.

WoW, on other hand, is a definate title, and something what I quite much will play. Graphics are good, and they are NOT cartoon-like, they are Warcraft-like Forget the word "cartoon", it's not that cheap trash anime or manga or whatever such cumbayaa. It's Warcraft style, and if you ever have played Warcraft, then you'd know what I mean. In any case, WoW has definite hit there and they sure pay attention to all aspects.

Additional title, about what not much yet is known because it's too new, is Vanguard, made by Sigil team, which consists of many original EQ1 developers. Have yet to see what will come out of it, lore is nice, but then again, Sony people were always good with words, but actions could be pretty lousy. Hopefully they will add nothing similar to EQ1 stuff to Vanguard, then it might be something quite nice as well.
Been there, done that . . .
Post Fri Jun 11, 2004 2:31 pm
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Baron of the Court
Baron of the Court

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You make a valid point there Whailor.
I've beta tested and played retail of Star Wars Galaxies and wasn't too impressed with the customer service of Sony.
I also agree that graphics alone don't make for a good game. I only have to look back at SWG for that...
But still, I have good hopes for EQ2. One can always have hope right?
But (yes another BUT) I also have learned that it's wise to have a "wait and see" attitude.
So basicly I'm kinda excited about it but also a tad reserved.
I really hope I will get into beta so I can judge for myself.
Or else I will most likely buy the game and try it anyway.

And if EQ2 turns out to be a big let down there is always WoW. I still think they have cartoony graphics (sorry ) but I could get used to that.
In the end it still looks cool and the gameplay + the community is what really matters. Realistic graphics is what I prefer but I can adjust.
Post Fri Jun 11, 2004 3:32 pm
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Black Ring Leader
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Well, I hope for the sake of EQ II that the SOE team working on it is much more professional than the SWG team. I've been playing SWG since release and as a Star Wars fan I somehow can't let go but if it wouldn't be Star Wars I'd have left a long time ago.

Here are some examples of SOE's "competence":

- Major exploits and even dupes (items & credits) were not taken care of in a timely fashion. It took SOE weeks to fix these issues because their priority was finishing player cities, mounts, and vehicles. SWG has a player-driven economy (no NPC merchants at all) so I don't think I need to tell anyone how that affected the game and the economy across all servers.

- Exploiters and cheaters do not suffer any consequences. I have reported scammers and cheaters myself and even been in contact with the CSR supervisor on one occasion. Added those people to my friend list to see if anything would happen to them (if they still log). Nothing happened. Those people just kept playing (they may have gotten a CSR warning but I even doubt that).

- Major nerfs (and fixes) to some classes have led to a total imbalance among combat classes. SWG should be all about the Galactic Civil War between the Rebel Alliance and the Empire. Not happening at all in the last 6-8 months (!!!). If you want to kick ass in PvP you have to be 1 out of 3 classes or a combination of those. Everyone else is just cannon fodder. The combat rebalance was originally supposed to occur in March/April but it looks more like September now. It's very very disappointing that SOE is giving priority to other issues (like the Jedi system, lame high level dungeons that are inane kill fests etc.).

- Just mentioned the Jedi system so another rant is in order . Players were promised that the path to unlocking their force-sensitive character slot would be exciting and mysterious. Well, not sure what's "mysterious" about mastering random professions because that is all it took (and still takes) to unlock the Jedi slot. Grinding professions as a method of unlocking will be dropped soon (to be replaced by a quest system) but there are quite a lot of irritating changes coming with the Jedi revamp.

For example, players will now acquire force skills on their main character as they progress through the quest system. You can still unlock a second character at some point in the quests but that character will have to do the same quests as your main to also become force-sensitive.

Players who created their characters before these changes were announced (before May) under the assumption that they would unlock a 2nd character and be able to start him/her as a Jedi right away are pretty unhappy about this change. Some people selected Wookiee as a race for their main characters and are now basically stuck with that option unless they want to do the quests twice which is supposed to take *very* long.

Totally changing the rules of a major gameplay system doesn't really encourage my faith and trust in SOE's abilities.

- There are many many more examples. Players were promised more communication about upcoming changes but instead the developers put patches on the test server with changes that 90% of the players did not want or like. Lots of time was wasted altering these systems and one change (crafting "nerf") had to be totally revoked.

What really worries me is that the SWG dev team doesn't seem to be learning from past mistakes. A lot of the current changes to the Jedi system were never communicated to the community even though there were endless threads from the dev team asking for player input. They, however, designed the system as they saw fit.
It's really frustrating that they don't listen at all or listen too late to what players actually want and to see that their priorities are not on fixing exisiting issues with the game but instead on pumping out new content that comes with its own issues which get taken care of months later (if ever .. all we have right now are promises that they will be looking into this or that).

In short: I hope SOE has its Alpha dev team assigned to EQ II and not a team as poorly managed as the SWG team .
Post Fri Jun 11, 2004 9:11 pm
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Mysterious Lady
Mysterious Lady

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Brrrr ... This scares me!
Althought I do not plan on even trying EQ2 I hope for the sake of people who do that there is no such non-sence with it, and also I will pray that aliens kidnap the SWG team and mess with their brains so that they begin listening to people who play the game.
Anyway, the titles I am looking forward to myself are WoW, Guild Wars, and more recently, Tabula Rasa. EQII is missing from the list, as I see absolutely nothing exiting about it, where as I see sofar some good points about both WoW and Guild Wars (although at some point they look pretty much alike) and TR just got my attention, mainly as it promises to be real fun to play.
Post Fri Jun 11, 2004 10:21 pm
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Protector of the Realm
Protector of the Realm

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Looks awsome. And has some really neat features. I'll be playing.
Post Fri Jun 18, 2004 1:51 pm
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