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Devastating SWG Review at Guru3D
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Critical Error
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Devastating SWG Review at Guru3D

The first <a href="http://content.guru3d.com/article.php?cat=gamereviews&id=49" target="_blank">review</a> of Star Wars: Galaxies is up, and I bet the devs aren't very pleased by what it offers as a summary: <br><blockquote><em>Star Wars Galaxies (referred to as SWG from here on out) is a culmination of false hope, empty promises, and over hyped delusions of grandeur. What could have amounted to a fantastic world in where you can take the role of a hero in the Star Wars Universe that a lot of us have grown to love through the old movies, or even the new; turns out to be an utterly rushed disappointing disaster of epic scale in the MMOG genre that leaves the player paying $14.99 a month for the developers to finish the game they had hyped oh so many years ago. As far as I am concerned, this title will go down in history as the worst MMOG launch ever known to mankind.</em></blockquote>Ouch! Very much Ouch!
Post Thu Jun 26, 2003 4:56 pm
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Warrior for Heaven
Warrior for Heaven

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Phew. I was thinking i was all alone until i read this review. What a relief.
Post Thu Jun 26, 2003 5:02 pm
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Got rant?

What a whine-fest...yes, the game's not at the stage I'd consider great, but it's far from a tear-jerking disaster the writer claims. Currently the game is good, but later with more TLC, the game shall be great.

Different strokes for different folks.
Post Thu Jun 26, 2003 5:18 pm
Warrior for Heaven
Warrior for Heaven

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Whats so good about it?
Post Thu Jun 26, 2003 5:22 pm
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It is probably not the disaster level the reviewer says it is, but I certainly agree with not paying for unfinished software. SoE is terrible at overcharging and this is probably the colossus of dissapointing overcharges heh.
Post Thu Jun 26, 2003 5:28 pm
Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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The servers have been on for what? barely 3 hours and someone has a REVIEW of the full release, not the BETA? I don't think so!
So, I have to agree, any REVIEW of the released version of SWG, so soon, is just sour grapes.. it wasn't what that 'reviewer' wanted it to be .. immediatley.. well booo hooo for him!
I'll grant that the fee being raised another notch for online games was not to my liking and will determine if I continue playing and paying during the 'formative' months or not. It's quite likely that they will make less in the first months from subscribers because the subscribers will see that 'everything' Star Wars is not all in the game yet, and decide to come back in a few months.
If this was a boxed product that was 'done'.. the 'reviewer'.. would have every right to say it's not a finished product.. but it's not a boxed product, it's a subscription service that clearly states it's not finished . .. that it has a massive "live' team that is constantly adding to the 'world'.
I would suggest that this 'reviewer' is either uniformed about online persistent state worlds or is just overly upset he didn't get it all at once..
Good greif! And for the rest of his 'review' .. it's on the BETA.. he can't have done all that himself in the last couple hours.. sad, sad.. sad..
Post Thu Jun 26, 2003 5:39 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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Quite obvious he's got a major axe to grind. I'm sure it was rushed but I can't imagine it's as bad as all that.
Post Thu Jun 26, 2003 5:45 pm
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Village Leader
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Um no

That 'it's only beta' excuse is the desperate cry of the fanboy who can't accept reality. The final stage of beta (particularly the last several weeks) is wholly indicative of the kind of game you'll be getting.

SWG reached for the stars and came up with a handful of mud. It would take nothing short of 2 years full time work to get it to the point that it has enough real content and technical stability to make it even a decent game.
As it stands now, it's just huge tracts of empty space with crappy quests and crappy instancing of mobs.

Accept the reality for god's sake, the game sucks.
Post Thu Jun 26, 2003 5:46 pm
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Baron of the Court
Baron of the Court

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What's so good about it?
Well, I can tell you my personal opinion of what I like about SWG.
I will only name things that I've seen - or know of - that they where in the Beta:

-Great Graphics
-Original Star Wars Music
-Amazing detailed character creation
-Unique Character Development
-The "sell back" of skills you don't want/like anymore
-Instant action via mission terminals
-You can solo AND group, it's up to you
-8 or 10 (I forget) Planets to explore!
-You can build your own house and all kind of machines
-Crafting is actually fun
-You can even make your own fishing pole and go fish
-You can own your own business like a shop or Cantina
-You can tame a pet found in the wild and use it in battle or sell it
-Plenty of opportunity to roleplay at your hearts content - it's even stimulated by ingame mechanics (gotta visit entertainers to cure battle fatigue for example)
-You can be Neutral or join sides as a Rebel or Imperial
-As a Rebel or Imperial you can be Covert or Overt (Overt = everyone can see what side you're one - Covert = ingocnito and only identifiable when you help your fellow Rebels/Imperials)
-Choosing one of those 2 factions gives you nice perks, depending wheter you are Covert or Overt they differ
- Battlefields for when you need a quick PvP fix but don't wanna be a PvP'er for ever
-Bazaar Terminals. Buy or sell anything you like. Check your local region only or even the whole Galaxy
-Shuttles to every city or planet. No need to run everything
-It reminds me of the first mmorpg I've every played and liked very much...Asherons Call 1
-lots of more stuff that I can't think of right now

IMPORTANT NOTE: This is my PERSONAL opinion based on my beta experiences. If you agree, fine. If you don't agree, that's fine too.
Post Thu Jun 26, 2003 5:49 pm
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I betatested SWG and the game great, i miss playing it already because im from Europe and have to wait on the retail to arrive...

And how can he review the game when it's surely based on betatesting.
Total crap
Post Thu Jun 26, 2003 6:01 pm
Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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Originally posted by Anonymous
I betatested SWG and the game great, i miss playing it already because im from Europe and have to wait on the retail to arrive...

And how can he review the game when it's surely based on betatesting.
Total crap

Maybe because they released the beta w/o fixing the bugs or finishing the game ? What do you expect the reviewer to do? Wait 6 months for the game to be finished and then review it ? If the company releases a game unfinished they should be reviewed based on the state of the product at launch, not what it might turn into at some undetermined point in the future.

The reviewer may have been overly critical but there were no factual errors in anything he said. The game is extremely short on content and fills the empty space with randomly generated encounters. There is little to draw a person into the galactic civil war and hardly any evidence in the game that there is any conflict going on at all. They did cut major selling points and turn them into future expansions / patches. Thay have been doing hugely disruptive 'balance' passes in the week prior to release and still have a fair number of client and server stability issues as well as exploits and bugs that they are aware of but will still make it into the release.

It all boils down to yet another case of release first and finish later. The fundamental issue is not how good/bad the game is but weather or not it is ethical for a game company to release a product to the public before it could reasonably be called finished. Would you buy a car that didn't have seats or a paint job? If you did would you expect to pay the same price as one that was completely finished ?
Post Thu Jun 26, 2003 6:15 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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Re: Um no

Originally posted by Halsy
That 'it's only beta' excuse is the desperate cry of the fanboy who can't accept reality. The final stage of beta (particularly the last several weeks) is wholly indicative of the kind of game you'll be getting.

SWG reached for the stars and came up with a handful of mud. It would take nothing short of 2 years full time work to get it to the point that it has enough real content and technical stability to make it even a decent game.
As it stands now, it's just huge tracts of empty space with crappy quests and crappy instancing of mobs.

Accept the reality for god's sake, the game sucks.

Well, wrong! I haven't played it yet, and I probably won't stay in it long and if it doesn't deliver enough content for me, i'll discontinue my subscription and maybe try it again later. I don't really care for Star Wars all that much.. your conclusions are totally baseless as far as my comments are concerned. I will repeat though, you are talking about either your experiences with BETA or what you read about someone else's experiences in BETA and certainly does not qualify in my mind as a REVIEW, or that a REVIEW is even possible so soon. They seem to clearly state at their website that it is in their own minds incomplete and have stated what will be added in the next month. Perhaps you're the fanboy who is just overly upset at not getting it all too?
Post Thu Jun 26, 2003 6:18 pm
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shouldnt RPGdot have pointed out this was a BETA review - since the author did not. honestly, this shouldnt have been posted at all - this guy obviously has an axe to grind. AO was unplayable for 3 months - nothing will launch worse than that - well, maybe WWII Online was close - but as far as dashed expectations, AO wins hands down.
Post Thu Jun 26, 2003 6:38 pm

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I don't see what's wrong with having a review up at this time? Of course the review will be mostly based on beta experiences, but mmog's always evolve and always keep on changing. Following some of the opinions here, it's plain impossible to ever write a review of a mmog because it will still change after the review is written. Of course it will! This review is only telling you that this game is not worth your money at THIS point. The reviewer even said it probably will be a good game in 6 months time, but it isn't now. Want to stay updated and see what people have to say about it in 6 months time? Stay tuned on swg.rpgdot or mmorgpdot then; because that's what we're here for.

Writing a review based on things that are not (yet) in the game seems far worse to me.

So I don't see what's wrong with a review mostly based on the last days of beta; at this point? Because what's described in this review, based on the BETA, is exactly what you get when you subscribe to SWG now. We'll see what happens later on, right? Don't get me wrong; I don't entirely agree with the reviewer about the opinions he has on SWG. I believe it does have great potential.

Just running Snoekie's list down now. Feel free to differ in opinion, I'm only giving mine. The point is that I don't see why SWG is so spectacular that it's worth the higher subscription at this point. Far too little "unique" things. Not that this will stop me from buying it

-Great Graphics
* Agreed.
-Original Star Wars Music
* I have those on CD. Without monthly fee :p
-Amazing detailed character creation
* Agreed. But there are even better systems like that out there. So, nothing really special, imho.
-Unique Character Development
* Yes?
-The "sell back" of skills you don't want/like anymore
* Which also existed in Neocron.
-Instant action via mission terminals
* Also in Neocron.
-You can solo AND group, it's up to you
* Every single mmorpg I can think of.
-8 or 10 (I forget) Planets to explore!
* Most of them being totally empty and boring, imho. I'm sorry, but one realm of the three in DAoC offers more detailed, fun, amazing and interesting locations than all of these planets combined.
-You can build your own house and all kind of machines
* Agreed.
-Crafting is actually fun
* I believe it's even more fun in A Tale in the Desert or Ultima Online or Neocron.
-You can even make your own fishing pole and go fish
* Also in A Tale in the Desert.
-You can own your own business like a shop or Cantina
* Also in Ultima Online.
-You can tame a pet found in the wild and use it in battle or sell it
* Ultima Online.
-Plenty of opportunity to roleplay at your hearts content - it's even stimulated by ingame mechanics (gotta visit entertainers to cure battle fatigue for example)
* AC2, Shadowbane, UO, DAoC...
-You can be Neutral or join sides as a Rebel or Imperial
* Same system, but with more factions, in Neocron. (or DAoC if you wish)
-As a Rebel or Imperial you can be Covert or Overt (Overt = everyone can see what side you're one - Covert = ingocnito and only identifiable when you help your fellow Rebels/Imperials)
* I don't see the fun-factor in that?
-Choosing one of those 2 factions gives you nice perks, depending wheter you are Covert or Overt they differ
* DAoC.
- Battlefields for when you need a quick PvP fix but don't wanna be a PvP'er for ever
* Battlegrounds in DAoC. Arena's in Neocron and Lineage.
-Bazaar Terminals. Buy or sell anything you like. Check your local region only or even the whole Galaxy
* Agreed, I love those things.
-Shuttles to every city or planet. No need to run everything
* Horses, teleports, subways... it's in almost every mmorpg I can think of.
Vault Network Editor

Last edited by Hyrrix on Thu Jun 26, 2003 6:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
Post Thu Jun 26, 2003 6:40 pm
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Joined: 13 Jul 2001
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haha...a first bad review and you are all going mad already...keep it down, folks - we just reported about the review, didn't write it ourselves!
Post Thu Jun 26, 2003 6:42 pm
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