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SWG:The day I went overt to enjoy PvP...
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Eagle's Shadow
Eagle's Shadow

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SWG:The day I went overt to enjoy PvP...

No, I'm not going to complain

I finally decided to go overt yesterday morning, after much deliberation. Actually, nothing much happened since then, and I'm actually still waiting for my first encounter with an Imp overt (not that I'm anxious about it). But, as MD pointed out to me before, it doesn't really change much. But turning overt suddenly made a theory pop up in my head (please step back, that's a dangerous thing! ). Actually, several theories...

1) Going overt on a planet that is generally friendly to your faction doesn't seem to be much of a problem. For instance, being on Corellia, I happily stroll around Tyrenna and Coronet with my faction displayed for everyone to see, and I still have yet to see an overt imp come accross my path (granted, it's only been a day, but still...). But this made me understand better why I was kind of worried about doing it before, while I was on Naboo where I constantly saw overt imps with their sig showing beside their names. I would have died a thousand cruel deaths if I had been overt there.

2) Skills seem to have much to do with it too. Having a couple of skills trained in BH now, I feel a little more confident about strolling about with my faction displayed. Back when I was a hapless Bio Engineer, I would have had no chance whatsoever, which made me worried to begin with. After speaking to a few people, I also realised that a lot of them seem to be waiting until they reach the Master level of their combat profession before taking a chance on being overt.

So, this all brings a couple of questions to my mind. Is SWG's PvP an elite game, where only master <insert combat proffession here> are willing to go at it? This would explain why so many people are afraid to even try it... If the answer to the previous question is yes, then what happens to those who only like to PvP occasionally and take on more artisanal professions instead of going towards more elite combat skills? Are they condemned to stay covert because they have no chance of defending themselves against Master combat professions? In this case, isn't the current implementation of the TEF in SWG considerably flawed since a covert player that gets a TEF on him still has to be fired upon first before being able to open fire on an enemy? A covert artisan/marksman, even if he mastered a whole weapon skill-line, has next to no chance since the first shot will always be fired against him, and so he will always start with a huge disadvantage. So why bother?

I guess the whole question is whether the players themselves are creating an imbalance by waiting to attain Master levels before getting in on the PvP? Or is it the game's system that forces us to wait before we're comfortable enough?

Maybe I'm just thinking too much. Anyway, I'd like to see what everyone else thinks about PvP in SWG. How's the experience for you, overt or not?
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Post Mon Sep 15, 2003 6:07 pm
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Jack Sisco
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I realy have no luck in PvP. In all of my battles 1 of 2 things happened; first i get knocked down CONSTANTLY, so i cant even move, i just lay there getting shot(i realy think that it should be TEFed), or second i just suddenly find one of my HAM bars at 0, and i die, not knocked out DIE. I dont have a colorful opion about Fraction PvP, but its my opion.
Me: Hold on i got to change.
Julean: why? what happened?
Me: I told u i pissed my pants when the second
wave came.
Both: lol
Post Mon Sep 15, 2003 9:01 pm
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Eagle's Shadow
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Originally posted by Jack Sisco
I realy have no luck in PvP. In all of my battles 1 of 2 things happened; first i get knocked down CONSTANTLY,

Maybe you haven't been involved in a PvP matchup since the last big patch because knockdown was seriously nerfed and you don't see it as much anymore... The huge problem is with mindshots and eyeshots, I think, which depleat your mind pool at an extreme rate - and can't be healed! That's how most successful PvPers go about it these days, I believe. Knockdown isn't a factor anymore, especially since the timer is only at 5 seconds now.
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Post Mon Sep 15, 2003 9:06 pm
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Jack Sisco
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yes that rifleing for you, the ultamite pvp tool. That one of the resions why i chose rifles, you cant heal your mind pool, and its normaly the one with the least points to it. And it it very devistating when you master rifleing.
Me: Hold on i got to change.
Julean: why? what happened?
Me: I told u i pissed my pants when the second
wave came.
Both: lol
Post Tue Sep 16, 2003 2:56 am
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Eagle's Shadow
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Had my first run with an imperial player, and it was interesting to say the least. The guy had a pet, some kind of weak beetle that was already at 1/4 of its HAM, a dead rebel player in front of it. I rushed in, killed the pet with a couple of shots, then went after the imp who had his mind pool down a bit, but was full health otherwise (I suspect he had just finished healing himself).

I had no pet with me either now, and we started exchanging shots. He hit me with a dizzying attack that made me shoot wild a lot! I still managed to drop his action pool down to just a slit, but he ran off around a building.... to get his buddy. The two guys burst ran toward me, and I started running away. But they still caught up with me, and dropped me with a few shots to my mind pool. Then DBed me.

It was a great rush though! And I actually felt like I had a chance even if I'm only 0/0/1/1 in my BH skills. If I had been quick enough and switched to my carbine, I could have leg-shot the first guy before he ever got to his buddy, but I guess I was too excited...

It all came clear after I cloned back in Tyrenna though: there's no penalty to death right now. None whatsoever. Is that good or bad? Well, in my opinion it's bad as far as PvE goes. Although I wouldn't want any corpse runs to appear (which I fear they might eventually), you still need to be penalised for death even if you cloned, beyond the 1k credits it costs. But regarding PvP... I think the DAoC model is a good example here, and right now SWG works about the same way. The penalties to death were completely removed as far as PvP deaths went. If you were killed by a realm enemy, then you died and had to be resurrected, or return to your binding point, but you suffered no stat loss, no xp loss, and no money loss.

It's fun to take a chance and fight other players, but if it means to risk losing what I worked for up until now then it's not for me. I know others will disagree and say that the risk should be part of it, but again for me it isn't. The thrill of the hunt and the fighting is what I like, not the possibility of looting someone else's corpse, or seriously penalizing them.
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Post Tue Sep 16, 2003 1:55 pm
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High Emperor
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The first time I went overt, I was curious about it. About 4 seconds after I declared my status in the middle of Bestine, I was hit with a bleed shot and a Rancor started chasing me. I actually considered myself quite acomplished for managing to run all the way to the cantina before being incapped and DBed. That was in my first week of playing SWG.

After the first major patch (and the radical decrease in faction perk costs), I bought few STs and started to walk around proudly exhibiting my overt status. I never owned an AT-ST, but the stigma was enough to give me the sweet taste in my mouth. The world was as it was supposed to be. Imperials had the technological upper hand and ruled the galaxy with an iron fist (minus few annoying hormone-imbalanced adolescents that had to ruin it for everybody ). I enjoyed being an overt. I was a novice doctor and a novice pistoleer. Yet that didn't stop me. I never ventured into the 'lawless parts' of the worlds. And if I ever encountered a 'terrorist' in the lawful parts of the world, I did my civic duty. I summoned for help and promptly assailed the offender. Only once (or maybe twice) did I actually use my faction pets. Generally, I fought by myself. My RP approach actually gave me certain amount of pride and immersion. Sometimes, I took on more than one Rebel at the time, as well as joined in defense of our fair cities, and by now, my record is more or less 0.5.

I generally never used revenge TEF (even though others used it against me quite often). I sometimes, for RP reasons, did not DB my oponents but rather ensured that they 'leave town and never come back.'

But all this is gone now. The last patch made it all pointless. BHs and Commandos now rule the day. Unless you're a crafty, rich and very lucky TKA on a planet with water, you can just give up before you even start. PvP holds no more appeal to me, what so ever. From being a proud Imperial, I am now a person that gets sick to my stomach from thinking about PvP.

I will still walk around overt, when I get a chance, but more as an act of defiance than an act of pride. I almost feel like a rebel myself. I am so unmotivated to get the remaining 2000 FP I need for my own base, because I know that my base will be raped in matter of hours by l337 d3wdz.

It's a shame really that people are here to abuse others rather than cooperatively play a game.
Post Tue Sep 16, 2003 8:33 pm
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What's wrong with Commandos, BH, and TKA ruling the day?

Any advanced combat class at Master level SHOULD decimate the PVP scene. They're the best at what they do and what they do ain't pretty.

That said, melee advanced classes are slapped around by ranged advanced classes... but that's to be expected. Knife. Gunfight.

I've got overt and gotten into a few scraps. Typically I have Grimlok, a bio-engineered souped up Rancor with 650 damage and 12k health on guard to deal with sneak attacking riflemen or kiters. Especially once I pay a doctor to get his con and stamina buffed to over 1000.

You have any idea how tough a pet is when it heals faster than a player does?

Doctors rule the PVP scene right now, I've found. Master doctors can buff their physical to the point where they can migrate all their stats to mental. The toughest PVPer I saw was a master doctor Zabrak in composite armor using one of those funky personal shields (I think). Her HAM was something like 3000/3000/1400.

I couldn't even touch her. She healed her health and action so quickly without using stims (due to having something like 1200 or more con and stamina) that only my mind hits (which I can't do at will yet) were doing anything. And with her armor ratings they way they were her 900 or something willpower was more than enough.

I, a TKA nearing master, was beaten by doctor master marksman who decided to use a non-proficient set of vibroknucklers and duel a TKA.

So naturally I paid her for those buffs and soloed 8 CL 32 ravaging tortons without breaking a sweat. Then went on a rampage and racked up 80,000 credits worth of rebel destroy missions without once even ending a fight scratched.
Estuans interius, Ira vehementi

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Post Wed Sep 17, 2003 1:38 pm
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High Emperor
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Originally posted by EverythingXen
What's wrong with Commandos, BH, and TKA ruling the day?

Any advanced combat class at Master level SHOULD decimate the PVP scene.

First, very few classes other than those three have a chance at decimating the PvP scene. Master Riflemen can sometimes be gods, but that is questionable. TKAs are only deadly against Commandos because Commandos need to close into the launge(sp?) range for the TKA. Which means that, if the TKA survives the initial blast of the Commando weapon, the Commando is toast against a decently experienced TKA. I won't go into the fact that the TKA will soon bite the dust as well, due to an extremely nasty burn that's currently on him...

Second, there is plenty of wrong with them dominating the PvP field. Yes, they are elite, but that doesn't mean they are gods. Every fighting profession should stand a chance. Roshambo way of doing things is the only fair unbalanced balance (no pun intended).

Right now, BHs (and at barely novice level too--not the uber super advanced master level) spam the eye shot over and over again until the oponent is dead. End of story. Commandos run in and one shot their flamethrowers. If they don't one shot kill you, they die, come back and one shot you with impunity with their revenge TEF. Doesn't matter who you are and what you do. You're dead. There is no tactics. No amount of skill points you could spent to counter their moves and near-exploiting tactics. Nothing. They rule, you suck. And no, I'm not bitter. I'm just on a long sabbatical from PvP, exploring the fringe planets (I'm still on Endor a week later). Perhaps I'll be back when they even out the playing field a bit.
Post Wed Sep 17, 2003 2:00 pm
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Eagle's Shadow
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Originally posted by EverythingXen
Any advanced combat class at Master level SHOULD decimate the PVP scene. They're the best at what they do and what they do ain't pretty.

I agree with you for the most part, but I think there truly is a slight problem with BHs and Eyeshot. I didn't get it yet myself, but consider this: A BH gets Eyeshot at BH Pistol 2, which equates to 400k worth of pistol xp after you get your novice title. I think everyone will agree that 400k of pistol xp after you get your BH skill isn't all that much if you concentrate hard enough. I get 2k to 4k worth of pistol xp just for bringing down a single mark in a BH mission!

Anyway, so you get Eyeshot at BH pistol 2, which reportedly is one of the most devastating attacks in in the whole game. Some BHs are arguing that this style should actually be attained at BH pistol 4, or even BH master to discourage some of the people that take on the BH skill just for that. A Master pistoleer with BH pistol 2 is probably just as deadly as a Master BH at the moment.

I'm not arguing that eyeshot should be removed at all though. Quite honestly, in my mind a BH should be among the top professions (combat-wise), along with commandoes and, to a lesser degree, master carbineers, pistoleers and riflemen. But don't forget that a Master BH will have only 33 skill points left, while a master rifle/pistol/carbineer still has a whole bunch! But as far as balance goes, I really think that Eyeshot should be moved further up on the Bh pistol skill line. Either that, or make it so that mind attacks aren't as devastating as they currently are. (Master Riflemen also rule the day with mindshots, I think).

The real problem with BH overpopulation now is that probably a good half of them won't even go up to become masters.They just want the pistol and LLC skills. And it's easy too because some of the most powerful attacks are attainable within the lower 2 tiers of each skill!
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Post Wed Sep 17, 2003 2:11 pm
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High Emperor
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Originally posted by Ekim
Quite honestly, in my mind a BH should be among the top professions (combat-wise), along with commandoes and, to a lesser degree, master carbineers, pistoleers and riflemen.

I don't agree that there should be top professions. They should all be equally viable. I think the benefit should be in choices, not better quality. BHs have a choice of different types of attacks. Their attacks should not be better than those of a pistoleer/carabineer. Other elite professions should pick and chose their fights, while BHs would be more versitile. But, if those other professions chose to fight, they should in no way be insufficient in their abilities, as they currently are.
Originally posted by Ekim
But don't forget that a Master BH will have only 33 skill points left, while a master rifle/pistol/carbineer still has a whole bunch!

Honestly, I never understood this argument. Does that mean that if I put all 250 skill points into various combat professions, I should, by definition, own every single BH out there that put his remaining 33 points into something non-combatant? I hope you see where I'm going with this...
Originally posted by Ekim
(Master Riflemen also rule the day with mindshots, I think).

The main difference is that riflemen's mind shot depletes their own mind. So, they are limited in how many they can fire. Especially with insane rifles like the T21 and/or any head armor they may have. Eyeshot on the other hand requires action/health for its usage. This means that a BH can have novice medic with 400+ stim-Bs and can spam Eyeshot all day without getting tired, while healing themselves. Ok, ok... to be fair, they can only heal themselves X many times before they run out of mind through using stims, but still, they can spam it a lot more than the riflemen can.
Post Thu Sep 18, 2003 2:07 am
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Eagle's Shadow
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Originally posted by MoonDragon
I don't agree that there should be top professions. They should all be equally viable. I think the benefit should be in choices, not better quality. BHs have a choice of different types of attacks. Their attacks should not be better than those of a pistoleer/carabineer. Other elite professions should pick and chose their fights, while BHs would be more versitile. But, if those other professions chose to fight, they should in no way be insufficient in their abilities, as they currently are.

But wouldn't having more varsatility mean that you are that much better at what you do than other profesions? Which in turn would also mean that there would be "top" professions in each field? Being a profession/skill-based game, SWG allows players to either choose to be all over the place, choosing which skills they want to complement their style of play, or go all the way and focus on a single profession. I believe that the focused professions, like the BH and commando, should be at the top of the power ladder, and those who choose to dabble around should be more versatile than the others, somewhat contrary to what you said.

Originally posted by MoonDragon
Honestly, I never understood this argument. Does that mean that if I put all 250 skill points into various combat professions, I should, by definition, own every single BH out there that put his remaining 33 points into something non-combatant? I hope you see where I'm going with this...

Well, I think the argument is just that if you need to spend 87% of your skill points on one profession to master it, you should have something to show for it. The Master pistoleer can go much higher up in the medic line than a Master BH can, and so can pull out much more out of a single stim than a BH to heal himself. Or he can go much higher up as a CH than a master BH can ever go to, and so carry around much bigger pets. A master rifleman could complement his lower melee defense by taking on some brawling skills for those upclose fights. The point is that they can complement their combat skills much better than the Hybrid professions.

Now I'm talking about combat professions though. It's clear in my mind that someone who is going for a crafting carreer shouldn't hope to beat even a master pistoleer in combat. He should have a slight chance, but he shouldn't hope to be able to beat them a majority of times. It's a choice you make to follow a more passive profession. You can complement your crafting skills with some combat skills for your own protection, but you should never hope to go head-to-head against the higher tier combat professions all the time...

Originally posted by MoonDragon
The main difference is that riflemen's mind shot depletes their own mind. So, they are limited in how many they can fire.

True... Especially since mind can't be healed... BH's Eyeshot could even be considered overpowerd in this regard since it doesn't damage the BH's mind pool, while still targeting his opponent's mind pool...
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Post Thu Sep 18, 2003 2:26 pm
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As a Teras Kasi every special I have... every single one... depletes all three pools. No exceptions.

Eyshot is overpowered because it doesn't affect your own mind while nuking theirs. Plus it can be spammed pretty quick and from range. It will likely be up for grabs on the next wiffle batta attacka. Holo said 'mind damage was never seriously intended to be a determining faction in PVP' which makes every bounty hunter and rifleman go 'uh oh'.

After all, last patch he said "Knockdown and posture change was never seriously supposed to affect the outcome of combat" and low and behold... dead TKA everywhere. Heh. Though to be fair I'm doing just as well now as I did then. I just have to try a littler harder. And use vibroknucklers, which are TKA exclusive now.

Or pay a doctor! Doctors rock! With my con and stamina buffed to at least 2200 for my con and 1500 for my stamina all my moves become 'mind only' in cost, and my willpower is 600, 500 focus. Dirt cheap usages...

Drawback is that I'm so reckless because I'm indestructable (nearly... an at-st took me down while buffed with a 900 point mind shot... but what are you going to do about that?) I end up taking so many wounds that when the buffs wear off I look like I forgot to clone.

PvPed for a bit last night. Imperials are cheap ass duelists. Heh. I know, I know... it's players, not factions. I dropped the guy who promised "I'll show u u wasted your sp, biatch!" followed by 'DUUUDE! The rancor is yours?? No pets, biatch!" (to which I said 'Fine. No LLC, man. No BH specials either. I can't use my advanced profession, you can't use yours.')

In any case, I put the rancor away and beat him anyways by running into the cloning center when he started to kite, and killing him when he came after me ("U cheater!!!"). Then I beat him in an open field, but one of his friends revived him with a stimpack just as I was about to DB him and he blew my head off and DBed me instantly before any rebel around could do the same thing for me (he cheated first after all) (which got them both mocked off Rori).

It was fun. But considering that most opponents won't fight a CH if I want to PVP I guess I'll either drop it and scout for master medic and doctor (if I want to remain 'pure' melee) or for pistoleer (yawn... lot of skill involved in hitting numlock and healing on the run until the 25k HAM Dark Jedi is dead by your hands for 9k xp).
Estuans interius, Ira vehementi

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Post Thu Sep 18, 2003 3:01 pm
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Eagle's Shadow
Eagle's Shadow

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Originally posted by EverythingXen
Eyshot is overpowered because it doesn't affect your own mind while nuking theirs. Plus it can be spammed pretty quick and from range.

Yes, I agree. And like some of the early CH nerfs were clearly warranted when they happened, I believe that the Eyeshot nerf will be too, because it's just too overpowering... I still didn't get it yet, but if it's like any other pistol style, I can spam them a LOT without being in trouble. And that's while wearing a full set of composite armor, mind you!

Anyway, I had an interesting encounter last night too. I was walking towards the cantina in Tyrenna when I saw a group of imps on my radar. I just had time to pull out one rebel soldier pet before he cam in range and started the fight. I had a few wounds on me which prevented me to wear my helm... Turns out the "group" was a single imp that had thre STs and a Greater Sludge Panther out as pets! The GSP went after my trooper, and I had a hard time targeting the real guy in the heap of bodies. I manage to find him, but by the time I started hitting him I was already at half HAM... under fire from his 3 STs.

Long story short. They got my trooper, then dropped me, DBed me, then sent me a tell to tell me he was sorry! Turns out that his troopers aggroed on my trooper before he could call them off (yeah, right ). Although I really didn't buy his story, the /tells were a nice gesture though. I struck a nice chat with him, and he generally seemed like a nice guy (his name was Swat, if I recall). I'm still 0 for 3 so far in my attempts to PvP... Still having fun though!
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Post Thu Sep 18, 2003 3:22 pm
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High Emperor
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Originally posted by Ekim
But wouldn't having more varsatility mean that you are that much better at what you do than other profesions?

You are equating quantity and quality, while they are different things. Hybrid professions should have quantity of options, not quality.
Originally posted by Ekim
Which in turn would also mean that there would be "top" professions in each field?

But they don't have a field! They are hybrids.
Originally posted by Ekim
I believe that the focused professions, like the BH and commando, should be at the top of the power ladder, and those who choose to dabble around should be more versatile than the others, somewhat contrary to what you said.

Not really. What I'm saying is that, no player should be better at using pistols than a master pistoleer. No player should be better at using rifles than a master rifleman. The strength of classes like commando and bh is that they can use more than one style of play to their benefit. None of their styles should excede masters of the respective professions.

Let me use a real life example if I can. Imagine a sharpshooter in the army. He's an equivalent of a master rifleman. Nobody in the army can shoot that rifle better than him, this is why he's doing what he does. Now, given the conditions under which he can practice his art, nobody can do a better job than him. If he can conceal himself and snipe from a distance, he rules the day. If, on the other hand, someone takes away his advantage from him, i.e. finds out where he is and engages him in closer combat, this sharpshooter is basically screwed. Now, imagine a special forces commando person. He's quite proficient with a rifle. He too can conceal and snipe. Just not as good as the above mentioned sharpshooter. On the other hand, he is also proficient in driving a tank. Or shooting a rocket launcher. Or throwing granades. Or pulling out his pistol and engaging in close quarters combat. Although, none of these as well as those who specialize in such respective endevours. Their strenght does not come from being best at any of those activities, but rather their ability to perform them all and adapt to the situation at hand.

Does it makes sense what I'm talking about now? A hybrid should never be better at individual tasks than a specialist elite class. But, a hybrid can always do more and have more options available to them than a specialist class.
Originally posted by Ekim
Well, I think the argument is just that if you need to spend 87% of your skill points on one profession to master it, you should have something to show for it. The Master pistoleer can go much higher up in the medic line than a Master BH can, and so can pull out much more out of a single stim than a BH to heal himself. Or he can go much higher up as a CH than a master BH can ever go to, and so carry around much bigger pets. A master rifleman could complement his lower melee defense by taking on some brawling skills for those upclose fights. The point is that they can complement their combat skills much better than the Hybrid professions.

I may be wrong, but it seems to me that you are implying here that such a pistoleer and/or rifleman should actually stand a chance against a BH that spent less points to augment their skills. But this is contradictory to the fact that BH should have something to show for it because (s)he spent more skill points on their master profession. Additonally, the original argument is that Commandos and BHs should rule everybody else because it takes more skill points to attain those professions than any others. I find that particular argument to be quite silly. I'm sorry if I missed your point.
Post Thu Sep 18, 2003 4:11 pm
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They do stand a chance. El Mastero BHer was eaten by a 12k HAM doctor buffed Rancor, just like everything else in the game is (except AT-ST, which can only be taken down by commando).

87% skill point dominate that. Of course, it took me almost as much to become what I am, too, so that's fair. If I was a master pistoleer instead of TKA nobody would stand against me. Nobody. Not BH, or Commandos, or super buffed doctors. Ignore a super-pet and die, ignore me and die. Win win situation. That's not as cool and the biggest reaon people complain about pets.

The PVP isn't fair in SWG, and it can't be until all classes do the exact same damage with the exact same HAM cost and all wear the exact same armor and have the exact same HAM and can attack at the exact same range.

Which would be... well... boring. Of course that's what it's turning into (Go Commando or BH or go home) but I've never, ever, ever seen a MMORPG pull PVP off successfully yet. Diablo 2 came close, but in the end a well built sorc or zon dominated even a well built PVP barb.

There's that pesky ranged thing again.

Give it a month or three and you'll see no mind damage from specials, or an eyeshot/rifleman timer, the ability for melee people to be able to reduce damage from being shot at from range, and all sorts of other stupidity I am sure.
Estuans interius, Ira vehementi

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Post Thu Sep 18, 2003 5:15 pm
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