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Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion (PC) Review @ CCGR
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion (PC) Review @ CCGR

CCGR (Christ-Centered Game Reviews) has posted their review of Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion. The game is scored on two levels: Gameplay and Appropriateness, each garnering 50% of the score. Gameplay in this review earned 46/50 points with very similar commentary to most other review sites. However, appropriateness <b>from the Christian perspective</b> (emphasis mine) earned only 23/50, hence bringing in a total score of 69/100. It should be noted that most of the objections come from a parental perspective and focus on whether or not the actual rating is appropriate: <blockquote><em>This game is rated Teen and I don’t know why it was not awarded a Mature rating. There’s violence (-4), and blood (but it can be disabled +1) when you’re slashing things with a weapon. There’s swearing (-5) and blaspheming (-5) too. There are nine gods in this world so I’m not sure if they’re blaspheming their gods or our God. There are sexual references as in live in couples (-3) and there’s an NPC who asks you about a fine for necrophilia. Magic is used heavily (-5), it’s optional to use it but it will be used on you regardless. On a positive note the Mages guild (for the most part) is against necromancy. With the different races there is prejudice in this game and many of the races hate each other (-1.5). Some characters tend to sleep in their underwear, I have noticed this with female characters. (-3.5) Finally, I was happy to see no occult symbols in this game but there is an occult type religion/worship.</em></blockquote>Many of the post-review comments are interesting with the author weighing in on the 'whys' of her decision. Read the whole review <a href="http://www.ccgr.org/modules.php?name=MReviews&op=show&rid=690" target="_blank">here</a>.
Post Sat Apr 22, 2006 6:44 am
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Village Dweller
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" Some characters tend to sleep in their underwear, I have noticed this with female characters. (-3.5)" - so what? its normal behavior i think- should they sleep without it or maybe those christ-centered folks sleep in armor?

"There are sexual references as in live in couples (-3)" - OMG!! Its disgusting!

"There are nine gods in this world so I’m not sure if they’re blaspheming their gods or our God" - wtf??! i didnt notice any blaspheming of our/your god in Oblivion? Those weird folks are way to much sensitive..

Who writes such crap? Im waiting for review from Muslim perspective - im sure there are dozens pictures of Mohammed in Oblivion and Ben Laden is preparing an attack on Maryland and Bethesoft
Post Sat Apr 22, 2006 7:01 am
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Guards Lieutenant
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Christians are sooooooo ridiculous.
Post Sat Apr 22, 2006 7:44 am
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Originally posted by Hindukönig
Christians are sooooooo ridiculous.

let me refraze that, american christians are sooooooo ridiculous.
sounds almost like those other radical idiots in the middle east.
Post Sat Apr 22, 2006 10:21 am
Keeper of the Gates
Keeper of the Gates

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wow... religion is truly hilarious...
Post Sat Apr 22, 2006 10:57 am
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Guards Lieutenant
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Don't think Americans have fanatic Christians trademarked or something. They are here (in Germany) too! Mmmh ... I bet they are a little bit more relaxed here because church and state aren't in Germany as seperated as in America. :(
I saw some Christians here who believe that on 06/06/06 is the end of the world.
Post Sat Apr 22, 2006 10:58 am
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Leader of the Senate
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You know I'm an American Christian and I think this review is rediculous and pointless.

But I think some of the comments here are way out of line. How would you like it if I make some comments Germans, Christianity and your history? I wouldnt, because its offensive. Get the point?
"For Innos!"
Post Sat Apr 22, 2006 11:10 am
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Originally posted by ToddMcF2002
But I think some of the comments here are way out of line. How would you like it if I make some comments Germans, Christianity and your history? I wouldnt, because its offensive. Get the point?

No, I don't get the point. The history of Germany IS sad and Germans ARE hilarious. But this just isn't the topic here.
As soon as there is a news post about how some German politicians want to ban every game with blood and violence in it (production&sale), and you write how stupid that is, and how stupid Germans are - I'm the first who will agree. It may be offensive, but there's some truth in it.
Think of Christians claim evolution to be a lie. It's just ... ridiculous.
Post Sat Apr 22, 2006 11:19 am
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Magister of the Light
Magister of the Light

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First off, I know it is fashionable right now to discriminate against Christians because of some religious zealots, but there are many people - like me - who can teach CCD (Catholic Sunday School) and still enjoy beheading someone in Blade of Darkness and using the severed head as a weapon without seeing any moral dissonance!

Second, the entire context of their remarks that you guys are bashing is related to one simple truth that they preface the remarks with: This game is rated Teen and I don’t know why it was not awarded a Mature rating. In a M-rated game none of that stuff matters, but it is a T-rated games, and many of us will allow certain T games to be played by kids under 13.

This game should have been rated M on many levels, and my PC review will mention that in the same way that Dave Long's (not 'Christ Centered ) XBOX360 review at GamerDad did, saying
This game should be rated M-Mature. It features many adult situations and the violence is more graphic than a T rating implies. ... It just seems way too rough for the rating it received. All the things described above are so far beyond acceptable behavior outside of games and with the game often so intent on making everything seem "real" and trying to provide this "real" world to interact with and live within, it's even more repulsive. Your kids are likely to do much of the above too. It's human nature. You want to mess with things and see what happens, especially when it reacts realistically some of the time. It just doesn't seem right to hand this game to a 13 year-old and let them go to town with some of those concepts. Err on the side of caution and skew this one older than the rating suggests.

It's funny, Rend's and Long's reviews are by far my two faves, but this one wasn't as bad as I had expected (yes, I read 'Christ Centered' and have an automatically negative reaction as well before even reading )

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Post Sat Apr 22, 2006 11:20 am
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Paws of Doom
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There are hardcore loonies in every religion, but I dont think that someone perhaps being a little stuffy and straightlaced is being loony or "radical"

CCGR isnt advocating stoning to death the makers of the game or driving them into the sea or some nonsense, they are merely filtering their review through their belief system of what they see as appropriate or not. The title of the site is Christ Centered Game reviews, so you can expect the reviews to be written as such. I dont see why a using such criteria is so weird, considering that people use like criteria when deciding what movies they will watch, or let their families watch. There are arguably more quite young and old people playing games these days, not everyone is willing to let everything in their homes. That, I guess is the purpose of CCGR in the first place.

That said, an article like this on a site like this is sorta asking for a certain degree of ridicule. With the abundance of for example the infamous chain mail bikini, gore, and occult symbolism in games reviewed and talked about here, and people such as myself who enjoy such things and see them as a plus, there's bound to be some people scoffing at the notion that underwear is an issue.

I personally sleep in the nude, but then again, I'm covered with fur so it's no big deal
“Then away out in the woods I heard that kind of a sound that a ghost makes when it wants to tell about something that's on its mind and can't make itself understood, and so can't rest easy in its grave, and has to go about that way every night grieving.”-Mark Twain
Post Sat Apr 22, 2006 11:41 am
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Head Merchant
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Originally posted by Hindukönig
Originally posted by ToddMcF2002
But I think some of the comments here are way out of line. How would you like it if I make some comments Germans, Christianity and your history? I wouldnt, because its offensive. Get the point?

No, I don't get the point. The history of Germany IS sad and Germans ARE hilarious. But this just isn't the topic here.

You're out of line. GET IN LINE. I don't want to see any of you step out of line again. The next person to say something which offends me will have to listen to my vague allusions to offensive things I could say, but won't. I mean Nazism, which I erroneously believe had something to do with Christianity. You don't want me to go there, do you? Not that I would. I'm far too much of a weasel to choose between taking the moral high ground and threatening people I disagree with. Get the point?
Post Sat Apr 22, 2006 1:43 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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I had slight reservations about posting this review in the first place for exactly what's happened in this thread, namely Christian bashing. It's very popular these days but the commentary here doesn't address what the reviewer was saying, only slings arrows at the woman's belief system. *sighs*

Stick to the topic of the review. Sweeping generalizations on either side regarding the faith of the reviewer are unwarranted and incorrect. Keep in mind that it isn't necessary to castigate Christians because you don't agree with the review. It's possible to criticize what she said without taking aim at every Christian on the planet with emotionally charged statements. Lumping all Christians into one group is unfair at the very least. Not every believer in ANY religion is a "fanatic" or "ridiculous".

While I don't necessarily agree with the findings of the reviewer from my own Christian perspective, I can accept what she's saying because of the scope and focus of the site. The first part of the review regarding the actual game, etc. is consistent with EVERY other review on the planet. What sets them apart by their own admission, is the perspective they place on the appropriateness of the game for Christians. Personally, I think it's an interesting twist on the review genre to apply some group-specific commentary in addition to the game review. I don't care if it's a review from a Jewish perspective, a parent's perspective *nods to Gamer Dad*, or a dwarf's perspective. The idea of adding secondary review criteria is interesting. It's a breath of fresh air to break away from the same-old-same-old review system that every other site out there is putting out.
Post Sat Apr 22, 2006 2:05 pm
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Guards Lieutenant
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Originally posted by Kalia
I had slight reservations about posting this review in the first place for exactly what's happened in this thread, namely Christian bashing. It's very popular these days

I just want to add that I'm not a trend whore. I am bashing Christians and mainly their religion since I can think (literally). The reasons of my attitude aren't for discussion here, I think.

My first comment just was a reaction to the quote you gave.

"There are nine gods in this world so I’m not sure if they’re blaspheming their gods or our God."

Not sure? Hargh.
Really, sometimes it seems Christians see the devil everywhere. Gamedeveloper made a game with nine gods and blasphemy? They must have done this because they HATE our god! It's the same old way of thinking as ever, just a little bit more cautious.
Post Sat Apr 22, 2006 4:11 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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Originally posted by Hindukönig
Really, sometimes it seems Christians see the devil everywhere.

Some Christians might feel this way but to place ALL Christians into the narrow-minded group to which you seem to be referring (which, incidentally, I don't put the reviewer since she qualified her comments with her first sentence) is a poor basis for your argument. The only way to make your point a valid one is to look to the person who wrote the article since that is your only point of reference. Make your commentary specific to her and to her alone. You cannot make the blanket statement that ALL Christians feel one way or another since it is neither proveable nor true.

Now before this thread is completely hijacked into a discussion of Christianity, let's try to keep it on track and specific.
Post Sat Apr 22, 2006 4:18 pm
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Thin Blue Line
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Actually I found this view quite refreshing. I'm not a Christian (or religeous at all) but I accept that there people who are and I also accept that they will view things in a different way to me.

The thing I liked about this review was that it separates out the game review from the Christian review. Look at the score given for the actual game (very high like every other site). The review then goes on to suggest things that a strict christian may object too. I don't see a problem with this, it allows Chrisitans to make an informed choice and doesn't condem the whole game as evil simply because it may offend some Christians.

In these days of knee-jerk reactions to gaming where many groups are calling for games to be banned I think this sort of reviewing should be encouraged for religious groups and the like
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Post Sat Apr 22, 2006 4:47 pm
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