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Joined: 03 Oct 2005
Posts: 1
Location: USA |
Silkroad Online: Alpha Testers Solicited @ Official Site |
The <i>Silkroad Online</i> staff is <a href="http://www.silkroadonline.net/sro_board/fmboard/fm_content.asp?bID=SB_Inform&sID=1&Page=1&Num=16&List_Ref=6" target="_blank">requesting that more people sign up to participate</a> in their ongoing Alpha test, which is intended to gauge the game's server requirements. They estimate that they can sustain between 3,000 and 4,000 concurrent players, but they wish to push that limit higher with the help of more Alpha players. The game is quite playable in its current form, and many quests and features are already live. It is <a href="http://www.silkroadonline.net/member/member_join.asp" target="_blank">free to sign up</a>, and the game client is <a href="http://www.silkroadonline.net/member/SR_Login.asp?Path=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Esilkroadonline%2Enet%2Fdataroom%2Fdownload%2Easp" target="_blank">now available for download</a>.
<br><blockquote><em>This is Silkroad Online.
<br>Silkroad Online has been started Alpha test from Oct. 1st 2005.
<br>We hope that this Alpha test can be a good chance to experience a great world to you before Close Beta service.
<br>And this Alpha test will be good opportunity to make stable Close Beta service.
<br>Server overload test is the main purpose of this Alpha test, thus we will increase capacity step by step.
<br>Now, 3,000~4,000 concurrent users can be join the game at the same time, we will have 1st increase on coming Friday.
<br>Silkroad Online would like to ask a favor to continuous deep attention of you.</blockquote></em> |
Wed Nov 02, 2005 12:24 am |
C Sagan
Silkroad Online would like to ask a favor to continuous deep attention of you.
I speak Japanese adequately and Chinese very poorly. I would never pretend to be able to write a novel or develop a game in either language. Either do it professionally or don't do it at all. I thought everyone knew Babelfish was only good at literal translations and not good at making coherent sentences.
Take Ryzom for example. It may be a great game but I could not bear to give it a chance because the very first NPC I spoke with said; "Do you wanna make some cash?" I can play Grand Theft Auto if I need gritty street dialogue. I like my fantasy somewhat in character.
Yes, I do I realize most if not all of my posts are cynical in nature. |
Wed Nov 02, 2005 12:40 am |
General Goods Vendor

Joined: 03 Oct 2005
Posts: 1
Location: USA |
As someone who has played the alpha version of the game, I can confirm that the grammar in the game is currently similar to what you'll find at their web site. I'm hoping this is something they can clean up by the time they release (localization usually happens in the late stages of development anyway).
You make a good point; incorrect or out-of-place grammar can be an immersion-breaker, for sure.
Oh, and:
Yes, I do I realize most if not all of my posts are cynical in nature.
Hey, that's just the nature of message boards. Criticize all you want. That's why we're here. [Uh- just don't criticize us, though. ] _________________ For each toon kills the mob he 'groes, yet each toon does not die. |
Wed Nov 02, 2005 12:53 am |
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