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Laughable reviews
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RPGDot Forums > Gothic - General

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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

Joined: 05 Dec 2001
Posts: 7
Location: Phx, AZ

I've had a good laugh at the vast majority of reviews given so far. The reviewers are so nieve as to believe the world is based on a Friend/Foe thing and based on who you know. It's nothing like that. I can beat the crap out of a needed element of the plot, take everything they own, let them get up and talk to them like nothing happened.

Stupid pre-scripted elements. It isn't possible to break the plot, which is how the developers made the game. The reviewers need to realize this is NOT a `special` element of the game, but a pre-scripted sequence of events that WILL happen no matter WHAT you do.

While I think the game is great, it has far to many glaring problems. Mostly, the plot is thin because they couldn't finish what they started. Second, the game locks my machine up when I EXIT the game. Never any other time, and no other game does this. Not only do they need to patch the game engine so it stops pissing memory like it comes in unlimited quantities, they also need to patch the scripts and engine to add the portions that they missed. These little studios need to give the middle finger to the god damn publishers and tell them "We need to finish this!" Instead of letting the publish DESTROY a perfectly wonderful idea.

Another glaring problem? The control system is far to clunky to compete with most monsters until you're at least level 3, and then you'll still get quickly outpaced and destroyed by a pack of 3 or 4 scavengers if you can't predict which way they're going to move, or if you miss completely, even tho your blade poked right thru 'em.

Granted, this is bad business practice, hence it'll never happen.. but it needs to happen. It needs a lot of work, but it's also a lot of fun to play... except when it comes time to exit.

My personal review score out of ten: 7.5

-Geoff W.

[ This Message was edited by: awpti on 2001-12-05 13:20 ]
Post Wed Dec 05, 2001 7:18 pm
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Head Merchant
Head Merchant

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are you not a little to hard with the game?
i'm playing Gothic since 2-3 mounth,
german and english version.
OK i needed some patches,but after all
Gothic is one of the best games i ever played. REALLY ! *<;o))
my vote: 8.5-9.0
Post Wed Dec 05, 2001 7:41 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

Joined: 01 Dec 2001
Posts: 10

The first thing I do when I see a critique of Gothic is look for a gripe about controls. If I find it, then I assume everything else the person has to say is BS.

I'm glad the demo has poor controls because it shows who actually bought the retail version. Hell I've even seen some morons who don't even know the left mouse button is an action key.
Post Wed Dec 05, 2001 7:58 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

Joined: 05 Dec 2001
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Location: Phx, AZ

Before you ASSume.. Let me just state this. I bought the retail. The controls are still bloody pathetic.
Post Wed Dec 05, 2001 8:35 pm
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Critical Error
Critical Error

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and I assume that we can still be respectful at each other, regardless our different opinions...

former Senior Editor RPGDot
now at http://www.theastronomers.com
Post Wed Dec 05, 2001 8:43 pm
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Digital Pimp
Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 28 Nov 2001
Posts: 40

Umm you an idiot?
Its prescripted so you can mess up the game, anyhow why would you go around attacking people for no reason. Also your review about it locking up and the engine is completly based on your shitty computer cause I had neither of those problems and the game ran perfectly. Thirdy, you still must be an idiot, what are you talking about give the middle finger you the publisher, THIS GAME WAS MADE IN GERMANY FOR GERMANY, it wasn't rushed in production for The rest of the World, it got big so they made and english version. The english copy right out of the CD is like Version 1.8f or whatever which tells you its been patched. I won't even began, about your its too hard to kill creatures stronger then me cause they moive to fast complaint.

I'll give you the inventory and trading controls are weak and thats it biggest fault but that ain't much cause you can rebind. Hell I went through the entire game trading in 10's.
Post Wed Dec 05, 2001 10:41 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

Joined: 05 Dec 2001
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Location: Phx, AZ

First off, let us put things in perspective.

Hop off your immature rocker and don't call people idiots you know nothing about. I'm the furthest thing from such.

Now.. Let's go on, shall we?

The German and English version were apparently rushed as there are many aspects of the game that seem incomplete.

As for it being prescripted, take a reading comprehension course, I didn't mean that as an insult, just bringing up the issue of the nieve reviewer claiming the game was based on a 'who you know' system. I was stating the opposite. It isn't. Who you do or don't know has no effect what-so-ever on the game. Read it hard, you'll see it.

I don't care where it was made, or who it was made for. It's another rushed project. Every game project is rushed. Some just happen to come out okay.

Crappy system? I think not.

First off, when the only game that does so is this specific game, that makes me point a finger. Strange that no other game does it, eh? Must be a fluke. Right. Spare me.

WindowsXP Professional
AMD Athlon Classic 800Mhz
ASUS K7V Motherboard
512M SDRAM (PC133, PNY)
SBLive! Platinum 5.1
1x Sony 8x4x24 CDR
8x 60GB IBM 7200 RPM IDE (UDMA66)
1x Promise ATA/100 Controllers
1x Adaptec Ultrascsi controller (CDBurner)
GeForce2 MX/MX400 64M
2x Intel EEPro 10/100 Managed Ethernet Devices

Average over-all system temperature: 43C

And if you feel like going into an Intel Vs. AMD war, don't bother. The fact is, they're fairly well one and the same. I know for fact it isn't my system that is causing the locking, it is the game, and the game alone.

I'm no idiot. I've been in this business far to long to hold that status. Have you been at it for 13 years?

-Geoff W.
Post Thu Dec 06, 2001 12:39 am
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the game definetly has its share of lock-up and crash to desktop bugs. But not enough to turn me away.

And the game is clearly a little unfinished, its still fun for a bargain title.

A bit of a B-movie class game but fun.
Post Thu Dec 06, 2001 12:46 am


hey mr. know-it-all-awpti,

i agree that it kinda eats the credibility of the game that you can beat the shit out of merchants and teachers in the new camp, and steal their dough and gear. but you don't have to do that if it bothers you or messes up the gameplay, if you think so.
just leave them be.

in the other camps, you probably get beaten into a bloody pulp if you try to harass with the people there.

and as for controls and fighting, yeah you do get whacked if you try to take a whole pack of monsters, so just try to lure them one at the time - still too hard? leave them be till you get stronger.

that's just the point i find fascinating about gothic, that when you begin your play you're very weak, you can barely stand up for a large bird, yet a pack of them.
and the fact that the world seems very big at the beginning, and you really feel lost and have to talk to people to find whats going on etc.

have you even beaten the game once? it seems that you've probably played few chapters, if that!

the monster AI, i think its great when it comes to fighting - they pack up, they help their mates if they see they're in trouble, they surround you and hit you.. just what the bloody things would do in a real life, no mr. they don't queue up and wait for their turn to get whacked one at the time!

i have game crashes, but since i'm on a windows XP, i can just close gothic and start it again, dont bother me that much because i really enjoy the game.

the plot so far, (in the middle of chapter 4) seems great, absolutely marvellous, havent played an rpg this enjoyable in a long time. its full of surprises and twists, and even when i'm on level 22, wielding the Lee's axe, there're alot of monsters way too hard for me, but mostly in packs.

the impression what i've gotten is that as i've played longer and longer, the plots and the dialogue has came alot more simpler, with the minor quests, like with general lee, his dialogue is very short and he uses the same phrases again and again :/ but no biggie since that has nothing to do with the main plot.

i wouldn't grade a game before i've finished it.

oh, and the game engine seems quite allright, with my 1300mhz thunderbird & gf2 pro it runs quite smooth at 1024x768/32bit.
Post Thu Dec 06, 2001 1:37 am
Digital Pimp
Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 28 Nov 2001
Posts: 40

You could of been picking your ass for 13 years so I don't care. I've been a Network Administrator for a year and half with my MCSE in Win2k, CNA, and CCNA. What about you, I'm only 19 and been using computer for pretty much 13 years.

I ain't gonna put how many f*cking network cards I have and my CPU temperature though I bet you think that makes you look like a Computer Wiz. WOW did you build that yourself.

WindowsXP Professional
Athlon 1.2
Gigabyte 7ZX
GeForce 2 Pro 32Mb
512 PC-133
SBLive! X-Gamer

Post Thu Dec 06, 2001 4:23 am
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

Joined: 04 Dec 2001
Posts: 6

Look, I don't even understand why you posted this in the first place... the only people who really took the time to find this board already own the game or are so stoked by the demo that they are going to get it no matter what you say....

So unless you are absolutely ASKING to get flamed, why would you post a long, complaining critique of the game? I mean, noone around here really cares that you don't like it... it runs excellent on my computer, it's crashed about 4 times in about 25 hours of play (which is not too bad) and I haven't had a single major scripting error yet. So why should I care if you bash the game? I, personally, enjoy it a lot....
Post Thu Dec 06, 2001 5:04 am
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Well, I don't know who is getting lockups, but it's probably a driver issue of some kind. I've run Gothic on both of my gaming PCs:

Athlon 700
156Megs of RAM (Kingston)
100 Gigs of HD space
SB Live!
Voodoo 5 5500
(the list goes on)

Also on my now Primary Gaming PC:

Alienware Aurora DDR
AMD XP 1800+
256 Megs of DDR RAM
SB Live
Geforce 3 (PNY)
all of the trimmings

NO problems here at all. The game has run great for me. No lock ups or crashes to the desktop for me.

I think it's a great game. I've only been playing for a few days and haven't encountered a single problem yet.

I would try updating your sound and video card drivers and see if that helps the problem.

I work with computers every day and have found that crappy video cards or bad or outdated video drivers account for about 90% of game crash issues. Sometimes sound card drivers. Also using Generic RAM can sometimes contribute to crash issues.

My only grip was early on with the control sceme. It was difficult to get used to, especially the vague documentation and somewhat bad keyboard control layout. This game brings me back to when I played the old Elder Scrolls: Redguard game. It had bad controls, but once I got used to it, it ended up being one of the best games I have ever played and it also had a great story.

Anyway, that's my 5 cents. I commend the Germans on a great game and I'll be spending my Christmas this year with my girlfriend in Germany. (She's German, hehe). Kudos to all the people who made this game from a satisfied American gamer!!

Post Thu Dec 06, 2001 6:58 am
Village Dweller
Village Dweller

Joined: 05 Dec 2001
Posts: 7
Location: Phx, AZ

FYI, Digital Pimp, that wasn't for `show`. System specs to throw a wrench into the workings of those that believe my system to be, for lack of a better word, junk.

Also, in regards to your certifications.. I to can pass a class and take a test. Doesn't mean I know anything.

I never said I hated the game. I'm posting my single rant on the WORST aspect of the game and most of all, the reviewers that refer to the game improperly. I very much enjoy the game, and believe it's a few patches away from completion. At least, I hope it is.

To the anonymous individual that called me a `mr-know-it-all`.. Compared to your highly enlightened self, I am.

I've noticed that all you people do is start a flame war when someone even mentions one thing about the game having a bad aspect. Live with it, and learn to respond in a mature, respectful way. Maybe then, I'll have the desire to treat you respectfully. Until then, work on the reading comprehension skills. It helps when responding and not trying to look like an.. what was it? Ah, yes. Idiot.

What you or I do in life makes no difference when it comes to `who knows more` and such nonsense.

-Geoff W.

[ This Message was edited by: awpti on 2001-12-06 18:13 ]
Post Fri Dec 07, 2001 12:12 am
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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Or we can all come together and admit your opinions are moot.
Post Fri Dec 07, 2001 12:28 am
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Digital Pimp
Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 28 Nov 2001
Posts: 40


On 2001-12-06 18:12, awpti wrote:
Also, in regards to your certifications.. I to can pass a class and take a test. Doesn't mean I know anything.

So your trying to tell me you don't have any. LOL
Yeah I'm sure you don't have ANY cause you just don't want to waste your valuable time.

I won't even post in this tread again cause it ovious you think your a computer god cause you got your own webpage.
Post Fri Dec 07, 2001 12:57 am
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