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Elder Scrolls 3 - Morrowind (PC, Single-Player RPG)
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Mattias Kreku


Hrmm, I already rated this game, but I feel I was a bit hasty so.. Here I go again. The running part.. Geez, they talk about freedom and create a game bigger than Oprah's butt and still limit the player to 10 seconds of running (with slow, but reasonable speed) before going into walking mode (slower than my grandma). Incredibly frustrating after 30 or so hours. Then there are the NPC's.. Walk into town, talk to one of the citizens, click on all his/hers options and WHAM, you've just talked to EVERYONE in town.. since they all say the exact same thing! Except for one or two key NPC's that have 1-2 extra options to click on. (The NPC's seem incredibly dull after a few hours, especially compared to Gothic's NPC's) <br>The journal.. Why is it there? I have played for 30+ hours and it's PACKED with stuff like "Seems like the townsfolk doesn't want to talk to me about <INSERT RANDOM SUBJECT HERE>." It doesn't help at all, it's not interesting, and sometimes it confuses the hell out of me! The quests.. I have 50 pages in my journal of unresolved quests that I lost track of weeks ago. Sometimes I've just not found the right NPC and sometimes it's just been impossible to complete at my level. Freedom or unfocused? Not sure. It doesn't FEEL good at least. Combat.. I click and click and click on my trusty mouse.. Sometimes I see a small cloud of blood and sometimes I don't. After about 20 seconds either I or the creature dies. That is NOT fun. Last but not least in any bit.. The bugs. This game is crashing with unregular but short intervals. Either in combat or when you load/reload your games a few times. It has crashed on me appr. 3 times per hour or so. I am getting a bad Daggerfall vibe here.. Anyhow, I will give this game a few more hours, but.. It doesn't look to be a true classic in my book. Great graphics at least.
Post Thu May 16, 2002 1:29 am
Feral Marshblood


I only have time to reply to one statement... <br> <br>My WoodElf Thief is able to constantly run. My Fatigue goes down to zero but he keeps on running. Is this a wonderful bug or is it because I'm playing a Wood Elf?
Post Thu May 16, 2002 3:12 pm


I have the some of the same complaints with the game, the journal is unwieldy, and the bugs can be frustrating. What's unusual for me is that with Windows 2000 playing with my first character, a nord fighter, i only had 3 or 4 crashes in 20 hours of playing. However, with Windows XP on the same machine (dual boot) and a thief Wood Elf, I am getting crashes once or twice an hour. Is it the character or the OS? I'm not sure yet. <br> <br>I am still having fun, though. I've been at it for at least 40+ hours, and I've learned to work with the limitations of the journal, doing quests gradually. The NPC dialogue doesn't bother me; I accept that everyone doesn't always have something new to say, but there's always something interesting going on somewhere. You just have to find it. <br> <br>As far as running speed goes, yes, you can run out of fatigue quickly if you are burdened down, low on endurance, weak, etc. You can go a lot faster if you aren't carrying so much stuff. I noticed a big difference between my fighter character and thief here. Also, you can still keep running after you run out of fatigue, you will just be winded if you run into a monster. Is that realistic? Yeah. it's part of the strategy of the game. Is the walking speed too slow? Yup. Make or get a plugin to fix it, like the "Ring of Speed" I made. It helps a lot.
Post Thu May 16, 2002 3:38 pm


The game isn't perfect, but it is still the best game out there to date as far as I'm concerned. If you could meld the fighting style, npc's, and climbing of Gothic's character with Morrowind, then it would be perfect in my opinion. Where people are having the biggest problem in the game seems to be more of a personal problem rather than a problem with the game. If you have a short attention span, no imagination, or just prefer diablo like linear games that guide you every step of the way, then Morrowind is not for you. Your characters freedom to chose his own path is the greatest strength of Morrowind. Unfortunately, some people would rather have someone think for them.
Post Fri May 17, 2002 12:53 am


This game is wonderful. But it really is what you make of it. You want to powergame or macro? Sure, it's not cheating. The only one losing is yourself. You like linearity? Then play the main quest straight through and do nothing else. Same thing as powergaming: You're only hurting your own experience. <br> But for someone who loves to roleplay and explore, you're in for a treat. You really can do anything you want. I had so many ideas of how to play i restarted 4 times, just to try things out. Now I'm a Khajit Assasain, and never had more fun. I 0WN with my trusty longbow. <br> <br>PS. If you like killing unseen, major/minor in Marksmanship. Most fun skill in the game.
Post Fri May 17, 2002 8:25 pm


I wholeheartedly agree. Morrowind rocks the house. <br> <br>I simply adore the open ended style of the game and starting a "real" person that you have to grow from the ground up really gets my RPG groove on. <br> <br>Like Lawnmower96, I ended up with a Khajit Assassin/Thief whom I totally adore. Fast as Hell and with the Daedric long bow I have and arrows...I AM the UberAssassin of Morrowind. <br>
Post Sat May 18, 2002 3:30 pm


Morrowind est à l'image du joueur qui VIT dans cet univers virtuel. <br> <br>Patience, patience et patience. Dieu, quel jeu!!!!!
Post Sun May 19, 2002 3:08 am


hmm i say just this dont click your mouse too rapidly when fighting i think it does more damage if you keep your mouse button pressed down short time before releasing it
Post Sun May 19, 2002 10:14 am


In the posts so far, most pros and cons are there, but of course, none where discussed yet in deep, for example, the journal in Gothic, ordered by subsections, that really helps, i mean, i PLAY the character, im not IT, so since i have a life besides it, you just CANNOT remember what did every guy tell you (and there is ALOT of text there) <br>Concerning the NPC´s, thats true, they suck, why cant they do like UltimaVII? <br>I ask you guys, what did you feel when, first time in Brittania Capital at night, seeing a guard walk to a lamp post and TURN IT ON while mumbling about "this should be on", and of course, at day, they TURN IT OFF!, now THATS roleplay, because roleplay cannot be played with no world, what realism does have a person that stands there ALL day long? day and night, rain or not?... <br>Yes, the character generation is great <br>Yes the world is huge <br>Yes the graphics rocks <br>Yes the game is terribly open <br>But hell i want INTERACTION! that cant be done with stupid NPC's or no physics system! <br> <br>Thats why i wonder too, how in hell is this game on top of the top rated games... <br> <br>just my two cents <br>
Post Tue May 21, 2002 3:45 pm


In the posts so far, most pros and cons are there, but of course, none where discussed yet in deep, for example, the journal in Gothic, ordered by subsections, that really helps, i mean, i PLAY the character, im not IT, so since i have a life besides it, you just CANNOT remember what did every guy tell you (and there is ALOT of text there) <br>Concerning the NPC´s, thats true, they suck, why cant they do like UltimaVII? <br>I ask you guys, what did you feel when, first time in Brittania Capital at night, seeing a guard walk to a lamp post and TURN IT ON while mumbling about "this should be on", and of course, at day, they TURN IT OFF!, now THATS roleplay, because roleplay cannot be played with no world, what realism does have a person that stands there ALL day long? day and night, rain or not?... <br>Yes, the character generation is great <br>Yes the world is huge <br>Yes the graphics rocks <br>Yes the game is terribly open <br>But hell i want INTERACTION! that cant be done with stupid NPC's or no physics system! <br> <br>Thats why i wonder too, how in hell is this game on top of the top rated games... <br> <br>just my two cents <br>
Post Tue May 21, 2002 3:45 pm


"But hell i want INTERACTION! that cant be done with stupid NPC's or no physics system! <br> <br>Thats why i wonder too, how in hell is this game on top of the top rated games... " <br> <br>Simple. Its on top of the top rated games because most of us feel that the pro's greatly outnumber the cons. you dont have to like it. <br> <br>But rest assured, within months we will ahve insanely detailed npcs when the quality mods start to flood in.
Post Thu May 23, 2002 12:27 pm
The magi


Morrowind has had a lot of critisism for it's NPCs appearant lack of different dialouge. Yes it is annoying that you can't run across an entire continent in one go but there's other means of transport in the game. I always felt that the most coherent RPG ever made was the first Ultima underworld. All NPCs had different lines to speak and those that somehow was involved in a quest and/or the plot had more to say. The reason this worked so extreamly well was partly due to the size of the game. There were only 8 levels of dungeons and although one could roam quite freely, the story was set. Regardless of what we think about the shortcomings in Morrowind we should appreciate the ambition. To build a world and let the player have this kind of freedom is an amazing feat. Lawnmover96 had some very good points about the game -it will be what you make of it. I have played my woodelf-thief for almost 40 hours by now and I have just delivered the message and brushed the main plot... <br> <br>I miss having npcs going about their business and not just standing on the same spot day and night and I long for the day an RPG comes a long where you enter a city that is not barren but bristling with people and animals etc. To get anywhere near that feeling of a living world one has to go online and play Ultima or Everquest where, on a good day, you can have interesting converstations with nearly everyone you meet. <br>In Morrowind I feel we get about as good a game we can have with the current level of technology. I for one will be playing this game for a long time to come! <br> <br> <br> <br>By the way. Does anybody know where I can get into contact with the guys who plan to recreate Ultima Underwolrd with Worrowinds toolset?
Post Fri May 24, 2002 11:22 am
The Magi


I have, as I wrote before, played nearly 40 hours and I had some problems when loading my savegames initially. I then dowloaded a revised exe-file with the safedisc protection removed and lo and behold! Since then I have not had one gamingsession interrupted by the game hanging. For me it seemed that the copyprotection didn't fully agree with my computer. I run windows XP professional with all the fixes and have nvidia's driver 21.87 and a geforce 2 pro. Works like a charm.
Post Fri May 24, 2002 11:34 am
Mattias Kreku


The Magi wrote: "I miss having npcs going about their business and not just standing on the same spot day and night and I long for the day an RPG comes a long where you enter a city that is not barren but bristling with people and animals etc." <br> <br>You know.. You just described Gothic. Morrowind is (in comparison) a dead rpg. Graphics isn't everything.
Post Fri May 24, 2002 12:18 pm


The generic-ness of the npc's isn't anything to write home about--but I have to say exploring the world is fun--thats why Morrowind scores so well. Try walking from town to town--say dagon fel to khull. I found old abandonded ships on the coast, barrels floating in the water, old ruins, went perl diving, got caught in some sand storms, got ambushed by bandits, etc. By the time I finished I felt as if I myself had been on a long weary journey and was ready for rest. Sure, npc interaction could be better, but with the editor maybe somebody can put together more original text. Or maybe they'll do it in an expansion pack/sequel? Who knows. I know schedules and more interaction would be nice, but it's still possible to have plenty of fun. my 2c as well...
Post Fri May 24, 2002 1:18 pm

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