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anyone else pissed about this .....
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anyone else pissed about this .....

In an interview Todd said that the game would be shorter for 2 main reasons
1: budget and release date
2: cuz gamers in general like shorter game and they dont finish long game, they want to attrack more fans

WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! first why do they care if they finish the game or not . as long as they buy it it shouldnt matter second why make the hardcore fans suffer jsut to make new ones and third about the budget that i understand but still i wouldnt have mind waiting 6 more months for a longer game.

Oblivion better be at least 100 hours i dont want another fable

I love Bethesda and the going big mentality but if they let me down ....
there is always another way to get games besides paying ya know
Post Wed Jan 26, 2005 2:20 pm
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Keeper of the Gates
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I'm more concerned about the breadth and replay value of the game.

The 'length' of the game doesn't really bother me. I have put 3 characters and well over 1000+ hours into the Morrowind world. I had 1 character pursue and finish the MQ and the Tribunal MQ - I had 2 characters pursue and finish the BM MQ. But that's it. All the rest of the time was spent developing characters that did things in the world other than the MQ.

And I still don't think any of those characters have finished the game. They all have more things they could do in the world.

So as long as Bethesda keeps their tradition of open ended game play, I'll be happy. In fact, if they had NO main quest story at all, that would be fine by my.
Post Wed Jan 26, 2005 4:36 pm
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Village Dweller
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Re: anyone else pissed about this .....

Originally posted by wacko3
In an interview Todd said that the game would be shorter for 2 main reasons
1: budget and release date
2: cuz gamers in general like shorter game and they dont finish long game, they want to attrack more fans
Oblivion better be at least 100 hours i dont want another fable

I hope there are no reasons to worry for now. In the recent [url=http://www.computerandvideogames.com/r/?page=http://www.computerandvideogames.com/news/news_story.php(que)id=113520]interview to CVG.com[/url] Todd said:
"It's big - in some areas it's bigger than Morrowind, in some it's not. There are over 100 very meaty quests and tons to do. I think scale is hard to describe. It's something you have to play to understand. We measure gameplay hours by the hundreds, not by the "tens." "
Post Thu Jan 27, 2005 6:00 am
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High Emperor
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Well, most development houses have to make sound financial decisions, or go under. There are very few games for the "hardcore RPG" market, because they generally don't sell as well as other genres.

That said, I have faith that Bethesda know what their fans like, and will produce something spectacular. They always do.
Charlie Dobbie
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Post Thu Jan 27, 2005 11:27 am
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King of the Realms
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All this bs how much shorter oblivion is, or how much longer oblivion is, does not stop amezing me.

Lets just be happy that there are some rpgs coming, gamebusiness is quite wretched nowdays.

And i could not help myself commenting about this sentence of your post wacko:

"I love Bethesda and the going big mentality but if they let me down ....
there is always another way to get games besides paying ya know "

Warezing games rarely helps developers to make better games, unless you want all rpgs to turn consolerpgs.Besides if you don't like something, do you think you have a right to STEAL it then?They OWE you nothing.Try to learn that and your life becomes more easy.

I would say something about two-faced moral and sense of justice, but nevermind...
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Post Wed Feb 09, 2005 11:11 am
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They are forced to make the game somewhat shorter because they have dont have unlimited development funds. So the most stupid thing to do is getting the game illegal and thus making sure they will have even less money for the next title
Post Wed Feb 09, 2005 12:46 pm
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Fearless Paladin
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Actually he does have a point, if gamers keep buying shorter games, they will keep making them. They are not a charity, they don't save up and then give you a present, they are in the business and want to stay in business. So if you stop buying that kind of game then the publishers and developers will get the message and make a game you will want to buy. That is how supply and demand works.

Obviously I would recommend simply not buying the game at release, I am not condoning piracy.
“Everyone’s a girl when they’re face down.”
Post Sat Feb 12, 2005 1:18 am
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Originally posted by Fez
Actually he does have a point, if gamers keep buying shorter games, they will keep making them. They are not a charity, they don't save up and then give you a present, they are in the business and want to stay in business. So if you stop buying that kind of game then the publishers and developers will get the message and make a game you will want to buy. That is how supply and demand works.

Obviously I would recommend simply not buying the game at release, I am not condoning piracy.

Thanks for the support Fez , i really thought i was gonna get falmed bad for saying that lollll
Its nice to see im not the only one talking like that . And if i may add. in one other thread here you were talking about i quote you.
Fez says:' Games often end up just nice engines and very little else. The young kids are often easily swayed by something shiny and look no further than the surface. The publishers know they can make money though when these kids nag their parents into buying them these games, so adults end up with something poor and shallow. "

That a sad thing...halo 2 and HL2 were in devollepment for what 5-6 years and the end result? ...well a great engine and looking game but lacking lengt

Or Fable , the perfect example of a wanna be RPG for kids... i was really disapointed by it espacially that the DEvs promised us a lot of things ans just didnt deleiver
Thanks to Piranha bytes and Bethesda we get our money's worth. Games shouldnt last less then 50hours pediod. Im out
Post Sat Feb 12, 2005 12:58 pm
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King of the Realms
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Wacko don't just buy short games.If you think game is shit, it doesn't justify warezing it.That is what i was trying to say.Download a demo, if you want to test a game.You are rirght in that, only way to get your message through is to vote with your wallet.

These days making games costs helluva lots of money compared to the days in the past.So it obvious that developers can't spend as much time as before developing games.Most people simply forget that these people need to live too and most cases their families too.
Even if they spent many years developing a game, it would never be as long as before, because designing games has become more complex as well as expensive.Then you need to advertaise your game, pay bills, pay salaries etc,`you can imagine that not many developers will take an extra year to add some content to make few people more happy.The whole thing is not worth of a risk really.

Also as these broadband connections are allmoust as common as tvs nowdays, the risk of your game getting warezed right after the game is published doesn't make their condition any more secure.

In most cases small devhouses are living on an edge of sword, if their game doesn't do well in the market, it is possible that they have hard time finding a next publishing deal for their next game..

As much as many developers like to make their games years, in most cases it is not just possible.

Btw halflife 2 was one of the best games i've played in a long time.
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Post Wed Feb 16, 2005 12:58 pm
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Fearless Paladin
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When devs quit making crap then I'll buy every game

I've bought a lot of lemons. Do I get my money back for being cheated? No. Until game houses guarantee quality of their games people will copy them. They are also over priced. Now on the other hand I haven't copied a game in a long time. I just don't buy many. Best game dollars ever spent is on Day of Defeat. Hands down best game on the planet. Morrowind is my favorite RPG but without hacking the speed setting it would have been unplayable. Gothic ! was pathetic besides Morrowind. Wish Morrowind had more quests with a real feeling of acknowledgement. The game almost borders on greatness.
Post Sat Feb 19, 2005 4:59 am
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Here's my two cents on the issue (and hopefully it won't get me bombarded with criticism ):
Just because you don't want to pay for a crappy game is no excuse to steal it. There have been many games where I've waited quite awhile (sometimes years) until after they've come out to purchase them. This way I can find out from people I know if they liked it, and at any rate the price certainly becomes a lot cheaper. I got Dungeon Seige for $7.99 the other day. Granted it came out quite awhile ago, but I'm not too picky. At least I get something "new" to play and it cost quite a bit less than it did when it first came out. When Fable came out my husband really wanted to play it so he bought it right away. When he had finished it I asked him if he liked it. He said "there was an awful lot of pretty filler, but I wish I would have waited awhile to get it so someone would have told me I'd hate it." Lesson learned. I've certainly done the same thing before; take for instance Myst 3 (no comment).
But long story short - so you don't want to pay for a crappy game? Fine then, don't. But that's no reason to steal it.
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Post Sat Feb 19, 2005 10:07 am
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Well said, CIA. Weasel pirates will come up with all sorts of excuses to justify their actions, but at the end of the day wrong is wrong.
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Sorry. No pearls of wisdom in this oyster.
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Post Sat Feb 19, 2005 1:22 pm
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@ NidPuterGuy:

Quality guarantee wont stop piracy. In fact there is almost nothing that will stop piracy.

The only thing I can think of that would irradicate it completely is if the games were so cheap that it wasnt profitable enough to pirate the games. But then I dont see how the game developers could make enough cash...
IMHO my opinion is humble
Post Sat Feb 19, 2005 1:56 pm
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King of the Realms
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Re: When devs quit making crap then I'll buy every game

Originally posted by NidPuterGuy
I've bought a lot of lemons. Do I get my money back for being cheated? No. Until game houses guarantee quality of their games people will copy them. They are also over priced. Now on the other hand I haven't copied a game in a long time. I just don't buy many. Best game dollars ever spent is on Day of Defeat. Hands down best game on the planet. Morrowind is my favorite RPG but without hacking the speed setting it would have been unplayable. Gothic ! was pathetic besides Morrowind. Wish Morrowind had more quests with a real feeling of acknowledgement. The game almost borders on greatness.

Ask yourself the following: "is it vitally important for me to play games?".Answer is really simple: "It isn't".Why do you need to steal them then? Can you somehow defend your stealing? People who warez games are simply greedy and egoistic thiefs.I'm not saying that it is the worst thing to do in this world.I don't wish to moralize about warezing.I just can't stand when you DEFEND your stealing with treacherous morals. Game prices are what they are.You can allways wait and get games later with cheaper price, like me or Cinderella do.

Also the fact that you are talking cheating is quite hilarious.What do you think that developers think about people who steal their games? isn't such action cheating or what? If you don't like their game it DOES NOT justify stealing it.
If you go a cinema and notice the movie is shit, do you think you have a right to get your money back then? Or if you buy a shitty album, you want your money simply because it does not stroke your taste? Or if the book you read had a weak ending you think you have a right for refund?

Plus many developers will usually give a demo of their product so customers can judge themselves do they like the game or not.There are countless of game magazines and review sites who are reviewing games all the time.And if you wait a while like cinderella suggested you can usually get comments from ordinary gamers as well.Even if you still hesitate, it is possible to test a game in some gameshops a bit if asked.
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Post Wed Feb 23, 2005 4:16 am
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High Emperor
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very well said, Dez
Post Wed Feb 23, 2005 8:13 am
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