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Who else here thinks this game sucks?
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RPGDot Forums > Oblivion - General

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Protector of the Realm
Protector of the Realm

Joined: 03 Jan 2004
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Who else here thinks this game sucks?

If you want to read about the flaws in this game, I suggest you go to the elderscrolls forum. I am not going to repeat everything else.

The purpose of this thread is to warn people not to wasting their money.

besides pretty graphics, the only other good feature in this game is its uninstall. That's about it.
Arguing over the internet is like competing in special olympics. Even if you win, you are still retarded.
Post Wed Mar 29, 2006 10:03 pm
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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I'm very sorry to hear you're not enjoying Oblivion. Was there anything specific that caused you to dislike it so much?
Charlie Dobbie
=Member of The Nonflamers' Guild=
=Moderator of the Morrowind/Oblivion Forums=
Post Wed Mar 29, 2006 10:35 pm
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Stranger In A Strange Land
Stranger In A Strange Land

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It has some sigificant flaws (and the scaling is the single biggest) but there's also some nice content. "Sucks" is way too harsh, depending on what you are looking for.
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Post Wed Mar 29, 2006 10:55 pm
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Village Leader
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Not me. I'm loving it. I haven't bothered reading the General Oblivion board since a week before the game came out and don't have any reason to start now. It was infested with morons then and I'm sure it still is.

Is Oblivion perfect? Far from it. No way it deserves any 10/10 ratings. I'd say upper 8's or low 9's though.

As far as a rpg goes...it's an *action* rpg. Sure other games have better character/skill systems (Fallout), and better stories/writing (Planescape), and better (i.e. more tactical) combat (Jagged Alliance 2), and more(any) choices that matter in quests(Fallout again, etc). But who cares? Play Oblivion for what it is and it's pretty damn fun.

If you bought Oblivion expecting it to be drastically different than it is then you must be kinda stupid or delusional. It's almost exactly what they advertised (except for NPC conversations and Radiant AI...the conversations are crap and the Radiant AI either works great or blunders badly). We all knew it would be Morrowind prettied up & fine tuned in a different setting...and that's exactly what it is. And I'm loving it.

Of course I'm already using 15+ mods that make the game more enjoyable (slower leveling, etc). But that's the beauty of it...the game has only been out a week and there are already 175+ mods out there that tweak gameplay in various ways. You could always try them out. But of course it's more fun to just get on a forum and bitch huh?
Post Wed Mar 29, 2006 11:07 pm
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Paws of Doom
Paws of Doom

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So basically Joe, you dont want to elaborate on the reasons for your seething hatred, nor is anyone else supposed to even speculate on what could have driven you to such angst, let alone try and comfort you and/or cheer you up?

Even fellow disgruntled gamer souls who agree and are willing to lend support to this noble crusade are to simply show up, ponder your simple yet eloquent proclamation of hatred, nod their heads in approval, then leave?

Have you ever heard of a Seinfeld character called "the Soup Nazi"? Just wondering...
“Then away out in the woods I heard that kind of a sound that a ghost makes when it wants to tell about something that's on its mind and can't make itself understood, and so can't rest easy in its grave, and has to go about that way every night grieving.”-Mark Twain
Post Thu Mar 30, 2006 12:16 am
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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wow! sheathe your claws everyone! oblivion is not a perfect game, but it's not the piece of trash that some people are making it out to be. the hype surrounding the game was just that- after all, they want to sell the game, right? i find oblivion both amazing and frustrating. amazing because of the jaw dropping landscapes, better combat system, instant travel, and the numerous places to go and people to talk to. the frustrating things are lockpicking, clumsy inventory/stats interface, and hud size. this is just my opinion, feel free to shoot it down if you like. so let's all try to get along here- it's everyone's right to express their opinion, no need to get nasty!
Post Thu Mar 30, 2006 1:21 am
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Protector of the Realm
Protector of the Realm

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I have many frustrations with this game. I didn't care to elaborate because if you visit elderscrolls forum frequently, you know what the issues are.

For me morrowind is a better game. (after it has all the plug in's) This game is not truely a RPG. It's emphasis is dungeon looting, fighting, hack & slash,... It's hard to be immersed in the game world and the story line. I have to worry about those x5 multipliers and combat skills or my character wiill be too weak. It doesn't matter what dungeon to go to. There are no killer items except to wait until higher level, and then everybody has killer items, including bandits on the road.

Anyways, I am going to wait until what the modders come up with. Eventually the modding community will save the game, but now I am very disappointed.
Arguing over the internet is like competing in special olympics. Even if you win, you are still retarded.
Post Thu Mar 30, 2006 1:46 am
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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For some time now I've been waiting for Oblivion, without digesting too much information so I wouldn't spoil anything. I liked Morrowind, but for some reason, I just can't seem to get immersed in Oblivion.

When I first got the game I ran it for a few hours, and because I had some initial gripes I decided to wait a few days before I completely immersed myself. Wait for mods. My definitely biggest gripe with the game was the level scaling. I understand perfectly why they (Bethesda) decided to go with this solution, firstly freedom of choice, not forcing the player in any direction, right off the bat you can go anywhere and fight any creatures because their level and combat is scaled to fit your level. So with some effort, you can defeat anything. Another reason for doing this would be that they want to keep players constantly challenged, so that you don't become the godlike being you did in Morrowind.

Me, I like surprises, but I also like challenges. So one of the first mods I installed was one that removed the scaling from most creatures, without changing so much that you can one hit everything towards the end of the game. Another one was a mod that added more life to wilderness, more random creatures, even some high level beasts, so roaming the land was no longer a walk in the park. Not only creatures are scaled, but also items, vendors don't carry items higher than your level, beasts don't drop higher level loot. Modded that too.

The interface was too big, making you scroll and scroll, and scroll, just to pick spells or weaponry. Console syndrom I guess. What else of importance... Oh yeah, archers and stealth users seem to be underpowered. Common complaint throughout various forums. So all these things I modded, before I started. Also some minor things, like I removed the compass, removed the option for fast travel, anyone remember that enchanted armor glow from Morrowind? Yeah, it's back, removed that too. In several dungeons you will encounter traps, some of these seem very deadly, but they don't kill you, so I installed a mod that made them fatal. Like the modder said, to add more suspense to dungeons.

I know it might sound like I had to change a lot to make my experience enjoyable, especially if you haven't played the game yourself yet, but fret not, it's not that bad. These are actually all minor annoyances, it's just that this way, it's an even better game for me. I get easily annoyed and caught up in minor issues, so. But apart from the level scaling, it's all things I could have lived with though. I'm sure most of you have already heard enough about the level scaling so I won't get into that more than I already have. Ok, I will say just one more thing, my favorite PC RPGs are Fallout 1 & 2, Baldur's Gate series and Neverwinter Nights. But in all RPGs I've played, I'm used to getting the feeling of gaining power, that's part of the fun, in Oblivion, you don't get that feeling, not without mods. It feels almost pointless to level up, when your enemies level up equally. That's how I feel about it anyway.

But sadly... Turns out this modding didn't help me enough.

Dislikes about certain aspects of the game aside, I'm simply having a problem with immersion, the story or game world just doesn't do it for me. For me Oblivion is the proof pretty graphics don't help.

With all these changes I did to the game it still couldn't be saved, not for me. It certainly made it a lot better, but I just don't find the game entertaining.

I'm glad to see others enjoy it, but saddened that it was such as disappointment for me.

I'll be going back to Baldur's Gate now, playing through 1 and 2 with all expansions. Then it's NWN with expansions. Far better RPGs in my humble opinion.

Oh, and this post is not bitching, I don't think the game sucks at all. Just didn't do it for me.
Post Thu Mar 30, 2006 2:13 am
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Fearless Paladin
Fearless Paladin

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I quite like the auto scaling, it's not as if all monsters auto-scale dogs, rats and imps are still dead in 1 or 2 swings. At level 17 I went through a cave and it was full of bandits wearing mithril armour (which I was wearing at the time) and they had similar weapons as well - but why shouldn't they?!? The armour only costs a couple of hundred gold pieces in the town not far away!! Why should they be stuck in leather armour. When I got to the end of the dungeon there was a bandit ringleader wearing 3 pieces of Elven armour which I thought was a great relevant reward. Much much better than getting something like a magical staff or something else I would never use.

My only gripe with Oblivion is the combat systems approach of "player skill" vs "character skill", this is most apparent in the Arena combats. At times the enemy will jump around you and you must be quite skillfull in order to keep him infront of you - meanwhile even if you do everything perfectly including not being hit by your enemy once when not blocking you will quite often end up having to quaff some healing potions or losing the fight. The battle against the 3 argonian prisoners clearly highlights the need for player skill. Infact, I will be honest - the only way I could win that battle was jumping up on the walls next to the 2 closed gates where they can't hit you and shooting arrows down on them!!!! Clearly cheating but I must have tried to win that fight about 30 times and they destroyed me each time. I like how they have integrated the block skill more but I do prefer the "character skill" driven combat of Morrowind.
Post Thu Mar 30, 2006 3:27 am
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Fearless Paladin
Fearless Paladin

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Originally posted by Joeman
I have to worry about those x5 multipliers and combat skills or my character wiill be too weak. It doesn't matter what dungeon to go to.

Wierd, I haven't once got a "5x" multiplier and I am playing on nearly the hardest difficulty setting. I only have one combat skill - Blades - I am playing as a thief which is the weakest character in terms of combat skills, and I seem to do fine. Maybe it gets worse after level 20?

I find that skills(which can be bought) and items(which can be bought) play a bigger role than attributes in combat.
Post Thu Mar 30, 2006 3:35 am
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Stranger In A Strange Land
Stranger In A Strange Land

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Originally posted by bjon045
I quite like the auto scaling, it's not as if all monsters auto-scale dogs, rats and imps are still dead in 1 or 2 swings. At level 17 I went through a cave and it was full of bandits wearing mithril armour (which I was wearing at the time) and they had similar weapons as well - but why shouldn't they?!? The armour only costs a couple of hundred gold pieces in the town not far away!! Why should they be stuck in leather armour. When I got to the end of the dungeon there was a bandit ringleader wearing 3 pieces of Elven armour which I thought was a great relevant reward. Much much better than getting something like a magical staff or something else I would never use.

This is fine for some dungeons by all means - but do you feel the same about every bandit by the side of the road? What about when you have the very, very best (say) Daedric armour that exists...but so does every petty bandit?
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Post Thu Mar 30, 2006 6:05 am
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Keeper of the Gates
Keeper of the Gates

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quote]This is fine for some dungeons by all means - but do you feel the same about every bandit by the side of the road? What about when you have the very, very best (say) Daedric armour that exists...but so does every petty bandit?[/quote]

OMG that sucks. Who's stupid idea was that? I'm glad I read this post. Everything I've heard about Oblivion raves about it and I was planning to buy an Xbox just to play it. I got the PC version but it doesn't run smoothly enough for me and I find I can't enjoy it. Now I think I'll persevere with the PC. The whole scaling idea seems really lame to me.
Post Thu Mar 30, 2006 8:26 am
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Keeper of the Gates
Keeper of the Gates

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im also having trouble with this game, at the moment im trying to work out what exactly it is that makes me like the previous game so much more, i dont really have a problem with the monster difficulty scalling up they are still pretty easy to kill. The game i surpose just ffels kind of empty in comparisson to the elder scrolls III, there are so few cities and they seem very repetative onece you get in them and the little villiages just seem boring and there is so much empty space aswell and the dungeons when you find them are kind of dull and repetative in the same way as the towns, also the monsters seem a little dull but maybe this is only because ive only played for a few hours. I would be interested to know if other people agree with me or if it will get better or worse as i continue to play, i do intend to persevere for the moment as i didnt love morrowind when i first played it although then i felt overwhelmed and confused as opposed to underwhelmed and bored
Post Thu Mar 30, 2006 9:13 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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Well, it doesnt suck, but Im very disappointed right now. After one week playing, I find myself with no more motivation to keep on playing. I just hope they release a MAJOR patch on the "level scaling" or whatever they call it. It ruins the game.

My love- and hate-story with the game in a few sentences:

Days and nights I played this game, didnt follow the main-quest, just wandered around, did some quest, exploring some caves, etc. Then suddenly, it wasnt my fault, became a vampire and spent about 2 days or, dunno, 20 hours with fighting my curse, attention spoiler, tried to get the 5 big soul gems (or stones) from various ruins and caves in the area. Leveled up unintended to lvl 20 or something. Glass- and Deadra- Armor dropped everywhere. After I was healed, went on to play the main-quest, Oblivion-creatures F-bomb removed pwn me, totally unbalanced, plus when fighting 10 deadra at one time my machine gets too slow. So why should i go on with this crappy, unbalanced lvl-system, where i get weaker all the time, no more new armor to encounter and the level-up beeing no goal cause it only makes you weaker. Man I just hope they release a patch soon for the worst flaw, the enemy-level-scaling. This is no more fun right now.
Post Fri Mar 31, 2006 8:32 pm
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RPG Frog
Blade Runner
Blade Runner

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This game does not suck...

http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/927345.asp (X360 = 95%/28 )

http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/924363.asp (PC = 93%/16)
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Post Sat Apr 01, 2006 4:48 pm
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