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Devastating SWG Review at Guru3D
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Critical Error
Critical Error

Joined: 06 Jul 2001
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Well - this is of course based on the beta, since there is no way that you can write a full review 3 hours after the game is released to the public. Nevertheless I think that the difference between the beta and the official release won't be earthshaking. So: here you got one bad review. Wait for the others. BUT:

We are just reporting, folks. We didn't write it. And beating the messenger for a bad message he brings to you is lame, imho. The review at Guru3D is just one opinion. You will have to live with it.
former Senior Editor RPGDot
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Post Thu Jun 26, 2003 6:48 pm
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Wow. It can safely be said that not a single person on the planet Earth would ever pay the individual who wrote that review for his or her writing skills and objective viewpoint...because they do not exist.
Post Thu Jun 26, 2003 6:59 pm
Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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My simple point, I won't consider anything a REVIEW of an online game until it's been up for at least 30 days. You want to accept a BETA player's observations as your 'final word'.. so be it.
Post Thu Jun 26, 2003 7:00 pm
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The writer's objectivity is so lopsided and heavy-handed, even I don't have that much bile to toss at SWG. Personally, the game (during beta) has been fun and entertaining, warts and all. I see the glass as being half full, unlike the writer. What I've seen the dev team of SWG accomplished in a short span of time to meet the release date provides me with assurance that SWG has the legs and commitment to improve and adapt. This game won't be for everyone's taste and preference, unfortunately.

It's not a shining star, yet...but with it's roots in place, the game should attain great growth and maturity throughout its lifespan, becoming one of the brightest stars of the galaxy.
Post Thu Jun 26, 2003 7:02 pm
Baron of the Court
Baron of the Court

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Thanks for your reply Hyrrix.

But my points still stand. What does the fact mean that certain elements of SWG are in certain other good mmorpg's?
Only that SWG has them all in one game.
Some games have a bit more of something, some games a bit less.
SWG, imo, has a lot of good things going for it.

Btw, you can't solo in Daoc all too well I know, I've played it for a year.
Ok, some classes can like a Necro but try bringing a Cleric to lvl 50 like I did
Neocron's graphics don't come close to SWG's.
A Tale in the Desert is mainly about crafting so it has more of that particular element. (I might check that title out some day, it sounds neat)
Star Wars music is just plain cool and yes I have a cd at home too
But you haven't shot a laser rifle while listening to it did you? lol
Char creation is superb. I don't know of any better ones out there.
Yes, Unique char development
I didn't know that Neocron had sell back skills too Nice. What a blessing that SWG has it too
Compare Daoc's start with SWG start please. The realms weren't all that full when Daoc first launched. Hibernia (where I started) sure wasn't.
Ultima Online is isometric......SWG is 1st or 3rd person. It offers a totally different experience imo. (not that isometric is bad, but 1st or 3rd person is just totally different)
Shuttles or portals in Daoc? I don't think so Most traveling is done either by foot or by horse (which you can't control).
Asherons Call 1 (and 2 as well) still has the best travel system I believe tho. Lifestone/portal recall and summon portal are the best

Anyways, I'm glad you replied in a normal way. I kinda expected that this would turn out in an emotianel thread.
Glad it didn't
So we agree on some points and on others we do not. That's fine.
We don't all have to like the same thing right?

May the force be with you! (or not...hehe)
Post Thu Jun 26, 2003 7:20 pm
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Originally posted by Rendelius
Well - this is of course based on the beta, since there is no way that you can write a full review 3 hours after the game is released to the public. Nevertheless I think that the difference between the beta and the official release won't be earthshaking. So: here you got one bad review. Wait for the others. BUT:

We are just reporting, folks. We didn't write it. And beating the messenger for a bad message he brings to you is lame, imho. The review at Guru3D is just one opinion. You will have to live with it.

I guess my point would be that RPGDot did not treat this angry review with the kind of cynicism / wink-wink-nod-nod that goes with games they like. the headline was DEVISTATING BAD REVIEW or something like that ... not a take this with some salt, we dont know who this guy is, etc.

There are many other "reviews" out there that are nuetral, good, and yes bad that have been the public boards. None were as bad as this. I just thought it should have had a warning / disclaimer.
Post Thu Jun 26, 2003 7:23 pm

Check out the tech forums.

Hello Maybe some of the nay sayers (fanboi's) that wish to cloud themselves in anything positive but nothing negative, should go check out the tech support forums where no one can even register for the game -- much less even try and patch. There is a bright side, at least you will not have to worry about server stability since you cannot even register the program. Just wait till people even try and log in.


This launch will make AO look like a Blizzard title.
Post Thu Jun 26, 2003 7:28 pm

It's pretty bad

I was in beta 3 and I must say, after several days, I just couldn't find any reason to log in. The game has ZERO content. It is nothing more than a task running game.

Think of the guard kill tasks of early levels in DAoC. That is all SWG is. The is nothing more in the game beyond running tasks (unless you want to craft). At least in DAoC kill tasks were just an optional thing, in SWG that is all you do.

There is never anything to look forward too, everything is dynamic spawn. It is utterly dull and you've seen it all after just a single day of playing.
Post Thu Jun 26, 2003 7:35 pm
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Well as a beta tester I'd say the reviewer got it pretty much spot on, even if he did have an axe to grind - and that is open to conjecture.

For me the game totally failed to draw me in. Apart from the massive bugs and stability issues not to mention the incomplete economy/bazaar/crafting problems, the real letdown is the virtual absence of a Star Wars "feel" to the game.

Sadly, the intro movie which is too short and shoddily made, reminds me of all the things that are lacking in the game - space being one of them!

Yes, in 6 months time it may be great, as AO was improved over time and AC2 may also be. For how long, however, must we continue to pay for shoddily produced premature releases with the grey suits telling developers "release now and patch later". I guess we're our own worst enemies as we all say we won't fall for it but we always do.

How is launch day going? Anyone tried it yet?
Post Thu Jun 26, 2003 7:40 pm
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I beta'd the game also, and while I can't agree that this might be the worst mmog launch in the history of mankind, I have to agree that this game is not ready for launch. Sure the graphics are great, and the environments are beautiful, but after the "starwarsy" effect passes, there really isn't much to do in the game. Basically, just a bunch of similar feeling random npc quests, crafting, and pointless pvp. Add into that equation all the unresolved bugs that exist, and there is no way I would buy this game right now. Maybe in three months from now, but not right now.
Post Thu Jun 26, 2003 7:42 pm
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Just a further thought - if anyone wants to see what a REAL game looks and plays like, albeit an offline one, without patches and with the highest quality of design and implementation then have a look at Gothic 2. That game shows how it should be done and even manages to convey a multiplayer feel because of the degree of interraction.

Perhaps some online developers should take a look at it, instead of sitting back and thinking "as long as we bomb less than AC2 did we should be ok".
Post Thu Jun 26, 2003 7:43 pm
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Keeper of the Gates
Keeper of the Gates

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Reviews should be written based on the state of the game at the time the reader is considering purchase. Since it's impractical to have reviewers write a new review each days, they have to pick the times when the most readers will be considering purchase. The launch of a title is the absolute number one such time, and thus is the most appropriate time to write a review. The game you're playing at the end of beta is the game you're playing at release. Or at least it better be, or the company is selling you untested code.

That notwithstanding, I've been reading beta board reviews for a while now, and the funny thing is that not a single negative review ever gave me any clue that I wouldn't even be able to register (or play) the game more than 3 hours after I rushed out to buy it. As far as I can tell, the game's merits or problems may be moot, since no one can get on to play it.

Post Thu Jun 26, 2003 8:02 pm
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The amazement I felt when I first logged into this game has grown substantially.

The current version is a wonderful implementation. You've done a great job. The servers are great, the client is very smooth.

Wonderful job. The naysayers that complain about the login server need to understand that you have a massive volume of transactions on day one and it isn't feasible to overbuild your login server to handle 500% the average volume and let all that wasted capacity go to waste for the next few years. It was a little tense to set up the account, but it didn't take long and I'm already doing missions for the good guys (The Imperials).

Now, all my friends can finally see what I've been so mum about!

reference: http://forums.station.sony.com/swg/board/message?board.id=general_any_topic&message.id=287

Oh, with a title like "Devastating SWG Review," I'm sure you'd find a nice counterpoint with a title like, "Glorifying SWG Review," all in the name of balance, so that your bias doesn't enter the picture of reporting news. Fortunately, I've seen better even-handed reviews of SWG from other game sources. Ouch! Very much ouch!
Post Thu Jun 26, 2003 8:06 pm

I have to agree with the review

I was in beta. The review is very much in line with the game as it is now. Fanbois tried to shout people down in beta for raising concerns. Now they have the steaming pile of dog crap they deserve.
Post Thu Jun 26, 2003 8:08 pm
Critical Error
Critical Error

Joined: 06 Jul 2001
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Oh, with a title like "Devastating SWG Review," I'm sure you'd find a nice counterpoint with a title like, "Glorifying SWG Review," all in the name of balance, so that your bias doesn't enter the picture of reporting news

May I just state that I have no bias at all towards SWG. If you find a single quote from me where I either endorsed or bashed the game, please show me. But I really doubt you will find one for a simple reason: You'll have a hard time finding something I have written about SWG but "preview here", "forum tidbits there".

And if you think this review wasn't devastating, please elaborate. I found it devastating.

PS: Funny enough nobody tells me I have a bias against Mistmare - because I have *g*.
former Senior Editor RPGDot
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Post Thu Jun 26, 2003 8:36 pm
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