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Mods you use and would suggest to others
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

Joined: 22 Mar 2006
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Mods you use and would suggest to others

I was wondering what mods people are using to fix a few of the short commings in Oblivion. What they do? What sites do you guys check for mods? Is it easy to make a mod?

Post Sat Apr 01, 2006 5:06 pm
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Village Leader
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Post re-done for easier reading (and because I've changed the list some). Still absurdly long...sorry bout that.

Places to get mods:

A) http://www.tescreens.be/oblivionmodwiki/index.php/Category:Mods
B) http://www.tessource.net/files/
C) http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.List&game=4
D) http://www.gamingtown.net/oblivion-mods/

Mods I use. I know these work, and don't conflict with each other (at least they work and don't conflict for me). I was gonna post links but that's too much clutter. The letter at the end of the mod description matches the letter of where it can be found (from the above list). Most are at more than one place though so I always put the modwiki if it's in there (so most will be "A"s).

UI mods:

BTmod 2.20 - *many* changes to the UI. More inventory/repair/skills/etc items on screen at same time. And more things to make this a PC game instead of a half-ass console port...fully customizable now. Choose the parts you like and ignore what you don't want to change. Some parts of this are a must have (I don't use the parts that affect the map/compass/quests). http://www.beider.org/btmod/

Smaller crosshair & Sneak eye mover 1.0 - combo mod (can use either or both) - A
No Annoying Messages 1.2 - removes "Loading area" msg - A
Color Map Mod 1.1 by p1p3 - colorizes the in-game maps - A
Thacadians Colored World Map - does the same as above...differently. I prefer this one. - B
No Beginning Markers (aka MarkerExplore) 1.0 - removes starting fast travel markers - C

Quest Award Leveling 1.0 - makes quest rewards level up as you do so they don't become obsolete (essential and stupid Bethesda didn't do it this way) - A

TF TimeMod 1.1 - change the ratio of real time to game time from 1:30 to 1:1 or 1:10 - A
Fathis Fix 1.0 - fixes some bugs with Fathis Ules (Thieve's Guild NPC) - A
Border Removal - removes invisbile barrier & msg at edge of map - A
DeadlierTraps 1.0 - most traps will outright kill you - A
Digizens Improved Atronarch - 20% of physical dmg taken is given to you as Magicka (you still take the dmg) - A

These 2 aren't needed if you use a mod that changes character leveling (they all do this):
Birthsigns NoMax - birthsigns bonus can take attributes above 100 - B
Retroactive Health - "fixes" the way health is gained so no need to rush to max endurance - B

Skill Related:
Alchemy Perks - More Potion Effects - gives what Bethesda said Alchemy would do originally - A
Marksman Velocity - arrows improve in speed based on quality (i.e. Daedric = fastest) - A
Sneak Master Perk Replacement - x4/x8 dmg backstab - B
SecurityRebalance Traps 1.1 - adds trapped locks that can be disarmed - A
Attack & Hide 2.0 - chance to remain hidden or return to hidden after attacking (3 versions) - A

Spell Related:
Better Destruction 1.01 - B
ArcaneVelocity - increase the speed of bolt type spells (yours & the enemies. 3 versions) - A
Health Spell Cost - halves magicka cost of heals - B
Perception 1.5 - new AOE spell to detect mob strength relative to you. useful with mods that change/get rid of leveled lists for mobs (If something con's RED to you RUN). - A

AI Related:
No Psychic Guards 1.2 - reduces range that guards hear reported crimes - A
WCGL - Wilderness Creatures List 1.0 - modifies wilderness leveled lists (dangerous) - A
Natural Wildlife 1.3 - randomizes animal behavior (some are passive or will flee...some are aggressive) - A

Items Related:
Forgrums Travelogue 1.11 - book that gives 9 mark/recall spells (only usable indoors) - A
SWpretties - increases gem/jewelry value by a small amount - A
Buy Lockpicks - Thoronir sells lockpicks now - A
Portable Bedroll - A
Lockpick Mold - make your own picks (sadly it's also an unbalanced weapon) - A
Lite Arrows - makes arrows weightless or much lighter - A
Lighter Alchemy Ingredients - A
AxeBane's Hunters Mod 1.5 - adds more meat & skins to most animals, and antlers to male deer. sadly not compatible with Natural Wildlife 1.3 but the author is working on a new version that combines the two. - A

Horse Related:
CallSteed 2.5 & SaddleBags 0.91 combo mod - A
FastHorse (Gallop) - horse builds up speed, but not by too much - A
Faster Turning Horses - A
Horses Stay Put (no wandering) - Stolen horses don't run off when you dismount - A
TJ_Horse Names - B
Ride Wild Horses 2.0 - A

ReBalanceMod 1.0 - tweaks alot of small things (carry weight, some skills, etc) - A

Graphics Related:
No Persistent Enchantment Glow - A
Better Imperfect Water - alot better than the Better Water mod IMO - B
Better Gold - A
NaturalStarlight - changes color of starlight spell (no longer green) - A
Landscape LOD texture replacement - higher rez distant ground textures - looks MUCH better - B
Landscape LOD texture replacement (Border Regions) - the rest of the areas covered - B

As for those 2 texture replacement files, there are more. Read this:

I'm not including leveling or Item rarity mods but there are a few of each that look good. Mainly just a matter of taste though. Auryn's and Kobu's leveling mods sound good. And PlasticFoamMan's & Tom Servo's item rarity mods both sound good too. I've got them both just haven't used them yet.

Lyrondor's Combat Behavior Mod is great...but I was getting my ass handed to me too often so I ditched it for now. Definitely makes the enemy AI better in combat though.

Some good one's that work but weren't for me:
Wolfie's Polishing Cloth - skill based item to remove "stolen" tag from stuff before stealing it - B
Respawn Timer Change - change the dungeon respawn timer (much shorter or effectively never)
Brighter Torches - A
Darker Dungeons - A
Darker Nights - A
Ring of Atmospherancy - weather control ring - A

Also I'd advise not using the "mod" End of Sewers Save. I'm pretty sure it's corrupt. For some reason it has a clothing item texture that is corrupt and if you pick it up it will lock up your game the next time you zone to a new area. I even reinstalled Oblivion and used only that save (with no mods) to test it and it still did the same thing so I'mm 99% sure it's the save file. I'd advise just making a save right at the exit from the Sewers and never saving over it. That way you can just reload it whenever you want to start a new character (instead of doing the whole tutorial dungeon over again). I haven't tried the other quick start mods but you're better off just making the save yourself.

Last edited by Majnun on Tue Apr 04, 2006 6:12 am; edited 2 times in total
Post Sat Apr 01, 2006 6:56 pm
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Village Leader
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I am using my own Harvest MOD ( duh )...
I am never gonna use Oblivion again without the BTmod ( a UI update )
The Color Map MOD...
And the ( waaay ) Better Water MOD.

I wont be playing any MOD that changes Betheda's conecpt of Oblivion. Until I have finshed it once.

This was the same approach I took when I was playing Morrowind... but less strict. When I played Morrowind I refused to MOD anything the first time thru. When I completed the game I took a break,and after some months went back and found the most popluar realism MODs. WOW, was I stupid or what to play Morrowind without MODs even once. The best example was the 'Real Signposts' MOD, it would not have altered my Morrowind experience such that it didn't differ at all from Bethesda's concept, it would have only made the first time thru that much more enjoyable and immersive. Same goes for the MODs I listed above in regards to Oblivion. And I of course keep watching for additional ones.

I am looking forward to playing Oblivion the second time thru, much more so than I was while playing Morrowind the first time. There are already a bunch of good MODs available. And the list of MODs that 'just make sense' is getting longer with each passing day. Saddle Bags just makes sense to me. But at the moment its a polish on Bethesda's encumberance rule-set. So it must wait for the second time thru.

BTW all the MODs I listed are at TESSource...

-= XmirroR =-

Post Sat Apr 01, 2006 7:30 pm
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Stranger In A Strange Land
Stranger In A Strange Land

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Another vote for the BTMod (Bethsoft should pay them and automatically send a copy to every PC player). Otherwise, I want to play through once to see it as it is before any real game-changing mods.

I have my eye on Auryn's level mod if I play through again and that list is excellent, Majnun.
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Post Sat Apr 01, 2006 10:46 pm
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Keeper of the Gates
Keeper of the Gates

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I like to play games the way the devs intended, even if I don't always agree. I think you level too quickly but I'll stick with it.

I do like to change some asthetics though. I love the ChaseCameraMod that fixes the weird way the camera swings around in 3rd person. If you enjoy running around in 3rd person you'll find it 100% better. It would be even better if it was zoomed in a bit.

I also definately need anything that COMPLETELY removes the magic glow of stuff. God knows why they insisted on carrying that over from Morrowind. Next you'll be telling me there's bloody cliff racers in Oblivion as well.
Post Sun Apr 02, 2006 5:23 am
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Originally posted by Phil5000
I also definately need anything that COMPLETELY removes the magic glow of stuff. God knows why they insisted on carrying that over from Morrowind. Next you'll be telling me there's bloody cliff racers in Oblivion as well.
Look above to Majnun's post. #815 near the top looks like just the thing for you.
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Sorry. No pearls of wisdom in this oyster.
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Post Sun Apr 02, 2006 5:24 pm
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Keeper of the Gates
Keeper of the Gates

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Originally posted by dteowner
Originally posted by Phil5000
I also definately need anything that COMPLETELY removes the magic glow of stuff. God knows why they insisted on carrying that over from Morrowind. Next you'll be telling me there's bloody cliff racers in Oblivion as well.
Look above to Majnun's post. #815 near the top looks like just the thing for you.

Yeah, doesn't work with weapons.
Post Mon Apr 03, 2006 1:12 am
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Village Leader
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Try this one:


It only dims the effect by 50% but it says it works on weapons too. I haven't tried it yet. I'm waiting on the next version that has a 75% reduction (supposedly coming tomorrow).

Edit: Bah, nevermind. I think this one affects way too many other things. It sounds like it reduces the effect from *all* magic (including spells you cast). So that won't work for me.

But it's obvious that eliminating the effect from weapons is possible...just a matter of time. Maybe posting a request on the forum in the thread for the mod that just does armor would get it added.
Post Mon Apr 03, 2006 2:48 am
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Late Night Spook
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I prefer to play a game vanilla, but since the German version is the nightmare of every translator, I'm using a translation mod which fixes the errors and some translation-related bugs.
Don't get me wrong, voice acting is fine (and the voice actors aren't to blame for some near misses in the translation), but there are several QUITE misleading translation errors... , sure, you *can* name a healing spell 'fireball', but it's pretty avantgarde, don't you think?

Here you can find the link to the patch: http://www.globalgameport.de/wbb2/thread.php?threadid=396
Post Mon Apr 03, 2006 5:41 am
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Paws of Doom
Paws of Doom

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goin thru non-modded first run, 'cept I might give my char good lookin armor with current attributes of my best drop, as Ive always done. Im very vain when it comes to my chars. Althought that herbalism mod is quite tempting

On one paw, I think the difficulties and overcoming shortcomings of the title, gives it a bit more of a challenge. Secondly, I like seeing the extent of all the probs so I know what people are talking about when we start arguing or complaining about the game
“Then away out in the woods I heard that kind of a sound that a ghost makes when it wants to tell about something that's on its mind and can't make itself understood, and so can't rest easy in its grave, and has to go about that way every night grieving.”-Mark Twain
Post Mon Apr 03, 2006 7:44 am
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The Old One
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Same here. First time through = no mods.
Post Mon Apr 03, 2006 8:10 am
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Black Ring Leader
Black Ring Leader

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I'm only using two mods...

- 'NoLoad.esp' which removes the 'Loading Area' messages from the game and
- 'JensineGoldBoost.esp' which I made by myself *g*. It gives Jensine in the Imperial City 60K gold per transaction instead of 600 gold and -yes- my character is one rich mofo now .
Post Mon Apr 03, 2006 2:17 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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Thanks for the feedback, I dled a bunch of mods, hoping to try them sometime this week. Anyone know where I can find a mod that makes it so that if you run your stamina drains slowly? I thought I heard something about it but I don't know.

Post Mon Apr 03, 2006 8:19 pm
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Black Ring Leader
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I just made one that drains stamina slowly when running but what you probably want is one that also automatically forces you to walk as soon as your stamina is all used up, right? I don't know how to make that work.

Draining stamina is easily done though...

1) Open TES editor.
2) Go to 'File' - 'Data' and 2x click the 'Oblivion.esm' to load the game data. Wait for data to load (30 seconds+).
3) Open 'Gameplay' - 'Settings'.
4) Look for the values starting with 'fFatigue...'. The ones you need to edit are 'fFatigueRunBase' (I set it to '30' for testing) and 'fFatigueRunMult' (which I set to '0.1000' for testing). The values I tried made the stamina drain feel rather natural in-game. Just experiment with the numbers.
5) When you have changed these or any values and want to save your changes as a "mod" (esp) then just go to 'File' - 'Save' and enter a filename. Then you have your own esp file that you can include as a mod from the Oblivion launcher.

What the above will do is that you will lose stamina when running and you will have to walk to regenerate stamina. However, what will not happen is that you will automatically be set to walking speed when stamina reaches zero. You can still keep running forever so it's admittedly a semi-useless mod .
Post Mon Apr 03, 2006 10:26 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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Ok instead of making a new thread about mods I decided to continue this one. So its been more then a month since release (I believe) and there are tons of mods out to change almost everything in the game. I'm not sure about some of you guys but I really don't like looking and trying mods while I'm playing my character, because it take away from my play time. My solution to this was to get all the major mods I want, installed and working before I really start playing alot. I also don't know if I should download the 1.1 beta patch or will it screw up my mods or game. Im kind of getting swamped with different mods that Iv downloaded from different sites. Like for instance I have 3 water mods, but I dont know which one to pick, I suppose I should test each one near water or something, but I dont know how to make ingame screenshots . Im kind of waiting til some mods come out on top so I can pick then out easily.

Post Wed May 17, 2006 2:09 pm
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