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Twenty Finishes? Party Tracker SPOILER thread
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One of Us

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Twenty Finishes? Party Tracker SPOILER thread

Every once in a while, someone here mentions my prolification of parties in this game, and yes, i play A Lot. I am now at the point in the game where i decide whether to continue with my current party or start another. I've been here at least 50 times (around Level 8; where in the game depends on which way i go after returning to the Monastery--spoiler below)
So now i've decided to continue with what may well turn out to be the 20th!
Like 17 and 18, they're randomly generated Race and Class (and size). (19 was an import from a freind's W-7; it was a challenge thing)
Dwarf Bishop, Lizardkind Samurai, Dracon Gadgeteer, Lizardkind Ranger, and Gnome Alchemist.
Really nice, having smart Lizzies!
Too bad i don't have a smart Bish!
Lately, i've been picking pockets (my CD's have Patch 1) if i have anyone who can, so i can go to Gigas, get Kunar's key and step on his teleporter to Marten's Bluff. This gets me a lot more goodies (mostly spellbooks) before i go to Trynnton--i can complete everything on the Branches in one visit, and go back to take the T'rangaporter to Rapax Rift by around L12-13, where i have a few fights to get to the Castle t-porter. (i run from the fight with all the Priestesses). Then i gotta fight my way in, but i go straight to the Templar quest (no, you don't need to talk to the prisoner first). Then everybody's green, so after a long shopping trip to Ferro, i even get help against the Lava Lord when i go back out to finish the Rift and kill Al-S.
This all makes the rest of the game much easier, having attained most of the best equipment before most of the game. (if i have a Mook, my next stop after RR is the SE Wilderness...otherwise i don't even go there. None of the T'rang or Umpani quests are that interesting, except for getting Bushido to drop from Raven when i first get to MB)(Edit: whose head i need anyway...)
If thousand-year-old family traditions are so important to you, why do you have indoor plumbing and electricity in your family's house?

Last edited by otter on Sat Oct 05, 2002 7:49 am; edited 1 time in total
Post Tue Oct 01, 2002 8:23 am
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One of Us

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Well, sorry, all, i was hoping for responses, especially if anyone has tried randomly selecting parties, or has a lot of finishes. My bad, i didn't ask...i am interested to hear about oddball parties, too, like 2 Lords and a Fighter, etc.
Anyway, this #20 is proving a bit more interesting. No character can PP, and i've played the last 6 parties with; i've really spoiled myself. And with 5 members everything happens kinda slower, too. Although i'm not on Iron Mode, i am taking the first drop everywhere, and that's adding to the challenge.
I had the thought about starting a spoiler thread where folks just update on where their parties are, for folks who've alredy been through enough not to be spoiled beyond where they are in the game, maybe if you see this and like the idea, you could start it yourself, or tell me to--it should be a new thread, just so it can have a big spoiler warning in the Title.
If thousand-year-old family traditions are so important to you, why do you have indoor plumbing and electricity in your family's house?
Post Fri Oct 04, 2002 2:59 am
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High Emperor
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Sure, I like the idea of a spoiler thread. This way, I can quickly look up anything I've forgotten or am too lazy to look up in my notes if I want to. Before I just start one up, any suggestions on what format you'd like. (The lazy thing to do is just link to a walkthrough, but I don't think it's what we're talking about.)
The world itself shifts and changes and fades to mist like the strings of a minstrel's harp, and mayhap the dreams we forge are more enduring than the works of kings and gods.-Robert E. Howard
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Post Sat Oct 05, 2002 7:04 am
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One of Us

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I dunno; i thought it could just be each person could talk about where they are in the game, and you could follow each party as they go their sundry ways, with notes on what mobs showed up, what was in the chests, strategies used, PP results, etc. We could do it right here; i just edited the title, so here goes:
I currently have 2 parties going, one in the opening post above, i just left Arnika for the return to the Monastery, i'll probably hunt a couple of Metallic Slimes, i like when they drop Ankh of Speed and Locket of Reflection, hope i don't get bored before i get one of them. Gonna have to pay attention to tactics a little more--i didn't do Stealth training with them, and can't PP, so i don't have all the protective devices i'm used to.
The other group is Liz Lord, Felpurr Bard-to-Sam, and Mook Ranger.
They're in Arnika, all L8, and the Bard is practising the fiddle--she's the Haster, and i'm changing her as soon as she gets around 80 in Music (almost never fumbles the Drums then). This party's going to Gigas right after the return to the Monastery. BTW: Bildublu, the Barkeeper, has an impressive drop list, if you use PP!
If thousand-year-old family traditions are so important to you, why do you have indoor plumbing and electricity in your family's house?
Post Sat Oct 05, 2002 8:02 am
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High Emperor
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My second party is on my way out from Marten's bluff, with the intention of exploring the northern swamp & mine tunnels back to LMB, and then returning back to Mt. Gigas for major exploration (last time I never completed the forbidden areas, and I want to finish them this time). Party is typically around level 16 and is: samurai, ninja, monk, valkyrie, gadgeteer & bishop (no NPCs).

First spoiler: I finally figured out the controls in upper marten's bluff to work the sliding glass doors and the elevator. When you first get there, the elevator is unlocked & active before you can even know what it is. It is possible to lock the elevator so you don't go down to LMB. There is a computer screen with up and down arrows on the front. Press the button 1 time, locks the elevator. Press it again, elevator works again.

Second spoiler: First time through, I encounterd few groups of frightmares but they seemed amazingly tough. Second time, I'm finding a lot of them and they're a lot easier. Keep magic screen active at all times in the swamp, and when you encounter them immediately cast element shield & soul shield. Defensive magic rules the game, but especially here.
The world itself shifts and changes and fades to mist like the strings of a minstrel's harp, and mayhap the dreams we forge are more enduring than the works of kings and gods.-Robert E. Howard
=Member of the RPGDot Shadows, The Nonflamers' Guild, and The Alliance of Middle Earth=
Post Sat Oct 05, 2002 8:22 am
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My party is at about level 17-18, and we're at the entrance to Arnika, having just done the stupidly easy disarment of the Savant Tower. We're about to go to the Rapax camp to do the T'Rang, Umpani unification quest. I want to get everything done this time before I try to finish.

I placed a portal at the entrance to Ascension Peak, so I don't have to go through the Rapax Rift/Castle again when they turn hostile. Until very recently, only one in my party (my Bishop) had the ability to cast the Portal spells, and that made things pretty annoying. My Samurai can do it now, finally. I always have trouble building up a hybrid's Magic skills. I'll set his portal close to a merchant so I can go and restock if I ever run out of ammo.

There haven't been many challenging battles recently, but I expect that to change once I get to Ascenion Peak. Thank the lord for Death Wish. And my Gadgeteer with the NegatAir.
Post Sun Oct 06, 2002 6:45 am
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You guys are EVIL! I should be playing Morrowind. I finally started Gothic, and played for one day. What have I fired up over the weekend? Wiz8. Again. It's all your fault!

My current batch of bashers:
Felpurr Samurai (didn't want one, but needed access to the mage book)
Lizzy Fighter
Gnome Ranger (really pushing the alchemy aspect this time)
Dwarf Priest (thought about a bishop here, but did that last time)
Gnome Gadg (haven't stuck with one yet, so this should be fun)
Mook Psionic (same as gadg)

Surprisingly, I didn't have any urge to restart with this crew. Must be getting too comfortable with the game. We're almost done with Arnika. Not sure whether we'll head to Trynton or Mt. Gigas next.
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Sorry. No pearls of wisdom in this oyster.
RIP Red Wings How 'Bout Dem Cowboys!
Post Mon Oct 07, 2002 8:36 pm
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One of Us

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Well, i've temporarily abandoned the Random party (Ave Level 9, Standing in the Mine Cart, waiting to pull the handle--maybe they'll be 21st). It's pretty clear they'll make it, but they'll be a bit underdeveloped forever. Instead, i thought i'd take a variation on my favorite 4-member crew to make the 20th one of those Ueberparties:
Rawulf Lord mostly for Mauler/DE
Mook Ranger (usually change these to Fighter after they get Portal)
Hobbit Bishop: Yes, Virginia, Powercast is worth it...and Staff O'Doom.
Hobbit Rogue/Samurai. Takes about 5 Rogue levels total to have enough PP and get to 50 in L&T (Bishop support is enough). I'm gonna stockpile levels a couple times with this one, so i can alternate classes and PP all the NPC's until i get 95 or so. Then i get to play with Muramasa...
Other variations include: Felpurr Bard/Samurai instead of the Rogue; Hobbit or Elf Monk instead of either the Lord or the Bishop; Faerie Ninja instead of Rogue.
No, i still haven't done a solo FN. (did a solo Bard/Sam and one Bish/Lord)
If thousand-year-old family traditions are so important to you, why do you have indoor plumbing and electricity in your family's house?
Post Tue Oct 08, 2002 8:04 am
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High Emperor
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For those with multiple higher level spellcasters in the party, here's one I'm doing now:
Have 1 caster set a portal right in front of Braffit in Arnika. This way you always have a safe place to camp, and are right next to the healing fountain in case you've gotten into really big trouble.

Then have another caster periodically cast set portal as you explore. Need a rest? Portal to Arnika. Rest, heal, etc. Portal right back to where you left off.

When I go for my full exploration of Mt. Gigas forbidden areas, this will be the key to my success. (I gave up after exploring a lot of it first time through, but this time I'm determined to complete it.)
The world itself shifts and changes and fades to mist like the strings of a minstrel's harp, and mayhap the dreams we forge are more enduring than the works of kings and gods.-Robert E. Howard
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Post Thu Oct 10, 2002 1:14 am
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Originally posted by Bilbo
For those with multiple higher level spellcasters in the party, here's one I'm doing now:
Have 1 caster set a portal right in front of Braffit in Arnika. This way you always have a safe place to camp, and are right next to the healing fountain in case you've gotten into really big trouble.
The other night, I slept in Braffit's room and was ambushed by 10 Higardi. My party was able to handle them since I slept in a corner, but Braffit almost died, which would have really pooched the storyline for me.

I always use the room at Heli's that she'll give you as a quest. Not only is it safe, but there's a chest there that you can dump stuff in (I usually store some extra ammo, custom weapon ingredients, and junk) until you need it.

I also make use of the "two portal hop" as soon as possible.
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Sorry. No pearls of wisdom in this oyster.
RIP Red Wings How 'Bout Dem Cowboys!
Post Thu Oct 10, 2002 1:51 am
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High Emperor
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Originally posted by dteowner
The other night, I slept in Braffit's room and was ambushed by 10 Higardi. My party was able to handle them since I slept in a corner, but Braffit almost died, which would have really pooched the storyline for me.
I'm surprised. I've never had an encounter there, and I read somewhere (here? Sir-Tech's website?) that it was a "safe" area where monsters would never come into.

But you're right. Most any room with a door is safe. The one exception I know of is in the Monastery where you fight an apus (?).
The world itself shifts and changes and fades to mist like the strings of a minstrel's harp, and mayhap the dreams we forge are more enduring than the works of kings and gods.-Robert E. Howard
=Member of the RPGDot Shadows, The Nonflamers' Guild, and The Alliance of Middle Earth=
Post Fri Oct 11, 2002 3:50 am
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Well, a little party update....

This was my first attempt at Ironman mode. I'm now regretting that decision, cuz my little band o bashers are now pushing up daisies. I was on Arnika Road headed back to the Monestary with the wheel key. My crew was level 8 and 9. We were attacked by about 7 Higardi (about 80 HP each). That battle was OK. Probably spent too many spell points, had myself backed all snug into a corner, nothing terrible. As I was dusting off the final 2 (who had me trapped in said corner), a new group of baddies joins the fray. 2 cultists (80 HP each) escorted by 11 Higardi (100 HP each) in groups of 5 and 6. First round, the cultists summon up elementals. A Lesser earth (200 HP) and a "regular" fire (325 HP!). I don't know that I've EVER seen that big of a mismatch. We were torn to pieces.

Not sure if I'll start a new party or return to MW and/or Gothic. We'll see what the weekend holds.

EDIT: Actually, anyone want to help out with a new party? I thought it might be fun to try a 4 character crew. Something not too challenging... I won't be using any RPCs. I think I'd like one of the four to be a monk. Wisdom to share?
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Sorry. No pearls of wisdom in this oyster.
RIP Red Wings How 'Bout Dem Cowboys!
Post Fri Oct 11, 2002 4:07 pm
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One of Us

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Monks are fun, i once did one with 2 Monks and a Bishop; one monk was Flying Feet and Fists of Fury, and the other built up to Zatoichiness...
But for a fairly deadly bunch, if you like all Hybrids, a Monk goes nicely with a Ninja (if not Faerie, then for Mauler/Nunchaku), a Samurai and a Lord. If you want a Pure Caster, my fave would be Bishop instead of either the Lord or the Sam. In either case you can then replace the Ninja with a Mook Bard who turns to Fighter when you get to the Giant's Sword. Because it's only 4, they'll develop quite nicely, but they will need at least a little practise here and there.
If thousand-year-old family traditions are so important to you, why do you have indoor plumbing and electricity in your family's house?
Post Fri Oct 11, 2002 8:59 pm
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Well, my four man crew died upon entering the upper monestary. Rats! Freakin rats! I don't know whether I pooched the combat or not, but that was really disappointing. Made me so mad that I started a new 6 man party. I'm trying several classes that I haven't done much with in the past. I'm hoping to stick with this party long enough to have some fun with those new classes. Soooo, introducing my latest crew!

Human Valk
Faerie Ninja (gonna see what's so great about the CoC)
Hobbit Ranger
Mook Psionic
Hobbit Gadgeteer (gotta stick with one past level 10)
Elf Mage

As always, no RPCs unless required by a quest. We're working thru Arnika right now. And this time, no ironman mode!
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=Benevolent Dictator, X2/X3 and Morrowind/Oblivion Forums=
Sorry. No pearls of wisdom in this oyster.
RIP Red Wings How 'Bout Dem Cowboys!
Post Sun Oct 13, 2002 7:19 pm
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High Emperor
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Otter stole my suggestion for a party of 4. Wow. I can't even think of a way to improve his suggestion other than possibly by not class changing.

My gadgie is up to level 17 (didn't use 1 first time through, which is why he's along this time). He happens to be a hobbit (like yours), who I named Bilbo because I couldn't think of a better name. I'm amazed at how rarely I'm using his gadgie skills, where I relied on them heavily early on. Between his omnigun and enchanted broadsword, he's doing a pretty good imitation of a fighter these days. (I keep him on my front line - 5 tank types in a row guarding a bishop. See party details below.)

Now I have encountered another bug that makes me glad I'm not playing iron man. (Otter has discussed lift falls already.) I was at the mine carts, and was having trouble getting the cart to go. I figured, let me walk away, come back, and maybe this time the brake would release. Well, I decided to click on one of the wooden bars on the other mine carts, and it fell as usual. But then I got the grim reaper telling me that my whole party was crushed to death! Now you see another reason to avoid iron man mode.

My current party, which was difficult early on but has turned into a well oiled machine: samurai - ninja - monk - valkyrie - gadgeteer - bishop. If you want an early challenge followed by mass slaughter, this could be for you. For an easier time with a similar party, substitute a bard for the gadgie.
The world itself shifts and changes and fades to mist like the strings of a minstrel's harp, and mayhap the dreams we forge are more enduring than the works of kings and gods.-Robert E. Howard
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Post Mon Oct 14, 2002 1:04 am
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