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How happy are you with what Morrowind delivers?
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RPGDot Forums > Morrowind - General

How do you like Morrowind?
excellent game
 89%  [ 42 ]
less than I expected
 10%  [ 5 ]
Total Votes : 47

Author Thread
Humanoid Typhoon
Humanoid Typhoon

Joined: 30 Dec 2001
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Location: Industrial Wasteland, USA

Screw it.

Now I gotta get morrowind out of curiosity.
Post Fri May 10, 2002 12:17 am
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Southern Spirit
Southern Spirit

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I voted "I am disappointed". Too many things were misrepresented, like Q3 level graphics. Q3 doesn't use pixel shaders, if you turn them off in MW you should have Q3 graphics. The fact is that with the pixel shaders off the graphics in MW are mediocre... I don't consider using a single rendering trick a great innovation in graphics tech. Without pixel shading the beauty of MW doesn't compare to most FPS games.

This is another thing, to me, MW is too open ended. It's so directionless that it's big-time boring! What is it about RPGS that says the "Best RPG of all time" always has to have such a healthy dose of tedium!?! I'm going to play it a little longer and if it doesn't get any better I'm going to move on.
''Perhaps I'm old and tired but I always think that the chances of finding out what really is going on are so absurdly remote that the only thing to do is to say hang the sense of it and just keep yourself occupied. Look at me: I design coastlines. I got an award for Norway.''--Slartibartfast
Post Fri May 10, 2002 2:13 pm
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Humanoid Typhoon
Humanoid Typhoon

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So you say its TOO non-linear? I thought that type of gopher tedium was a good thing.

I guess its true, too much of a good thing can be bad.

You decide for me then. Shouldst I purchase this game, wait until the price goes down, or never purchase it ever?
Post Fri May 10, 2002 3:44 pm
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Head Merchant
Head Merchant

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This is the only RPG I've ever played. I am hooked. Diablo and BG were tried and tossed. Any game with a third person iso view is just an RTS. If I want that perspective/game style, I'll go play chess thank you. I want immersion, and MW delivers.

The only thing missing graphically are detail textures. I hate looking at the blocky stuff close up. The graphics are the best I've ever seen with or without pixel shading. damn its pretty. More curved surfaces in this game than any other.

Ya want to be lead through the game like a wittle baybee, find another game. The open endedness is what I want. I am sick of linear gameplay and even more so of so-called open ended games that are just linear in cheap disguise. This game has an unfolding story, but I am never sure when I am actually on the main quest or a side quest, nice.

It is not without its shortcomings either:

Engine needs work. Performance is off for sure. Lots of clipping/getting stuck in objects(tilde key, type fixme in console) The movement physics are off, I hate the way it jerks you around when trying to climb or negotiate objects. I would rather suffer longer load times for less of them, the frequent freeze up while loading more AI or scenery is annoying.

Every character I talk too says Hi to me after I'm done talking to him. The ones that need help act like the others that don't have the time of day for you. Game needs a "Go get stuffed you rude bastard" option.

The days cycle a little too fast for my liking.

All in all this is a very well done game, my favorite to date.
Post Fri May 10, 2002 3:45 pm
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To me it's not only the best rpg of all time, but maybe the best game of all time. Do I have to add that I like it?
Post Fri May 10, 2002 5:27 pm


You have to work to find the depth. It's quite possible to wander through the game accepting everything at face value...and you will probably have a dull experience. If exploring and taking the time to try things out do not appeal to you, then the game may be a flop.
Post Fri May 10, 2002 6:07 pm

linear and nonlinear

When I first loaded morrowind I realized what a huge adjustment period there would be. It really takes a while to get used to it. Especially in vivec, the "country in a city". Man that mother is soooooo hugeeeee!!!!!!

It's so funny, in most games I purposefully explore EVERYTHING. In this one I don't follow that philosophy, it's so huge that I only visit what interests me.

What does everyone think of having some attractions in larger cities... I really enjoyed the hall of wonders in baldur's gate.
Post Fri May 10, 2002 8:40 pm
Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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I love this game! I thought the world seemed a bit small at 1st…but after 14 hours of play IM rethinking that impression.

I played “Arena” “Daggerfall” “Seadogs”…and now “Morrowind. When I see the Bethesda’s name the first thing I think of is “open ended fun”

I too would like to have a bit more life in the Inns. Even some warm flute playing in the background, or a lively jig in a crowded Inn.

Other then that I love every thing about it. Its fun to make spells its fun to make potions, its fun to enchant weapons and items.

As far as the main quest goes…IM ignoring it too. IM just doing odd jobs, and making the big bucks. The Emperor can wait…I’ll get to his business when IM damn ready !


By the way…If you could pick a City, Village or spot to build your home, where would you choose, and why? (I am aware you cant “Build your home” but IF you could…Of course you could always choose the spot and place your home there using the TES set.

May your path always lead to a warm happy Inn.

Post Fri May 10, 2002 10:44 pm
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Almighty Gish
Almighty Gish

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this game is really fun and addictive...

I think Morrowind is a really great game...I mean even the world without any mods is huge and there are so many things to do and see...just wait till the mods come out! we'll be playing this for years! that is until Morrowind 4 comes out!
Post Fri May 10, 2002 11:32 pm
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Keeper of the Gates
Keeper of the Gates

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Originally posted by Baalcipher
So you say its TOO non-linear? I thought that type of gopher tedium was a good thing.

I guess its true, too much of a good thing can be bad.

You decide for me then. Shouldst I purchase this game, wait until the price goes down, or never purchase it ever?

Why would you let soemone else decide for you. If you want an RGP that allows you to explore the world within or without the main story, then get it.
Post Fri May 10, 2002 11:54 pm
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Village Leader
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Gig, everything about your post screams "I'm a FPS man" -nothing wrong with that, but if you're into action games then don't necessarily expect to like a RPG. FPS's always follow a linear path, RPG's don't always do so, the best never do. The essence of role-playing is the freedom to choose what to do, when to do it and how to do it - a linear plot can't offer that kind of freedom.

I love the game. It has lots of things like pretty graphics, great sound effects and superb music, a large world, good character creation and development, a strong storyline and loads more besides. Did I mention the music ?

What it has more than any of those things, tho', is atmosphere. That makes it immersive.

Of course, what makes it stand out from the crowd even more is the plug-in concept. I already have my house and have sorted out (for now) the Black Candle Guild. The idea of adding in players' own content is simply unprecedented and its an amazing extra touch to make a very special game uniquely appealing. What's more, in 3 days of playing it's only locked up once and I have no complaints about the framerate or any other technical aspect - not often I get to say that about a game, and its a long time since I ever said that about a Bethesda game !

Simply awesome...
Post Sat May 11, 2002 12:16 am
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King of the Realms
King of the Realms

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I love the game so far, but am also crashingly disappointed. My computer meets the recommended specs, but in all honesty although I've struggled for a week I'm going to have to give the game a pass for the time being. Even with the much-recommended unofficial patch installed the game is just too slow to be enjoyable. I'll keep my eyes glued to this forum to see when and if there are some real solutions to the framerate problem, or if there are any clear guidelines on what is really required to play the game, and then upgrade.

At them moment I'm too busy struggling with the speed issue to really get into the story potential because movement is so slow it discourages exploration.

It sure would be nice if Bethesda offered a solution to those of us with the average computer, since that's what most of us game-buying people have.

But the game itself is very, very good.
Post Sat May 11, 2002 1:04 am
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Humanoid Typhoon
Humanoid Typhoon

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Originally posted by Hyperion
Originally posted by Baalcipher
So you say its TOO non-linear? I thought that type of gopher tedium was a good thing.

I guess its true, too much of a good thing can be bad.

You decide for me then. Shouldst I purchase this game, wait until the price goes down, or never purchase it ever?

Why would you let soemone else decide for you. If you want an RGP that allows you to explore the world within or without the main story, then get it.

You're absolutely right!!

...so um... wait. are you making the decision for me?!

ooh youre a sly one!
Post Sat May 11, 2002 3:54 am
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FPS addiction is an ailment that afflicts a huge percentage of gamers. This was caused by the Quake series, at least for me, and as a result it has become very difficult to stop attempting to tweak my system to perfection in order to get the maximum framerates. Well, Morrowind has cured me I believe, because I just let the obsession with framerates go and embraced all the wonder and beauty of the game world. I simply love jogging from town to town and searching for those cool tombs and other hidden hideaways. Anyways I'm very pleased with the game, it has a Myst feel to it which I love and has a sense of surrealism about it that is fantastic.
Post Sat May 11, 2002 4:08 am
Southern Spirit
Southern Spirit

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Originally posted by Baalcipher

You decide for me then. Shouldst I purchase this game, wait until the price goes down, or never purchase it ever?

Hi Cipher!

I agree with the others, you should make your own decision. I'm fully aware that my opinion is different from most people on the MW forum so I usually keep my opinions to myself but this is a poll! If I'm going to vote low then I feel that I must justify my opinion.

I have to make a concession here... last night MW really picked up! I had a lot of fun, I still hate the combat but I doubt that's going to change. I finally picked up a couple of side quests and did them, that was fun. It did take me 54 days of game time to find something fun but it was great when it finally happened! BTW--I simply hate the slaughter fish--I just do!

Originally posted by Squeetard

Ya want to be lead through the game like a wittle baybee, find another game.

I believe that's what I said I would do--"I'm going to play it a little longer and if it doesn't get any better I'm going to move on". If my opinion makes me a "wittle baybee" that's ok, it doesn't change anything.

Originally posted by Loremaster
Gig, everything about your post screams "I'm a FPS (wo)man"

Actually I'm not, most of the games I've played have been RPGs, Gothic is my all time favorite. Other games I like are NFS5 and The Sims. The only FPS game I've ever played is Unreal Tournament.

Originally posted by Loremaster

FPS's always follow a linear path

Ok, you lost me here... I've played UT several times on my landlord's Unreal server and it's the very definition of non-linear! It isn't really anything, no story, no quests, no particular path to follow... you just go in and shoot whoever you see and if you kill the most then you win. That type of game isn't linear, it's just chaos. It's like a computer version of that game in P.E. where you stand on opposite sides of the gym and throw basketballs at each other.

Originally posted by Loremaster

The essence of role-playing is the freedom to choose what to do, when to do it and how to do it - a linear plot can't offer that kind of freedom.

I agree with you completely but that's not the same as having nothing to do.

Originally posted by Loremaster

Did I mention the music ?

I like the music too. I always turn off the in game music though--it gets too repetetive for me after a while.

Originally posted by Loremaster

What it has more than any of those things, tho', is atmosphere. That makes it immersive.

The inconsistant dialog is constantly jarring me out of the game world--ruining the immersion for me! That 'Welcome my best friend and worst enemy' kind of dialog messes it all up.

Originally posted by Loremaster

Simply awesome...

A very beautiful sentiment--that one statement speaks volumes.
''Perhaps I'm old and tired but I always think that the chances of finding out what really is going on are so absurdly remote that the only thing to do is to say hang the sense of it and just keep yourself occupied. Look at me: I design coastlines. I got an award for Norway.''--Slartibartfast
Post Sat May 11, 2002 1:40 pm
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