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Star Wars: Galaxies - An Empire Divided (PC, MMORPG)
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NDA Lifted.

What I can say is I'm amazed at the incredible progress they've made in the last 5-6 weeks. Only a few weeks ago, crafted items were vanishing whenever the server crashed or you even logged out. It had been going on for almost 6 weeks too. Finally they got it nailed down, but it looked shaky on that one.

Strutures, you can build your own house, harvester, factory.. etc from a deed. However up till just recently, a lot of time, after you placed the deed the building would vanish when it was finished (old building times where anywhere from 8 hours to 25 hours).. that one has something to do with dynamic NPC lairs spawning and borking your struture under construction.. so to fix that, they cut the build times down severely, it now only takes 1 minute to 5 minutes tops for any structure to build in the game. This in my opinion is much better than the old times.

Bad or broken skill trees.. Droid Engineer, ugly. Don't think this one will be worked out by next week, although they've made some progress recently and your finally able to transfer them to other people, thereby being able to sell them. However, droids do little more than 'beep' right now, they aren't good for much else, none of them are worth taking into combat, they die in one or two hits.

Smuggler, lots of problems there from what I've read, however I have not been able to play with that class.

Bounty hunter has problems too, again, I am not familiar enough with it though to know the specifics except I hear people bitching

I've mainly focused on the crafting portion of the game, I know every in and out about it, right down to experimentation, which by the way so far only works in weaponsmithing

There are a lotta good things by the way, like I've said before the graphics are great if you have a powerful system, just make sure you go into the options and turn everything up a bit, the default is pretty mild. Some of the citys look really nice especially. There's no shortage of stuff to kill if your into combat, and some of the tactics you can use can make it fun. I do miss the ability to root and mezz enemys though from AO.

10 Planets to play on, but only a few of them have any real content. There are battlefields for pvp, however I'm not clear how they work, but they are working from what I hear.

Dungeons.. well they are sucky so far, but they plan on fleshing them out a bit.

Worthwhile loot does not drop from mobs, everything you'll want, you have to buy from crafters. There is absolutely nothing to camp in the game for anything. That's both good and bad, I'm sure for obvious reasons. Crafters need credits to pay maintanence on buildings, and for training, so at least credits are extremely useful in this system, where a lot of MMORPGS degrade into the barter system.

So much to tell still.. that's all for now, more later.
Post Fri Jun 20, 2003 1:08 am


If I feel ambitious later, I'll put some screenshots up on my website and post some links.
Post Fri Jun 20, 2003 1:15 am
Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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I'll probably get blasted for saying this, but I think SWG is the biggest, most over hyped flop of all time. Beta went from bad to worse and I went from extremely excited, to extremely disappointed in 2 months time.

Out of 60 members in my guild, 40 of them were in beta, and 30 of them wont even buy the game now. In fact, many of us (myself included) have canceled their pre-order.

If it wasn't for the "Star Wars" name, this would be just another bad and easily overlooked MMORPG in a long list of them recently.

If you're looking for EQ in Space, SWG is a good pick for you. Otherwise, hold out for WoW and play DAoC or Planetside in the meantime.

Let the Scott blasting begin Lol
The arrows flew at us so thick as to blot out the sun, so I says to young Angus, "Well, at least now we'll be fighting in the shade."
Post Fri Jun 20, 2003 4:42 pm
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Not blasting you, but EQ in Space is the wrong description. It's nothing like EQ.

There's no camps. There's no loot. There's very little tactics to grouping.

I don't know why people call it that.

If anything, it needs more of the elements from EQ and it would be wildly successful.

Right now, it's very hollow. Looks pretty, little depth.

GCW = Galatic Crafter War. The crafting part of the game is very good, but the combat part is not very good.

Most of the people from my Daoc guild are not coming over either. I am gonna give it a try for a month or two and see if they can get some real content into the game, but I'm not very optimistic.

The problem with Wow is that it probably won't be out till 2007, and blizzard is known for creating exploit fests for online games, so it too will probably be very bad initially.
Post Sat Jun 21, 2003 5:24 pm


SWG is an underachieving game,3 years, the money of Sony/Lucas,and a supposed allstar dev team shoulda put out something extremely better,there is no excuss for a game to allow shooting thru mountain sides with todays technology and thats just a minor example of the short cuts that have been taken.

On top of all the bugs that have been there since the beginning of beta 3 and are still there today,they have made a game that is to an extreme is just to simple.

3 months ago I was a devout fanboy,3 days ago I canceled my CE preorder and am looking toward something else.
Post Sun Jun 22, 2003 7:17 pm
Warrior for Heaven
Warrior for Heaven

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I was looking forward to this game for 3 years. After a week in beta3, i decided to cancel my CE preorder too. This game is a big disappointment for me and i am now looking forward to more solid titles like EverQuest2, Horizons, Dragon Empires, Darkfall, Realms of Torment, Trials of Ascension, Warhammer Online, and maybe Middle Earth Online (thats debatable). SWG just doesnt cut it for me. Big let-down. Tremendously disappointed.

UPDATE: that disappointment lasted for approximately 5 minutes. i am over it now, and am completely enjoying DAOC until Horizons comes out happy gaming everyone!

Last edited by Ammon777 on Mon Jun 23, 2003 10:21 pm; edited 1 time in total
Post Sun Jun 22, 2003 7:38 pm
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I was thrilled to enter Beta 3. I was thrilled to play this hyped game were you could do what ever you want.
I had fun for about 2 weeks. Then they ( the dev team) saw it was to easy to level. Bye bye fun part. Level grinding and nerfing was all we got.

Immersion ? Pfffffff, you could call this game anything.
Game play ? Well, i could play EQ/AO/DAoC/E&B again, nothing new
Graphics ? Looks nice, need a HELL OF A BAG@ss PC (average 20 fps on my Athlong 2600+, Ti4200, 1Gb RAM !)

Basicly it comes to this:

I am very disapointed in this game. I thought SOE would make a cool MMORPG game, infact they made a big mistake. I guess Lucas Art had a lott to tell also. I will have a look at EQ2, from what i read that seems cool also.

So....If your a fanboy, BUY IT ! LOVE IT !
If your a not that interested in Star Wars, well....look around for a mature online game.
Post Mon Jun 23, 2003 2:19 pm
Eagle's Shadow
Eagle's Shadow

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Originally posted by Ammon777
I was looking forward to this game for 3 years. After a week in beta3, i decided to cancel my CE preorder too. This game is a big disappointment for me and i am now looking forward to more solid titles like EverQuest2, Horizons, Dragon Empires, Darkfall, Realms of Torment, Trials of Ascension, Warhammer Online, and maybe Middle Earth Online (thats debatable). SWG just doesnt cut it for me. Big let-down. Tremendously disappointed.

Ammon, maybe you should stop expecting new titles so much I understand that the game might not have lived up to your expectations, and I don't want to say "I told you so" but countless times before I told you you shouldn't get so hyped up about any given game, especially SWG. And I'll tell you again now: those "more solid" games you mentioned will disapoint you as much as SWG might have when they eventually come out.

Here's what I suggest though: why not try the game again without expecting anything out of it, but instead discover what it is. I refuse to believe that you discovered everything there is to discover about SWG in only one week of BETA!!
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Post Mon Jun 23, 2003 9:02 pm
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Warrior for Heaven
Warrior for Heaven

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My problem with the game is different than most other peoples problems with it. I thought i would enjoy a sci-fi setting since its based in Star Wars. However, unfortunately, just like Anarchy Online and Fallout, i have discovered that i really dont enjoy a sci-fi mmorpg the way that i enjoy the fantasy-based ones (i cant stand Fallout, and i cant stand games that mix sci-fi with fantasy, like Wizardry8 -- i think W8 sucked the big...). So my gripe with SWG is not because i think its a bad game, but because it just didnt CLICK with me. You see Ekim, all the games i mentioned are fantasy. I go head over heals for traditional fantasy. In fact, i buy just about EVERY fantasy CRPG that comes out, and i am not often disappointed. Now dont get me wrong, i love Star Wars. I have since a kid. However, i only like the original trilogy and i am in no way a complete Star Wars fanboy. I dont know the name of each alien in the bar (first movie) like all of those total Star Wars geeks do on the official forums. So i like Star Wars; however, i did not 'click' with the way that Star Wars translated into an mmropg. Its strange to understand, but thats why im not buying SWG. It didnt feel like Star Wars to me; it felt like Anarchy Online all over again. I couldnt feel immersed enough into the game enough to enjoy it. Give me a fantasy game like Gothic or Divine Divinity, and i am automatically immersed. Kinda Strange, huh.

P.S. i easily get excited about gaming, its my nature, and when i get disappointed, it only lasts 5 minutes, after which i move on, reading about other ventures that also get me excited. More people should be like me. There would be less disappointment in the world if they were, and everyone would be happy because they would be looking forward to a bright future.

EDIT/UPDATE -- currently, i am having the time of my life in DAOC. its like rediscovering the game! it is so much fun that i have completely forgotten about SWG, hehe. i am in a great guild called Rhiadan and i have a lot of cool friends already, although i solo most of the time. I am already a level 16th pure void elven Eldritch!

P.S.S. I can solo orange mobs! woohoo!
Post Mon Jun 23, 2003 10:09 pm
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Warrior for Heaven
Warrior for Heaven

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btw, newly-formed Sigil Games Online is going to announce a new high-quality mmorpg in the near future. jfyi.
Post Mon Jun 23, 2003 10:30 pm
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Rocket Scientist
Rocket Scientist

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wow, Im shocked
Ammon was hyping this game so much I thought he owned stock in Verant
Now he's playing DAoC...

*Crumples up plans for SWG and tosses them over his shoulder*

oh well, I'm gonna have my hands full with Gothic for the next few months anyway
Post Tue Jun 24, 2003 2:37 pm
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Well I've been in daoc from day one, though not a powergamer. I'm afraid that for all the powergamers, swg will be a disappointment. Too many choices to make, too much depth to developing an online life. I understand the letdown that many of you are having. The only grind here is in crafting.

I'm going to enjoy the discoveries, the adventuring, the new universe. I'm not going to hit all the fan sites and get all the spoilers and guides. I'm going to approach this game as building a life in the Star Wars universe. You can get guides and run to the grid location and move on to the next spoiler, but I know it won't be fun for you.

Of course it's not the competition that many powergamers want, and I completely understand that. If that's what you're looking for, then you can probably go start your new level 20 toon on a daoc server and grind away.

I'm going to see all the planets, visit the cantina's and probably the cloners there, and have fun.
Post Wed Jun 25, 2003 12:23 am
Warrior for Heaven
Warrior for Heaven

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EDIT... nm... i've already elaborated why i dont like the game. check only a few posts north of this spot.

Last edited by Ammon777 on Wed Jun 25, 2003 3:51 am; edited 2 times in total
Post Wed Jun 25, 2003 3:13 am
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Rocket Scientist
Rocket Scientist

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elaborate pls
Is it not too many choices, not geared for powergamers, what?
Post Wed Jun 25, 2003 3:44 am
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Warrior for Heaven
Warrior for Heaven

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1. i am NOT A POWERGAMER, so dont call me one.

2. i've already given a complete rendition of why i dont like the game.

3. i dont use hype as a tactic and i dont have an agenda. i simply have a passion for gaming. there's a difference.

4. i think the game sucks.

5. you wont catch me playing it, ever.

6. if you still dont understand, re-read my post explaining why.

7. goodbye!
Post Wed Jun 25, 2003 3:57 am
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