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Star Wars: Galaxies - An Empire Divided (PC, MMORPG)
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Master of The Realms
Master of The Realms

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I don't see SWG being 4-5 months away, Shrapnel..

I really think it will go gold inJune, ship in either June or July....They haven't ruled out a simultaneous worldwide release, but I can't see that happening. I say summer for the US and UK, fall for other european locales.

Sit tight, my friend....good games will be here soon!
Member of the "Fantastic ONE"
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Post Fri Apr 11, 2003 2:35 pm
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Rocket Scientist
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Originally posted by Ammon777
hear hear !!! well said

in my opinion, SWG looks to me to be the best game since Morrowind

Well...Morrowind sucked, but I get what you're saying. I think SWG may be the game that pulls me away from AC1
Post Mon Apr 14, 2003 5:01 pm
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Rocket Scientist
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All the regulars from this board should make our own little clan for SWG.
I dont know how comparable the time differences are going to be or if you guys have other guilds you will be joining already, but if not, all of us here should hook up and make some sort of group. It will make gathering resources and building and even adventuring a lot easier...
Post Mon Apr 14, 2003 5:07 pm
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Warrior for Heaven
Warrior for Heaven

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I played AC for about 6 months, it was my first mmorpg and i loved it. Only problem is i was inexperienced and kept dying, losing my stuff, and rerolling my characters too often, so i didnt stick with AC very long. Then AO came out and it was the worst launch ever so i quit that on the first day of release. Then DAOC came out and i played that off and on but got tired of the inordinate amount of time it takes to get to RvR, so im not playing anything right either, just Morrowind and a few other games like BF1942 all the time. I'm having fun but not as fun as its going to be when SWG, HORIZONS, Dragon Empires, Darkfall, and Planetside come out. That is going to be a blast because those games are going to be true second generation mmorpgs unlike DAOC, AC, AO, AC2, EQ, and UO... And i was so disappointed with AC2 that i tried it for a few days but just couldnt get over the fact that it wasnt fun at all. Nice graphics but everything else was crap.

Yeah. I'm for it, Shrap. Maybe we could start a player association or something. Or just start at the same place on the same server. I am partial to Tatooine first, i want to get lost in the desert first thing first. So the first day of release i will be wandering the deserts of Tatooine as a scout/marksman, will be fun. Man, SWG is going to have a lifecycle of about 5 years and i will most likely be playing that long so building a PA would be a good thing early on, especially as early as we are starting, we could end up owning a ton of starships by the time 5 years rolls around, lol. I will be playing on west coast servers since i am in montana and my connection isnt so good, so i basically have to be on a west coast server, else i will be getting linkdead too much. I am on DSL but after seeing how often i get booted from BF1942 servers i probably better be on a western USA server, heh.

I am pretty darn sure that SWG will be out either on June 5th or around June 15th. Thats what the word is on the web, anyway, and usually they are right. Until then, i will be playing Planetside, since that comes out in mid May, and thats only a month from now, plus i got lucky and got invited to PS beta, and they said in open beta they wont be wiping characters anymore so thats good. When they delayed SWG i was kinda mad at first since i have been following news about SWG ever since it came out and i was really looking forward to an April release, but oh well. I am having the same dillemma as you are, i cant find anything to play that is really really good, everything including BF1942 is getting a tad too familiar since i am playing them over and over every day, lol.. but i can wait, SWG will definately be worth it, plus i will be getting my Planetside beta disks in the mail anytime this week, i hope i get them today, that would be great, but i doubt they will come today... maybe by wednesday or thursday..
Post Mon Apr 14, 2003 7:55 pm
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Rocket Scientist
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Ok great so its settled. We'll start up our own PA (see you on Tattoine). My guess is we'll have to be true tradesmen/farmers/builders at first to get a real shop/guild/foundation off the rorund. Once we are established, Im rolling my Jedi...
But enough of that, you are in the Planetside beta? Me too, Im an AdvHacker/Engineer/Reaver Pilot and Im with the Blue Angels outfit (1st all reaver division) name is Veritech Fighter. Look for me when get those CDs, we'll rock out! (Join the New Conglomerate, trust me)
Man we are in same boat, the only game I can always rely on for fun now it seems is BF1942. AC2 was pure eyecandy, and everything else is delayed or slated for later. If you like BF1942/Tribes2 you are gonna LOVE PlanetSide.
Post Mon Apr 14, 2003 8:27 pm
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Warrior for Heaven
Warrior for Heaven

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Well cool then, i planned on being a droid engineer on tatooine as my first profession to raise a lot of money right out so that when i decide to join the Rebels or become a bounty hunter i will be loaded with enough cash to get me by for a while. I sure wish they had MCS though, what a let-down. It means i will likely be playing on multiple servers since i like having lots of characters, and it stinks that they made it SCS. I think eventually they might change their minds after they discover that they are missing out on a lot of potential business by making it SCS. I know a lot of people are not even giving SWG a try because of that one "feature"... actually thats the lack of a feature in my opinion... anyway..

Oh dude, i love BF1942. In fact i am VERY good at it for some reason, so i should be decent at Planetside too. I say that because i sucked big time at Counterstrike, so i dont know why i would be so good at BF1942 but, lo and behold, i am always at the top of the list for my team. Only problem is i get disconnected all the time, which sucks when you have a score like 36 kills and only 4 deaths and its all for nothing because your internet (dsl) connection decided to boot ya. My main talent is in tanks. I am a deadeye shot with the allied tanks man, i can hit another tank from a loooong ways away and finish them off before they even see me. I know its hard to be sneaky in a tank, but believe me, i manage to be sneaky in a tank, lol. All you have to do is put a building or elevation between you and the enemy and use that as a shield sort of. Works pretty good. Usually if i am up against three enemy tanks, i am the only one left alive due to manuvering and whatnot. Anyway so i hope i do well in Planetside, we shall see. And when i am on foot i do just as well, as an assault soldier, you know the one with the good gun. One thing i cant do is fly those damn airplanes or helicopters in that one mod, man i suck at those for some reason, even with a joystick. Probably bcuz i dont have enough practice i guess. I am gonna try out aircraft in Planetside to see if i have the nack for it; i hope you can use a joystick in PS (can you?). But i will probably be in a tank in PS most likely. I was going to be on the faction that has regular machine guns and stuff but i will give the New Conglomerate a shot since your guy is there. I will look up Veritch Fighter as soon as i am in, but i might not be playing until this Friday since my discs are still in the mail and might not have been shipped out until today... So i should be in game shortly. How is the lag and disconnects going for you right now in PS?
Post Tue Apr 15, 2003 4:02 am
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I hope SCS doesnt mean Single Character Server.
Anyway, CS and BF are 2 totally different beasts. CS is more simulated BF is more arcade, so is Planetside. Yea Im a tank man myself in BF too but in PS, Im jets all the way, they handle like a dream. Since PS is very team oriennted, they made a lof the vehicles with a driver and a weapons man. So they only good 1 man assault vehicle is the Reaver. The good tank is a vanguard but its 2 man, driver only drives. Anyway the lag is very low but they are still having issues with their login servers so gameplay usually gets cut like every 20 mins (VERY Frustrating). But all in all I think Im buying in come retail, its like BF and Tribes 2 but with better graphics, options and gameplay
Post Tue Apr 15, 2003 12:10 pm
Rocket Scientist
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that last post was me...
btw has anyone been checking out WoW...omg it looks really REALLY good.
This is really bad, while I want to play SWG, I already know for a fact that any product Blizzard makes will be 100% winner too...
then there is CoH, and Horizons and D&L and...
Post Tue Apr 15, 2003 4:13 pm
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Warrior for Heaven
Warrior for Heaven

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I probably wont be buying World of Warcraft. I just dont like its cartoony graphics, thats all. Anyway, SCS means single character per server and MCS is multiple character per server. In my opinion, they are making a big mistake with it being SCS in SWG. They will miss out on a lot of potential customers. Jets are jetpacks or aircraft? I dont mind that its team oriented, i think thats really cool, since it means its an actual war instead of a frag fest, lol..
Post Tue Apr 15, 2003 4:44 pm
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Master of The Realms
Master of The Realms

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Yep, he's right Shrapnel...1 char per server. I don't mind, because that will keep the traffic down somewhat, and you will begin to recognize people in your faction. I know that each server will have 10's of thousands of people, but I suspect you will run into the regs over and over again....

As for an RPGdot PA, I'm for it. I plan on being a crafter, either a master weaponsmith or armorsmith...maybe go for both. Tattooine sounds good.. as soon as the game launches, everyone come here and post your name and stuff...we'll definitely help each other out!!
Member of the "Fantastic ONE"
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Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 2:57 pm
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Warrior for Heaven
Warrior for Heaven

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Sounds like a plan!
Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 6:37 pm
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Master of The Realms
Master of The Realms

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Some of the latest news:

One of the devs posted recently that they expect to open the beta in early May. This would allow some more people (theoretically...anyone that wanted to) to join the servers and experiment with characters. I certainly plan on joining that, as I didn't get into the closed Beta 3. Will anyone here be doing so? I've heard that to join you have to pay for the S/H of the CD's (approx 6$ US) but they've also been experimenting with downloadable portions of the game for the broadband equipped..

I am pretty closely following the saga of the development of the game..I really can't wait for it to come out!
Member of the "Fantastic ONE"
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Post Tue Apr 22, 2003 3:59 am
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Warrior for Heaven
Warrior for Heaven

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Yes, i will definately be trying SWG open beta... I was actually quite surprised at the news because the devs have always said that they were not going to do an open beta. Its awesome news actually -- we will be playing SWG very soon! (man, May is only a week and a half away...)
Post Tue Apr 22, 2003 5:11 am
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Warrior for Heaven
Warrior for Heaven

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From the new words of the devs:

"Sorry, LucasArts has not yet announced the new “official” release date. I doubt it will come until sometime after we go to open Beta 3. When we refer to “open”, we mean it is open because the NDA will be lifted, you will still have to receive an invite to join."

GRRRRR. For some stupid reason these guys have a different vocabulary than everybody else. Let me be clear on how i feel about this:


Post Tue Apr 22, 2003 10:04 pm
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Rocket Scientist
Rocket Scientist

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yea whats that?
Open beta means you d/l it and play. period.
No invite needed and NDA (obviously) lifted.

Anyway, we 've got 3 of us ready to start up a PA and I talked to Jaz and she may be interested as well. I really should wait before talking about this but just in case SWG is around the corner as everyone thinks, we should have some kind of gameplan in place for the start.
We've all agreed to become some sort of tradesmen.
We've all agreed to start on Tattoine.
Now we should decide who's taking what craft so that others can become tradesmen in other skills that will compliment/help each other out.
IE: Someone will make part A, someone else will make part B, and part C so on. This way not only do we not compete with each other, but we help each other and keep what lil resources we have in the beginning within the guild.
Since its SCS, I will start out as a tradesmen, but I will be working on becoming Jedi in the long run. As for a trade, I would like to either build transportation or weapons parts
Post Thu Apr 24, 2003 3:55 pm
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