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Fun and Fortune through Capturing
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Stranger In A Strange Land
Stranger In A Strange Land

Joined: 20 May 2002
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Fun and Fortune through Capturing

Capturing ships in X2 is both fun and profitable so I thought I’d start a thread about it – both for discussing techniques as well as capturing stories.

The Goal

There is a chance an enemy pilot will bail out in the right conditions, leaving you the new owner of the ship. You can only capture certain types (M5, M4, M3, TS, TP), so you can stop harassing that cool-looking M6 Split Dragon now.

The higher the hull value the better the sale price but pilots will never bail unless the hull value is 87% or lower. Therefore, the goal is to get the hull value to exactly 87%, although anything in the 80-87% range is pretty good.


The key to capturing is the right use of weapons. Here’s a quick summary:

IRE – toy popguns for the kids to play with in the backyard with one exception (see below)
PAC – a low-mid powered gun that’s useful for “chipping” away
HEPT – pack some grunt. A HEPT can do serious damage to most objects – probably too much for a clean capture.
Ion Disruptors – also known as “Holy Cow! Look what happened to the shields!!” These babies will kill 25MW shields in under 2 seconds flat and don’t require accurate aiming. They don’t touch the hull, making them perfect for capturing. On the other hand, the beam can jump to nearby ships making it hard to use in populated areas, very near stations or gates or with ally ships close by. They also destroy onboard ship systems, potentially reducing your salvage profit.


Although M5 Scout ships can capture their tiny shields and small weapons make it extremely difficult. With skill an M4 can be used but ideally you’ll want a M3 or a Split Iguana (TP). The Argon Nova is arguably the best capturing ship, followed by the Split Iguana, Boron Barracuda and Pirate Orinocco (you’ll need to capture one ).

My favoured layout is a Nova as follows:
- 75MW shields – a luxury really but you don’t have to worry too much about ramming or missiles. 25MW will generally do fine and 15MW can work with care and skill.
- 2x Ion Disruptors – the real key to capturing
- 1x Gamma IRE – mount it in the Nova’s rear turret and set the turret to anti-missile defence in the Command Console

In addition…

- 2x Alpha HEPTS – when serious shooting is called for
- 1x Beta PAC – switch to this when the shields are down (see below)

The other ships listed above have individual variations but the same theme. Other than the Nova, the Split Iguana is a bargain ($300k), fast and has prefect weaponry support but I can’t stand the cockpit. The Barracuda is faster than the Nova but loses the rear turret and has 50MW shields.


It’s important to pick the right location. First, you’ll find more Pirates in sectors with a Pirate Station. Once you’ve captured a ship, you’ll need to send it to a Shipyard for sale (unless you’re going to keep it). Remember, these captured ships will be beaten up and slow so the shorter the route to the Shipyard, the better. I like Priests Pity (Shipyard two sectors west), Atreus Clouds (Shipyard one sector north), Ore Belt (Shipyard two sectors north) and Thuruk’s Beard (Shipyard one west). Khaak spawns may have an impact but you get the idea.

Look for lone ships and try to approach them away from other ships or stations so stray fire doesn’t upset anyone. Sectors with defences (a patrolling M6, M2 etc) are often useless because they may come to your defence – perhaps destroying a perfect ship!

Now What?

So, you’ve got the gear and the spot picked out – how do you do it?

Most people hunt pirates so we’ll stick to that, although some players roleplay a war against a particular race such as the Split.

M5s and M4s are valid targets but their speed can be a pain and they don’t sell for that much, so look for lone Pirate transporters or Orinoccos. If you have the shields and the skill you can try groups (Orinoccos often travel in small packs or with Bayamon and Mandalay escorts).

* Approach the prey, close to around 400m and match speed.

*Open fire with 2x Ion Disruptors to strip the shields. Stop as soon as the shields are gone! Excessive use of Ion D’s will damage ship systems and reduce your profit.

*Quickly switch in a Beta PAC (press “1” and/or “2” to rotate weapons on that mount) and chip away to 87% or lower (you can tell exactly by hitting “i”). Try to get as close to 87 as possible. It can’t be higher but every point lower loses money.

The faster you do this the better the chance of an immediate bail. If successful, the targeting reticle will turn blue and the pilot will yell “I yield! I yield” (varies with race). Stop any attacks immediately because it’s your ship!!

The chance of success is partly related to how brutally the shields and hull were dropped and partly random. Don’t be discouraged if they don’t bail – most pilots take some work.

*Back off and fly away 2 –3 kms. They’ll turn to attack so just match their speed and fly away.

*Switch the Ion D’s back in and watch for the prey’s shields to regenerate. As soon as they are full, head back in and use the Ion D’s to strip the shields (remember to stop as soon as the shields are gone so you don’t cause extra damage). Don’t use other weapons because the hull should be =< 87% and you don’t want more damage.

*Rinse and repeat. Some pilots take 5 – 10 passes, although I usually get bored after five, destroy them and move on. There’s plenty of fish in the sea!

*As soon as the ship turns blue, use the usual Navigate commands just like any remote trading ship to send it to the nearest Shipyard.


The chance of a pilot bailing is at least partly random so you’ll have good days and bad days. You may find your mileage with different techniques will vary – there’s no definite, absolute way (although the above system is well tested).

If you can’t afford Ion D’s, it can be done with any reasonably powerful weapon – use Alpha HEPTs to strip the shields then switch to a Beta PAC to chip the hull to 87%, for example. This is harder to control precisely but does work.

Some players just use Alpha HEPTS and don’t switch in a weaker weapon. This can lead to a high first-try immediate bail rate but it’s very hard not to end up with mangled ships.

If you have trouble switching weapons, try using 1x Ion D and 1x Beta Pac until the hull is 87%, then you can back off and switch in 2x Ion D’s at your own pace.

Experiment with any combination as long as you know the basic 87%, nothing bigger than a M3, as fast as possible rules.

Last Hints

A perfect Orinocco yields about $350k. Most ship systems will be destroyed but occasionally something good is left such as 25MW shields ($200k!). These must be removed manually or you won’t get the value when you sell the ship. Check the ship’s Freight menu while it’s flying to the shipyard for these items. Finally, eject illegal items such as Space Whiskey – most shipyards are in well protected space and your captured ship will be promptly destroyed if caught with contraband.

Happy hunting!
Editor @ RPGDot
Post Wed Mar 03, 2004 10:05 am
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On the Razorblade of Life
On the Razorblade of Life

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First a question, where can you buy 25MW shields? I've only seen 1's, 5's and 125's. I'm too slow to fight. I use the auto targeting system. Any suggestions to maximise success with that? Finally, what is the difference between Alpha HEPT and Beta HEPT?

Thanks for the very detailed and concise outline.
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Post Wed Mar 03, 2004 1:03 pm
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25 K shield stations are primarily found in Split space. There are a few others scattered around in other systems but they tend to be split owned stations as well, even in an Argon sector.

If you don't mind saving up for the extra cost, the "L" variants of ships you can buy tend to have maximum/near maximum shielding. In the case of my Nova I started with one 25k and two 5k pilfered from some of my trade ships. It took a bit but eventually I captured two Orinoccos with shields intact.

With me, I rarely get systems from ships. Even if it's perfect until moment of capture all the weapons and shields tend to go away on surrender. It's unfortunate, but the worth of the ship will typically buy any systems you might have salvaged.

With the automatic combat you'll have to do some weapon juggling. Start combat with one or two ion cannons (if you can afford even one you're good to go. I destroy space stations in my Nova with one ion and one beta plasma) to strip the shields. After they're gone switch to something really light like an alpha impulse and let it pound away... it chips away something like .5% a hit, after all. I say use the impulse because the computer can't hit the broad side of a barn with slower weapons like PAC or plasma.

Alternatively, if you follow the creedo that it takes money to make money you can use a Mass Driver. They ignore shields and don't do much damage at all (something like 12 damage per round). They're almost impossible to dodge at less than 500 meters so the computer can't miss really. Once you get to 87 % switch to ion cannon and strip their shield. Then unequip the ion cannon and let your combat software dance around lining up shots it doesn't have weapons equipped for until their shields are full... and then turn the ion back on.

It should work, though I haven't tried it myself... the theory is sound. Careful with the mass driver, though, as the ammo costs something like 1600 for 20 shots.
Estuans interius, Ira vehementi

"The old world dies and with it the old ways. We will rebuild it as it should be, MUST be... Immortal!"

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Post Wed Mar 03, 2004 4:30 pm
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On the Razorblade of Life
On the Razorblade of Life

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OK, I've captured several pirate ships which I have sold and 2 Orinocos in good condition. I want to keep at least one for later, but is there any advantage in keeping more, or should I just sell them? I seem to be in the doghouse with the Paranid again, 95% enemy etc. Guess I'll have to kill some more pirates in their space. Wonder if it was that Paranid ship I blew up!!!! This is becoming quite profitable since I bought my Nova. Finally got a couple of 25MW shields. Now to see about getting another SPP perhaps!!
If God said it, then that settles it!

I don't use Smileys, I use Emoticons!!

Post Fri Mar 05, 2004 2:08 pm
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Indeed. A well preserved Orinocco will sell for the purchase price of a Solar Power plant AND 100 crystals to get it started.

Once I get my Heracles (holds 27 ships) I'll start keeping a few "Trophy" ships (have a near mint Xenon N waiting in 18 Billion for that day)... otherwise I just sell them as I get 'em.
Estuans interius, Ira vehementi

"The old world dies and with it the old ways. We will rebuild it as it should be, MUST be... Immortal!"

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Post Fri Mar 05, 2004 3:48 pm
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Stranger In A Strange Land
Stranger In A Strange Land

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Good stuff, Corwin. Many players use Pirate Transports as the traders for their stations and a couple of well-equipped Orinoccos makes a good station defence if you're being harrassed by Pirates (and the Khaak to a degree). You can also stick a life support system in the Nova and sell captured pilots back to them as slaves.
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Post Fri Mar 05, 2004 9:52 pm
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On the Razorblade of Life
On the Razorblade of Life

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I've been doing that with the 'astronauts', but I have trouble getting them. I target them, but the computer then says 'Target now in firing range'. Is there an easy way to pick them up? I just love the Nova!!
If God said it, then that settles it!

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Post Sat Mar 06, 2004 12:04 am
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Special Commands MK1 has a "collect wares" command that automates picking things out of space.

I've got my Nova now with an ion disruptor and a beta IRE. I'll buy another ion disruptor once I have the credits. I've tried a pirate M4 and a pirate TS so far. The M4 rammed me and vaporized, and I got unwanted help with the TS. Using the battle computer isn't pleasing me- I just might have to learn to fly this darn thing in combat by myself.
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Sorry. No pearls of wisdom in this oyster.
RIP Red Wings How 'Bout Dem Cowboys!
Post Sat Mar 06, 2004 1:45 am
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On the Razorblade of Life
On the Razorblade of Life

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Aha, I'll have to install that on my Nova. I have an ID and a Beta Hept on mine. I go for firepower!! I have enough money for another SPP, but not for the ships to service it. I could use my Orinoco to transport crystals, but they're really not suitable for Energy Cells. Probably wait till I can afford another manta. Better go and make peace with the Paranids.
If God said it, then that settles it!

I don't use Smileys, I use Emoticons!!

Post Sat Mar 06, 2004 6:46 am
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At the rate my traders get blown up it would be a full time job capturing replacements.

Mind you, losing one at least an hour is about what I'd expect for having 30 low shield targets zipping through the void. It's hell on replacement transports but I've managed to get to 40 million regardless in two days. I keep plunking down SPPs now that I have my Heracles with a jump drive. I've begun to dread "One of your ships is under attack." popping up... what they really mean is "One of your ships with 1000 shields and carrying 1000 energy cells has just been blown to a million billion micro-atoms by a M3 Khaak with its rapid fire death laser. Please insert 200,000 credits to resume station deliveries."

A true advantage of a TL with a jump drive... I can set up SPPs pretty much anywhere. The 750,000 shield mobile fortress thing isn't too shabby either...

Another use was hanging around a very busy pirate system and whamming Pirates as they came through the jump gate. Once captured it's a simple command to Dock at... Fortress Maximus (My Herc).

Seriously improved the survival rate and speed of delivery to a shipyard! The sheer cash is INSANE when you pawn off 15 Orinocco and 8 transports at once.

The cheapest TL will run you 12 million, though. That's a fair bit of change.
Estuans interius, Ira vehementi

"The old world dies and with it the old ways. We will rebuild it as it should be, MUST be... Immortal!"

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Post Mon Mar 08, 2004 4:56 am
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On the Razorblade of Life
On the Razorblade of Life

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Yeah, I've been looking at getting a Herc eventually, but I'm a little low on cash at the moment after buying and eqipping an SPP and two Mantas. I'll wait til they start producing at a good rate. Meanwhile, I'll continue to harvest pirates.
If God said it, then that settles it!

I don't use Smileys, I use Emoticons!!

Post Mon Mar 08, 2004 7:47 am
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I'll probably do some capture runs later.

My ranks have been DROPPING lately. Very irritating. Seems if you don't do things your ranks will suffer. For example, I spent a few hours lounging about setting up SPPs and remotely clearing sectors with my Nemisis from the bridge of my fortress ship... my piloting rating dropped from Ace 3rd Rank to Vice Admiral. I didn't do any fighting myself yesterday either and slipped from Vice Admiral all the way back to Colonel!


Time to raid a Xenon sector.
Estuans interius, Ira vehementi

"The old world dies and with it the old ways. We will rebuild it as it should be, MUST be... Immortal!"

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Post Mon Mar 08, 2004 2:25 pm
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On the Razorblade of Life
On the Razorblade of Life

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I didn't realise your ranks could drop!! That's not in the manual either!!!! I was thinking of taking a break from Pirate hunting to do a little personal trading; now I'm not so sure.
If God said it, then that settles it!

I don't use Smileys, I use Emoticons!!

Post Mon Mar 08, 2004 11:11 pm
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Stranger In A Strange Land
Stranger In A Strange Land

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My understanding is that ranks only drop after long periods of SETA use. I don't have the time to find the post at the moment but Bernd @ Egosoft said an "anti-cheating" (my words - I can't remember how he phrased it) system was built in that would drop ranks after ~1+ hours of continual unattended SETA use.
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Post Mon Mar 08, 2004 11:53 pm
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That would make sense, then. I'll typically leave it on SETA if I have to step away from the computer to run errands or such. I dropped after playing for two hours, SETAing while making and eating dinner and doing laundry, and coming back (easily more than an hour).

Heh. All the way back to Marksman now.

But Marksman with a nearly fully equipped Boron M2.

Getting a rank back was as simple as hitting shift-j, targetting Presidents End, counting to 10, and then hitting 'attack all enemies' and shifting to 3rd person and watching the fireworks.
Estuans interius, Ira vehementi

"The old world dies and with it the old ways. We will rebuild it as it should be, MUST be... Immortal!"

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Post Tue Mar 09, 2004 3:32 pm
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