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What it will take?
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Last Man Standing
Last Man Standing

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What it will take?

Every game (at least that's what I'm thinking) suppose to be relaxation from our daily routine. Of course nobody made or ever will for that matter game that will please everybody. Anyway my question is where the game stops being fun and start being frustration? How much it will take and what to just uninstalled and never looking back?

That's what happened to me, playing IWD 2, I was going through these chapters with feeling that I'm missing something, and then I met The Guardian. Seeing my helpless crew having their bottom kicked too many times was as much as I could take it. Then it got me thinking, for the past 10 years of pc playing; this is the first time I quit before I could finish the game (I guess I'm getting old). The reason, I got frustrated.

IWD2 is only example so I'm not looking for solutions how to pass that stage. I'm just curious if any of you experienced similar encounter? At one point you realized you playing the game without actually having fun, so what's the point?
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Post Thu Sep 19, 2002 5:30 pm
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Elf Friend
Elf Friend

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This happend to me with IWD 1 !! Somewhere along the line I just got tired of watching my party run to attack enemies firing off deadly traps the whole way. So I either had to move at snail's pace (and even that was not 100% effective) or just get used to reloading on a regular basis. I chose the third option ... uninstall
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Post Thu Sep 19, 2002 6:35 pm
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Overgrown Cat
Overgrown Cat

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where the game stops being fun and start being frustration?

I usually can handle most CRPGs so far; however i agree that IWD 1 is rather difficult compare to others especially in Heart of Fury mode. In IWD 2 quite a lot peoples said that it is more difficult than IWD 1, mainly because all the tactical combats and challenging puzzles or mazes. Some players need to reload dozen times or even more (one game reviewer stated that he had to reload around 30 times when combating certain enemies). I think both IWD 1&2 tend to emphasizes on tactical combat and thus involving trial and error and naturally the result is many instances of reloading.

There is particular games from particular genre that always make me frustrated - adventure games. On one hand i really like games with interesting and involving story such as adventure games, but i really hate the ridiculous and mind-bending puzzles that accompanies them. I knew some player can spend days or even weeks just to solve one puzzle and to finish the whole game in six months period. But personally i think it ain't fun when you get stuck in same location for days and keep insisting you to figure out the puzzle. When that happens i always start to use cheats (it's not to spoil the game but to make the game fun to play again). At least in CRPGs they always contain multiples solutions or the non-linear aspect.
Post Thu Sep 19, 2002 8:06 pm
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Elf Friend
Elf Friend

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@ Goofy

AHHHHHHHHHH! I'd suppressed the memory. Adventure games AHHHHHHHHH!! One of the King's Quest games (I think) I got stuck in a forest that was composed of 6 or so boxes set up in a ring formation, and could NOT get out. After spending hours trying to figure it out, I went on line and, after much looking, found the answer.

I had to go to a particular box in forest and drop a gem, a gnome/leprochaun/elf thingy would run out, grab the gem. Repeat. Then on the *third* time use a sack on the pixie. No where in the game did it state that pixies liked gems. No where did it state that pixies lived in that bloody forest. No where was I informed that three is a magic number. Did I go back and finish the game? NO WAY!

I uninstalled as fast as I could and used the CD as a frisbee until it broke.
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Post Thu Sep 19, 2002 8:17 pm
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I went thru a similar experience with BG1. I had heard so many good things about it, and I finally picked it up. I played and played. After a while, I noticed that my character wasn't changing any- no levels, no new equipment, no change to my party, nothing. I'd clear a zone or two and gain exactly nothing. I'd do a quest or two and gain next to nothing. After 5 attempts, I still haven't finished the game, and I've finally decided it's just not going to happen. I guess it was more of a boredom problem than frustration, but it's kinda a similar situation- when you finally realize that "this game just ain't fun any more..."
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Sorry. No pearls of wisdom in this oyster.
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Post Thu Sep 19, 2002 10:58 pm
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High Emperor
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For me , when I get frustrated and quit playing(Temporarally) a game if I have to reload on a battle more than about 2-3 times or, mostly in adventure games, I'm so stuck at a puzzle or I don't know what to do next that I walk around the same area 12 times trying to figure it out.

I swear some game makers put stuff in games so difficult to figure out so that people almost have to buy a hint book or, I don't think companies still offer this but it was on my KQ6 manual, call the hint line.

It takes a lot for me to uninstall a game never to look at it again, mostly if the game isn't any fun anymore, like when I was playing Septerra Core, I got so tired of fighting the same monsters I fought two seconds ago simply because I went into another "cell".

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Post Fri Sep 20, 2002 2:16 am
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The Elder Spy
The Elder Spy

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When I got frustrated in a crpg my reaction is usually:

'Now more than ever - I want to beat you.'

I remember that I was very frustrated when I mapped levels in Bards Tale 2 - hundrets of teleporters and spinners. aaaarrrghhhh
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Post Fri Sep 20, 2002 7:55 am
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Joey Nipps
Orcan High Command
Orcan High Command

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I concur - I am just about at the end of my rope with IWD2. It is tedius, boring, frustrating - games are NOT supposed to illicit that sort of response from anybody.
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Post Fri Sep 20, 2002 1:26 pm
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I use to get really frustrated and angry with some RPG games! For example, the AD&D games using the Infinity engine, its so frustrating watching your character miss 10 hits in a row!

Same with NWN, i was supposed to kill the dragon in SP, it was impossible! I died hundreds of times, i could not even hit the stupid dragon! Argh... i have uninstalled NWN anyway.
Post Fri Sep 20, 2002 10:26 pm
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Overgrown Cat
Overgrown Cat

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Originally posted by Rawis
.... with NWN, i was supposed to kill the dragon in SP, it was impossible! I died hundreds of times, i could not even hit the stupid dragon! Argh... i have uninstalled NWN anyway.

I have no problem at all to defeat NWN' SP, maybe the dragon is immune to your attacks/weapons, or random bugs.

Why don't spend another six hours keep reloading the game
Post Sat Sep 21, 2002 5:38 am
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The Old One
The Old One

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Re: What it will take?

Originally posted by Seth
IWD2 is only example so I'm not looking for solutions how to pass that stage. I'm just curious if any of you experienced similar encounter? At one point you realized you playing the game without actually having fun, so what's the point?

It happened to me several times. I remember that I met this problem with Baldurs Gate II, Disciples II and several other games.
Post Sat Sep 21, 2002 2:04 pm
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Fearless Paladin
Fearless Paladin

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Originally posted by Lintra

This happend to me with IWD 1 !! Somewhere along the line I just got tired of watching my party run to attack enemies firing off deadly traps the whole way. So I either had to move at snail's pace (and even that was not 100% effective) or just get used to reloading on a regular basis. I chose the third option ... uninstall

I actually thought that IWD was a nice dungeon crawl with some cool storylines thrown in. I went through with a party and then with a solo Fighter/Mage and I thought it was much less frustrating than, say, Wizardry 8. I just wished it wasn't so short...

- Wind
Post Sat Sep 21, 2002 6:23 pm
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Stranger In A Strange Land
Stranger In A Strange Land

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Seems like a lot of people got annoyed with IE games which is completely different to my experience.

I'm with Wind - Wiz8 drove me mad. Every time I turned around there was a *long* combat encounter. I usually like combat but these got tedious.
Post Sun Sep 22, 2002 1:25 am
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Late Night Spook
Late Night Spook

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I'll uninstall games in one of two instances -
a) I finished the game
b) the game starts to become extremely boring.

I got frustrated - really frustrated - twice in my gaming lifetime - though never to the point of uninstalling. First time was with Lands of Lore 1, the room in the castle where your automap vanished in a shower of embers and where floor plates kept on rotating until you became sick. I didn't find a way out of the room which was necessary to continue , and I finally stopped playing. Two weeks later when I was on a bus home I suddenly thought of the game again, and in that very moment I suddenly *knew* what to do to get out of this infernal room.
I was right. Came home, played, made it.
Second one which managed to frustrate me was The Dig. Lintra's pixie story reminds me a lot of the puzzle with the cage and the animal and the necklace. In this case I had to look it up on the net...
Post Sun Sep 22, 2002 11:00 am
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