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Need Ideas Plz!!!
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Brigadier General

Joined: 29 Mar 2003
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Need Ideas Plz!!!

hey everyone, i'm looking to write a few books and need ideas for character names, i have a few, i also need some creatured, i'm not very good at creating names and stuff, but there are going to be dragons, draconians, goblins, and some creatures that are made up, there is going to be an evil dragon lord named Liander, and an elven warrior, his sister, who is an elven archer, a dwarf, a human, and 2 mages, a fire mage, and a psi mage, and i also need a few names of towns and cities and stuff, if you guys (or girls) could give me a few ideas, it would be greatly appreciated
Inhale Life, Exhale Pain
Navy, Accelerate your life
Post Fri Mar 18, 2005 7:45 pm
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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I find making names always very hard too, maybe yo could use some dragon attributes for names? things with -wing -claw -talon -firebreath or something. Of course such a dragon would have a true name too, something no normal being even bothers to speak like chrastafilaxzes or something like that.

As for Goblins i find it always very funny if they have short names which rhime. I think NWN has this a lot. things like Curc, Nurk Xurc etcetera, though this will make your stries a bit unbelieveble

Anyways i wish you luck with your book and i hope some other people will have some more useful suggestions
If you can't debate without namecalling then don't bother visiting us. -Myrthos
Post Fri Mar 18, 2005 9:47 pm
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Brigadier General

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War of Dragons
Christopher Stocking

Chapter 1

The fire in the fireplace shined brightly in the Inn of the Red Dragon. The Bartender Krisha was busy serving drinks to citizens of Torlar. Drain, Stephanie, and Sazdar sat at a table next to the fireplace. Drain, with a mug of Ale in his hand, laughed loudly as Stephanie told a joke. Stephanie had a glass of wine sitting in front of her. Sazdar had some sort of mixture containing hot water, and a type of leaf found deep in the Elder Forest. As they sat there, they heard a familiar voice behind them. “There you guys are, we’ve been looking for you everywhere, we should have known you’d be here” said a husky voice. “Dragof, you grubby little dwarf, good to see you” Drain said. Dragof ran over to the table where Drain sat. Khristilia and Arlan followed behind him. While they were talking about where they had been and the latest gossip, they heard a noise, a high pitched Scream, followed by a dagger being launched through the window and stabbing a citizen in the chest. The Heroes readied their weapons and waited for something to happen. They heard the screech again, and instead of a dagger, a draconian flew in through the window. Arlan launched a rock from his Hoopack and hit the draconian in the head, causing blood to drip down the side of the draconians head. The draconian looked at the Kender and laughed. Khristilia leaped at the draconian and slashed at its neck with her razor sharp short swords. The draconians head rolled onto the floor, in front of the dead citizen’s body. Khristilia stood up and smiled. Then, another draconian flew in the window and tackled her. The draconian pulled out a dagger and raised it high into the air. Sazdar put a hand on his head, and pointed a long, bony finger at the draconian. Sazdar began mumbling some words, then; the draconian dropped the dagger onto the floor and grabbed its head. It stood up and stumbled around the bar, then, it stumbled into the window and fell a long ways onto the ground. More draconians came flooding into the inn through the windows and door. The Heroes began fighting the draconians, as the killed more, more came in. a few bodies were flung into the fireplace, lighting them on fire, thus, lighting the inn on fire. Any citizens who were still alive threw water on the blazing fire, trying to save their inn. The citizens were killed before they could put the fire out entirely. The Heroes killed off the rest of the draconians. The inn was covered in blood. “Hey! Where’s Krisha?” Stephanie said. They searched the in but couldn’t find her. “We have to get out of here before more draconians get here” Drain said. They ran out of the inn and as soon s they got outside they stopped moving. What they saw was the most horrible thing anyone has ever seen, dead bodies everywhere. Men and woman impaled on spears, houses on fire, blood soaked bodies on the ground. The Heroes walked down the road, observing everything around them. “No survivors” Sazdar said, looking around him. “Torlar is now under the control of the Draconians” Drain said. “But why?” Arlan said, searching all the bodies. “Who knows” Khristilia replied, pulling Arlan away from a body. “We have to leave this place, we should head for the Elder forest, I know Elves who live there, and they can help us” Khristilia said; hold Arlan high into the air. Arlan kicked and grunted, managing to squirm out of the Elf’s grip. They left the city and followed a dirt path that lead to the Elder forest. The forest was about a two days journey, then they had to go another five miles before they reached the Elves that Khristilia knew.
Inhale Life, Exhale Pain
Navy, Accelerate your life
Post Sat Mar 19, 2005 2:53 am
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Paws of Doom
Paws of Doom

Joined: 11 Sep 2002
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Dont worry Drake, you arent the first to encounter this problem. You can do a search on "Fantasy Name Generator" on the net, there are a few people out there that can help out with this.

Here's a name generator -


"Shanna's Elf Name Database"-


Here's a page that has many generated names, from the fantasy type that you are looking for, to Cthulu-ish and the rpg parody "Pokethulu"(I think a cross between Pokemon and Cthulu). links to a few more sites on the page


Barbarian names from that page, some of these are pretty funny!
Attor Demontooth
Grindan Blueseed
Cow Tamarson
Tellan Rhegedson
Odon Elderson
Eskil Goldson
Micolai of Perevitsk
Arshavir of the Nine Fires
Kjell Darkstick
Oleg Yurikski
Selwyn Aldredsson
Isen Monkeyhunter
Attor Godsshield
Maccus Sunsword
Isen Prasutagusson
Daoud Hamzah
Mikal Ghani
Thormod Harehead
Egor Feliksovich
Sergei Vanechkaski
Wregan Tellansson
Arman of Trubchevsk
Shunnar Areeb
Khalid Sirhan
Leopard Ariansson
Zivon the Fox
Arian the Spinner
Gaderian Hrypasson
Ragnar Bluefish
Yasha of Belz
Aart Spearthrasher
Monkey Deogolson
Oxa Blackwater
Selwyn Elmheart
Kol Starsword
Gremian the Tinker
Banning Bluefish
Atol Greeneye
Shurik the Drunken
Geraint Littlerod
Gremian Tinhammer
Etienne Cleverthoughts
Harald Goldpike
Ksathra of the Many Masters
Sigmund Bullkiller
Feliks Vanechkaski
Rheged the Sculptor
Vermund Wyrmrunner
Assim of the Seven Fires
Kevork of the Myriad Evils
Gest Daggerwielder
Kjell Firelash
Modig Strangson
Geraint Rodorson
Orm the Arrow
Sanduru of the Cold Ocean
Egor the Weak
Gentza the Tenth Sorceror
Milian of the White Hand
Vagn Greenaxe
Borya the Eagle
Wyrm Lucanson
Cynric Copperdagger
Bernat the Gray Sorceror
Tolenka of Preslavets
Synn Coolford
Kiril the Crow
Nishan of the Four Winds
Borya of Solodovintsy
Piarres of the Glowing Ocean
Lukyan the Goat
Antinko Zivonov
Kolenka of Chmielnik
Ingi the Lizard
Eskil Coolfish
Modig the Swineherd
Grigori the Shark
Azhar Rasul
Yuri Vanechkaov
Urtun of the Holy Mesa
Kevork of the Nine Fires
Bogdashka Dimitriov
Thorgest the Dagger
Magnild Yellowrod
Vachel Foxthoughts
Halig Fyrenson
Ogmund Thorfinnssen
Kismi of the Burning Soul
Bahir Faheem
Hadrian Whiteberry
Faran Wyrmmaster
Geirstein the Raven
Cynric Cedargrove
Synn Diamondclub
Thorstein Rognvaldssen
Yrre Daggerthrower
Anhaga Yellowlash
Hring the Bear
Hardouin Ghoststep
Yuri Deniskaov
Adrik the Drunken
Lucan Fishslayer
Cerdic Axethrower
Orm the Tiger
Tello of the Burning Spirit
Eskil Darkberry
Yuri of Tovarov
Froila the Ever-changing Magician
Synn Axethrower
Ormod Littlewood
Selwyn Sharkhunter
Odon Redmark
Ivan Bogdashkaski
Manton Beechbranch
Yrre Boarhunter
Cyrus of the Myriad Rings
Mazhar Jameel
Korian of the Countless Wonders
Beremundo the Sybaritic Wizard
Lucan Wyrmherder
Govannon Whiteknife
Vassi Pyotrski
Edik of Chersonesus
Dar Aashiq
Hall the Arrow
Kol Lancethrasher
Anhaga Greenskin
Thorgils the Elephant
Blasius Grayspot
Vassi the Weak
Harek Axethrower
Deogol Leopardfoot
Ivar the Wildcat
Magar of the Countless Evils
Bork the Axe
Urtun the Fastidious Wizard
Leonide Alikov
Erian Saberthrower
Ivar Brandsson
Orzaize of the Radiant Heart
Ulf Amundisen
Rafiq Alam
Halig Elephantmaster
Sigwulf the Jaguar
Shakir Ardon
Durriken Pirro
Tellan Axethrower
Derian the Cobbler
Brogan Pikethrasher
Laurendi of the Second Hand
Rurik of Vyshgorod
Karayan of the Eight Rings
Nasr Addar
Godric Tigerslayer
Trymman Moonseed
Nerian Stillskin
Tellan Rattrainer
Mehtar Makis
Brogan the Singer
Kol the Knife
Fyren Greencloud
Faran Atolson
Laurgain of the Morning Castle
Thorgils Swordthrasher
Gunnlaug Wyrmseeker
Thorbrand Thorvaldssen
Brand Demonkiller
Artaxiad of the Four Fires
Geir the Cow
Olivier Slickmover
Yngve Redbird
Viktor the Executioner
Isen Badgerherder
Finnbogi Wolfcatcher
Gudmund the Goat
Vanechka of Dedoslavl
Adame of the Fighting Soul
Modig Besyrwanson
Didier Foxhands
Fadeyka Tosyaski
Kalf Clubthrasher
Byrtwold Bluemark
Ozur Badgerskinner
Maiorga the Gray Sorceror
Jasha the Goat
Nouel Wilycuts
Yuri Armanov
Tellan Kenricson
Orm Godssaber
Garoa the Life Wizard
Trymman Cedargrove
Karolek the Snake
Edric Byrtwoldsson
Mord the Pig
Jermija the Valorous
Garabed of the Nine Fires
Hog Fyrensson
Dimitri Dimitriski
Atol Whiteaxe
Aresti the Gray Wizard
Arian Blacksword
Fadeyka the Tiger
Melchior of the Eight Winds
Pig Athelstansson
Thorbjorn Demontrainer
Attor Goldhammer
Marlon Quickflight
Gildas Elmsilver
Trymman Wildcattrapper
Adrik of Elets
Rheged the Swineherd
Cadmon Cerdicson
Bedrosian of the Countless Fingers
Yuri the Grizzly
Penrith Spearwielder
Gabirel of the Shining Keep
Helgi Demonseeker
Otrygg Tinsword
Wregan Wildcatmaster
Kjell Goldheart
Fridgeir the Arrow
Tosya the Coon
Etienne Slyfingers
Zivon Grishaovich
Gunnbjorn the Beaver
Vagn Panthertooth
Kurush of the Six Faces
Ramza Adir
Alik the Lion
Lucan the Singer
Manton Firecloud
Matek Siddeeq
Odon Blackwood
Atol Grizzlyslayer
Hauk Bonesaber
Otkel Sharkslayer
Cynric Ariansson
Selwyn the Money Lender
Hedin Lancethruster
Barea of the Flowery Colony
Ormod Elmgrove
Yrre Oaktree
Bodvar Bonehammer
Faran Coolseed
Ogmund Pikewielder
Halig Whiteman
Stanislov Dimitriov
Grigori Jermijaovich
Edlin Birchleaf
Garabed of the Many Masters
“Then away out in the woods I heard that kind of a sound that a ghost makes when it wants to tell about something that's on its mind and can't make itself understood, and so can't rest easy in its grave, and has to go about that way every night grieving.”-Mark Twain
Post Sat Mar 19, 2005 5:21 am
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Brigadier General

Joined: 29 Mar 2003
Posts: 1310
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Thanks for the list, say, as i post the chapters, cold you guys give me some feedback on what to improve and what you liked and didn't like that stuff like that?

Inhale Life, Exhale Pain
Navy, Accelerate your life
Post Sat Mar 19, 2005 2:16 pm
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Brigadier General

Joined: 29 Mar 2003
Posts: 1310
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They entered forest and found that there was a lot of shrubbery. The path was almost invisible, but Khristilia knew where she was going and didn’t need the path. She hurried the group along so that could find her Elven Allies as soon as possible. She ran through the forest without breaking a sweat, while Drain, in his heavy armor struggled to keep up with the rest of the group. They reached the camp and found something they had not expected. There were Elven bodies everywhere, tents and wooden shacks were burned to the ground. There were a few dead draconian bodies around on the ground as well. Khristilia walked to the center of the camp and fell to her knees. She put her hands over her face and began to sob. The other adventurers walked over to her and comforted her. Khristilia stood up and wiped the tears from her eyes. She looked around her, and began sprinting through the forest as fast as she could. The other followed as closely as they could, the almost lost her but she stopped running suddenly. The other stood next to her and saw the same thing she did, a very tall tower. They walked up to the tower and Stephanie opened the door. The door slowly opened and made a very annoying and loud squeaking sound. When the door was completely opened, they slowly entered the tower, weapons drawn. The searched the area, not saying anything to each other. “I know this tower” Khristilia said, searching through a book case. “It’s the tower of two rivers, I though this tower was destroyed many years ago by the dragons” Khristilia said, looking at a book written in Elven. “Where do these stairs lead to?” Arlan asked, already half-way up the staircase. “They lead up to the bar, the third level lea-““the bar!” Dragof interrupted. Dragof ran up the stairs as fast as he could. He ran behind the bar and began filling hic pockets with beer using his left hand, and drinking beer with his right hand. “Easy Dragof, you can get your beer when we leave, I wanna finish exploring this tower” Khristilia said, looking around the bar. “Over here, I found another set of stairs”. The adventurers ran up the stairs and found that they were in another library. The library was filled with many book shelves, filled with thousands of books. Khristilia began filling her pack with books she found. They then went up another set of stairs. The stairs led to the bed chambers. “What’s that?” Arlan asked, pointed to a bed. They walked up to the bed and saw that it was a skeleton. In the skeletons hand was a short sword. They ignored the skeleton and began walking up another set of stairs. Drain gave Dragof a playful nudge, causing the dwarf to tumble down the stairs, everyone except Sazdar laughed. Dragof stood up and ran up to Drain. He tried to pull Drain down the stairs but he couldn’t move the large knight. They got to the top of the stairs and they head something behind them. Dragof turned around and saw a skeleton running up the stairs. “I’ll handle this” Dragof said, pulling out his War Hammer. Dragof leaped at the skeleton and swung down at its head. The hammer hit the skeletons head shattering it. Dragof rolled and stood up. He put his hammer away and walked back over with the rest of the group. “Where are we?” Stephanie asked. “We’re on the top floor. This is where all the magic supplies are kept” Khristilia said. Sazdar looked around him. He walked over to an armoire and opened it up. Inside were many potions. He took them and put them in a pouch he had inside of his robes. Sazdar then walked over to a chest on the floor, he tried to open it but it was locked. “I’ll handle this” Dragof said, pulling out his Great Axe. Dragof ran towards the chest but Sazdar picked him up off the ground. “No, I will handle it” Sazdar said, dropping the dwarf on the ground. Dragof grunted and put his axe away. Sazdar pulled out a vile filled with a white liquid. He dripped a little bit of it on the lock, and then put the vile away, the white liquid at away at the old, Elven lock. When the lock was completely melted away, Sazdar opened the chest and found a small leather satchel. He picked it up and opened it. The stink of rotten eggs filled the air. “Ah, good, these are the leaves I need to keep my energy up.” Sazdar said, closing the satchel and putting it away. “We have everything we need, can we leave now?” Stephanie asked. “I guess so” Khristilia said. They began walking down the stairs. When they got down to the bar Dragof began loading up on beer, whine, and Gin. When they got to the bottom floor of the tower Dragof tripped over something. He stood up and saw a handle on the floor. He pulled on the handle and saw a set of stairs. “Hey, we should check this out” Dragof said, walking down the stairs with a hand on his axe handle. They walked down the stairs and found out that it led to a dungeon. They walked past many empty cells. But, the last one they came to wasn’t empty. “Krisha! What are you doing here?” Drain said, trying to kick the door open. “Those disgusting draconians locked me in here, they captured me when they attacked the inn, oh my god, the inn, is it still there, what happened, what happened to the city?!” Krisha said, pacing back and forth in her cell. “Torlar is now in control of the Draconians” Sazdar said. “You mean is now under control of Liander” Krisha replied, her head down. “What? Who’s Liander?” Stephanie asked. “Liander is an evil dragon lord, he’s the one who sent those draconians, he intends on taking over all of Lyccyia using his dragon armies.” Krisha said. “We have to stop him, where is this Liander?” Drain asked. “He lives up in the Norse lands, in Fort Liander, it is heavily guarded, with many Draconians and Dragons.” She said. “How do you know all of this?” Khristilia asked, taking out a lockpick and unlocking her cell door. “I overheard them talking.” Krisha said. “We much hurry” Drain said
Inhale Life, Exhale Pain
Navy, Accelerate your life
Post Sat Mar 19, 2005 3:06 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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I find that it resembles the beginning of the Dragons of Autumn Twilight book by Tracy Hickman and Margaret Weis. Was it the main inspiration? For one, your mage sound a lot like Raistlin. Other similarities lie in the fact that the heroes meet up in a bar and that the said bar, I believe, is high off the ground. I really want to know if its the same universe. I've only read about draconians in the dragonlance world so I'm assuming it is. If that is the case (and I'm not sure here) then I believe draconians bodies are something to be feared as well. For instance, when one kills them they usually turn to stone or acid or explode or some other crazy thing. If you incorporate that into the fight scenes it might make them more dynamic. Also, if this is the case watch out when you say "draconian bodies." That implies flesh which there usually isn't any left of draconians after they die. I'm might also be totally wrong here because your take on draconians might be different.

Something else to consider is that your characters sound a bit too sure of themselves. They never come across a situation they can't handle (although I did only read the first two posts you wrote). But it just seems like they are running through everything like a killing machine. Like at the Inn it sounds like they single handedly killed 40 draconians. That’s a lot and cause for worry. But then again its your story and you might like it like that. I’m just pointing out what didn't sound ok with me.

Also, as a general note you need to try to write in more fluid sentences, at least in the beginning introduction. You introduce the characters but in those introductions you say nothing of character or looks or whatever. Sometimes the sentences are really too short and almost fragmenting and that can get a little distracting. Try to say something about the character instead of a basic what they are doing. In the beginning you write
Stephanie had a glass of wine sitting in front of her.
but this is after you say that she was telling a joke. In which case, what is this sentence for? where does it bring you? Its things like that you need to watch out for.

Also this one quote really hit me.
What they saw was the most horrible thing anyone has ever seen, dead bodies everywhere.

That is a huge statement. Try to tone it down in a way that still makes it dramatic. You could have people who are still barely alive gasping for air or something. But if your characters are warriors then supposedly they live in a time when a lot of war and fighting happens. It sounds to me like there is a lot of strife in your world and so it is possible that something like this has happened before. Whenever you get into the whole "than anyone has ever seen" it really has to be big. What you could do though is setup that sentence to a distinct character. Say that it was the most horrible thing "so and so" has ever seen. That even sets you up for further emotional and psychological turmoil within that specific character.

Also, the following sentence really put a smile on my face.
They entered forest and found that there was a lot of shrubbery.

I think you need to elaborate or not say it at all. This isn’t enough for a setting. Also, it doesn't sound right. I hope you understand what I mean.

Other than those things, I really have nothing more to say. Generally watch out for spelling and grammar errors (there are a few) and try to start new paragraphs when your characters are talking. Whenever a new person talks you need to add a new paragraph. you might know that already and I'm sorry for saying it if you do. Generally though the story was interesting and moved pretty well. Work on it. It has potential. I hope you don't take this post as a flame or anything. I’m trying to provide you with good feedback (like I wish I got for my animations). I don't want you to get discouraged or angry or anything. I really did like the storyline.
Post Sat Mar 19, 2005 5:14 pm
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Brigadier General

Joined: 29 Mar 2003
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thanks for all the help...i can use all the help i can get...i'll be sure to edit those things you said...i'll elaborate more in later chapters....and the spelling mistakes will be fixed

Inhale Life, Exhale Pain
Navy, Accelerate your life
Post Sat Mar 19, 2005 5:28 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

Joined: 24 Dec 2004
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can't wait to see it.
Post Sat Mar 19, 2005 6:04 pm
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