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On Orcs
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 16 Aug 2002
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On Orcs

have you ever played diferent games and every one has a diferent idea of orcs. here is a few exaples.

the Orcs in warcraft are over exagerated, they have huge tusks, can use magic and are somewhat tall

The Orcs in Die by the sword are people with pig heads, they still have tusks but they resamble wharthogs

The Orcs in Morrowind are the best exaple of true orcs, i will tell why later

The Orcs in Neverwinter nights, are small and come in two colors, blue and green, they are vary short, 4.5 feet, and have over exagerated fetures.

The Orcs in lord of the rings, they look like true orcs, but there orcis features are small, and there tusks are so small they fit in there mouths.

The Orcs in mythology, Orcs in mythology are tortured elves, hey have given there soul to the devil and had there body disfigured, they are proud and noble but not very smart, they have amazing stregth and willpower.

all of these are diferent type of Orcs, LOTR has kept the same history of te orcs, but in my opinion they look more like extra large goblins.

soim trying to figure how all of these orc type that exist and which is the real and true orc.
Orc Myth was started by bretons in late 500- 900 AC, ( I believe, but I may be wrong) and spread across europe, they where magical beast posesed by evil powers, they are also part of the goblinoid family tree.

Goblinoids are disfigured bodies of varios races, Orcs are elves, trolls are humans, goblins are gnomes, and the rest I do Not know.

if you whould like to add to this go right ahead.
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Post Sat Aug 24, 2002 8:30 pm
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The MasterCopy
The MasterCopy

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The Orcs in Gothic come in both Fighters and Mages.
The are larger then humans and stronger. Smart enough to build things.

The stry of Lord Of the Rings is very old. It must have the more original Orcs.

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Post Sat Aug 24, 2002 8:39 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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LOTR have the best orcs ever, they are stupid, strong, and have dark green skin, they only lack a sligtly larger jaw, and a little biger tusks, it would have been hard to do that since giving 300+ actors a enanched jaw and teath, but they do look good end even have the missing nose.

the orcs that look the most like the mytholgical orcs are in Morrowind, there jaw is larger, they have tusks, but are a little too smart for my taste.

but the ones in LOTR are raelly the best and most detailed I have ever seen, you could almost say they are real.
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Post Sat Aug 24, 2002 10:22 pm
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I think the orcs from Lord of the Rings are the best ones. The Isengard orcs are cool! Can't remember the name of the leader, he was very cool. Jaz, help me?

The Warcraft orcs are the worst ones, i mean, they are like green! They look pathetic!
Post Sat Aug 24, 2002 10:56 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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well the orcs in Warcraft are like every oher race over exagerated, warcraft has a diferent aproch on Fantasy, the elves are ofthen considered , abnoxsios, selfish and believe they are all powerfull. dwarves are small and hve the sarts of a young human. warcraft made the Elves even more abnoxsios, if you have read a book (cant remeber the name) it hapens bethwen warcraft 2 and 3, the hord is at bay and the human aliance is having trouble, the elves say humans are stupid, and will never defete the horde, and go there own way. dwarves stay and ally with humans, in the end the elves where eliminated, and dwarves found themselves the most enligthed ones. its kinda the small twist in warcraft, the only race that has no overexagerated features are the humans, like in most modern fantasy humans are warriors and to ofthen fight for pitiful reasons such as revenge and hate, kinda like LOTR, human sivilasation has fallen and there is fear it will die out.

and what this all means, The warcraft searies have over exagerated races, they all act like the real fantasy races but at a more extream extent.
same with orcs, they gave them huge tusks, some have bigger tusks than there own head, (like Grom Hellscream), but the orcs in warcraft, I find are more civilized, I really cant say why I believe orcs are civilized and smarter than every other race, but lets just say, they have put the past behind.

In LOTR they keep every aspect of Orcs true, they even make them climb walls, a old book I found at a library about the mythology of orcs, had tons of info, orcs are very agile and with good equipment climb walls, they attack in packs, and only pray on the very weak, kinda like having 1,000,000 VS 1 ods, they are also easy to control since they lack intelegence, and can be pursuaded esally, they lack a nose and have a nosi smilar to a pig, they are part of the goblinoid family, they are the smartest of the goblinoid family, they can make armor, weapons and houses, there social skill are non existent, they are usualy called barbariens, but many belive they kill just for the heck of it, that is not true, the reasons orcs will attack are, to protect ther ground, they dont ask questions and just kill. next is for food, money, or necesary things to live.
Orders by a higher in command, and just because they hate somebody.
they dont go in vilages and do a rampage. it also sais orcs have a fine sence of sight, smell and sound. but have dificulty fealing stuff, there skin comes in shades of dark green, dark blue (almost navy blue) and redish black. they have a slightly larger lower jaw, no upper canines, and larger lower canines (pointy theath, vampires have long upper canines), they are also to large to fit under the lip. they have dark blue, green or black eyes.
Orcs com from varios contries and vary by color and size (like giants, hill mountain, rock, vally).

that is as much I know about the true history about orcs

its hard to really find True information about orcs, next to dragons its the most popular Myth ever.
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Post Sun Aug 25, 2002 12:36 am
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Fearless Paladin
Fearless Paladin

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Hehe, that's a lot of orc research, Bravo!

My take on this is that the "historical accuracy" (in relation to the oldest myths) should not really matter when discussing fantasy work, except if it is actually set in a real world historical setting. Fantasy exists so that people can take whatever ideas are out there and morph them into wherever their creative juices take them. Often the best stories I've read and watched (movies) just go their own way and break apart from conventional thinking. So if that's what people want to do, more power to them

- Wind
Post Sun Aug 25, 2002 1:23 am
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Umm, what do you mean about "true"?
Post Sun Aug 25, 2002 1:25 am
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SBR Belfry Bat
SBR Belfry Bat

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As the Vice President of H.A.O.D.L., the Humans Against Orc Defamation League, I must agree that Orcs have been horribly misunderstood. Humans simply haven’t taken the effort to understand the true nature of the Orc; the creatures primal instinct and deep spiritual ways. Because of these two traits the Orcs are almost at conflict with themselves, yet though through this they have managed to achieve far more than anyone thought they could do. And violence between Orcs and other races is usually because of simple misunderstanding. See this thread for more details... http://www.rpgdot.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=99737&highlight=haodl#99737
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Post Sun Aug 25, 2002 2:32 am
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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when I say true orc, i mean by the book of mythology based on the ancient breton myth.

and I do have to admit that orcs are often misunder stood, I have studied them (as you may have gussed) they are the smartest of the goblinoid family tree, they have a intelegence at par with a 6-12 year old, wile giants have intlegece at par with a less than 1 year old. they have lots of honor and dutie, they follow there leader with loyalty, even if he is bad or good.
and they usualy get a bad reputation for mostly bad people take a smeally, unsocial best that has the strenght of 5 men.
like i said in history books of myth Orcs are considered very honarable, the worship the dead, and have barial ceremonies for great warrior.
in most books its start by some stupid missiunderstading, its like at my work, kids of about 6 years come in and see our selection of candy, they ask there mom to by some candy, the parent refuses and the kid starts to cry or acts arggresive. orcs are somewhat like that, they see new weapons and ask to get some, usualy they dint get some, so thye would try more primitive aproces, if that does not work they may get agressive and attack.

Orcs are very easy to anger, just by steping on there land they can get vary angry, but again is a miss uderstanding.
Suacidal cockroach is vary right, like the three main orc types, they all have deferent gods, or other religios icon, some may belive that all orcs must fight for the same cause and/or worship the same gods, like childs they ar not very good diplomats and fights usualy arrive.
many orcs can go rampage at some point, some tripes may actualy based on violece, and it is usualy where your steriotypical orc comes in, these tribes are the most common, since they live in secluded aeas or arround cities, they act like scavengers, taking what few they can find for free, but get tempted for more, from there they attack for food and survival gear.
An Orc has a natural tendencie for Fun, they usualy satisfy this by hunting or a small brawl with a friend, when it gets to easy some may go for more dificult pray, like a bear or bull.

So Orcs are not naturaly brutal killers, they have a brutal life style but thend to let others that do not get in there terotory unharmed, since they are very turatorial.
Ever wounder about Orc Females.
they dont say much about females in myth books, but they are considered the weaker sex, like humans we let woman stay home and do work, take care of the kids, and not have jobs. Orcs are similar, woman cant get in a hunting party, fight or even pick up a weapon (unlease is for cleaning)
Orcs are also considered great armorers, they are the only Goblinoid that does not find Armor, but makes it, there strength and endurance can let them work around a forge for hours on end.

So you wounder where orcs get there brutal names and habitats.
Orcs prefer to not fight, they never run either, they fight in overwelming numbers, and carry a nick name that is often very violent, its just to scare off a foe, since orcs are single minded in fights they completely block fear, it is usualy done by deap spritual worship. they get there fearless apeal from there. its kinda like goin forward, stoping, but never going backward.

how they get known to do brutal stuff like raping and such.
since orcs have great and honarable families they seek the preatiest woman they can find, it may be a female orc or a female human.
the secound reason is that some smaller tribes close to cities act like scavangers, and like I said seek food, when they cant find it they go closer to the city, he dont yet comprehand the consept of barter, if they dont get it they get angry, they are pussed out of the city, but since orcs never go backwards, they dont take kindly and resist, conflic arrives and both tribe and city enter.

so orcs are teratorial, but not hostile. there small themper is really the rasion of conflic.
You may not alwais start the way you want, but the way you end is totaly up to you.

Post Sun Aug 25, 2002 3:34 am
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SBR Belfry Bat
SBR Belfry Bat

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Originally posted by Ral-Jiktar
Suacidal cockroach is vary right.

I like this guy! Even if he did spell my name wrong. Call me Roach; don't listen to those people that tell you to call me Su or SC or SuicRoach, I have more nicknames than I know what to do with.
You should be a member of HAODL. It's not an official group, nor will it ever be (so I don't think Myrthos will get mad at me for recruiting ), but I am hereby naming you a member. If you want a title talk to Gig, she is the president, but you could probably make up any title you want.
Post Sun Aug 25, 2002 4:09 am
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Fearless Paladin
Fearless Paladin

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Originally posted by Ral-Jiktar
how they get known to do brutal stuff like raping and such.
since orcs have great and honarable families they seek the preatiest woman they can find, it may be a female orc or a female human.
the secound reason is that some smaller tribes close to cities act like scavangers, and like I said seek food, when they cant find it they go closer to the city, he dont yet comprehand the consept of barter, if they dont get it they get angry, they are pussed out of the city, but since orcs never go backwards, they dont take kindly and resist, conflic arrives and both tribe and city enter.

so orcs are teratorial, but not hostile. there small themper is really the rasion of conflic.

Hmm... I think orcs need anger management classes...

"Come on, Lothar, where is this anger coming from?"

"Zug zug! HE makes me mad! So I'ze POUND HIM!"

"Who makes you mad, Lothar?"

"Man I CRUSH make me mad!"

"Is that really the one who makes you mad?"

"Grrr... YES!!!... no... it's..."

"Is it your father, Lothar?"


- Wind
Post Sun Aug 25, 2002 5:10 am
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Late Night Spook
Late Night Spook

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Rawis, you mean Ugluk from the Two Towers? I agree, he's pretty cool. But what do you expect an orc (=me) to say?
I also liked the Fellowship movie Lurtz .
Post Sun Aug 25, 2002 10:18 am
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No, the orc leader that was sent out to find the Fellowship in FotR.
Post Sun Aug 25, 2002 11:45 am
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Late Night Spook
Late Night Spook

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Post Sun Aug 25, 2002 11:51 am
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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well the most loical reasion for Orcs in LOTR to attack the fellowship is for loyalty, they have hono and do have life depts, he propobly sees that his life has ben saved he ows his life.

This part maybe way off topic but her we go.
if there was one fanasy race I could plock in the face, it would be elves.
Yes elves, they may live live 1000 years, and have great magical abilities and build huge structures, but it does not give them the right to rub in your face, there argant, they think of oters but put there needs before, they think they are alwais right (most of the time they are) but what happens when they are not, they later ralize there decition was wrong and decide to send an other race. I know you should not generalize, but all elven leaders seem like real jerks.

oh an orc not only talk, but right in a horid fashin, tons of spellins mistakes.

the moral, the domer you are the beter.
You may not alwais start the way you want, but the way you end is totaly up to you.

Post Sun Aug 25, 2002 3:07 pm
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