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Chinese Authorities Launch Crackdown On MMOGs
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Black Ring Leader
Black Ring Leader

Joined: 19 Jul 2001
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Chinese Authorities Launch Crackdown On MMOGs

The Inquirer is <a href="http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=25146" target="_blank">reporting</a> that the fucked up criminal little gook gang that is -mostly due to economic reasons- more oftenly referred to as the "Chinese government" in our Western world has launched a crackdown on massively multiplayer online games. <br> <br>Companies running MMOGs in China are now required to install timing mechanisms so players are automatically disconnected from the games after a certain number of hours of continuous play (the article does not state the exact number of hours). <br> <br>This may seem silly but if the government feels like it needs to take on the role of mom or dad, well fine, silly but it's just a minor inconvenience really. <br> <br>Now for the outrageous part. The Chinese authorities have also decided to disallow PvP (or PK'ing as they like to call it) when minors under the age of 18 are involved. WTF? Let me get this straight... the same government that will "RL-gank" (a.k.a as mow down with machine gun fire) a group of minors without twitching an eye if the kids protest against said government is concerned about minors being ganked in <em>virtual</em> worlds? How caring of them. Really. <br> <br>Mr. or Mrs. Liu Shifa <strike>poo</strike> head of the Chinese <strike>Internet Censorship Division</strike> MOC's Internet Culture Division is quoted as saying the following on the reasons behind the move:<blockquote><em>Minors should not be allowed to play online games that have PK content, that allow players to increase the power of their own online game characters by killing other players[...] <br> <br>Online games that have PK content usually also contain acts of violence and leads to players spending too much time trying to increase the power of their characters. They are harmful to young people.</em></blockquote> <br> <br>... says a representative of a government whose whole concept of staying in "power" is based on "RL-PK'ing" and acts of violence against anyone who thinks differently. Those acts are not harmful by any means, of course. What was I thinking... jeez. <br> <br>P.S.: Apologies to anyone who -rightfully- thinks that RPGDot/MMORPGDot shouldn't be a political place but we're all only human and this made me go boom . The above in no way reflects the opinion of the entire staff. It's just a single opinion. Now sue me, you commie bastards! *g* <br>
Post Thu Aug 04, 2005 9:01 pm
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Just maybe their leaders are trying to stop their 10 year olds having to deal with abusive language, and bad manners like the 14 year old author of this article on the front of a Jolt website.

If you ask me, might be a wise move to make sure their kids grow up without walking around scream "WTF, l33t kiddie e4t m3". help slowdown/stop child abuse, and stop their kids from growing up with such short tempers and high anger which computer games cause humans to grow with from the high tension, pressure, competitiveness, abusive language and attitudes towards one another, hostile forums, guild/clan wars and slang matches.

take alook at yourself author, and ask your self if their idea is really so silly.
Post Thu Aug 04, 2005 9:06 pm
Black Ring Leader
Black Ring Leader

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*takes a look at himself, notices that he's 33 and not 14 (damn... time flies) and ponders whether SonicBorg realized that he was (possibly not rightfully as stated in the P.S.) merely commenting on the political implications of the move of the Chinese government*.

You're right though. This might have a positive side-effect and "gook haters" like you (who probably got pwned by one "leet" Asian too many in an online game) might be able to look ahead into a brighter future. Seriously, you can't ignore that this whole initiative is reeking of hypocrisy and double standards. "Protecting" the youth... my ass...
Post Thu Aug 04, 2005 9:20 pm
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Black Ring Leader
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Originally posted by SonicBorg
...like the 14 year old author of this article on the front of a Jolt website.

BTW, what's that "front of a Jolt website" stuff supposed to mean? Since you already seem to believe that I'm a child, I'll give you a reason, too, and will just say one word... "LOL!!!1111".

If MMORPGDot is the "front of a Jolt website" then I don't wanna know what the "rear' of a Jolt website looks like *g*. MMORPGDot is about as popular as a penis itch, dude... lol .

Oh, and if you are indirectly threatening to get an unpaid volunteer editor (=me) fired from the Jolt team... good... more time to play games for me so let go off your hate and thanks for trying... my personal ego or fate could hardly be more detached from any involvement with Jolt or this site .
Post Thu Aug 04, 2005 10:53 pm
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Lucky Day


I think we can do without the swearing and racist remarks.
Post Thu Aug 04, 2005 10:56 pm
Head Merchant
Head Merchant

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I don't mind having people killing themselves all day in computer games rather than fighting in the streets or waging wars.

I actually don't mind having an entire human poplulation of geeks that spends all their time behind their computers, killing each others in virtual worlds, ordering pizzas and paying their phone and internet bills.
The so-called "hardcore MMORPG" players are about the most peaceful people you can meet, and if they do any harm it's actually to their own body by denying it a healthy life.

Looks to me that China prefers to have a health youth that will grow up as solid soldiers than a generation of "fat weak mmorpg geeks", that's what this kind of laws are for. Long range plans about the future of their country.

Every hour spent behind a computer is an hour you don't spend stealing, fighting, dealing drugs, etc. Anyway I look at it I can't see how hardcore computer gaming can be harmful for a society.

If China was smarter I would encourage the Chinese government to finance a Chinese MMORPG that praises the Chinese government.
"You can't kill the Internet trend, but you can join it and take advantage of it"
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Post Thu Aug 04, 2005 11:39 pm
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Just a bastard.


Just a comment on the "commie" bastards.

Well Moriendor, I don't know if you are just joking or if you really are another brainwashed capitalist (because many are), but calling someone a comunist is not really offensive, or at least is not more or less offensive than calling someone a capitalist.

Sorry about my english, it's not my native tongue, I'm from Brasil.

And by the way, I am not a comunist.
Post Fri Aug 05, 2005 1:00 am
Fearless Paladin
Fearless Paladin

Joined: 02 Jun 2003
Posts: 234

"The so-called "hardcore MMORPG" players are about the most peaceful people you can meet, and if they do any harm it's actually to their own body by denying it a healthy life."

You would be suprised, some people can get pretty worked up about them. There have also been several "real-life" murders related to ingame item theft.

I wouldn't be too worried about the chinese government though, it's days are numbered, by the time the current generation reach maturaity I would say.
Post Fri Aug 05, 2005 2:59 am
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The kids in the U.S. are mostly products of thier parents.. If any of you think it's a good idea a body of government dictate such laws, then join the illuminati.

Parents should be the authoritive figures..
Post Fri Aug 05, 2005 3:18 am
Fearless Paladin
Fearless Paladin

Joined: 02 Jun 2003
Posts: 234

Originally posted by Anonymous
Parents should be the authoritive figures..

What about when the parent is a crack head?

I'm not from the U.S but wouldn't Canada/most of the european countries/Aussie&NZ be a better example for your arugment? I heard the TV does more raising of children than the parent in the good ol' US of A.
Post Fri Aug 05, 2005 3:41 am
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Lets hope that the author goes back to play WoW with his kid gang so they can insult each other and stays away from posting more of this stuff on this website.
Post Fri Aug 05, 2005 9:03 am


I know the problems associatied with parents today.. They have to work all the time just to make ends meet..

For starters, lets have some sort of labour reform. Get people at home more often, and for god sakes, raise the minumum wage.

That would be a start.. You see, the surpress you, so they can start to control you.
Post Fri Aug 05, 2005 9:29 am
Black Ring Leader
Black Ring Leader

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Originally posted by Anonymous
Lets hope that the author goes back to play WoW with his kid gang so they can insult each other and stays away from posting more of this stuff on this website.

Yay, I've made some new friends . Would SWG be OK, too? I don't like WoW all that much .

In general... sorry again, folks. Didn't have the best of days at work yesterday and when I read this BS I kinda developed some hate . Our regular readers will know that any personal comments like these are an extremely rare occurrence but, well, I'm half-Tunesian by birth and when those spicy particles in my blood get cooking then stuff like this just sort of happens *blush* .
Post Fri Aug 05, 2005 10:47 am
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to the guy who posted this (didn't write down the name before i started reply sorry)
Please contiune to post stuff like this, and IGNORE the people that disagree with you, hopefully they are part of the great chinese censorship machine (if not is fightens me to think they may be young kids with some screwed up ideas of reality)

there is no reason the government should have to be a persons mommie and daddy.. i hope yall realize the real reason behind this is to monitor what goes on in MMOs in china NOT to dezombify their youth from MMO's. It scared the HECK outta the chinese government when their young would rather ESCAPE real life society in a computer game than have to face it. Also the fact that one day those escaped youths may be the majority of the country and suddenly realise that THEY have the power, not the government.

remember when they tell you "it is for your own good" it really isn't, it is to make THEM feel safer/better.
Post Fri Aug 05, 2005 2:04 pm


Originally posted by SonicBorg
Just maybe their leaders are trying to stop their 10 year olds having to deal with abusive language, and bad manners like the 14 year old author of this article on the front of a Jolt website.

If you ask me, might be a wise move to make sure their kids grow up without walking around scream "WTF, l33t kiddie e4t m3". help slowdown/stop child abuse, and stop their kids from growing up with such short tempers and high anger which computer games cause humans to grow with from the high tension, pressure, competitiveness, abusive language and attitudes towards one another, hostile forums, guild/clan wars and slang matches.

take alook at yourself author, and ask your self if their idea is really so silly.

Regardless of how one feels about the manner in which Moriendor addressed this issue, it is nevertheless very true that the Chinese government engages in censorship and effectively restricts and/or prohibits most, if not all, forms of and forums for truly free speech. In addition, their policy decisions have absolutely nothing do with democratic will and are often designed to keep a tighter clench on the freedoms and potential free-thinking and self determination of its people. However, this IMO is not necessarily an issue of communism v. capitalism but an issue of dictatorship. There are currently quite a few western countries which are growing ever more undemocratic in terms of crackdown on freedoms and political methodologies and rhetoric which, intentionally or unintentionally, serve to stifle open and intelligent debate (and therefore a functioning democracy).

With respect to the above retort issued with utter smugness and oversimplification, I am simply astounded. The policy decision referenced has nothing to do with the democratic will of the people and probably quite a bit to deal with the government's concern about a new form of communication where people throughout their country can meet and exchange ideas without direct supervision. Are you suggesting this would be good for us to? Bring on Dostoevsky's Grand Inquisitor and will all be safer and happier, eh?

In addition, the ridiculous assertion that somehow video games and/or mmorpgs being the source of all the evils mentioned, is even more laughable. Perhaps this poster should turn on his television and watch some Fox News or what passes for political debate in the US to get an idea of where hatred and abusive treatment of other groups is coming from. Might also have something to do with all those wars and irrational hatred of other groups in the real world that has something to do with that as well. If I remember correctly from history class, this seemed to be just as prevalent, if not more, throughout earlier parts of humanity's collective history. Even before the advent of MMORPGs as unbelievable as it may sound. Maybe we can just blame something like the Israel/Palestine conflict on too many video games also (makes about as much sense). This types of ridiculous oversimplified treatment of an issue issued with its smug and simplistic moralizing is unfortunately all too common these days.
Post Fri Aug 05, 2005 2:23 pm

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