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How happy are you with what Morrowind delivers?
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RPGDot Forums > Morrowind - General

How do you like Morrowind?
excellent game
 89%  [ 42 ]
less than I expected
 10%  [ 5 ]
Total Votes : 47

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How happy are you with what Morrowind delivers?

Just a poll for those who have the game already - please let us know how happy you are with the game.
former Senior Editor RPGDot
now at http://www.theastronomers.com

Last edited by Rendelius on Sun May 12, 2002 6:59 am; edited 1 time in total
Post Mon May 06, 2002 9:39 am
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 30 Apr 2002
Posts: 41
Extremely Happy

Despite the negatives of this game, like slow frame rates, random desktop dumps, i forgoe these shortfalls and find myself immersed every time i play.

Im hoping that these setbacks will be solved shortly. Until then, i know that i will still play this game enthusiastically.
Post Mon May 06, 2002 10:27 am
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Pesky Wabbit
Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 04 May 2002
Posts: 33

I voted "best crpg of all time" - this game is sending chills up and down my spine. I was just hunting up the Bitter Coast at night, in the rain with a long bow and a spear - can't even describe adequately how I was feeling. I was feeling there.

Incredible Incredible Game, I think it will be a long while before anyone tops it or I get through with it.
Post Mon May 06, 2002 10:42 am
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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I tried, but couldn't decide.

I wanted to vote but it seems each choice had it's own merit. Perhaps you could have included "all of the above"

The best RPG of all times.
Well it definitely is the latest and greatest. All times though? I think Wizardry on my AppleIIe was pretty good now!

Excellent game.
From what I have read and seen so far you could say that.

I am happy with it.
Yes I am happy. I look forward to the next time I can play it. In fact I havent really even started PLAYING. Tweaking, manual reading, and familiarizing is taking days.

Less than I expected.
The frame rate on an uber-computer.

Crap! Not worth the money!
If you can read this DO NOT buy the collectors edition. For $10 extra you get a sketchbook (who cares and every time you load the game it shows you randon sketch art anyway) a little metal toy figure, and a cd of the music in the game (just a bunch of backround music that all sounds the same)
Post Mon May 06, 2002 10:56 am
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where do I vote?

Couldnt vote so...

I think its

"the best RPG of all times"

And I dont have an killer system. runs fine anyway.
900mhz 256mb ram geforce2 mx400 32mb sdr ram
Post Mon May 06, 2002 11:27 am
Blademaster of the Moo
Blademaster of the Moo

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im happy with it.

i voted im happy with it because.....

not perfect because
1: There is a cap. That means you will stop leveling when all of your skills reach 100, which is the max. That means there is not unlimited advancement. And that SUCKS. The only game i know of that has unlimited is gothic, and, well, gothic after level 70 your skill points become worthless. (if you did a trick to master magic and all weapons)
2:editor confusing
3:you start with About the power of a peanut. Yes, you are puny, unless you made all your skills warrior skills and your birth sign the warrior, the beginning, you cant kill squat. Mages dont get their spells very fast. and spells are very expensive. Thieves arent good at combat, but great at finding cash.
4: armor skills not balanced. Not much point in wearing light armor. The only difference in all armor is heavier has better protection but removes your fatigue slightly faster. All in all platemail is better in EVERY way to leather. Unless you dont have the strength to carry it (rarely happens)
5: NO LOVE! you can fall in love but you help 1000 other people to.... (not exactly 1000, but alot of people)

great because:
1: the game is easy to get into. Right from the start you feel the game is alive, just talking with your cellmate is kinda cool, and filing for release from prison.
2:massive number of quests, can creatre your own.
3:Thief-style gameplay. I love the game thief, and the first person perspective and the controls reminded me of thief, except in an rpg. the third person perspective reminded me a little of gothic, but the combat is done completely different.
4: i like the fact that you have to travel far and wide to find stores to get better equipment, not all stores sell all the best stuff.
5:character cuztomization is great, with specialization in skills very personalized. (downside to this= they all cap at 100, so eventually you WILL have 100 in every skill, unless you decide not to train. So its very STUPID)
6:quests force you to make decisions. Help the barbarian who was robbed by a woman? Or help the woman who says the barbarian was "Getting too friendly." Outcomes are different depending on what you choose to do. The rewards are different.
7:you can become a VAMPIRE! dude! you can be a vampire! what is better than that? well. as a vampire you have super stats, cannot regen hp while sleeping, and are banned from most cities, but you can join a cool vampire guild! and when ur done as a vampire you can change back....
8:1st or 3rd person perspective. play either, its your choise.
9:guys can crossdress. Yes, you can, you can buy a skirt and blouse and high heels and wear um good for laughs
10:own a house. Well not really, but i cleared out a thieves' cave and now i can use it to sleep cuz it has a bed and when i put stuff in the storage buckets and chests it doesnt dissapear when i leave so its good for storage.... and its near my favorite city
11:Punishment for crime. Jail, bounty, its realistic and fair, but i kinda hate how guards rush right to you when you have ANY bounty on your head...
12:World is huge. So huge you can walk to your destinations quickly. takes about 10-50 minutes to travel between towns, depending on the towns.
13: over 50 OPTIONAL dungeons. THats cool.
14:nice graphics

all in all, a decent game, im happy with it, but i dont like the fact that theres a cap, that pisses me off, you have no idea... I JUST WANT AN RPG WITHOUT A LEVEL CAP DARNIT! im constantly looking for a mod to remove this cap. That would be cool. all in all a decent game. Worth your $49.99, but if you dont believe me, just browse the strat guide at the store.
Moo. Just do it, purse your lips and let out a MIGHTY MOO!

Don't you feel better now?
Post Mon May 06, 2002 12:24 pm
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I've played a lot of RPG's in my time but this one is UNBELIEVEABLE!!!!
Post Mon May 06, 2002 1:04 pm
Village Dweller
Village Dweller

Joined: 22 Jan 2002
Posts: 16
I'm pleased... and amazed

I've played for about two days now (er... two LONG days, lol, because I can't seem to turn the thing off long enough to eat, sleep, and stuff like that). To my amazement, my low-end piddling PIII 700mhz, 256RAM, Voodoo5 system actually runs it. And runs it, apparently, as well as some of the high-end machines do... with the sole exception that I get nothing but white screen for cutscenes (which appears to be a Voodoo5 thing since other Voodoo users have complained about the same thing). I frankly didn't think I'd be able to run the game at all, and the only irksome thing beyond lack of cutscenes is the sloooooowness with which my character moves. Haven't noticed choppiness, etc., with NPC movements but my poor character seems to be moving in slo-mo even when running.

I haven't gotten too far in the game because I gotta see every rock and tree before I move on, but my pitiful Wood Elf makes up in gumption what she lacks in strength, endurance and warrior qualities. Plus she's a fair little thief... only she gets caught 98% of the time. But beyond that... LOL. I knew she was in trouble when three rats nearly did her in on one of the fighter guild quests. (Yes, she's got chutzpah wanting into the fighter guild, but despite her failings she's managed three promotions there.)

This is a game where the ability to kill stuff en masse does NOT seem to matter, at least not early on. And thankfully for my pathetically weak Wood Elf (who has to make a dozen trips from every booty-cave because she encumbers herself just picking up a hammer.)

So far I'm pleased overall with the game, although I'm kicking myself for wasting a precious Major skill on Alchemy (useless) and desperately hate the city of Vivec because I spent 3 hours trying to find my way out of it and finally was willing to risk suicide by simply throwing myself over a second-story wall. Sadistic designers.

Anyway, stay tuned. I wanted a single-player Everquest and damned if that doesn't seem to be exactly what I got!

Post Mon May 06, 2002 1:36 pm
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Less than expected...

I'm disapointed, coz of the dialogs... there's text-only dialogs !!!!!!!!!!
For a 2002 game, I can't understand that... ( a CD full of sounds woudn't be too expensive for 'em !! )

Also, I think the universe feels empty... There's a bunch of NPC but they don't do enough things : they don't sleep at night ( like in gothic ), they don't speak each over ( like in gothic or Outcast ), they don't eat, piss, wash themselves or whatever ( like in gothic (again !!))

The flying things are annoying...

Combats are not really real-time; you can pause the game to switch weapons or spells or to drink potions....

The overall pace of the game is too slow for me... Maybe it's only me but it take me more than 10 hours to get to level 2 !!! ( i'm a sorcerer )

Footsteps sounds don't change with the type of surface you walk on.

When taking the giant flea or entering an interior, there are blackouts...

It's really beautiful ! ( look at that sky !! )
You can switch from 1st and 3rd person view.
The world is huge.

In fact, this game reminds me the Everquest gameplay !!!
Post Mon May 06, 2002 1:44 pm


Before you complain too loudly about text-only dialog, I think you need to realize just how much text there is. I don't think I'm too far in just yet, but if the dialogs I've seen so far were in WAV format (The standard for voice, MP3 has too much overhead and load time for most games), it would be a CD already. I'd guess that it would take around 10 CD's to have all the dialogs done with voice overs. That's a lot of CD's, not to mention a lot more time involved with development and a lot more cost in development.
Post Mon May 06, 2002 2:05 pm

DVD !!!

Bethesda should have been allied with a DVD manufacturer and sell a DVD only version ( a few Giga ! ) !!!!!!!!! : )

... and put less bla-bla....
Post Mon May 06, 2002 2:14 pm

Joined: 01 Apr 2002
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I voted "excellent game", i love Morrowind, but best RPG ever, hmm...
Post Mon May 06, 2002 2:17 pm
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Leader of the Senate
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Lanael: Realise that voice acting thousands of dialogues costs MONEY, and your game would cost twice as much as it did now.
Post Mon May 06, 2002 2:33 pm
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Head Merchant
Head Merchant

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I voted for "The Best RPG of all time"

Simply, it is the most open ended computer game I have ever played. It's got everything I think that is needed in a CRPG and then some. I can overlook the random desktop dump. It is rare, and the game loads quick enough where it isn't too annoying. (Of course, if you forgot to save, that can be a little bit of a bummer, but the few times when I didn't save, it wasn't that big of a deal as I ended up doing something else and it was cooler.)

For those complaining about Frame Rates, I don't understand. The game runs perfectly smooth for me. I am on an Athlon 1800 XP+ with a GeForce 3ti500. If it isn't smooth for you, I expect one of the following is true:

1) You have graphics settings too high for your computer. Start with turning shadows down, however, if I recall, this game runs SMOOTHER than Daggerfall did on my system when Daggerfall came out.
2) You have AA enabled in your video driver and your system isn't beefy enough to be able to run AA and the game. Disable AA. You don't really need it to enjoy this game.
3) Your hard drive is seriously fragmented. Defrag is your friend.
4) You think this is supposed to be as smooth as Quake 3. This isn't Quake 3.
5) You don't have a recommended spec computer.

For those complaining that the story is slow to start, I play the game as if I don't know that there is a story. I have been playing close to 20 hours so far and I think (I am trying to avoid reading spoilers) I just uncovered what the first bit of the main quest may be. I am having fun just role playing my character and doing the various job advancement duties. You know, they say the game will take several hundred hours or so to complete the main quest if you play the game just to solve the main quest...give the game a chance to unfold the story.

For those complaining that there is too much text to read, you most likely already knew there would be. The devs have been commenting that there is over 6 novels of text to read for months now. I actually enjoy it. True, I don't actually read the books much, as some are quite long, and I am too antsy and want to play the game, but the few books I actually took time to read (rather than just seeing if they advanced my skill) were very well written, and some are quite funny. As for the text dialog, I enjoy it thoroughly. I would not expect voice acting. That would make the game too huge and too expensive. There is plenty of voice acting as it is. Rumor has it that there are over 50,000 lines of spoken dialog.

For those complaining that the game doesn't have enough action, for that I am thankful. My worst fear is that this would be a first person Dungeon Siege. The fact that I sometimes can be outside and walk for 10 - 15 minutes without a single monster encounter is quite refreshing. (This usually only happens when I have already cleared the way...) I love the monsters that are there, but I hate it when games throw random encounters at you, like console typcial RPGs. (Final Fantasy comes to mind) If you want more fighting look around for a few minutes. It is hard to be outside of a town for more than 5 minutes and not see a dungeon. There are tons of them. A lot of tombs with difficult monsters. A lot of caverns with easy to extremely difficult monsters. Has anyone killed that Storm Antrioch yet? My word. I can't kill him and my character is "a burly man, not a girly man! - Hanz"

For those people that complain that the graphics suck, well, whatever. They look great even with details turned down. Not even the water looks too bad with pixel shaders off, though it is simply amazing with it turned on.

Oh, if you are still with me, and you said you couldn't vote up there...register. This site rules. I don't even try to go to the main site. This site has it all.

Good job RpgDot!

Check out http://www.midiboy.com for info about Midiboy Music
Post Mon May 06, 2002 3:13 pm
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Xiron Darkheart
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Village Dweller

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Re: I'm pleased... and amazed

Originally posted by Di
I wanted a single-player Everquest and damned if that doesn't seem to be exactly what I got! ~Di

I couldn't say it better if I tried! I voted BEST RPG Ever!
>>>Kill 'em all , let the gods sort 'em out!<<<
Post Mon May 06, 2002 3:25 pm
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