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forum-based PnP DnD looking for players!
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Warrior for Heaven
Warrior for Heaven

Joined: 20 Apr 2002
Posts: 2011
Location: United States
forum-based PnP DnD looking for players!

Greetings to all 3.5 Edition Dungeons & Dragons players !!!

My name is Ammon_DM, or Ammon777 here at RPGdot... I am the Dungeon Master and webmaster of a new epic campaign project that is based at my own website. The campaign will use 3.5 edition rules.

I know that some of you were in my previous campaign and were disappointed by my premature quitting of it. I was going through some bad times and it wasnt an ideal time for me to do it, back then (almost a year ago). Now that i have matured more and discovered a few more things about life (such as living on my own, ect), i have come back to DM again, and thus i am back here at RPGDot asking for players. This time my campaign will be permanent. I will NOT even consider dropping it now for several reasons:

1) i have been studying d20 source material for 6 whole months (off and on), and im not about to put that hard work to waste; i want to use it in an online campaign; i also purchased even more material, and im not going to waste all that money on nothing -- im going to use that material.

2) ive pre-paid for the website for the next 6 months and onward; i am darn serious now about keeping this campaign going.

3) i left Val's campaign, not over personal reasons or any problems, but for the reason that i am not all that thrilled with Planescape Torment; less talk, more adventure, for me; i dont know enough about how Val's campaign is going currently, to ascertain whether it still is dialog-heavy, but i imagine it still is, assumed on the fact that its source was Planescape Torment, which is a dialog heavy game in its own right; i am assuming she is keeping with that tradition... But my point here is that i am independent from Val's campaign, although any of them can join my campaign in a coinciding manner.

4) i am disgusted at myself ever since i dropped my own campaign nearly a year ago; i am ashamed of that and have repented to my utmost ability <hears a lot of gasps from the audience>.

5) i have proven stable (medication-wise) for the past six months; that is a major achievement in itself, if you can understand; i was not in good mental health when i quit my Mists of Angra-Mord campaign; now i am in perfect health, and most importantly, i am very stable now, and am more than ready to DM a new campaign based on Mists of Angra-Mord again.

6) i have nothing else to do; after ten years of playing computer games (CRPGs mostly), i am still greatly dissatisfied with nearly all of the CRPG offerings ever since the Baldurs Gate series ended; i have discovered that NOTHING can replace pen-and-paper games that are infused with human imagination; there will likely never be a computer game that will cover all the possibilities found in the pen-and-paper games, its just impossible; hence, i have FINALLY abandoned computer games entirely in favor of tabletop gaming, and i must say that i have had more fun playing real Dungeons and Dragons during the last six months, more fun than i had playing computer games over the span of the last ten years (except for the Baldurs Gate series and Gothic, which were still yet a little disappointing). Playing the real thing is so much better, that i would recommend to everyone who plays CRPGs, to utterly and completely abandon them in favor of pen-and-paper d20 games; the possibilities in PnP DnD are infinite, i dare say.

PLEASE give me a second chance.

Therefore, i am starting a new Mega-Campaign based primarily in an alternate material plane of my own creation, in Sinred-Thule, the same world as before. Its called a "mega-campaign" because it will run for a long, long time (hopefully for years), and also it will be a series of campaigns that will continuously intersect and interweave plots and player-characters. Similar to a novel that has huge sagas in a series of ten books. This is going to be a very extensive, very large, and very fun campaign!

I am a full-time Dungeon Master that will dedicate 12 hours per day working on the campaign and the private website. I own over 200 sourcebooks to use. I have DMed online before, and it was good, but i lost my previous website a while ago due to financial problems -- well, those financial problems are over and done with, and my future is secure, thanks to the U.S. government. woohoo!

I am asking for SIX (6) LONG-TERM, DEDICATED PLAYERS. No more than that, please. If the roster is at six, i might add some additional people in because im a nice guy and dont like responders to this post to be left out, but my ideal character party is SIX characters.

This campaign is for hardcore roleplayers, not for the casual type of player that doesnt show up half the time. It will be required that you show up to the website at least TWICE PER DAY, every day in the year. That shouldnt be too hard. Of course, i will understand if you have real life problems or events, but i want to make it clear that the players MUST show up if they have access to the internet. If your internet connection goes down, i can understand that, and wont kick you out for that. If a relative died and you had to travel, i would understand and wont kick you out. But otherwise, show up at least twice per day or you will be booted, unless you have a really good excuse.

The first campaign is called Mists of Angra-Mord. The second campaign, which follows and depends on events from the first campaign, is called War of the Gods, which will be an Epic Level campaign! After that the campaign changes with each character (if still alive) rolling new characters, altering them through a genetic system that i will come up with (since you will be playing the children of your former characters -- a family bloodline that continues, unless your character had been destroyed permanently and you were forced to roll a new character; but even then, you can still continue your bloodline and inherit wealth from that new character), and then starting over again in the world of Sinred-Thule (the main campaign setting) with a new adventure that has ties with the previous campaigns. This will continue until something as of yet unknown occurs and nobody can play anymore (venerable age, real life issues, loss of internet, nuclear holocaust, death, et cetera...). So essentially, you can play until you want to drop out of the campaign. As for me, i am permanent, and so is my website. So consider these things carefully before asking to join this mega-campaign.

Each Campaign (within the permanent epic Mega-Campaign) will last up to and/or beyond a full year in real-time. This is a LONG-TERM project, and i am asking for LONG-TERM players. The campaign has its own private website that i have payed for (and will continue paying for), designed, and administrate (see below for the website's address). The website uses the Guild Portal hosting solution, which i consider be mostly permanent also. It has many cool already-scripted features and it makes my job quick and easy. In the case that Guild Portal shuts down, we will relocate to a different area of the internet and continue playing, so no worries.

There are a few guidelines that will govern your behavior. I wont tolerate a few things:

1) there will be no cussing, swearing, or foul language, at all, ever; there will also be no dirty jokes or anything else that might potentially offend any of the other players or the DM. You also are not allowed to post porn on the website. Lets keep this website clean of all that, as a place to escape the real world and absorb yourselves into the gameworld.

2) there will be no player-versus-player combat, unless i give specific permission and it serves for the betterment of the campaign; for instance, if your character is charmed, he might attack someone elses character, but only at my discretion. If a player-character betrays another player-character, then i might allow player-versus-player subdual damage combat. But if you decide to kill another player-character intentionally, that is a legit reason for me to kick you out of the Campaign. When i kick a person out of the website, they cannot view the campaign anymore, since the website is private.

3) there will be no player backbiting or player inter-site gossip going on -- i hate gossip and will not allow you to slang or burn another player for whatever reason -- if you have a personal problem with another player, send me an in-site private message and i will help resolve the issue. But keep in mind that i am the Dungeon Master and as being the referee, i have the final say.

If you disagree vehemently with my judgement, lets try to work things out so that we dont lose you as a player. You cant lose me as a Dungeon Master, no matter what, unless i died or some kind of real-life emergency comes up that prevents me from continuing. I do not intend there to be many problems during gameplay, but wishing such a thing is nonsense, especially when problems are definite to arise during such a long-term campaign. Lets try to resolve them to everyones satisfaction, not just to satisfy one person. But remember, as referee, i have the final say, although i will consult everybody about it before making the final ruling.

For instance, if Jack and Roger are having a disagreement, they should both petition to the Dungeon Master, either on the OOC board (out-of-character general message board), or through the inter-site private messages service. I will resolve the issue after close scrutiny of the gamerules (or some other way if it is a player personality conflicts problem) so that gameplay can resume as soon as possible.

Please trust my judgement. If you get out of hand, you always have the option to leave the game. But if you leave the game willingly, you are gone forever, and i will not allow you to return at a later time.

My goal is to have the gameplay flow in a constant, unterrupted manner, which is why i ask you all the show up AT LEAST TWICE EVERY DAY, even Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. Of course, some days will be slower than others, and that is to be expected. But the bargain agreed to when you register on the website is that i will stay DMing the Campaign for as long as possible if you persist to show up on a regular daily basis. If it ends up that nobody shows up for, say, a whole week, i will deem that you all arent interested anymore and i will recruit different players. If you have a job and work, be sure that you still have time to participate. If you work 12 hours per day, i still expect you to show up when you get off of work. If your schedule is so busy that you cant hack it, then dont apply in the first place.

If you feel left out of the game, please dont just leave; but rather, talk to me and i will fix the problem. If you have to leave for a long duration, such as going on vacation where you wont have access to the internet, make sure to tell me beforehand and i will make the appropriate decisions that allow your character to participate until you return from your vacation. If you take off without warning me first, i will assume you are not interested anymore. After two weeks of absence, i will kick you out of the Campaign and somebody else will take your place. So warn me before you take a long break.

4) Also, i will not allow negative, destructive attitudes. You should show up to the website with a good attitude, so leave your real-world problems behind. I will not bring my real-life problems into the gameworld, and neither should you. I will show up in good mood, and so should you.

5) I will not put up with any character-suicide attempts, unless you discuss it with the Dungeon Master and i agree that it would fit the character's role and events inside the Campaign.

6) there will be no evil roleplaying (unless it fits your character in a specific event, at the DMs discretion), since this is a Campaign that only allows the following alignments: Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Neutral, or Chaotic Good. If a character violates his alignment inside the gameworld, there will be in-game repercussions. Likewise, if the character consistently violates his alignment, his alignment will change: but if you change your character's alignment to an Evil one, your character will not be able to continue with the party, and the player will have to re-roll a new character that has an alignment which fits the party's alignment.

7) Excessive absences from the website and the gameplay can result in a warning. If you cant be there in the first place, do not apply to be a player at all, please. If you have real-life issues that are stopping you from showing up, i will not place a warning on you, but will rather designate an in-game solution so that your character is controlled by another player (or by myself) and still be active in the game.

For violating any of these guidelines, i will give you three official warnings, and on the fourth occurance, you will be booted out of the campaign and kicked out of the website forever. Of course, you are free to leave the Campaign at any time, although that would make the DM disappointed in you. If you want to join this campaign, please plan to stay for the long-term. As for myself, the DM is here to stay long-term.

Restitution to the Dungeon Master and other players (like a public in-site apology on the Out-of-Character board) can, however, serve to grant you forgiveness of an official warning. Such that, say, i gave player John Doe (who had no previous warnings) a warning because he called another player a "dipshit." If he later comes back online and says he is sorry to the player on the OOC (out-of-character) boards, then i might grant his warning to be forgiven, and he will go back to and remain at zero warnings from thenceforth. But if you do not retract your hurtful attitude, you will get a warning that sticks to you for as long as the campaign exists.

Additionally, if you are apologized to by another player, you should accept the apology and be content -- its called forgiveness, and it makes you a better player in the DMs eyes. In any case, if you have a problem with another player, you must send me (the Dungeon Master) a private message so that i can resolve the issue, either that or you can say you are sorry to the person on the OOC (out-of-character) board. I do not intend any problem to escalate to the point that a player feels he has to leave the Campaign -- that is a fear that i have, because it has happened to me before. Like has been said many times, if you have thin-skin and cant imagine forgiving someone after the DM has found the solution to the problem, then do NOT apply for this Campaign. Sometimes an entire group of players splits up after a mistake made by either a player or the DM. I hope that will not ever happen. Just respect each other and try to get along!

One last standard is that your player-character must cooperate with the other player-characters inside the gameworld. If you do not act as a team in most things, you are not fulfilling your obligation as a team. Yes, you will sometimes split up the party and go separate ways for short durations, but you must keep your character as part of the team even in those circumstances. For instance, lets say that Roger the Wizard decides to do spells research in his tower for 2 in-game months, while the rest of the party takes off to kill the Orc hordes to the south. This will allow Roger's player to take a break from the campaign, but does not give him reason to quit altogether. Roger must still, after 2 months, meet up with the party again and continue the campaign. During that time, the player of Roger can basically take perhaps a week-long (or a few days) break from the campaign to close-up some distraction in the real world that he must do.

If you (the player) have no choice but to do some business in the real world and cant access the campaign internet website for a few days, please do not leave your character hanging with the party with nobody to control him, because that interrupts the entire flow of events and is a major inconvenience -- instead, have your character stay behind to do some kind of training, crafting, or research; either that, or you can ask another player to take control of your character while you are absent; the Dungeon Master, as last resort, will take over the player's character in the case that nobody else wants to control your character during your time of absence.

I will not tolerate a lazy player or an overly selfish player-character. Act your part, do your best, and i will respect and reward you for it.

So, prospective players, what i want from you is dedication and cooperation between yourselves. Any prospective players that play for that long will probably form some strong bonds between themselves and among their characters. Thats what i hope for, since this is a long-term endeavor.

So i want six dedicated players that have the time to do this for the foreseeable future. If you have the least doubt that you cant hack it, then please dont try to get in, in the first place. It would be discouraging if someone started playing and then six months down the road quits. That would leave the party in a disgruntled position and would force the DM to bring in another player that doesnt the slightest idea about whats going on inside the Campaign. I dont want that to happen at all, so please consider that if there is ANY chance that you wont be there for the long-term, do not apply.

When you make your character, do NOT make an ECL character (that is, no monster race characters allowed). So put that Savage Species back on the shelf for a while!

For player dice rolls, we will be using the Invisible Castle website. Most DM dice rolls should be secret so i wont be using that except in special circumstances.


Please reply here on these forums to inform me that you are interested. But to really show up for this campaign, go to the following website and register, after which i will let you inside the website, which is private and invisible to anyone that i dont let in. Only the front page will show up when you get there the first time -- but once you are registered and approved by the webmaster (which is me), you can enter since you will see a new tab on the website (make sure to hit refresh or visit again after a few hours) and the tab says Campaign on it. Click that tab and you will see what the private website actually looks like. We have the forums there inside, which is the main focus of attention and where the campaign plays out, and also there is a gameworld map of the party's current position, a current encounters graphic, an environment picture (like a graphic of woodlands, ect), a "shout box" where you can shout out a short message that everyone can see, the Battle Grid, the Library of source material that will be helpful to the players during the campaigns, and your individual inbox for inter-site private messages, along with a few other features. Here is the website:


Once you register at the website, start making a character immediately, so that you can send me your character sheet as soon as possible. Hopefully you Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer (if not, go download it). The character sheet form is a modifiable Adobe Acrobat file (which might not work on macintosh computers). That file is to the lower left of the screen. Download it and start working on your character. The characters must be 1st level, and ECLs or templates are not allowed.

If you are too late and the roster of SIX players is full, i will not allow you access to the website, sorry. It is designed to be a completely private website that can only be accessed by its members. Use any character sheet that you can come up with, please. At a later time i will coordinate everyone to use the same character sheets.

Please note which book you get your races, feats, classes, and spells from (that would make my job a whole lot easier) on the OOC forum. Feel free to make your characters out of the following sourcebooks:

-- Players Handbook 3.5
-- Anger of Angels
-- Arms & Equipment Guide
-- Arcane Strife
-- Assassin's Handbook
-- Beyond Monks
-- Book of Eldritch Might 1
-- Book of Eldritch Might 2
-- Book of Eldritch Might 3
-- Book of Exalted Deeds
-- Book of Hallowed Might 1
-- Book of Hallowed Might 2
-- Chaositech
-- Defenders of the Faith\
-- Expanded Psionics Handbook
-- Masters of the Wild
-- Song and Silence
-- Sword and Fist
-- Tome and Blood
-- Complete Arcane
-- Complete Divine
-- Complete Warrior
-- Crimson Contracts
-- Dark Arts of Necromancy
-- Druids & Druidism
-- Encyclopedia Arcane: Battle Magic
-- Encyclopedia Arcane: Chaos Magic
-- Encyclopedia Arcane: Chronomancy
-- Encyclopedia Arcane: Demonology
-- Encyclopedia Arcane: Necromancy
-- Eberron Campaign Setting
-- Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
-- Forgotten Realms: Magic of Faerun
-- Forgotten Realms: Races of Faerun
-- Forgotten Realms: the Shining South
-- Forgotten Realms: Underdark
-- Forgotten Realms: Unapproachable East
-- Frostburn (Perils of Ice and Snow)
-- GarUdok's Necromantic Arts
-- Hero Builder's Guidebook
-- Heroes Handbook
-- Pages from the Mages
-- Planar Handbook
-- Quintessential Cleric
-- Quintessential Druid
-- Quintessential Dwarf
-- Quintessential Elf
-- Quintessential Fighter
-- Quintessential Monk
-- Quintessential Paladin
-- Quintessential Psychic Warrior
-- Quintessential Rogue
-- Quintessential Sorcerer
-- Quintessential Witch
-- Quintessential Wizard
-- Races of Destiny
-- Races of Stone
-- Spellbinders Sourcebook 1
-- Spellbinders Sourcebook 2
-- Spells & Magic v3.0

I hope to get some replys...

Post Fri Jan 21, 2005 3:52 am
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Risen From Ashes
Risen From Ashes

Joined: 18 Feb 2002
Posts: 14724
Location: Utah, USA

Heh, brings new meaning to the phrase "Play or die!"
Freeeeeeedom! Thank heavens it's summer!
What do I have to show for my hard work? A piece of paper! Wee!
=Guardian, Moderator, UltimaDot Newshound=
Post Fri Jan 21, 2005 8:53 pm
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Warrior for Heaven
Warrior for Heaven

Joined: 20 Apr 2002
Posts: 2011
Location: United States

huh Val? oh yeah...

anyway, im changing a few things today.

I was asking for too much commitment, so im going to be a bit more lenient.

You dont have to show up twice per day, just show up at least once.

You dont have to stay for years; in fact, please feel free to leave whenever you want. I realize that you dont know the future, so i will scratch that aspect. Come and go as you please! Although i do ask that you show up at least once per day, so that things dont get too slow. Likewise, its forum-based, so it will be a slow-moving campaign some of the time. All you have to do is be there long enough to read player reactions, then read the DM post, and finally write your actions. That might only take fifteen minutes.

So you dont have to be a long-term dedicated player to join. I can always have your character retire. That was asking for a bit too much. Leave when you get tired of it. As for me, i am going to be constant at the website, improving it and playing the role as DM. I play other computer games sometimes when im bored, but other than that i am permanent.

If you are interested, please register at the website. I am still working on it right now, but you can at least register there to show me that you wanna play for a while. Thanks! I hope to see you there!


Post Sat Jan 22, 2005 8:28 pm
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Risen From Ashes
Risen From Ashes

Joined: 18 Feb 2002
Posts: 14724
Location: Utah, USA

Well, if I can find Althea's character sheet then I might consider it.
Freeeeeeedom! Thank heavens it's summer!
What do I have to show for my hard work? A piece of paper! Wee!
=Guardian, Moderator, UltimaDot Newshound=
Post Sat Jan 22, 2005 8:57 pm
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Warrior for Heaven
Warrior for Heaven

Joined: 20 Apr 2002
Posts: 2011
Location: United States

Sounds good. The new players will start with new characters though, so you might want to recreate Althea. The world and theme (about Ahriman, in Sinred-Thule region of the world) will be the same, but the adventure will be different. Since hardly anyone, besides you and SuperCowMan, have responded to the emails that i sent out to everyone that were in the former campaign, i might not be able to continue where we left off. UNLESS we continue where it left off, and just drop the rest of the party except for you two, then add in the few other people that are interested and have them roll up characters that are equal to Althea's character. It can be done, but im just waiting on players right now. So far there are two players, and you, Val, might be the third.

If we continue where we left off, it would be near the Haunted Woodlands, after the fight with that group of hobgoblins. I remember most of the story, and i certainly remember the plot still. Too bad i didnt keep that log i made.

Post Sun Jan 23, 2005 3:13 am
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Risen From Ashes
Risen From Ashes

Joined: 18 Feb 2002
Posts: 14724
Location: Utah, USA

Well, I might be able to convince Lawanda to come back. But with her lousy dial-up connection I'm not sure if she could make it to the site more than once per day.

As for the story, I still have all of the files from the website I made, so I have everything up until the hobgoblin fight.
Freeeeeeedom! Thank heavens it's summer!
What do I have to show for my hard work? A piece of paper! Wee!
=Guardian, Moderator, UltimaDot Newshound=
Post Sun Jan 23, 2005 8:40 pm
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Village Leader
Village Leader

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Sounds good! I'm Raquel De Armouir, working on my charc sheet right now!
irc.gamesurge.net #planescape #fallout
Post Mon Jan 24, 2005 1:03 am
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Warrior for Heaven
Warrior for Heaven

Joined: 20 Apr 2002
Posts: 2011
Location: United States

OK, Val you need register before the slots are full, because today they are filling up fairly quickly. I think i will go with seven players to accomidate everyone. So please register before its too late. Oh yeah, you might want to use a name derived from "Val" else i wont know who you are. And Raquel you are in as well.

Someone named Mr_Riddler showed up, but i didnt let him in because i dont know who the heck it was.

Post Mon Jan 24, 2005 1:34 am
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Joined: 23 Dec 2002
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Sorry, Ammon. I'm much to busy to commit myself even once per day. Once per week is the best I could offer and that would be too slow for me.

Good luck.
If soot stains your tunic, dye it black. This is vengeance.

-The Prince of Nothing
Post Wed Jan 26, 2005 1:28 am
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Risen From Ashes
Risen From Ashes

Joined: 18 Feb 2002
Posts: 14724
Location: Utah, USA

Hrm... I can't get into the site Ammon.
Freeeeeeedom! Thank heavens it's summer!
What do I have to show for my hard work? A piece of paper! Wee!
=Guardian, Moderator, UltimaDot Newshound=
Post Thu Jan 27, 2005 9:45 pm
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Blademaster of the Moo
Blademaster of the Moo

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I can't get into the site either, it bothers me >.<
Moo. Just do it, purse your lips and let out a MIGHTY MOO!

Don't you feel better now?
Post Mon Jan 31, 2005 6:39 pm
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