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I've just read about the horn but I didn't understand which horn are you talking about. I found a white horn that you can use with Marvin but I remember having seen it some time ago but I don't know where you can find it. Which throne? Please write it could be important for this quest!
Gothic, Simply the best RPG ever created!
Post Wed Dec 29, 2004 1:38 pm
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King of the Realms
King of the Realms

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Acutally it would'nt be that hard to tell if wolverine_men is a Dev, one of the Mods here could easily check his Ip and run an address check to see if it is an address in the town of Germany which the Devs work, simple.

The Mod would'nt have to tell anyone the address just check it him/her self and let us know.
It would (at least to me) be as an important/famous International gaming site like RPGDot to at least attempt to protect its fan and user base to do a miniumn security check of an IP address, if it meant protecting itself and members from hoaxes.

Clearly at this point this is a hoax or wolverine_men is a Dev no one else would offer a free PC.
Only a Dev or a hoaxter, would benifit from this thread.
Since this same offer is NOT being made in a German forum, to my knowledge anyway, odds are its a hoax.

It really has nothing to do with being sceptical this is a 20 - 40 hour game with hundreds of possible outcomes in dialogue choices, probably thousands.
As mentioned before several quest were CUT from the International versions, if the Devs decide to add a COMPLETELY new quest which can ONLY (if at all) be solved by certian vague, perdeterminted actions during the course of a 40 hour game that cant be duplicated by by the most experienced fans after 3 years, in a patch why not add already completed quest from the orginal version? They would'nt.

Please name one example of a quest like this that PB has ever done, if they do this, name one?

I certianly can understand wanting/hoping that something more would could be there and there certianly could be.
Maybe its a difference in cultures but I find no RIGHTEOUSNESS in withholding information from people, I gladly share information in RL to aid others as I would in games.
I would get NO pleasure in causing disillusionment in others for my own personal gain, just feel some FALSE supeiority, if this is a hoax.
As a matter of fact it takes a mental disorder for someone to get selfworth from malious intent of others.

If this was NOT a hoax, why make this post to one forum why no make a nice little PR campaign out of it.
It would be a perfectly legitmite and RIGHTEOUS thing to do, offering something to the community and get a little well deserved positive PR.
Especially the way at the Devs seem to have little to no time for any NoN Euro game sites and by extension possibly gamers.
(This is in reflection that to my knowledge no PB Dev have given even the shortest interview to a NoN Euro game site at least that I could find up to the last time I looked, a few months ago and includes Gothic 2.)

So excluding everything wolverine_men has said, what we have to go on is a trusted forum member's memory of seeing this.
Well I certianly hope/wish Wulf success if he continues to search.

Personaly I dont need an excuse to replay Gothic, I replay it because its a great game and I enjoy it, also know that if I ever find something I will glady share it with anyone whom ask.
Post Wed Dec 29, 2004 4:03 pm
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Survivor of Hell
Survivor of Hell

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This isn't a Hoax. Why? well wich foolish being woudl still enjoythis hoax after such a long time?
Want to become a vampire? a warrior in the battle between vampires and werewolves?
Post Wed Dec 29, 2004 4:13 pm
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King of the Realms
King of the Realms

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"This isn't a Hoax"

How can you say that, your basing that on one forum members memory of over 3 years, which he has trouble recalling now.
Lol, facts dont work like that, its a hoax till you prove its not.
The absolute most that can be said is its, possible but not very likely at all.
A cave/hall that cant be found by the most knowledgable fans with the SDK, yeah sure

Fine you want to prove it name the marvin command to spawn the old man, he HAS to EXIST or he CANT be called by the game to play his scene.
If you CANT this has been nothing more than a humorus adventure of a hoax.

"well wich foolish being woudl still enjoythis hoax after such a long time?"

Why do people still believe anything which cant be proved and is not based on facts?
It gives since of purpose, control and power thats why, but for the wrong reaons since if it cant be proven, it is a hoax and if its a hoax you since of were based on factless ideas, there for your purpose, control and power were based on false ideas.
Post Wed Dec 29, 2004 4:46 pm
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The Shepherd
The Shepherd

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Yes Acleacius some good points of argument, some "clarity" but not revelations might help somewhat, i'm not sure if there is an unwritten code of conduct where game developers do not disclose answers to players, some of course have a clue book issued, to me the first gothic is a one-off because it is an intensively dialogue leading game, "the speaker seeks" kind of thing. I think it is completely unethical for the "cloak-and-dagger" search tactics you mention (but it does "go on")

I don't seek glory or recognition, in fact you might notice i am trying to help other to solve this thing because i am nearly giving up!
But as we speak wolverine_mens words ring loud and clear "continue with the quest and don't give in to the naysayers" - - and also of course i did the quest way back when, how did it happen? - - first time, played slowly and carefully as i allways do, and there he was, he stayed there all of the time from that point onwards, i had saved games stood next to the old man, at one time i came out through the opening and some skeletons were still waiting there to attack me, so i went back into the old man where it was safe and out through the other entrance, down the steps.

There is no person on the whole of this forum more perplexed than me, having been there, done that, - - - once.
Post Wed Dec 29, 2004 5:10 pm
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King of the Realms
King of the Realms

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As I mentioned if it hadnt been you or another trusted member this would'nt have gotten of page 1

I certianly commend your efforts, you've done a DAMN fine job
If your looking for a good RPG to play to unwind from this my I suggest Bloodlines

Until I see the old man/scribe command to appear, it wont make sence to me.
I dont mean to suggest you are seeing any unrighteous at all your just trying to recreate what you remember

titus ask why people believe in things with out any basis in fact, I meant my response in general terms, certianly not you thou possibly at wolverine_mens since he has not given any justifcation for what he is doing and why.

At this point you and others have in good faith spent many hours taking his tips/suggestions (whatever) as far as im conscerned if you are not imeaditly contacted by him with a personal congrats for your efforts and full disclosure
wolverine_mens is a fraud.

Good Luck
Post Wed Dec 29, 2004 6:41 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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back with some more info for the game

this game was meant for so much more but apperantly PB was a newfounded company with not alot of money so some good ideas of them came up short of money, ideas including Quentin the gang leader by the troll cannon and Jacko the one who produces weed in the NewCamp, also Velaya the girl wich was sent in before u she was supposed to be a part of a quest at the near end of the game, also Mud and the other guy at the swamp camp who follows u were suposed to do something more than just follow u around, Huno the black smith was acually to show u how to make swords of better quality (up to Longsword) and blacksmithing would have been a skill just like G2, also when u tell scatty that u wann place a bet and he say there is a fight due in a couple of days but it never happens,well it was supposed to happen, also the InExtremo gig int the game they wanted to make for international ver. 2 but the qost was 2 much so only the German ver. got it but u can still play it in the internationla ver. since data exsit all u have to do is spawn all the members of the band and the announcer this was the only extra/e.egg that was actually added to the German and works on the international, and more things like making potions and cooking just like the staff of G2 and we might have not even seen them in G2 if Atari hadent some rights to the game wich they put more money to it and alot more stuff are missing from Gothic and it's still a kick ass game and this all comes up to the Chromanin quest wich apperantly was not finished since when they put on the patch PB still was kind of short on money for international versions so thats all ther is to the quest all it is, is to get some exp. point and that Transfor to Demon spell dose not exist and no it wasent hidden in the patch it dosent exist period wich makes what WM says all a lie and second why would someone offer an Alinwere system if he that the chances off finding it were there ,but if the chances are 0% then he is safe but now u might say that WM is a dev of the game why would a dev come to a third party website about his game(since rpgdot contains information about other games and it's not a PB affilates its considerd a third-party)and make a contest and offer a gift when he could do it on his own PB forums

now Wulf as i now personally memory dose play tricks with ur mind when i first read this thread i thought i have seen the old man to but after a couple of min. i realize that what i have done was take over his body and revive him and beat him up he started towards the wooden dock by the sea that was a mind trick it happens when u want to belive in something so much that ur mind just give u a random image of a past event that dident have to do anything with ur beliving but by u seeing that image u think that it really did occur since ur mind is getting confused,
second u said that u saw the old man with the first time u palyed the game and u had bought the game just after a week after it realese later on u said that the quest was added in the patch wich was relesed weeks later so how could u have seen the man and completed the quest when the quest dident even exist , so what i'm thinking is that ur mind is playing trick at u since the info u give dose not match with the fact

anyway despite that this thread is tearing us apart just couse WM man said he found the guy so now the community is tearing apart instead of him telling us that is hoax or if the guy dose really exist tell how he found him so he can stop tearing this community up he choses to keep on going,Wulf u say that when someone gets his facts denied and it's called stupid and a hoax then why should someone show the truth?well if he told the truth or told us how to find the guy or give us a picture atleast why would not deny him anymore and consider him just another fellow who cares and is dedicated about our comunity. thats all have.peace
Look deep within the facts, then and only then u will find who i truly am
Post Wed Dec 29, 2004 6:55 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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Haha, and I who thought we finally got rid of all these "it's not there, i can tell you".
Your arguments are just as weak as ours.

"its a hoax till you prove its not." - It might as well be the other way around.

Why even bother trying to convince the believers? We have no interest in convincing you to start looking for the stranger.
I'm very certain that Wulf speaks the truth. And I'm sure that you will not convince him to believe as you do.

So beat it, please.
Post Wed Dec 29, 2004 7:38 pm
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King of the Realms
King of the Realms

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"Your arguments are just as weak as ours. "

Look your really confused, if you think things exist till they are proven not to exist , do you even understand what you are saying?

"It might as well be the other way around"

Maybe your just a kid and dont understand, so i'll try to make it really clear for you.
If you dream you get laid, with your attitude it will take some work , does it really happen can you prove it, if I went to the girl/guy you say you slept with and they think your nutz, if you CANT show it exits other than your mind, its a hoax.

"Why even bother trying to convince the believers?"

You are defintaly confused as im not trying to convince anyone of anything, im proving it doesnt exist.
If you CANT spawn the old man or point to his command he doesnt exist in the game, as the SDK is available would show him or his command.
The SDK came out AFTER the versions claimed to contain this alternate version Second you CANT name a single quest like this PB has EVER done, nor can you name a single game to ever do this that CANT be found in the SDK of the game.

"We have no interest in convincing you to start looking for the stranger."

I can see why you dont understand as you are CLEARLY just making shit up to justify your lack of knowledge about this game and possibly reality
I have already mentioned I dont need an excuse to play Gothic as its one of my favorite games.

"I'm very certain that Wulf speaks the truth."

Are you saying this to convince yourself, as I have already stated my support for Wulf.

"nd I'm sure that you will not convince him to believe as you do. "

Well im sure the hell not going to offer him a FREE PC to stop trying to find it if he wants.
I support Wulf whether he stops and takes a break from this maddness or if he continues.
I just want him to know he has a choice

"So beat it, please."

Look wolverine_mens, err rasmuslarsen just cause you dont have a single fact to back up your BS and you clearly just make shit up cause you dont know what your talking about or worst cause your intentionally misleading people for your own self gain, which clearly makes you a canadate for sociopath of the week congrats on your achievement.
The factual answer would be No, not unless Val, Gorath or Jaz ask me too
Post Wed Dec 29, 2004 9:02 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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I understand perfectly what I'm saying.

I don't even want to discuss who the idiot is. That is one discussion which will never end. All I'm saying is that you're not the first to say all this. read through the thread and see many people say the same as you've said. I have been following all this from the start and if you read it through you will see my name in other posts with my view on this matter.

And I see you're one of those people, who enjoy having fun on others behalf. I could take every single line out of your post and comment it, but why would I do that? You do that and satisfy your own needs.
It's true that I have no real arguments, but we have all heard your talk before and why say what have been said earlier? I'm not here to reply myself, and for that matter I was not only replying to you mister.

"which clearly makes you a canadate for sociopath of the week congrats on your achievement" Thanks, that is really something I guess =)
Post Wed Dec 29, 2004 9:23 pm
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King of the Realms
King of the Realms

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I never stated I was the first to do or say anything, im only stating facts the best I can to try to help the situation.
If you read my post you would know or could tell I have been reading the thread (certianly not all at once) and NO one has brought up spawning the Oldman that I recalled ( I certainly could have missed it ) so it was important someone bring it up.
I realise that others mentioned the looking for the cave with the SDK but that was several MONTHs ago (at least I recall) I believe the point is even MORE important now that so much effort has been spent, consider it a type of reminder if you will.

I get no personal benifit from trying to help and no computer either , so I dont recognise your intent of my personal gain.

No you havent heard that you CANT spawn the Oldman cause he doesnt exist, if I have missed this information, I will glady offer my appoligies as I could have gotten confused in the 28 pages over several days of reading.

Well then if you werent replying ot me then you have my appoligies, thou my counter to your comments is still accurate.
The only other person trying to present fact is GiveItToYa on this whole page and his information is accurate as well, so your still off base with your comments.
We were attempting to help and your comments may have been intended to help but really werent.

My comment about sociopath was clearly if you were wolverine_men or you were just making that stuff up to lead on Wulf.

Anyway its nothing personal from my perspective anyway just trying to stick with the facts
Post Wed Dec 29, 2004 9:51 pm
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Village Leader
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Please, don't transform this thread into an on-line war between people who believe in the old man and people who don't!!!
This thread has been created to help ourselves to find the old man.
We're all gothic players and we all love the game.
It is very stupid to go on making such war.
I hope this thread continues with only information about what we've discovered about the quest, hope that nobody will never insult Wulf and the believers again and hope that Wolverine_man says something about this, as he doesn't have to give away his computer now.

Now I'll go to sleep and tomorrow I'll write what I thought this hours about The Riddle.
Gothic, Simply the best RPG ever created!
Post Wed Dec 29, 2004 10:36 pm
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The Shepherd
The Shepherd

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I promised to reply, the horn is in a cave in the orc town through the gate with the winch, its placed on a throne that you can't sit on, also in that cave amongst other things is an orc teleportation scroll. This horn is listed on the gothicdot site as a "quest item - ch-5" - - ? ? where do you think might be a good place to blow it ? what will it do ? - i have blown that horn almost everywhere, on top of mountains, down under the fog tower, in every cave, in evey hut, in the orc temple, but i suppose there are other places still to try, maybe also influenced by what you have in your inventory ? - - normally you can't get at the horn (till you give Saturas the focus stones) then ch-4 Xardas, then Ur-shak 2nd visit, but it can be done, that is where i am now up to in the game.
Post Wed Dec 29, 2004 11:07 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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Yes we can indeed discuss, as long as we don't try to bully on each other.

I'm not the person to look through the Gothic codes, not only because of my missing knowledge, but also because of lack of time. However, I know some basic stuff.
Take in perspective that you had to create a quest like this. If it should remain hidden, or at least hard to find, then you for sure wouldn't call it by the name "der fremde" or "the stranger" in the source code.
Even with the Marvin mode you should not be able to insert the character, unless you wanted the first curious fan player to find it very soon.
I know from my own experience in code language that you are able to link two part of code together without it is directly noticeable. Part 1 can have a reference to part 2 without it is directly noticeable in part 1. And this can be done without the big encryption techniques.
Have this been taken into account when looking through the codes? Have you guys who claim that the code contains nothing about a dynamic place or this alternative ending, which is activated by "triggers", searched the code thoroughly enough to say this without doubt in your voice?

You could be wrong, consider that. And I could be wrong, no doubt.

But Wulf has said some things that convince me in some way. It's hard to explain, maybe it is just that I want to believe it and maybe there is something to it.
Right now I believe in the last part and I shall do that until the opposite is proven. For me it isn't yet, at all. =)

Just because you can't see it, it doesn't mean it isn't there. - I believe that is the contrast to the other sentence =) hihi (joking)

Last edited by rasmuslarsen on Sat Jan 01, 2005 6:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
Post Wed Dec 29, 2004 11:34 pm
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@Wulf. I found the horn you spoke about and I find some strange things too.
I looked in the files of the MDK. I wanted to see where you have to blow the horn and what happens. The strange thing is that I found the code for the horne, but it is in the file for items in chapter 5. But I found it in chapter 1!
I also didn't find the code called when you <use> the horn. But there must be that code because blowing a horn is not a normal thing happening when you hit ctrl-up on an item! I sadly noticed the code about The Riddle but obviously the other ending is encrypted in the executable.


I'm Working on a temporary modding of the German game (I don't speak German, I'm in trouble) because if I make it impossible for all the monsters to appear in my way it will be very easy to get to the fog tower and I'll change Chromanin book locations, so We'll be able to try different ways very easily and we'll be able to try up to 10 times a day! I hope it will help me in searching for The Riddle. When I finish the modding I will be very happy to give the files to you but I don't know if putting a modding this way on my website is legal or not.

@Wulf again
The horn appears as "ALARM-HORN OF ORKS".
Maybe you have to blow it in CHAPTER 5 when you enter the ork town.
It could be a possibility, as this item is probably about something you
can do with the orcs. I'll search the code again and better.

Here's the code for the horn:

//   Alarmhorn der Orks
INSTANCE ItMiAlarmhorn (C_Item)
   name             =   "Horn";

   mainflag          =   ITEM_KAT_NONE;
   flags            =   ITEM_MISSION;

   value             =   9;

   visual             =   "ItMi_Alarmhorn_01.3DS";
   material          =   MAT_WOOD;

   scemeName         =   "HORN";

   description         = name;
   //TEXT[0]         = "";
   ////COUNT[0]      = ;
   //TEXT[1]         = "";
   ////COUNT[1]      = ;
   //TEXT[2]         = "";
   //COUNT[2]         = ;
   //TEXT[3]          = "";
   //COUNT[3]         = ;
   //TEXT[4]         = "";
   ////COUNT[4]      = ;
   TEXT[5]            = NAME_Value;
   COUNT[5]         = value;

I have found it in the script source file MissionItems5.D.
Hope this helps!

Good Luck!
Gothic, Simply the best RPG ever created!
Post Thu Dec 30, 2004 4:12 pm
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