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What's your favourite...
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Secret Agent Lawanda
The last thing you see...
The last thing you see...

Joined: 23 Oct 2003
Posts: 1041
Location: World of Darkness (LA)

color: Reds and greens

game: I don't really have an all-time fav. I'd probably pick Gothic.

game genre: RPG, Adventure, don't care as long as it's fun

sport: Ballroom dancing

non-alcoholic drink: Sprite

alcoholic drink: Mostly red wines, I only drink socially, so I haven't tried many different types.

food: Pizza

TV show: Don't really care for it.

movie: heh, too many to list

vacation spot: Japan

music genre: A bit of everything

band: At the moment? Garbage. Might be different later.

song: Can't narrow it down really.

anime: NGE, X, Ghost in the Shell, etc

Also, what's your political and religious affiliation?

Moderate, though I can be a bit conservative on some stuff
Was raised protestant, but now I don't know. I'm sort of in transition. *grin*
-=Professional Secret Agent=-
Moderator of The Anime and Manga Fan Club
Post Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:50 pm
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Village Leader
Village Leader

Joined: 30 Jan 2004
Posts: 80
Location: USA

I forgot about pets. Do you have one and if so what kind of animal is it?

I love dogs. I have one pug. most adorable animal on the planet I swear.
Hush little baby dont say a word
Mamas gonna buy you a mocking bird
If that mocking bird dont sing
Mamas gonna bury it the backyard

-Stans mom
Post Mon Feb 16, 2004 9:14 pm
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Bread Alert
Bread Alert

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Location: Sweden
Re: What's your favourite...

Color: Ehh, green, I think.

Game: Gothics anf Fallouts

Game Genre: RPG

Sport: Handball and golf

Non-alcoholic drink: Black coffee and soda

Alcoholic drink: Beer, that and cider are the only alcohoic drinks I've ever drunk

Food: Pasta

TV show: Swedish version of Survivor (Expedition Robinson)

Movie: LotR, all SW, The Matrix and Blues Brothers

Vacation spot: Don't know

Music genre: Rock

Band: Bob Marley and the Wailers, Metallica and Elvis

Song: None in particular

Political and religious affiliation: Liberalism

Tabbrowser Extensions
Post Mon Feb 16, 2004 9:26 pm
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Late Night Spook
Late Night Spook

Joined: 20 Jan 2002
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Re: What's your favourite...

Color: Red, Black, Pink

Game: At the moment I'd say 'Realms of the Haunting' (1996)

Game Genre: Shooters, beat'em ups, (action-)adventures

Sport: Soccer

Non-alcoholic drink: Ginger Ale

Alcoholic drink: Gueuze

Food: Wild hare (not rabbit), mussels, oysters

TV show: Red Dwarf

Movie: The Empire Strikes Back (and many others)

Vacation spot: Haute Provence, Bretagne

Music genre: Most genres

Band: Laibach

Song: At the moment 'Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt' by Samsas Traum

Political affiliation: Anti-employer

Religious affiliation: Mystic

Pet: None
Post Mon Feb 16, 2004 10:25 pm
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High Emperor
High Emperor

Joined: 01 Jul 2002
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Location: London, England
Re: What's your favourite...

Originally posted by Jaz
Band: Laibach

Post Mon Feb 16, 2004 11:41 pm
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Griller of Molerats

Joined: 03 Oct 2003
Posts: 1594
Location: Monastery of Innos

Color: Black
Game: Gothic, Gothic 2
Game Genre: RPG
Sport: Baseball, skateboarding
Non-alcoholic drink: Yoohoo
Alcoholic drink: C'mon, I'm only 14 years old
Food: Roast beef with gravy (mmmmmmm)
TV show: The Simpsons, South Park, Family Guy, Futurama
Movie: The Gods Must Be Crazy, Blazing Saddles
Vacation Spot: New England (I'm weird, I know)
Music genre: Punk/Alternative rock
Band: The Offspring
Song: Vultures by The Offspring
Political affiliation: Independent (f*ck Bush)
Religious affiliation: (Very) liberal Christian
=Member of numerous usergroups=
=Active in none of them=

Mediocreties, I absolve you!
Post Tue Feb 17, 2004 3:09 am
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Late Night Spook
Late Night Spook

Joined: 20 Jan 2002
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Re: What's your favourite...

Originally posted by cfmdobbie
Originally posted by Jaz
Band: Laibach


Old but still funny .
Post Tue Feb 17, 2004 11:55 am
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High Emperor
High Emperor

Joined: 26 Nov 2002
Posts: 2114
Location: Australia

color: black (or if you want to argue black is a tone ) moss green

game: PS:T or BG
game genre: RPG

sport: football (AFL)

non-alcoholic drink: Cranberry juice

alcoholic drink: Corona or mixers (you can have more without getting drunk) or Sambucca

food: bacon or brussell sprouts or spinach strawberries

TV show: ER and Criminal Intent and I am embarrassed to admit it... Charmed

movie: LOTR/ Ghost and Mrs Muir/ Ever After/ Last of the Mohicans/ Brazil

vacation spot: home

music genre: rock

band: Evanescence, Gadflys (who broke up yesterday) and Mikelangelo and the Black Sea Gentlemen

song: Tourniquet, My Immortal, Formidable Marinade

political and religious affiliation? whoever is the best candidate and none
Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.

Robert A. Heinlein
Post Fri Feb 20, 2004 9:57 am
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the mighty stamar
High Emperor
High Emperor

Joined: 01 Feb 2003
Posts: 602
Location: arcata ca, humboldt county

color: blue

game: so tough I will say wizardry 8 because I dug it the most in its time. Age of wonders shadow magic.

Genre : fantasy crpgs and some fantasy strategy games.

sport basketball

non alcoholic drink vanilla pepsi

alcoholic drink. I dont really drink, only a few times a year at this point. It would be wine. My favorite is a cheap kind called rabbit ridge ( dont bother looking for it )

Food pizza. To this day I have pizza at least once a week. I have to have tomatoes in something every day.

band lately tenacious d

music rock from the 70s most, but 80s and 90s 00s also

song tribute by tenacious d and little suzi by tesla
Post Fri Feb 20, 2004 10:49 am
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Paws of Doom
Paws of Doom

Joined: 11 Sep 2002
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Location: San Diego

I'm feeling frisky today, and I'm out of work here at my desk(for once!), so I'll take a shot at this... It's literally quite impossible to nail down one specific title on alot of these things, for I'm a Tiger of various tastes and preferences when it comes to audio/visual stimuli. So, I'll put down what I put down, take what you will from it ='.'=

Color: Dark Blue

RPG- Morrowind
RTS- Age of Mythology
Beat'Em Up- Godzilla:Destroy All Monsters
Action- GTA:Vice City
Puzzle- Tetris
Game Everyone Else Hates- Battlezone II

Game Genre: RPG of course ='.'=

Sport: Off-Roading

Non-Alcoholic Drink: Iced Tea (unsweetened)

Alcoholic Drink: Rum & Coke

Food: Wild Boar(preferably very young)

Cable Tv Show(s): Discovery & History Channel Documentaries, Monster House

Movie(s): "Interview w/ the Vampire", "O' Brother Where Art Thou?"

Vacation Spot: Washington D.C.

Music Genre: Various, Depends On My Mood

Gothic Punk/Rock: Sisters of Mercy
Operatic: Sarah Brightman
Classic Metal: Iron Maiden
"Extreme"Metal: Bal Sagoth
Thrash: Stormtroopers of Death
Industrial: Wumpscut
Black Metal: Cradle of Filth
Power Metal: Pantera

Sarah Brightman - Figlio Perduto
Iron Maiden - Powerslave

Political: Nationalist

Religion: Judeo-Christian Pantheon
“Then away out in the woods I heard that kind of a sound that a ghost makes when it wants to tell about something that's on its mind and can't make itself understood, and so can't rest easy in its grave, and has to go about that way every night grieving.”-Mark Twain
Post Fri Feb 20, 2004 6:27 pm
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RPG Frog
Blade Runner
Blade Runner

Joined: 02 Jan 2004
Posts: 748
Location: the Matrix

color: Green

game: Morrowind, Diablo1&2, DX:IW, Tenchu, Thief

game genre: RPG, Racing, Action, Fighting, RTS, Adventure

sport: Kenjutsu(Samurai Sword),

non-alcoholic drink: Japanese Green Tea, Water, Coke

alcoholic drink: SAKE

food: Chinese, Japanese, Pizza

TV show: Highlander

movie: Blade Runner

anime: Ghost in the Shell, Akira, Record of Loduss War

book: bible, Musashi, Shogun, Shannara & Tolkien

vacation spot: Japan or Jamaica

music genre: rock & classical

band: Dream Theater, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Chemical Brothers

song: Change of Seasons - Dream Theater (24 minutes long)

Also, what's your political and religious affiliation? no polotics for me, Jesus Christ...the way...the truth...and the life
Between the years when the oceans drank Atlantis and the gleaming cities…there was an Age undreamed of, when shining kingdoms lay spread across the world like blue mantles beneath the stars…Hither came Conan, the Cimmerian, black-haired, sullen-eyed, sword in hand…to tread the jeweled thrones of the Earth under his sandaled feet. - Robert E. Howard
Post Sat Feb 21, 2004 7:29 am
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A Dark Prince
A Dark Prince

Joined: 07 Dec 2003
Posts: 517
Location: The Netherlands
Re: What's your favourite...

Color: Black

Game: Warcraft series, Gothic series, Vampire the masquerade redemption.

Game genre: RPG, Adventure, Platform, Action

Sport: Dont like sport lol

Non-alcoholic drink: Coca Cola

Alcoholic drink: Bacardi Breezer, Smirnof Ice

Food: Own made Garlic Spaggeti

TV show: Buffy the vampire slayer, Angel.

Movie: The Last Samurai

Music genre: R&B, Rock, Trance
Post Fri Apr 30, 2004 1:00 am
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City Guard
City Guard

Joined: 03 Sep 2002
Posts: 146
Location: Massachusetts, USA

Color: Green

Games (series): Gothic, Final Fantasy, Silent Hill, Baldur's Gate, Fatal Frame

Game Genres: RPGs (PC and Console), Survival Horror, Action/Adventure, FPS

Sport: Hammer Throw, Powerlifting

Non-Alcoholic Drink: Vanilla Diet Coke

Alcoholic Drink: Sour Apple Vodka Martini

Foods: Eggplant Parmiagiana, Fried Bologna, Fresh Handmade Pasta

TV Shows: Brimstone, Iron Chef, Autopsy, Carnivale

Movies: Monty Python & the Holy Grail, Dr. Strangelove, High Plains Drifter

Anime: Ghost in the Shell, Akira, Vampire Hunter D, Spirited Away, .Hack

Vacation Spots: Italy, Belgium, Bahamas, San Francisco, Hawaii

Music Genre: Heavy Metal, Rock, Classical, Alternative, Punk, Techno

Bands: Iron Maiden, Pink Floyd, Cirque du Soleil Soundtracks, Sleater Kinney

Songs: Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Time, Alegria, Combat Rock

Political Affiliation: Unenrolled (Massachusetts-speak for Independent)

Religious Affiliation: Born and raised Catholic, converted to Judaism, actually have my own personal views on religion that are somewhat affiliated with most of the major Eastern and Western religions.
Apologize, v.i. To lay the foundation for a future offense.
Backbite, v.t. To speak of a man as you find him when he can't find you.
-- Ambrose Bierce, from The Devil's Dictionary.
Post Fri Apr 30, 2004 2:51 am
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Solid as a Rock
Solid as a Rock

Joined: 01 Mar 2004
Posts: 3386
Location: at the Dot

Color: Marineblue

Games: Gothic 2, Aquanox series, and a little Age of Mythology The Titans

Game Genres: RPG (and Aquanox, no idea in witch box I should fit that game ).

Sport: Judo

Non-Alcoholic Drink: something fresh

Alcoholic Drink: a nice cold beer (Hertog Jan)

Food: my mom's

TV show: the OC (they stopped showing it after four episodes here in the Netherlands ) and the Fraggles

Movie: Gladiator, LotR

Music Genre: Rock, Jazz, Blues, Fusion and some Funk

Pet: Bearded Dragon (always wanted one, but at the moment I'm petless)

Songs: too many

Religious Affilation: Trying to make a mixture of Christanity and Science (no, not Scientology, just science, you know that everything was creating by a big bang)
"Who are we to call this planet Earth, when it's clearly Ocean."
-- News Editor of GothicDot --
-- Moderator of the RPGDot Shadows --
Post Fri Apr 30, 2004 11:43 am
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The Old One
The Old One

Joined: 15 Dec 2001
Posts: 5922
Location: Czech Republic

color: blue

game: Wizardry VIII

game genre: RPG

sport: squash

non-alcoholic drink: tea and cofee

alcoholic drink: wine

food: pasta

TV show: n/a (I do not have and therefor I do not watch TV)

movie: n/a (I have not seen single film last 5 years)

vacation spot: all mountains

music genre: n/a

band: n/a

song: n/a

Also, what's your political and religious affiliation?

Christian, during elections I also vote for those who offer freedom.
Post Fri Apr 30, 2004 1:04 pm
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