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Just for kicks, post your system specs and characters!
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RPGDot Forums > Morrowind - General

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City Guard
City Guard

Joined: 24 May 2002
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Location: Windsor, Canada
Just for kicks, post your system specs and characters!

Why? Because I'm curious and I have nothing better to do than ask inane, geeky questions on the Internet. We'd might as well close the office during the summer, business is so slow, schools are out so we have nothing to cover and whatnot. But the editor insists I come into work every day on time, even if I'll just leave at noon when all the day's work is done. Anyway. Enough mindless ranting.

Post your system specs, how well the game runs, your character's name, gender, race, class, and skills if it's a custom class and you remember. I know I'm no mod, but please, no complaining about how the game runs - I know I'm asking for it, but I'd like to know how everyone who doesn't have negative inclinations towards the game feels about it. Hell, even give us background information on your characters if you feel so inclined.

I'm currently running two characters (one on the XBox, one on the PC), that go as follows:
Rowan (Level 6 Male Wood Elf Hunter, born under The Lady): Major Skills Marksman, Alteration, Sneak, Short Blade, Light Armor; Minor Skills Security, Speechcraft, Illusion, Alchemy, Block.
Jamella (Level 2 Female Redguard Druid Warrior, born under The Lady): Major Skills Spear, Long Blade, Medium Armor, Alteration, Block; Minor Skills Mysticism, Alchemy, Heavy Armor, Armorer, Athletics.

My rig is as follows:
P3 1GhZ | 256MB RAM | GeForce2-Go 32MB

Yes, it is a laptop, and yes, it runs well - at 1024x768 with the view distance set most of the way out and with shadows off, I get 30fps in non-congested outdoor and all indoor areas, and a very playable 10 in congested cities.

Here's to hoping this post doesn't die after one or two (or no) replies!

"What Plato is about to say is going to be a lie." - Socrates
"Socrates has just spoken truly." -Plato

Last edited by Fireteddy on Tue Jun 18, 2002 2:14 am; edited 1 time in total
Post Tue Jun 18, 2002 1:52 am
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Captain of the Guard
Captain of the Guard

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1.4ghz athlonxp
512ddr pc2100
Geforce4ti4600.... <<<< this card [CENSORED] rules!!
Windows XP Pro
Nvidia Nforce Mother Board <<< So does this mb

Game runs decent in dungeons but still buggy... Like crap in cities and buggy. Doesnt matter the view dist.. or any setting or resolution or any vid card setting or aa on or off.. It runs the same. But the game is so sweet i just keep playing.

Also i hate any playable animal type creatures or any
(human type animal NPC's) so when i become all powerfull they will all die. And i will love every minute of it. Dirt Dirt Dirt!! Everywhere Dirt!!

=No profanity please. Jaz=

Last edited by Lordr31z on Tue Jun 18, 2002 2:14 am; edited 1 time in total
Post Tue Jun 18, 2002 2:10 am
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High Emperor
High Emperor

Joined: 11 Oct 2001
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Athlon 800
512 megs of RAM
Radeon 8500

Wonderful framerates, no chop no crappy play.

Stopped playing when I did Dren's Plantation and started killing every monster in the game in 1-2 swings of my weapon, before I ever started on the main quest.
Post Tue Jun 18, 2002 2:11 am
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cool, i'm into this post.
my rig:

duron 900
geforce 3ti 500
shitty mouse
x-gamer sound
My character:

Argonian archer with massive long blade skills that i WORKED FOR, didn't buy
killed many orcs and will keep doing so
steal if i need to
have a house in vivec

I get a little choppiness in high traffic cities, but overall the game is smooth
and quite enjoyable. also i have the no cd crack, and it helps.
Post Tue Jun 18, 2002 3:21 am
Swift Wind

Sure why not

P2 466 Mhz
Geforce 2 MX 400 64 Mb /29.41 Drivers from Nvidia
Win 98se
Soundblaster live

Well thats my rig. Shes been a very good to me machine and for the record Morrowind plays very very good on my machine i havent had 1 crash to date. But the bugs from a few Quests and a couple other already noted in forums bugs are irritating and the lack of pixel shading can be overlooked even tho it makes the water even prettier. My fps stays around 15 to 20 average using Astenkos FPS Optimizer (Good Work BRO) and i have currently 29 mods running all together with no problems of course some i fixed up a tad with the TES Advanced Editor and the Construction Set. I hope this will encourage those with systems similar systems to try it out its an awesome experince to be in MW. Cant wait for the PATCH and a little more acknowledgement or posts/info from the DEVS about anything MW would be nice.
Post Tue Jun 18, 2002 3:40 am
City Guard
City Guard

Joined: 08 May 2002
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LORD LSD - DarkBlade (custom) lvl 75 or something, removed the game last week.

1.3 GHz Athlon
384MB 133Hz RAM
GF2 64MB
SB 128 PCI
40GB 7200rpm 8.5ms Deskstar

Framerates are acceptable, but the constant loading (instant, but constant) of areas is/was so annoying that i quit playing, and don't plan to start again untill this is fixed.
- Of all the worlds there must be - why was i born on this one? -
- Idiocy. A rare encounter or a way of life? -
Post Tue Jun 18, 2002 3:43 am
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Greb Jnnayr
Village Leader
Village Leader

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AMD Athlon XP 1900+
384 MB DDR2100
Geforce 4 TI4600
Windows XP Home
Playing at Max everything
Getting between 20-70FPS
(using the New Dets Version 29.42, this helped by doubling FPS)

My character is Dread Knight
Female Nord
Name is Brooke
Birth Sign- The Lady (modified, instead of +25 Personality it is +25 Agility)
Major- Axe, Heavy Armour, Medium Armour, Block
Minor- Restoration, Desctructuon, Blunt Weapon, Long Blade
( I can't remember one of my major and minor)
Post Tue Jun 18, 2002 4:43 am
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Mattias Kreku
Magister of the Light
Magister of the Light

Joined: 13 Jun 2002
Posts: 387

System: Ahtlon XP 2000+, Geforce 4, 512 DDRam, Windows XP Pro, framerates vary between 5-240 (This game is sooo badly coded).

Character: A custom class level 35 Nord fighter with a few spells added.
Major: Long blade, heavy armour, block, restoration, alteration
Minor: Athletics, medium armour, enchant (!), marksman and one I forgot.

My ac is way above 200, my daedric sword together with my insane blocking rate makes me totally invincible. Dremora lords can't hit me, spells are eaten by something I wear and my sword kills EVERYTHING within 1-2 blows.

I wish there were dragons in Morrowind.
Post Tue Jun 18, 2002 9:22 am
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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Originally posted by Mattias Kreku
System: Ahtlon XP 2000+, Geforce 4, 512 DDRam, Windows XP Pro, framerates vary between 5-240 (This game is sooo badly coded).

Character: A custom class level 35 Nord fighter with a few spells added.
Major: Long blade, heavy armour, block, restoration, alteration
Minor: Athletics, medium armour, enchant (!), marksman and one I forgot.

My ac is way above 200, my daedric sword together with my insane blocking rate makes me totally invincible. Dremora lords can't hit me, spells are eaten by something I wear and my sword kills EVERYTHING within 1-2 blows.

I wish there were dragons in Morrowind.

And then you would power level yourself up to lvl 50, so you can cry again because you can almost insta kill dragons....
Ankh-Morpork had dallied with many forms of government and had ended up with that form of democracy known as One Man, One Vote. The Patrician was the Man; he had the Vote.
Post Tue Jun 18, 2002 9:57 am
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Mattias Kreku
Magister of the Light
Magister of the Light

Joined: 13 Jun 2002
Posts: 387

Originally posted by Danny
And then you would power level yourself up to lvl 50, so you can cry again because you can almost insta kill dragons....

Uh.. Right. Because it is an impossible mission to build a game with a little balance.. It has never been done before..

If had power leveled I would be level 70 by now. If I could do anything about it I'd be level 10 constantly because that's when the game gave me a little challenge. But no matter what I do the game just throws levels at me. Guess I should have majored in speechcraft and mercantile huh.
Post Tue Jun 18, 2002 10:12 am
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Critical Error
Critical Error

Joined: 06 Jul 2001
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Location: Austria

Athlon 1.2GHz/100
Geforce 4 Ti 4400
No overclocking.
All graphic specs set to max.
Highest texture quality.

My framerates NEVER drop below 10, so, Mattias, I think your system needs some serious tweaking. 5fps is something I would consider unplayable. Average framerates are above 25, even in Balmora. The worst place for me is Ebonheart - this is the only place where I think of reducing the view distance .

I have currently reactivated my lvl 9 Reduards explorer, a fighter/mage hybrid. Ninja Monkeys don't bother me much anymore, the thrill for him comes out of the NPC's from various quests (guilds, houses, others). My other char is a lvl 36 breton alchemist, fairly far in the main quest. I just play some other chars to test some things out for an unnamed comapny *g*
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Post Tue Jun 18, 2002 10:47 am
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Mattias Kreku
Magister of the Light
Magister of the Light

Joined: 13 Jun 2002
Posts: 387

Originally posted by Rendelius
My framerates NEVER drop below 10, so, Mattias, I think your system needs some serious tweaking. 5fps is something I would consider unplayable.

I forgot to mention I play it at 1280x960x32 too.. I can get it down to 5 in most cities, but it's not common. Still.. 5 fps for my above average system is not good. (I've also noticed that the game actually draws out EVERYTHING within view distance, no matter if you can see it or not) I have tried tweaking it, but the only thing that happened was that I got SUPER fps in Return to Castle Wolfenstein and I am now able to enjoy Gothic in 1600x1200 with 300% view distance..

I'm actually averaging 30-40 fps when I play the game regularly. If it was 5 fps all the time I would have blown Bethesda to pieces.

Town: 5-30 fps
Wilderness:20-60 fps
Dungeons: 70-240 fps
Post Tue Jun 18, 2002 11:14 am
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System specs:
Original Slot-A AMD Athlon 700MHz
GeForce256 32MB DDR (first gen GeForce)
Original Win98

Game runs fine, I usually get 10-20 fps in town, 20-40 in interiors. No crashes since I upgraded to the latest Detonators (DO IT), and the only odd things I've noticed is one save game that doesn't have a screenshot associated with it (doesn't affect anything in game), and one time the ground was rendered both normally and with a luminous red-green-blue wireframe around each polygon (restarting the game solved the problem, although it looked rather cool when rain fell on it).

Curran the Male Dark Elf Mercenary.
Born under the sign of The Lady.

Custom class, Mercenary:
Combat oriented.
Major: Long Blade, Heavy Armour, Light Armour, Block, Armourer.
Minor: Security, Alchemy, Marksman, Short Blade, Mercantile

I currently use LB, HA, B in battle, Ar after battle to repair things. I minor in S to get me into places, and Al to generate cash. Me is only a minor skill so it starts high and makes things cheaper, I don't actively barter at the moment (don't want to waste level points improving PER yet). The other skills are there to be used later in the game when my skills/stats start maxing out.

The way I've organised it, I improve LB, HA and B a lot, giving me bonuses to STR, END and a bit of AGI. S and Al don't improve much as of yet. Later I can get bonuses to SPE and AGI by using SB and LA, and I can fall back on S, Al and Me to get me INT and PER bonuses.

This is my fourth character (three test chars to get to know the system), and I think it's well designed to get level bonuses to all but LUC and WIS (as no skills use LUC and I don't use magic at all).

Incidentally, I think I played the first scene perfectly this time, getting all items in the census office from the lower sleeping area, the area with shelves AND the room with the two people in! Started the game with a ton of ingredients to mix potions with and about 700-800 gold in hand. Nice! But what about the "sharpen the dagger" note - haven't worked out what to do with that at all!
Post Tue Jun 18, 2002 12:15 pm
Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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Well you need to buy a new grafic card,and some more RAM and a new Processor, to play Morrowind....Recomended: 512 of RAM, 1000mhz Processor, and GeForce3 ti500...when you have that, then you can play on a good grafic...
"May the force be with you"
Post Tue Jun 18, 2002 12:48 pm
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Ghost of Asheron
Ghost of Asheron

Joined: 07 May 2002
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I just upgraded my CPU:

Athlon 2100+ (1773MHz)
Abit KG7-RAID motherboard
PNY Geforce4 Ti4400 (overclocked to 300/650)
Soundblaster Audigy Platinum
120GB HD

Current character: lv33 melee'ing battlemage. Phear my hammer
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Post Tue Jun 18, 2002 1:44 pm
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