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Gothic = a product of bugs and bad programming code
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RPGDot Forums > Gothic - General

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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

Joined: 02 Feb 2002
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Why bother wasting your time complaining to us about how much you hate the game? It's obvious there are so many people who are very passionate about the game here, so what are you trying to prove by insulting it on these boards? Do you think any of us give a damn about how you feel? Good for you, throw away the game and go cry in a corner, no one here cares.
Post Sat Feb 02, 2002 6:19 am
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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I will never forget the first time I went to the Free Mine, and while walking through that cave a mole rat came at me full speed. I was like "wtf is he going", then I noticed the wolf chasing him after he had already killed the other mole rat in the path.

Thats friggin awesome. I've beaten the game and I have never seen that before.

Post Sat Feb 02, 2002 7:09 am
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SBR Belfry Bat
SBR Belfry Bat

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I have a piece of evidence that suggests that NPC ARE in fact going through their routines in places were you are not, feel free to check this out. When I started a new game one of the first things I did was go to the Swamp Camp. When I got there I was surprised to see two Templars walking out the front gate. This seemed strange because my first time through the game I never saw Templars leave, unless they were chasing me for attacking someone. After following them for about half a minute I realized they were on their way to the Old Camp’s mine. To confirm my suspicion I ran to the mine, they were walking slowly so it was easy to beat them there. When I got to the mine, the two Templars that stand in front of the entrance to the mine weren’t there yet, so I ran back to meet them, and they were still on their way (much closer now of coarse). When I started the game, they started in their camp, they waited for a little bit, then they walked themselves slowly to mine, almost all of which was when I was not there to see.
Oh, and by the way, I've experianced very few bugs.

[ This Message was edited by: Suicidal Cockroach on 2002-02-02 02:00 ]
Post Sat Feb 02, 2002 7:57 am
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SBR Belfry Bat
SBR Belfry Bat

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Red dog , if you are still reading these post, I would just like to say in all seriousness that bragging about that system of yours is not a smart thing to do; you do not seem to realize how it sounds. The equipment you have costs a great deal more than it is worth. Over the next two years the cost of your parts/system will drop exponentially twenty percent every six months. In case you think I don’t know what I am saying when I say it isn’t worth the price, I discussed this topic with my brother in law. The reason I mention him is because he does maintenance for mainframes at the Dallas American Airlines/EDS Complex (formally Saber); this is one of the biggest databases in the entire United States. This guy could almost build a computer from tinfoil, and as he told me when I was buying my computer about one year ago, ’with the way the prices for this stuff changes it doesn’t make sense to buy a machine that can run programs that aren’t written yet. No matter what you pay, your system will be outdated in a year, so just buy a system that is easily upgradeable; so that when you can’t run every program, you can upgrade easily and for very little money.’
Post Sat Feb 02, 2002 8:35 am
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Head Merchant
Head Merchant

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I say screw dell if you know how to make a system from scratch.
Post Sat Feb 02, 2002 8:55 am
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Keeper of the Gates
Keeper of the Gates

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Don't diss an amazing game on a fan site man, just take it back and be done with it

[ This Message was edited by: lildragon on 2002-02-02 10:32 ]
Post Sat Feb 02, 2002 4:30 pm
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Humanoid Typhoon
Humanoid Typhoon

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On 2002-02-02 02:35, Suicidal Cockroach wrote:
Red dog , if you are still reading these post, I would just like to say in all seriousness that bragging about that system of yours is not a smart thing to do; you do not seem to realize how it sounds. The equipment you have costs a great deal more than it is worth. Over the next two years the cost of your parts/system will drop exponentially twenty percent every six months. In case you think I don?t know what I am saying when I say it isn?t worth the price, I discussed this topic with my brother in law. The reason I mention him is because he does maintenance for mainframes at the Dallas American Airlines/EDS Complex (formally Saber); this is one of the biggest databases in the entire United States. This guy could almost build a computer from tinfoil, and as he told me when I was buying my computer about one year ago, ?with the way the prices for this stuff changes it doesn?t make sense to buy a machine that can run programs that aren?t written yet. No matter what you pay, your system will be outdated in a year, so just buy a system that is easily upgradeable; so that when you can?t run every program, you can upgrade easily and for very little money.?

If I mail you my graphing calculator, cellphone, gameboy, and an empty soda can could he make me a PDA?

Post Sun Feb 03, 2002 2:19 am
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Humanoid Typhoon
Humanoid Typhoon

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On 2002-02-01 16:27, red_dog_1515 wrote:
Rendelius, sorry to burst your bubble, but it's not Windows XP that has the problem, it's that P.O.S. Gothic. After all the complaint posts on these message boards, if you still can't see that, then you are either a Piranha Bytes employee, blind fanboy, or an imbecile.

You fop!

Would he have made this official discussion board if he HATED Gothic like you?

I rather enjoy your misery now. You should have voiced your malcontent with a bit more tact. Remember that when you bitch about how World of Warcraft or Morrowind wont run on your machine.

Post Sun Feb 03, 2002 2:27 am
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Baron of the Court
Baron of the Court

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On 2002-02-02 00:19, DarkLich wrote:
Why bother wasting your time complaining to us about how much you hate the game? It's obvious there are so many people who are very passionate about the game here, so what are you trying to prove by insulting it on these boards? Do you think any of us give a damn about how you feel? Good for you, throw away the game and go cry in a corner, no one here cares.

Darklich, with the post you have instantly become okay in my book.



Post Sun Feb 03, 2002 3:15 am
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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You miss the point - these actions are NOT taking place outside of your viewing/listening area. For instance, I hope you don't really think that when you are in the OC that the NPCs in the NC are still doing their thing?!?!?! This is NOT a persistant world - it doesn't have to be since this is NOT a multiplayer, real time environment like EQ and others. The animals in areas you are not currently interacting with are NOT eating, etc.

Sorry, but they are, if you randomly teleport around using marvin, you'll notice animals/people in the middle of daily tasks, and not just standing there waiting for them to load. If this were the case, then you could stand in the Swamp Camp, and teleport to the New Camp and there would be a delay due to the game loading the AI scripts for those in the New Camp. This isn't the case, as if you teleport there you'll notice them doing what they do, walking around, eating, talking, or in the case of several NPC's, just standing around talking to each other.

Sorry you don't believe me, but oh well. Shit happens, best of luck to you.

Who cares? I do and so do many others - this sort of pseudo AI is what makes for stupid, unreal worlds. In NO real world situation would a peasant (having run away because I was killing his brethren) keep coming back to simply stand there and let me kill him in turn! In NO way does it make sense for a guard to allow me to pass a gate area he JUST told me I couldn't pass - simply because I raised my sword and ran through! This is worse than having NO AI at all. It makes for inane game play. And if you - and others don't care - then you will keep getting crummy AI.

Like I said, you'd be one of those idiots complaining about realism in a game that broke all previous standards for realism. You're obviously a troll for standards, and you'll never be happy. Good day to you.

You tell me how to post it and I will - I already have the screenshot - several in fact. I just love the way some people will call another a liar so quickly. It took me all of 30 seconds in the game to have several over 30fps - not that it matters since the only thing that matters is that the game looks good.

Um, you find someone to host the picture for you online, then you magically insert a link in a post so that people may view the picture.

Enjoy, and best of luck finding a game so perfect that it reflects life in every way shape and form.
Post Sun Feb 03, 2002 11:40 pm
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Jedi Master
Jedi Master

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On 2002-02-02 01:57, Suicidal Cockroach wrote:
I have a piece of evidence that suggests that NPC ARE in fact going through their routines in places were you are not, feel free to check this out. When I started a new game one of the first things I did was go to the Swamp Camp. When I got there I was surprised to see two Templars walking out the front gate. This seemed strange because my first time through the game I never saw Templars leave, unless they were chasing me for attacking someone. After following them for about half a minute I realized they were on their way to the Old Camp’s mine. To confirm my suspicion I ran to the mine, they were walking slowly so it was easy to beat them there. When I got to the mine, the two Templars that stand in front of the entrance to the mine weren’t there yet, so I ran back to meet them, and they were still on their way (much closer now of coarse). When I started the game, they started in their camp, they waited for a little bit, then they walked themselves slowly to mine, almost all of which was when I was not there to see.
Oh, and by the way, I've experianced very few bugs.

[ This Message was edited by: Suicidal Cockroach on 2002-02-02 02:00 ]

Actually they do that every single day, its part of the collecting mandables for cor kalom, you will see it if you sleep in the sect camp 'untill morning' they will be walking up there again, and they come back down in the evening.
Post Mon Feb 04, 2002 12:51 am
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The game runs wonderfully well on my PII 350.
No choppy graphics or any of the other problems.
I am also quite impressed with the graphics and AI. I think the programmers did a bang up job.
Post Tue Feb 05, 2002 11:31 pm
Rara Avis
Rara Avis

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On 2002-02-05 17:31, Anonymous wrote:
The game runs wonderfully well on my PII 350.
No choppy graphics or any of the other problems.
I am also quite impressed with the graphics and AI. I think the programmers did a bang up job.

Agreed, I have a year old P4 with Xp Pro and the only bugs, save one, I have encountered are the result of my "Marvining."
Post Tue Feb 05, 2002 11:44 pm
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Joey Nipps
Orcan High Command
Orcan High Command

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On 2002-02-03 17:40, Llama wrote:
[quote]Sorry, but they are, if you randomly teleport around using marvin, you'll notice animals/people in the middle of daily tasks, and not just standing there waiting for them to load.

Sorry you don't believe me, but oh well. Shit happens, best of luck to you.

Your sarcasm is not only misplaced, but ill advised - you should only try sarcasm when you ARE correct. In this case you are very badly mistaken - brought on I suspect by a severe lack of any concept of investigation or observational ability. Follow along now.

Pick (as I have) two waypoints (I chose nc_place06 and nc_tavern_room01) with creatures or npcs to observe (you must pick locations that have at least one moving npc near you to observe) - and then bop back and forth between them whilst being very careful to observe what is actually happening and you will see the truth.

For instance if you start your observing whilst at nc_place06 and then tele to the tavern postition (I did it during the day) and take very careful notice of the positions of the npcs - you will notice that EVERY time you transport to the tavern every npc that has a moving pattern (worthless to observe stationary ones) starts at the precise same spot when you teleport in. In otherwords - they are being initialized at the moment you arrive - NOT going about their daily routines as you surmise. The world that is actually functioning (at any instant in time) is just a small subset of the world that is "visable" to your character. When you move (or teleport) to a different location, everything is initialized to whatever positions are appropriate for that time of day at that location.

Remember - there is NO reason for this world to have been programmed (as in EQ or DAoC) to be persistant since there is only ONE player. Persistant worlds are MUCH, MUCH more complex and require MUCH, MUCH more effort to program.

And, yes, shit does happen.

When everything else in life seems to fail you - buy a vowel.
Post Wed Feb 06, 2002 1:23 am
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