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This game is insanely hard! Need help!
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RPGDot Forums > Gothic 2 Spoilers

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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 12 Jul 2004
Posts: 30
Location: "Old Penal Colony" - ROMANIA
Tips for DigitalCowboy

Hello guys,
I played Gothic1. It was my kind of game!
I played Gothic2. It is a fantastic and a revolutionary game. I finished it first as a mercenary, then I finished it as a Fire Mage.
On Friday I got the addon, and since then I'm playng like a mad man.
Of course that I will become a Water Mage this time... I'm only suppose to beat Dexter and take his note and go back to Vatras. I can't wait!!!
- Stick to Lares. You'll go in a trip party with him three times, and yo'll get nice XP on the way. Of course that you can let him wait you and in this time you can
make a short detour, and lure some creatures that was not in your way back to Lares who will kill them and you'll get the needed XP.
- Try climbing on highs and kill the creatures that can't reach you with your bow or crossbow.

- Begin as aprentice to Harold. You can learn to make nice weapons (wou'll spend some LP on that but it worth it!!!). ex: If you make a ruby blade and sell it to Harold, you'll get 400 gold. In Korinis you'll find only 7 raw steel. You can get infinite at the mercenary smithy. (I spend 1 hour buying steel and made 60 Ruby Blades, and back to town, I sold it to H. with 24.000 gold!!!)
Go up to 30 with STRENGHT. You have +5 strenth Belt. Buy a +3 Strenght ring at the market place, eat 2 Dragon root, and you'll get up to 40 Strenght.
Buy from Jora the crossbow with 60 Damage (40 Str. needed), and you'll make it fine.
(or don't eat Dragonroots. Learn peasant language from one of the Water Mage in the subterain temple (you'll go there with Lares), and you will be able to read those magic stone tablets and get a permanent bonus - depends what kind of stone tablets did you finded)
Keep your money in bolts and arrows. (1:1 trade price).
You'll meet some nasty guys on the way who wants to beat you. (especialy in the Landlord's area)
Good luck! (keep in touch, maybe by e-mail)

Ps: What it was so god in Morrowind??? That game sucked! It has a complicated and awfull story line! (my opinion)

--------- MASTER ---------
(GOTHIC absolutely FAN)
Post Mon Jul 12, 2004 9:23 am
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 12 Jul 2004
Posts: 30
Location: "Old Penal Colony" - ROMANIA

That monster is an ORC ELITE... Nice experiece you should had

Originally posted by DigitalCowboy
Okay, I will give that a try. Is there any area you recommend? As I tried to venture out in the forrests, and suddenly I am chased by really bad monsters that kill me in one blow.

I am lvl 6 now... feels like a long way to 10 though.


--------- MASTER ---------
(GOTHIC absolutely FAN)
Post Mon Jul 12, 2004 9:47 am
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 12 Jul 2004
Posts: 30
Location: "Old Penal Colony" - ROMANIA
Listen to this man (Whailor) He knows what he is talking!

Digital Cowboy:

Whailor is right!
If you follow my previous advice with the Harod apprenticeship, you'll get gold to buy all the scrols you'll find on the market. The problem is how many you can use in a round...how much Mana points do you have.
- Learn lockpicking !


Originally posted by Whailor
One simple thing to do in addition: use the scrolls. You'll find many of them, and in add-on the mana cost is only 5 mana per scroll. Even with your 10 mana at the start, it's still 2 shots. And a fireball is a fireball, hurts just the same. Get those mana plants of all kind ("fire" plants), those you can eat to get your mana back without wasting any potions, if your base mana is like 10-50. Save summoning scrolls and use these, these make good attraction or cannon fodder or tanks, depending on the situation.

When training, try to get that STR up some. 1H skill at 30% is good already for starters. Remember that the damage you do to the target is that of the weapon damage, so any armor rating above it pretty much negates the damage. You will ALWAYS do some damage when you hit, even if most of it was in general negated. If you score a critical hit, then your STR gets added to the damage as a bonus. I.e. say you have 30 STR and weapon does 50 damage, on critical it's 80 damage. Higher skill allows more criticals, and at 100% skill, every hit is considered as a critical. Skills can be raised above 100% too, but that plays no role anymore.

Other then that, perhaps indeed you should first try G2 without the add-on. Get the feeling of the game, it's easier to navigate in tougher world if you have the experience already

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(GOTHIC absolutely FAN)
Post Mon Jul 12, 2004 10:03 am
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 12 Jul 2004
Posts: 30
Location: "Old Penal Colony" - ROMANIA
The career with mages is not quite "impossible"

I don't agree with you on this matter. Let the man play the addon.
The career with mages is not quite "impossible". With a few tips you can handle it very well.
1. Apperntice at Harold (that solves the money problem)
2. 40 Str. required for the 60 Dmg. crossbow from the merchant Jora
3. Stick to Lares in your three party journeys.
4. Make swords and sell them to Harold => good money that you can spend it buying all the scrols on the market.
5. Hunt difficult creatures from the high rocks, so they can't reach you.
6. Until Level 10 - 12 use only bow or crossbow. (most creature/humans is weaker in arrow protection, and you'll do more damege and kill them quickly)
7. When you become a Mage, develope Mana Points and Magic Skils so you can use more magic in a row
8. etc. (keep in touch!)

good luck!

At least since my review was posted you should have known that TNotR is really hard because half the community thought G2 was too easy, which is only true from a hardcore perspective. Especially the mage career is almost impossible, at least for somebody new to G2.
So the solution is simple. Uninstall everything, install only G2 and play it as a mage. Then install the the add-on and play again as paladin or mercenary.[/quote]
--------- MASTER ---------
(GOTHIC absolutely FAN)
Post Mon Jul 12, 2004 5:13 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

Joined: 11 Jul 2004
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I am already bowmakers apprentice.

I am not out to be the best, I like that the game is hard and scarce of money and good items (makes it more exciting when I actually find something great). It is just that the balance of the game is whack, it shouldn't be this hard for a newbie. Now, that I know that the game is poorly balanced I will work around it.

I went back toward the Xardas tower last night (as you suggested) and found lots of scrolls and potions in the bushes. I missed a lot of those places when I first started out. It is getting a bit easier now, I have actually learned to control my sword handling a bit better now. Once I realize that there is more to it and that the mobs evade and counter-attack. I find the combat VERY challenging and fun. The hard part now is that I die to fast. One or two hits and I am gone, there is very little time to run away. I also have a hard time find places to buy potions.

I will get trough this, I have already started to shoot some enemies with ranged attacks, it is however, very hard to hit them. I need lots of arrows/bolts before I get a hit in.

I am going about exploring some more now. As I slowly level up it gets easier...

Btw, what is this about skills going over 100 but not necessary. When I have 100 or more I will always hit a critical right? 100% so why on earth should anyone take them higher? Is there added to hit chance or something? Or should I just stop at 100?

Later guys,
Post Mon Jul 12, 2004 7:11 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 12 Jul 2004
Posts: 30
Location: "Old Penal Colony" - ROMANIA
Keep in touch

It will take you forever if you're planing to do it by the sword, not by crossbow.
At a specific level, you'll se that your weapon that you can use... always do less damage that a crossbow that you can use (until Lvl. 15-20).
Get a little closer when you fire bow/crossbow.
For the high level creature use spell scrols, and party trips (Lares, Greg, etc.)
Regarding the % skills going over 100: I don't know if it is necessary or not. All extra you can get is a 5 or 10% permanent raise a one or two handed fighting skils (I don't remember right now exactly), by buying the two Books of Fighting from a trader in upperquarter, who you'll find him in the square left from Lord Haegen's House.
"When I have 100 or more I will always hit a critical right?" - NO!
Press "B" and you'll see what critical hit chance do you have for every fighting skill. It will never go up to 100% (critical hit chance, I mean...)
With magic, you'll have 100% chance - that's right.
Magic never misses!
tip: pray to statues of Innos and donate 100 Gold! (1 statue/day - gives you different permanent bonuses)

good luck!

[quote="DigitalCowboy"]I am already bowmakers apprentice.
--------- MASTER ---------
(GOTHIC absolutely FAN)
Post Wed Jul 14, 2004 9:04 am
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Village Leader
Village Leader

Joined: 22 Jan 2004
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What? If i donate 100g a day to Innos I would get different perm bonuses? What exactly do you mean by this? A +5 streangth would become a 10 or what? Also, when boosting your life permanently I heard it was a waste of time before you reached your max hp otherwise the boost is basically wasted. Is this true? thx
Post Tue Jul 27, 2004 2:17 am
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