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Whats the big deal with NWN?
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RPGDot Forums > Neverwinter Nights - General

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Head Merchant
Head Merchant

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Game ok..

The game is ok as a single player game but I must say I'm dissappointed. To make the argument that this was created as a multi player game so don't criticize the single player part doesn't hold water with me. Honestly Ultima 7 was much more fun than NWN for me. To many find the key, open the chest, huge dungeons for me. I suppose the multi player might be really good but that hinges on an awful lot. As far as people making modules I think there could be some great ones. There would be better ones if Bioware would have let people charge for them though. How stupid is it that doors are locked all over the place and the keys are in god only knows who's pocket or chest. Also highly annoying is opening locked chests. You open so many the waiting to open the chest is annoying. Better than Diablo but not as good as some other games out there. I'll sell mine for $40 and pay shipping. Enjoy!
Post Fri Jul 12, 2002 3:59 am
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I find a fireball spell solves all of my barrel clicking and chest scoping woes. Cast fireball... watch the pretty explosions... loot the bags.

Hmm... I'm going through single player with a fine toothed comb (leave no quest unfinished!). I find the story picking up, not dulling down. I also don't mind spending an hour romping around the woods looking for this or that.

Until this point in the game... single player didn't draw me in at all. I'd play for a few hours tops over the course of a day... enough to do a single area or a quest. Now, though... I had to pull myself away from the computer last night at about 3 am (god knows when I would have stopped if I didn't have to work at 7) after starting at 1 pm. I find the 'wordy' dialogue decently written, the characters interesting, and the plot entertaining.

No computer game is everyone's cup of tea. Which is why I don't compare games when I do reviews. Each game is unique and should be taken that way, really. NWN is not Dungeon Siege. DUNGEON SIEGE is Dungeon Siege.

And 10 years later nobody has been able to recapture the magic that was Ultima 7 for some reason. RPGDot knows... we put a U7 revisited review up. I was playing it before I got Morrowind and then NWN and enjoying it just as much as anything that's followed (except perhaps Fallout 1/2 and Arcanum - which thrives on setting and style and suffers from game play imbalance and 'poor' graphics).
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Post Fri Jul 12, 2002 12:55 pm
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High Emperor
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Re: Well basically just go out and say it

Originally posted by Fionn
Basically just go out and say its a DM client based game.

Well, I don't need to, since, it IS! I didn't think I need to state the obvious. Woe on me for assuming. But it's not just that. That's only half of it. The other half of what you bought is a professional grade content creation tool.
Originally posted by Fionn
The program to find mulitplayer games is horrid. Unless you "know and play with the same group of people", the games multiplayer is very badly done.

I'm sorry, but I trully cannot see how knowing people to play with and technical merit of the code implementation have any cross-correlation. Did you really expect that they would code something up that would allow you to all of a sudden have friends online? If you spent half the effort, that you did on trying to prove how NWN didn't deliver what was hyped, on getting to know some of the people on this site and joining the multiplayer group that plays NWN... well, I leave the details to you.
Originally posted by Fionn
...but then you have to play with the same friends.

[sarcasm]Yeah, what a horrible simulation of PnP gaming, it actually requires friends to play with.[/sarcasm]
Originally posted by Fionn
BTW, you ever go to E3? You ever actually play the games or watch them in person before the game is out?

No. But I also don't go around claiming how the next big marketing gimmick is the Holy Grail of gaming. [sarcasm]Oh, and the expansion pack that they will make for this Holy Grail? Well, that's the Arc of the Covenant! Fulfilling our gaming dreams beyond our wildest imaginations![/sarcasm] I hope you're taking this with a grain of salt. I'm trying to point out, how silly your claims are. You tell me I have no right to comment since I don't go to industry only shows like E3, but then go on to claim that the game you don't really know anything about is "very well done." How do you know that? What do you derive your conclusions upon? I was pointing out that you're doing it to yourself again. You're lining yourself up for major disappointment, just like you did it with NWN.
Originally posted by Fionn
...if I like a game that I want to play I will look further into it before I buy it. NWN was an exception. I did not think it would be as great as people made it out to be from the beginning and I'm glad to find out I was right...

You expected NWN to not be all that it was hyped to be, you still went out and dished out all the bucks for it (instead of waiting for a month to get new impressions and reviews after the initial hype is over), and then claim you are glad when it turns out you are right!!??!! [sarcasm]I got some great smelling dog poop here, would you like to buy it? Smells like roses![/sarcasm]

*sigh* I guess I'm just not getting through. It seems I'm trying to explain the concepts of marketing to someone who thinks that Coke is the greatest drink ever made and thinks that the latest fashion is a must because, after all, it is the latest! Regardless how harsh my post may seem, it is done as a friendly gesture. I'm trying to point out to you why you are so disappointed, since I know you'll end up disappointed again (and again). For starters, I'd suggest buying games one whole month after they come out. You will not be less cool if you don't have the next best thing the day it comes out. This will also give you some better reviews and will allow you to make a more informed choice of what you're buying. You should also delete top 3 links of the games whose development you are so avidly following (SWG being the first ). Those games you should buy whole 3 months after release since the hype wannabies will not let the hype die down for a while (they can't afford to admit the game is bad--if it actually is--after all the emotional investment).
Post Fri Jul 12, 2002 3:17 pm
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Eagle's Shadow
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Re: Well basically just go out and say it

Originally posted by MoonDragon
*sigh* I guess I'm just not getting through.

You know, in my experience some people just like to complain, regardless of what others have to say Someone decided this game is crap, and no matter how much you point out to this person how contradictory their discourse is they will never understand because they simply don't want to

When that happens I just answer with a smile
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Post Fri Jul 12, 2002 3:49 pm
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Village Dweller
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I heard on the server's chats that someone discovered a way to remove the xp cap and get your character up to level 85...

Prepare fo trouble...

Post Fri Jul 12, 2002 4:07 pm
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Spoiler of All Fun
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Let me point out that everybody is entitled to their opinion. Last time I checked, none of our rules stated anything about requirement for liking or disliking games.
That it works for the one doesn't mean it has to work for the other as well.

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Post Fri Jul 12, 2002 5:09 pm
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Most Exalted Highlord
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Some people take it personally when you dis their game. Why? Human nature I guess.
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Post Fri Jul 12, 2002 5:26 pm
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What Myrthos said, only two pages ago.
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Post Fri Jul 12, 2002 5:32 pm
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Elf Friend
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Originally posted by Erendil
I heard on the server's chats that someone discovered a way to remove the xp cap and get your character up to level 85...

Prepare fo trouble...


I've never been a fan of level caps (and don't understand why WOTC needed to release special 3ed rules for high lvl chars), but what's the point of a L85 mage? Is there any challenge left asside from an other L85 mage?

How would the game handle HPs, spells per day, feats, etc?

Hope it's not true. From what I've heard the MP community (in general) is cut throat enough.
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Post Fri Jul 12, 2002 6:38 pm
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Head Merchant
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Originally posted by Lintra
Originally posted by Erendil
I heard on the server's chats that someone discovered a way to remove the xp cap and get your character up to level 85...

Prepare fo trouble...


I've never been a fan of level caps (and don't understand why WOTC needed to release special 3ed rules for high lvl chars), but what's the point of a L85 mage? Is there any challenge left asside from an other L85 mage?

How would the game handle HPs, spells per day, feats, etc?

Hope it's not true. From what I've heard the MP community (in general) is cut throat enough.

Dumping on the MP Community as a whole is just passing the buck. There are arses out there, I tag those servers and avoid them when I find them. So far hanging around the Role Playing section I've found some good games and some fun groups. If you want to avoid most client side cheating make sure you're playing on a server with dedicated characters.

As for game graphics being the reason for dissapointment, I can understand that, but for me some of the best games I've ever played haven't had the greatest graphics even at the time. I still remember the complete joy I played Jagged Alliance with the first go around. The graphics were a bit dated at the time, but the fun factor of that game was through the roof....And that in the end is how I judge games.

While NWN story doesn't live up to BG 2 which grabbed you by the throat as you started or Planescape which was just wild and out there, it still has a story that gains a lot of momentum and I'm generally satisfied.

But that's one peons opinion
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Post Fri Jul 12, 2002 7:40 pm
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The Hurricane
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As for game graphics being the reason for dissapointment, I can understand that, but for me some of the best games I've ever played haven't had the greatest graphics even at the time

Heh, I just started playing Fallout 1/2 for the first time and I'm having just as much fun, if not more, playing them as I am playing Gothic, Morrowind, and NWN. I'm a fan of good graphics, but that isn't what makes a good RPG. Besides, am I the ony one who thinks NWN's graphics are very well done? Crisp, clean....and the shadows are great. Not top of the line Morrowindish, but very well done and much more playable than a Morrowind.
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Post Sat Jul 13, 2002 1:52 am
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Head Merchant
Head Merchant

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I agree with you completely Hurricane. Gothic was a real fun game, even if many people think it was too linear. and im lovin' NWN right now, and i also think the graphics are good. But then again, i dont put graphics too high on my "reasons to get a game" list. The story is what counts.
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Post Sat Jul 13, 2002 5:58 am
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Southern Spirit
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Originally posted by goofy goldfish

Ya it's NOT that bad. But also not good enough - as Fionn said "it just got dull after a while," (from individual point of views anyway).

Like Morrowind never got dull?!? Come on--how can you even take Fionn seriously? Fionn's entire post theme through this whole thread is how right MW did everything compared to NWN. They are completely different games so they don't offer themselves well to comparison.

"MW's graphics are better"--piffle--turn of the pixel shaders and Q3 has better graphics. Just think of how good the grapics could have been if Bethesda had pixel shaded great graphics instead of mediocre ones.

"MW is less linear..." ok, so what? The main quest in MW is knife edge linear, just like it is in every game, not following the quest is pointless and dull. MW is all-or-nothing. "

MW's editor is better..." that I would have to see to believe! I'm about ready to pull my hair out over MW's editor, it's a toy and a fairly limited one at that, I don't really see how any game's editor could be worse. Even just positioning an object is a pain.

I agree with Myrthos that everyone's opinion is valid. There is no reason why Fionn must like NWN. Lets be serious for a minute though--Fionn's rantings are just standard MW fan fare. It's that same need that seems to dominate some members of the MW community that they must deride all other games in order to validate MW. It's ironic since MW is a good enough game that it doesn't need this kind of validation.
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Post Sun Jul 14, 2002 2:19 pm
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The MasterCopy
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REal original signature Nazgu.
I run it that way after i provided that smilie to Myrthos.
Think of something yourself.

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Post Sun Jul 14, 2002 3:03 pm
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A guy named Xerox with the tag 'if you can't buy it, copy it' is upset because someone swiped his sig format?
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Post Sun Jul 14, 2002 4:06 pm
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