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My Annoyances with Oblivion ( What are yours? )
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 26 Mar 2005
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Those 95+ reviews are WAY too nice as far as I'm concerned. I played Morrowind and Daggerfall each for about half a day, and I'm finding Oblivion much improved over those two. The NPCs are less generic (but still don't compare to Gothic 2/Arx Fatalis), and not as annoying.

1.) But speaking of annoyances, why why WHY do the NPCs have to react to me when I'm just standing there doing nothing, or walking by completely ignoring them. "Why are you bothering me?" what? I wasn't even paying attention to you... "Yes?" Um, NOTHING, I'm running past you.... I hope someone makes a realism mod for THAT bs. If the frequency could be lowered to about 20% of the time, I'd be happy.

There's considerably more ugly people than necessary as well, but what can ya do...

2.) I wish the horse moved a little more realistically, I'm sure this will get modded eventually. It has stop, slow and fast, with no transitioning in between. You can go from fast to a dead stop like it has ceramic brakes.

3.) Different voiced NPCs regurgitating the same lines. That to me reminds me that the developers haven't quite grasped the NPC personality concept. If you're going to spend the time to have 3 or 4 different voices recite a line, why not have them each phrase it differently? These could have been rewritten on the spot. So you think you're about to hear something different and then this completely different NPC in a different town says the exact same words. Kills the immersion.

4.) I totally agree with the weapon swing timing issue. I'm still slapping around the easy monsters, but it is frustrating not being able to land the claymore when I want. We should be able to hold the weapon up until ready to swing. That's how Gothic 2 is right? I also agree with the plants still remaining is stupid.

5.) There's more. Some design choices really strike me as damn smart and useful. Others the complete opposite, like what the hell were they thinking?

6.) The face customization. MAD Overkill. Do we really need sixteen sliders for the character's nose on a face we see for 2% of the game? It's not a MMORPG. And so many of the sliders seem to do the same things.
Mashed Buddha Symphonic and Improvised Electronica
Post Sat Mar 25, 2006 5:40 am
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Originally posted by Muze
6.) The face customization. MAD Overkill. Do we really need sixteen sliders for the character's nose on a face we see for 2% of the game? It's not a MMORPG. And so many of the sliders seem to do the same things.

I edited my face ( not race ) as I was exiting the tutorial and due to the difference in lighting I had a rough go of it. But I was finally happy with my face after like 20 minutes... And then later after finding some better armour, I took off what I was wearing and reailized my chest is deep purple ( like fell thru the ice, and not recovered in time ), and my face is bright red ( like I was tortured with scaling water for several hours ). Invoking the 'showracemenu' on the terminal line ( access it by ~tilde~ ) will call the race menu back up and you can set your face and skin tones again. BUT your stats get reset. I have watching MODs that are trying to get around this issue. Basically saving your stats and adjusting them back to original levels, and failing if you try to change your RACE ( that would be cheating )... The side effect of the script is a Crash to the Desktop -- DoH!

-= XmirroR =-

Post Sat Mar 25, 2006 6:29 am
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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there is a bow zoom.
i hate the constant crashes, it has crashed way too often for my tastes.
he mentioned the Canvas the Castle quest, and i'm stuck with 2 clues, i can't figure out what to do next, can anybody PM me with an answer? i'm pulling my hair out.
Post Sat Mar 25, 2006 6:49 am
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Yeah, I found the zoom... I wasn't playing an Archer at first so no hope of getting to the zoom, but after re-reading the manual I saw it.

By the way I PM'ed you back with a spoiler walkthru of the Canvas Quest.

-= XmirroR =-

Post Sat Mar 25, 2006 7:47 am
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Village Dweller
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Re: My Annoyances with Oblivion ( What are yours? )

Originally posted by XmirroR
Not looking to be flamed...

60. Quests have a predefined route. I don't know how often this will come up, or if it was just me finding the one bad seed very early in the game, but the Quest: Canvas the Castle has a definative order that cannot be avoided. I dont want to spoil the quest, but suffice to say if you find clue 'C' before 'A' and 'B' clue 'C' wont actually be recorded by the quest engine, and you'll need to go back to clue 'C' later. I certainly hope there aren't many of these issues.

I ALSO encourage other people who are enjoying Oblivion except for <fill in the blank> to post their concerns and issues. If you agree with my basic prioritization, feel free to added a line number to your complaint.

alert, possible spoiler
Ok, so am I screwed in the canvas castle quest if I did C first? It sure feels like it. I saw the painting supplies in her desk, then saw the mysterious painting in the west tower and the quest engine told me to look for more clues. You mention A B and C tho so I must just be missing one, but I've searched every damn thing, even waiting hours for someone to walk into that west tower, waiting for the countess to awake in the morning so I can rush into her door as she opens it, lol. It feels like I have to see the painting first and then see her supplies and if I don't I'm just plain stuck. Can you offer some help?

My response to your post: I agree that there are so many things wrong with this game its quite embarrassing. One HUGE thing that isn't on your list but should be is NPC pathing.
Its HORRENDOUS. I can easily find a log or something, step on one side of it and watch an npc run really far around it, I hit them with a fireball as they turn the corner, then step to the other side of the log. In dungeons the npcs sometimes actually just "stick". In the panthers mouth ship, the final ghost couldn't decide whether to cast his willpower drain or come attack because I was only partially visible around the corner of the wall. This partial visibility bug is way too easy to exploit, I've started feeling bad using it.
In addition to that, in the quest where the orc tells you to retrieve his axe and you go to an island and are "hunted", when you end up fighting him he has no range attacks whatsoever... which would be easily exploitable since theres an area you can jump to and npcs don't seem to jump... thats not my gripe tho - what pissed me off is I walked up some stairs to the top level, got him on the ground level still in plain site. He would see me, then run to go up the stairs to come get me, but I'd go out of LOS and I guess my distance from would actually increase because the stairs were farther away... he would stop going up the stairs come back to the ground floor and stare at me long enough to get fireballed in the face before going to the stairs again.. and over and over until he died.

Oh, and I agree completely with what you said about melee combat timing. If you bring your shield up to block it takes 3 seconds so its kinda useless in terms of timing, but it did seem like that was their solution to no swing-backs... although instead of using the shield its much better to just step back and dodge their swing, followed by stepping forward and swinging... then step back and dodge... and you guessed it step forward and swing. On most melee opponents this works. Its trivial and once learned incredibly boring.
Post Sat Mar 25, 2006 9:08 pm
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Head Merchant
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The shopkeeper at the "fighting chance" store belongs at the "Best Defense" shop. Take her out into the wild and no one will come within 50 feet, her face looks like the bottom of my foot after soaking in the tub for an hour. Strangely enough, even though she is hideously ugly she still has a somewhat attractive voice and nice wrinkle free skin on her upper chest. I know that we were bound to get something like this; it’s hard to blame anyone when there are over 1000 npcs. I just cringe every time I see her, really rips me out of the game. Last nit-picking complaint comes from my actions in a shop. I thought that RAI would react interestingly to me if I walked into someone's shop with my sword out and started swinging away like a mad man. It looked like a hurricane swept through there by the time I was done; the owner really didn't care until I accidentally hit him. Then he started screaming like a baby and casting spells. Hit the npc, grab a .1 septim item off of his desk an he freaks out; turn his shop into a wasteland and no one cares. It's just a minor complaint, I just though I would add to the roster. Over all though, this game is staggeringly wonderful.
Post Mon Mar 27, 2006 7:23 pm
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High Emperor
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Re: My Annoyances with Oblivion ( What are yours? )

There are several things in Oblivion that I think Bethesda changed for the worse - the smaller range of skills, the buying/selling system, no modifier keys for manipulation of multiple items, non-scaling UI, and dumbed-down weapon-swinging.

These changes annoy me because they were made solely because of the need to release to the 360 as well as PC. I understand the reasons behind doing it, and I'm sure it makes better business sense for Bethesda. But that doesn't stop them from annoying me!

(By the way, I'm very pleased that torches, lockpicks et al are weightless. Do you know how many of those I go through in a single session?!?)
Charlie Dobbie
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Post Mon Mar 27, 2006 9:50 pm
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Stranger In A Strange Land
Stranger In A Strange Land

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I wish they'd done the same with arrows. By the time I stock up for an upcoming quest, my poor ranged thief can hardly carry any loot.
Editor @ RPGDot
Post Mon Mar 27, 2006 10:26 pm
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Protector of the Realm
Protector of the Realm

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This game is pretty much a dungeon looting game, but it doesn't make any difference what dungeon you go to!

I miss the great houses. There are less factions and less skills. The story line is dumb. You can't fly!
Arguing over the internet is like competing in special olympics. Even if you win, you are still retarded.
Post Mon Mar 27, 2006 11:15 pm
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Paws of Doom
Paws of Doom

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Originally posted by Dhruin
I wish they'd done the same with arrows. By the time I stock up for an upcoming quest, my poor ranged thief can hardly carry any loot.

That truly does stink, and just as bad is the outrageous cost of the simplest arrows. I've had a restock of arrows for my primarily tank character cost more than my total repairs for all equipment, including weapons. It must be hell being a totally ranged char, even with being able to recover a bunch of them.
“Then away out in the woods I heard that kind of a sound that a ghost makes when it wants to tell about something that's on its mind and can't make itself understood, and so can't rest easy in its grave, and has to go about that way every night grieving.”-Mark Twain
Post Tue Mar 28, 2006 6:15 am
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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Damn...I really wanted to be a thief murderor in Oblivion; a real stealth character. But from what ive been hearing and reading, its just not worth it, not now anyway. When killing someone alone with no witnesses you will still get caught! Arrows cost too much, plus encumbre you! a few others too! Im changing my first character then, im gonna be someone else.
Here, take these potions, they might come in handy!!!
Post Tue Mar 28, 2006 11:09 am
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The Old One
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Originally posted by mochila
he mentioned the Canvas the Castle quest, and i'm stuck with 2 clues, i can't figure out what to do next, can anybody PM me with an answer? i'm pulling my hair out.

Why are mixing spoilers into this general topic forum? Create new post in spoilers forum and aside from not poluting this topic, you will get your answer quicker.
Post Tue Mar 28, 2006 11:46 am
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Stranger In A Strange Land
Stranger In A Strange Land

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Originally posted by Oric
Damn...I really wanted to be a thief murderor in Oblivion; a real stealth character. But from what ive been hearing and reading, its just not worth it, not now anyway. When killing someone alone with no witnesses you will still get caught! Arrows cost too much, plus encumbre you! a few others too! Im changing my first character then, im gonna be someone else.

I have to say I'm still enjoying my marksman thief and the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild quest lines are very good. I also haven't really had trouble with guards detecting things inappropriately - seems to work fine for me.

The annoyances are many, though. I've been stealing arrows (hey - I am a thief ), so the cost isn't an issue but a true Ranger would struggle, I think. Bows are underpowered and if I didn't have the stealth bonus for the first shot, it just wouldn't be worth it.

I also imagined my character making his own poisons (loved that in DivDiv, for example) but having to use one potion = one arrow is just too tedious to bother except for special kills.
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Post Tue Mar 28, 2006 12:14 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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This game does have some quirks.
What I wonder, is it stuff that can be fixed in patches.
NOT mods. We shouldn't have to fix a game. Mods are for fun additions, not fixing things that don't work, right?
Not that I like or rely on patches.

The constant chatter and regurgitated lines of the NPC's is my biggest complaint.
The reactions of the wildlife is hard to swallow. And, so far, I have only noticed Deer as the only "passive" animal in the wilderness. Well, and butterfiles too.
I haven't done much melee combat, so ATM I have no complaints there.
The games I've played that seemed, to me, to have melee combat done right was Severence: BOD, and Die by the Sword.
I love seeing my arrow sticking out of my victim, but a couple times the shot was lethal, and the destination was not. BOOM, Handshot!! or Forepawshot!! Very minor quip there.

Being able to retrieve your arrows, priceless.

I DONOT feel like I am playing a "ported" game. I don't understand why this is SUCH a big gripe.
Consoles are the wiser choice, ONLY in that the games are usually optimized better, and you just turn them on and play.
I, however, am not known for deep wisdom. I also prefer to tinker and swear, and upgrade, and drink alot of coffee while doing so.
Digress a little?
DeusEX:IW is another matter. That game just feels unnecessarily clunky to me, so I do know the difference.
Oblivion's UI flows easily like the Gothic games. I even mapped some of the keys to match how I play GII.
But please clue me in if I am wildly missing something here.
I think the fact that both iterations of the game are being recieved so well across the board is a good sign.
Although, personally, I have never cared much about what console does what, and which game RoXXorZ what platform. I have always had a beefy rig, and some console or another.
The console vs. console vs. PC gaming thing seems like a silly high school rivalry sort of argument. IMHO of course.

Must get back to game...
Coffee is for closers only!
Post Tue Mar 28, 2006 1:53 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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I have to admit that I'm also having a good time playing a stock ranged thief in this game. The cost of arrows hasn't been too bad. With stealing and general looting lack of money hasn't been too big of an issue yet especially since the merchants never seem to run out of cash. Plus with sneaking and perhaps these LOS issues with being partially concealed around walls/corners dungeons haven't been too bad either. Kinda nice taking down a troll, while level 10, point blank with three arrows while being partially concealed.

The only issue I had detection wise was picking a lock once in non-sneak mode. Otherwise detection hasn't been a problem with me either.

Plus I find it funny you can break into a place, get caught, chat it up with the person, raise their disposition with speechcraft and walk away like nothing happened.
Post Tue Mar 28, 2006 2:14 pm
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