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The Assassin
The Assassin

Joined: 10 Aug 2003
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This topic is getting ridiculous! the talking doesnt even goes about the quest anymore, only spoofs of "what happened".
I suggest closing this thread, as this debating can be continued in the newly coming usergroup.
Always wondering how it would be...
Post Wed Mar 30, 2005 7:40 pm
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The Shepherd
The Shepherd

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I understand you Neo' but we must be too hasty, a lot of casual browsers and gamers visit the rpgdot site because it's the best there is for english speaking rpg gamers and fans, and possibly they may wish to browse this thread or ask for advice and guidance on this very topic. Closing the thread would deny them that chance, many new visitors/gamers also become members when they like what they see. Yes, soon we will continue elsewhere as you say, the dust will settle and normal friendliness will return.
Post Wed Mar 30, 2005 8:28 pm
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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hopefully your right
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtsy,
it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod
are, the olny imprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and
lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. the rset can be a
total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm.
tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey
lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Post Wed Mar 30, 2005 8:35 pm
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Grand Mage
Grand Mage

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Originally posted by Wulf
I understand you Neo' but we must be too hasty, a lot of casual browsers and gamers visit the rpgdot site because it's the best there is for english speaking rpg gamers and fans, and possibly they may wish to browse this thread or ask for advice and guidance on this very topic. Closing the thread would deny them that chance, many new visitors/gamers also become members when they like what they see.

Let me translate that: Other suckers might want to fall for this hoax, so keep the thread alive!

then why don't you PROVE it's fake

I did. If you put as much effort in contacting NiceDE or any dev, as you do posting here, you would have your own proof.
Chris: Dad, what's the blow-hole for?

Peter: I'll tell you what it's not for, son. And when I do, you'll understand why I can never go back to Sea World.
Post Thu Mar 31, 2005 1:56 am
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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i see people are still bikkering over this, Uriziel, instead of yelling and screaming its not true, why do you not give evidense? and wulf, i have been trying hard to see any diffrence in the game play, been a long time since my last visit yes, but i have been working on this, i have run the chronami texts to some friends, as they saw totaly diffrent things in them, im trying to also get more point of views for the texts, maybe we are over looking someting, maybe we are looking to deep in to the text, but not the game.

"The path of Purity"
as so called, has been returning, i have tryed to help evey single man i met
so far, i have noticed that the old man isent dead for ever, he does have a small short live. i see that alot have turned against wulf, so much for friends, you are supposed to help, even if you dont belief its true, then search for evidence that its false

Wulf, i hope someday we might find the awnser
Post Thu Mar 31, 2005 9:06 am
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Head Merchant
Head Merchant

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How about not posting here, as you only cause trouble. Take up a hobby, like therapy.
☼Peasant of the Gothic Rogues☼
☼Famer of the RPGDot Shadows☼
☼Member of the Gothic Novel Writers☼
Come to Liberty City, The Worst place in America, but will make a fine usergroup!
Post Thu Mar 31, 2005 10:51 am
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Late Night Spook
Late Night Spook

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The Gothic forums have seen many debates about hoaxes, but so far, all remained civil. Let's keep it that way.
Post Thu Mar 31, 2005 11:32 am
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The Shepherd
The Shepherd

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I still remember your first post, you were correct, the quest is well hidden. If and when the user group is formed, "the path of purity" and other similar inferences will be openly and vigorously discussed, you are more that welcome to join the group, you need not be a prolific poster to join, as long as there is some degree of valid input to contribute. You will also find new and more detailed info' that could greatly assist with your text method.
Post Thu Mar 31, 2005 1:09 pm
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Helpful Friend
Helpful Friend

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Something weird just happened when I played yesterday evening. I was doing the chromanin quest as always but got thinking in the fifth riddle.

You will find me where it all began.

Maybe this was already said but "where it all began" - well for who ? He was writing the book and said where it all began. For him maybe it started somewhere else, for you it started in the fog tower or did he mean where the game began for you ? This could mean you have too search for where he began the quest, maybe some other book hides it I don't know ... Or you started the game at the exchange area. Maybe the next clue is there ... where it all began.

Also I did the quest as always and found the riddler dead .. if he is really the one. So I searcherd for the next place but didn't get lucky. Yet I returned to fog tower and the riddler lived for some reason. [He was in the same place as before.] So I tried talking to him getting only an option : "ENDE". The same thing you get by reviving him with cheating. [I didn't use any cheats and he was alive that's the odd thing here.]

I was bit dissapointed since I thought I was getting somewhere so I pressed ENDE ... and starting leaving the room searching for any stuff that I have missed, then just out from nowhere I hear a "Arrgh .." like someone is getting hit I turn around and see the riddler DEAD. Again ... but there was a wolf next to him. How did that wolf come there I have no clue. I searched the whole tower from bottom to top and didn't see any wolf in it. But there it was. I came into the tower from water, and when I was leaving I was going towards the top, yet the wolf seemed to come from the bottom because it was behind me when I was leaving the room. The real questions are ... Do riddles hide more ? Where did the wolf come from ?

Explanation on it could be that the wolf was just following me -> Yet I don't remember that wolfs could swim in Gothic, and maybe the alive riddler was just some bug. No idea though.

[I hope this posts make any sense.]

-=Captain of Militia of RPGDot Shadows=-
-=Leader of Mercenaries of Gothic Rogues=-
-=Proud member of NFG=-
-=Forever one soul of Seekers of Chromanin=-
Post Thu Mar 31, 2005 4:05 pm
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The Shepherd
The Shepherd

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This is axactly the type of question that will be discussed in the new usergroup forum, however just a bit of info, "you will find me where it all began" this is the *main* trigger point of a sequence that depends on other incidents, and there are many, too many to explain here!!
Although finding the riddler dead (or alive) means the quest is failed. If you have a save-game we could check it out later? - - but if you want to check some things now, did you fight at all, in any way with Xardas (or use magic on him) - is there the mother troll high up on the plinth? - how many trolls in the game have you killed?
Yes the riddles hide the clues (more in the usergroup later!!) - the wolf is an error, it is from above (on ground level) near to the trees facing the fog tower.(but it indicates the portal spawn trigger is open!! - (again more in the usergroup later!!).
Post Thu Mar 31, 2005 9:11 pm
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Most Exalted Highlord
Most Exalted Highlord

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Heh, funny thread still..

OK, about the issue(s):

1) Uriziel has ACTUALLY proved in his way that there is no "hidden code" as such. As he said, he went down to code level and checked it and there are no triggers or such anything related to it. So if you ask Uriziel to prove his standpoint, then he doesn't need to prove it, you instead need to scroll back few pages in the thread and read it yourself.

2) But does this make Uriziel right? Does Wulf lie or others lie? I don't know, I personally wouldn't say that towards anyone. The problem is that there still seems to be a difference between the german Gothic version and international one. Perhaps, in some way, this might have happened in german version of Gothic what Wulf plays (do you play german version? Which version exactly, what patches have you applied, ever, to your Gothic?) and Uriziel was trying international release. Just a guess but maybe it is so. In which case it might be possible that perhaps in some version of the game this might happen, and in another version there is nothing related to it.

3) Let's suppose that the game engine actually does what it has not done so far, that is, upon some trigger it'll create the cave with a man in it. Let's even assume that it would not be noticeable, because it'll create it using already the existing textures in memory, thus not loading anything from HD. I suppose the hardware the players use nowadays is more powerful then in the past and would not even flinch with such operation. However, the way I see it - there has to be dialogue already PRE-WRITTEN for such situation, at least. I doubt it would be somehow "generated" suddenly out of nothing. I am also in a way skeptic when it comes to some "encrypted code" within the game code, which has this quest part in it and which at some right moment would suddenly activate. I mean, Gothic was made quite long time ago and adding such crazy code to it would be, kinda, out of the league. Sound more like a sci-fi movie. What I do believe is that if there is such a thing in some game version, then it should be pre-written in the code already and at some point, with some trigger, would become accessible. Granted, the trigger could be tricky and indeed require a very specific behaviour from the main char, but that doesn't change the fact that such a code SHOULD EXIST already (dialogue text, trigger, NPC model, NPC behaviour triggers)

Now, I do believe that Uriziel may be right in this way, or rather, is right in his way, as he has shown it. What he checked, on code level, showed that there is no such thing in the version he has. There's no reason to doubt his words, really.

I believe that Wulf may be also right in his way. He may use different version of Gothic, the "original" one, i.e. german one, which has more codepieces available then the international one. So who knows. I personally have the international version and most likely don't have third the code in it what's available in german one. So, I am waiting and reading and in a way hoping, that Wulf and some others actually can find this one day, show the shots and tell how it happened. I like mysteries to be resolved

Another option would be to write a collective mail to PB and simply ask them, to finally tell if there was/is such thing or no. I mean, the game was released YEARS ago and soon the 3rd version is out, hopefully, there's really no reason why they would or should to really hide it anymore. Just a simple statement whether this is in the game or no, no spoilers needed, and whether it's in all versions or only in some. All of us "holy grail seekers" would sign that mail, showing how many people actually still want to know the truth Heck, I would sign!

But please, let's remain civil, OK? Just because one cannot prove that it is so, or another cannot prove that it is not so everywhere, doesn't mean that all are wrong and there is any need for accusations.
Been there, done that . . .
Post Fri Apr 01, 2005 10:30 am
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Grand Mage
Grand Mage

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Nice post Whailor....I struggled through much of what you talk about...even getting each game version to test, but let's not go there lol. I was finally hopelessly stumped, and emailed NicoDE(the email is in this thread)....not for a solution, but for confirmation it exists. He flatly denied it(as I assumed would be the case. No code=nada). PB had to cut SOOOOO much stuff, so even thinking a long hidden quest existed was a major stretch of the imagination.

Read the email, contact him yourself, whatever....It does'nt exist in code or even the devs minds.....but it would have been dam awesome!

I studied the books like Wulf has, and had a wonderful mental exercise doing it. Truly enjoyable IMHO PB put it in as fluff and missed a GREAT chance for a groundbreaking quest.
Chris: Dad, what's the blow-hole for?

Peter: I'll tell you what it's not for, son. And when I do, you'll understand why I can never go back to Sea World.
Post Fri Apr 01, 2005 11:36 am
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Village Leader
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Detractors in this thread have been in the habit of stating the obvious, then misinterpreting or overstating the impact of those facts, and jumping to wrong conclusions. A few convincing arguments have been made, but Wolverine-men's claim still hasn't been proven impossible. It just hasn't.

"Impossible" is, by definition, a strict standard. There are plenty of things in this world that seem impossible but are not. Just go to a book store and count the books that have been written about them.

Ironically, in their rush to jump on the "it's a hoax" bandwagon, it's the detractors who have confused the facts. The single worst conclusion made here is that Wulf must be lying. That doesn't make sense. Who can say who is lying and who is not? Uritziel hasn't proven it. He could just as easily be lying, after all.

Let's get one other thing straight too. Wulf's opinions and beliefs aren't hurting anyone. That's crazy thinking. If you are prone to be hurt by someone else's opinions or beliefs, maybe an Internet forum isn't the place for you.

The negativity here has managed to convince the person working hardest to figure this out to keep quiet about his progress (and Wulf has figured out a few very interesting things).
Post Sun Apr 03, 2005 7:18 am
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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hmm think theres a bug here at the dot the notify'er thingy doesnt seem to work ..

but in anycase
i think its kinda sad that we have to be debateing who lieing here ..
for all we know noone is .. gothic is a huge game and i dont think theres anyway that we could all be looking in all the same places and thats why we get diffrent results

and Merc
i must say tht the wolf thing sounds weird ..
wolfs can swim .. ( i think )
butbut the closest place to the fog tower whit wolfs is the forest down the hill from the top door of the tower .. and that kinda far ..

and also i had an idea .. but maybe i'll wait whit the posting of it till the group is formed .. seens it nolonger seems save to post here
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtsy,
it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod
are, the olny imprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and
lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. the rset can be a
total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm.
tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey
lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Post Sun Apr 03, 2005 10:09 am
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Grand Mage
Grand Mage

Joined: 17 May 2002
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Originally posted by Squeek
. A few convincing arguments have been made, but Wolverine-men's claim still hasn't been proven impossible. It just hasn't.

I prefer to take the word of a dev over some random person

Originally posted by Squeek
Uritziel hasn't proven it. He could just as easily be lying, after all.

That is a possibility, and I stated so. But I made my information verifiable....simply email NicoDE or another dev.

Originally posted by Squeek
Let's get one other thing straight too. Wulf's opinions and beliefs aren't hurting anyone. That's crazy thinking.

If the internet, and more specifically this forum, was adult only I could agree.....but that is not the case.

Originally posted by Squeek
The negativity here has managed to convince the person working hardest to figure this out to keep quiet about his progress (and Wulf has figured out a few very interesting things).

Wulf certainly has found some interesting things, as have others. None could not possibly be considered as proof of this hidden quest, yet statements abound that the quest is real.
Chris: Dad, what's the blow-hole for?

Peter: I'll tell you what it's not for, son. And when I do, you'll understand why I can never go back to Sea World.
Post Sun Apr 03, 2005 10:55 am
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