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how far do you roleplay?
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Leader of the Senate
Leader of the Senate

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I know for sure I wont play in this HC mode of yours. Maybe my 2nd char, but in general I suck so much I would most likely fall off the boat and drown immediately:(
Post Mon May 27, 2002 5:39 am
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Most Exalted Highlord
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Originally posted by Baalcipher

Think about this. Why do most of us put up an artificial identification of ourselves when we post(Avatars)? We are roleplaying.

I sort of hope you're wrong, just because my avatar is a dessicated skull doesn't mean.... yeah ok, i'm a dessicated husk of a human, you happy, you wanna laugh and point and stare like all the others now.....

Oh sorry, i mean, roleplaying is good
Ater deus praevalo

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Post Mon May 27, 2002 9:34 am
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High Emperor
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Some good argumentation all around (minus few doofuses).

Personally, I like to roleplay, but hate technical difficulties getting in the way. I suppose, the game has to grow on you. Sort of like Fallout did. To the point where your thougths melt away and meld with the character. Where the character stops thinking like you and you start thinking like the character. When you DO talk to the NPCs on your screen in RL. Threaten them you'll skewer them, or tell them how cute they are. I haven't had that happen with many games, but I can feel Morrowind slowly creeping up on me.

I had to solve the Roenal Hlaalu death mystery last night, and that red-headed stepchild of a smith in the Council Club(name?) really got on my nerves. To the point where he blatantly told me it was Two-Toes, again, I walked right up to him and felt I was glaring at him trying to intimidate him. I'm sure if someone was secretly watching me it must've been a barrel of laughs.

My toon is female. I don't know why I generally prefer female toons in RPGs, but I noticed from screenshots I'm not the only one. Probably has something to do with rather playing paperdoll with female dolls than with male dolls. Besides, when I make her look good, I feel a lot more attached to her than if I were making a male character look good. At some level, it almost feels like she were my daughter. But I digress... One of the things I'll generally do is remove armor while in town. I got some exquisite clothes and they look pretty good on her. It also makes it more beliavable and involving when I run around town in civilian clothes. If I had a house, I'd probably go there and leave all my war items in the closet while in town. The obsession of my character for clothes, though, is getting a bit too much. Last night she was running around on a quest (the first for House Hlaalu). While in another town, she came across some dignitary that was wearing a shirt she never saw before. And it seem to look very good. So she picked a fight with the NPC just so she can kill her and get her shirt. Wow! When I realized what I did, I blushed and reloaded to before the slaughter (the fact that the shirt didn't look all that good on her had a part in that too ).

Anyways, I don't eat bread or drink water, but I have been known to take clothes off before bed. I wish I could have a keep of my own to call home. Ah well, one of these days I'll pick up the construction set.
Post Mon May 27, 2002 2:17 pm
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Head Merchant
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Originally posted by Anonymous
in order for one to roleplay one would have to be a dork.

At least Mr. Guest spelled dork right, we should give credit where it's due.

RP IS the point of games like this to me. I will spend time creating a backstory for my character, try to keep his actions in role, not use weaps/armor incompatibl with how I "see" him, etc.

Will it take me longer to finish the game this way? Probably, but an hour or two a day racing through it or an hour or two savoring it still take the same amount of clock time.

Those who race through the game would probably enjoy the "Reader's Digest COndensed version" of Lord of the Rings.
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Post Mon May 27, 2002 2:58 pm
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I enjoy roleplaying very much. I don't go so far as undressing before sleeping, or making sure my avatar eats and drink every so often, but I tend to stay "in character" whenever it's called for. For example, I created a sneaky rogue that has a very strong dislike for shoes and any restrictive footing gear. She never wears any boots or shoes because she thinks that she can be more silent walking around barefoot. She is an expert at sneaking around too.
So I never put any boots on her, however cool looking or interesting they may be. Sure, she gets hit harder this way, but as I said I play her in a sneaky way, meaning that she mostly avoid fighting.
As for why most guys play women roles, well I'm sure there are many sexual implications out there that could be put forth to explain that. As for myself, I think that we create female avatars to roleplay because it is a good basis to escapism. The best way to roleplay is to create an avatar that is not like you at all, and the best way to do that is to create someone of the opposite sex to start with. I'm not saying it's the ultimate solution, but I'm saying it certainly helps to both roleplay and also create a healthy barrier between your avatar's identity and your own.
Post Mon May 27, 2002 3:32 pm

well, I do roleplay

Well..... I've never played any female character in any (C)RPG so far, but it is true that most people try to create an avatar which is as far away from the real person as possible. Creating a character of the opposite sex might be a good way but I always think it would be to difficult to act like a woman would do as a man. I don't think I could always make the right decisions....
As far as roleplaying is concerned I really do try to roleplay as far as possible without destroying my fun with the game. In some other CRPGs your character had to eat and drink if you liked it or not. It was sometimes very amsuing and fun to alway supply him/them with enough food and drinks. Such things can be a nice element of roleplaying but Morrowind is not designed to feed your "hero" so I usually forget to do so - but if I remember it I try to give him something every day.
Clothing is also a very interesting aspect about roleplaying. I like it most that you can dress your character the way YOU want it. If I'm playing a warrior it is no problem to dress him with mage's robes. That is what I like so much. If I'm visiting a new city I sometimes try to fool the inhabitants. That can be funny (at least for me).
Saving your games is one of the most silliest things you can do if you really want to roleplay. The silly problem is that the game crashes often on my system so I also have to save often but if it would never throw me back to my desktop I would only save at the end of a session. If my character dies I would never reload a savegame and try to survive the same situation again. It's not real. You can't do such things in real life either.
I also ALWAYS stick to my avatar's "opinions" and decisions once they are made. If I play a knight or someone like that I never kill anyone if (s)he doesn't attack me first. If this means I have to kill someone, who didn't attack me or any other one, to complete a quest I don't do it. I would then also never attack any guards or steal anything. But if I play some kind of a thief I do steal as most items as I can carry. Killing someone without a reason might then be acceptible.
Post Mon May 27, 2002 4:07 pm
Eagle's Shadow
Eagle's Shadow

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Just a thought:

I understand your idea of not liking (or failing to see the point of) saving. But we live in an imperfect real world, and saving is very much needed in a game such as this. What if you walk over some rocks and find yourself caught in the structure, unable to move anymore? That kind of sucks, and I like save games for that.

Although it's true that if you want to roleplay to the max saving is out of the question (when's the last time that your Dungeon Master asked you if you wanted to load your last saved game??), I do think that in the general purpose of being interesting (as a game, like any other form of entertainment should strive to be), a game NEEDS save files. Because it's simply not interesting to have played (sometimes worked) for dozens of hours on a character just to lose it because you didn't see that guard with a paralysing blade creep out of the shadows behind you. It's not interesting to have to start over again from scratch when you've invested many hours into a game.
It can be interesting to start over with a new character in the interest of trying out new things, but when you do you know you still have that other save file with your main character to fall back on if you don't enjoy your new experience.

Just my 2 septims
Post Mon May 27, 2002 7:57 pm
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Head Merchant
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Re: well, I do roleplay

Originally posted by 38mercyperceived85

Saving your games is one of the most silliest things you can do if you really want to roleplay. The silly problem is that the game crashes often on my system so I also have to save often but if it would never throw me back to my desktop I would only save at the end of a session. If my character dies I would never reload a savegame and try to survive the same situation again. It's not real. You can't do such things in real life either.

Thou art saying a reload after 40 hours of play warrant naught but a complete restart of the game entire? Mayhaps I do not understand thee very well, but thine approach doth appear extreme. A little error, a slight delay caused by the phone ringing and thou wilt restart from scratch?

Or dost thou have "special compensations" for reloads? Such as when my lady faire doth surprise me with a kiss and I accidentally tumble thither down a cliff to mine own death! 'Tas happened!

As for thy 'realistic approach' argument, aye, 'tis patently absurd in a world of magick and divine intervention. A better approach doth be to consider the computer as thine opponent: thou wouldn't restart a game of chess with thy friend on the basis of losing, as 'twould be extremely bad sport, but rather live with thy choices, ultimate failure and the promise of a rematch.

Mayhaps a goodly approach doth be to sleep every night, as fitting an active adventurer, using the "auto-save". If thou dost die, 'tis a matter of waking up to a fresh day. A fair compromise, methinks.

May the beasts thou meet run in cowardly terror
"The claymore doth permit me to cut effrontery with sharpened steel"
Post Mon May 27, 2002 8:04 pm
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Leader of the Senate
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Perhaps+maybe=mayhaps? Not sure if that is correct usage of the language, but I like your writing style nevertheless
Post Mon May 27, 2002 8:55 pm
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Keeper of the Gates
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it might appear extreme and there are exceptions to the rule, but i generally i will only reload a savegame if there is an outside interference. eg: a power outtage, or a game crash. if you can't hit pause to answer the phone, touhg luck there are exceptions though. If i had a bounty on my head and was backstabbed by the authorities, so be it. I died the death that was meant for me. if a guard comes running from nowhere in the middle of the evening and attacks me at the town border for no reason at all and kills me - this has happened to a level 1 character i had been playing for maybe 30 minutes - i would reload. that instance was some bug in the ai as he attacked me like i was a monster. another time, i was heading into sedya neen and was met upon and struck by a guard who then sheathed his sword and walked away, almost as if he thought i was a brigand, and then realised i wasn't. the ability to save anywhere and anytime really takes away the challenge if you abuse it. it is a necessary evil with an unstable game, but i will not abuse it. you might as well be immortal and cheat your stats as you are guaranteed to get there sooner or later.
Post Mon May 27, 2002 9:18 pm
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Sly Guy
Village Dweller
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I forgot to mention. I quite enjoy roleplaying during sex. Most of the time, I'm the bad guy, and my wife is the cop. Sometimes, my wife like to fufill her rape fantasies, to which I play along.
Post Tue May 28, 2002 6:56 am
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Critical Error
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Reloading: I use autosave when i die. The area where i died (if it was a dungeon or something like that) is off limits for me then for either a week gametime or two levels up, whatever occurs later.
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Post Tue May 28, 2002 8:58 am
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There are of course exceptions from not reloading saved games. If I'm walking up a stair and find myself suddenly stuck in it or in a nearby wall I would either use a cheat to place my body on a near location or reload an earlier saved game. If I'm falling of a cliff because I accidentally hit a wrong key then I would also reload. If my phone rings while I'm playing (which is rather improbable as I always play late in the evening) then it shall ring. If it's an important call the other person will phone me again.
But if my character dies from any game related reason I would never reload, even if I had already played the character for 100 hours. It's out of the question. When I attack someone I always must be aware of the fact that he might be stronger and kill me. If I try to kill an enemy several times to find a weak spot or something then this seems so ridicolous to me, so unnatural.
There is no challenge if you can be absolutely sure to be able to reload in any situation.
PS.: SirVincealot, your spelling can be quite irritating for ones like me who don't have English as their mother tongue!
Post Tue May 28, 2002 12:12 pm
High Emperor
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I completed the game far to quick with my toon since I didn't put to much effort into roleplaying. Now I have a similar toon to play (since I hate heavy armor fighters and mages) which I will play alot slower and concentrate more on quests instead of just going around killing stuff. roleplaying is a must if you don't want to get burnt out in this game. I am taking a a week off just because of it.

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Post Tue May 28, 2002 2:35 pm
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Head Merchant
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Re: exceptions

Originally posted by 38mercyperceived85

PS.: SirVincealot, your spelling can be quite irritating for ones like me who don't have English as their mother tongue!

I as well! 'Tis a disheartening affair that on any given forum, I will experience much difficulty keening the intent or, indeed, the very grammar of many a speaker.

Improperly formatted sentences, incorrect or altogether missing paragraph breaks, the abuse of idioms and the sheer amount of basic spelling errors like "your" and "you're" or the misuse of the possessive apostrophe doth make many a post unintelligible...

Prithee do feel free to skip all of my admittedly pedantic ramblings

Fare thee well, fellow traveller!

Post Scriptum: a little humour for thee http://www.theforumisdown.com/uploadfiles/051202/englishmf.gif
"The claymore doth permit me to cut effrontery with sharpened steel"
Post Tue May 28, 2002 6:47 pm
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