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Mythic Entertainment Mythica Lawsuit Interview @ RPG Vault
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Stranger In A Strange Land
Stranger In A Strange Land

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Mythic Entertainment Mythica Lawsuit Interview @ RPG Vault

President and CEO of Mythic Entertainment, Mark Jacobs, has been <a href="http://rpgvault.ign.com/articles/448/448277p1.html" target="_blank">interviewed</a> about their lawsuit against Microsoft over Mythica:<blockquote><em>onric: In the court of online gamers' opinions, the early feedback covers the full spectrum, from strongly supporting Mythic to calling the suit a money grab. Is this perhaps an area where both parties will end up losing? <br> <br>Mark Jacobs: Gamers are, of course, entitled to their opinions, and we expected some negative reaction to the lawsuit. However, we expect most of the reaction to be positive, especially after people get to see the complaint. We are not asking them to stop making the game. This lawsuit is not about having Microsoft backing up an armored car full of money to our doors; it's about our company being able to use its federally registered trademark. We want them to change the name of Mythica and to take corrective measures, such as advertising, in order to undo the damage that as already occurred. We have spent six years building up the Mythic name and we are entitled to keep using the name free of the confusion and damage that has occurred since Microsoft announced Mythica.</em></blockquote>
Post Tue Dec 23, 2003 8:00 am
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Warrior for Heaven
Warrior for Heaven

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Post Tue Dec 23, 2003 8:00 am
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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I fully agree with Mythic Entertainment's position on this.
Microsoft has never hesitated for a moment to push it's weight around, anytime it felt even slightly inclined.
The naming is confusing when you consider that Mythica is a competing product to Mythic Entertainment's Dark Age of Camelot.
Shame on Microsoft for not taking the 'hint'.
Now, the courts can decide, and that's how it should be.
Post Tue Dec 23, 2003 6:32 pm
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From a legal standpoint, Mythic probably will win... that bothers me a lot. I dunno... if Mythic was paying royalties to every book publisher that used the word "Mythic", then maybe...

Thsi is truly foolish. The fact that companies can trademark proper words REALLY bothers me.

Of course, Mythic never was a word in the first place...[/url]
Post Tue Dec 23, 2003 11:35 pm
Warrior for Heaven
Warrior for Heaven

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I change my mind. Mythic deserves to protect their companies name from the confusion caused by Microsoft's similarity in both project types (MMOs) and name sounds. Lindows was protested by Microsoft for good reason, and so should Mythica be renamed because it causes so much confusion and does irreparable harm to Mythic. Im backing Mythic on this and i hope they win the damn thing. Whether you like DAOC or not is immaterial.
Post Wed Dec 24, 2003 12:04 am
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Hmm....I'm not really sure. If the actual names of the two games were similar, I could understand the suit. But I don't see anyone getting confused because the name of one game is similar to the name of the company making a second game (especialy given that the name is a commonly used word in fantasy). Somebody randomly shopping wouldn't get the two names of the games confused because they are completely different. Only somebody who is well informed about the gaming industry would be likely to know enough to be confused about the games, and that's kind of a catch 22, because if your well informed enough to know who mythic is and that they make DAoC, your also probably well informed enough to know they don't make mythica.
Post Wed Dec 24, 2003 12:28 am

This is funny

If they actually wanted to get extra people to play their game by naming it after a company, it wouldn't be Mythic.

A: DAoC dropped a huge percent after the free month when it originally came out so from their actual available products, they don't have that many fans.

B: No one really knows Mythic that well.

They'd name it SonyA or ActivisionA.

Or maybe they would call it Everquesting. Goddamn Mythic is dumb.
Post Wed Dec 24, 2003 12:31 am
Warrior for Heaven
Warrior for Heaven

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They must be worried about on-the-shelf customers. But good point, who looks at the company name before the product name? Not many. And most of us are well informed about the genre, so i think they are worried about sales from the "uniformed casual player" crowd, which is like < 1% of us. Seriously, i never buy anything from the shelf. I do my research...
Post Wed Dec 24, 2003 1:39 am
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Village Leader
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Heh I think this is just a marketing gimmick by Mythic to make more people aware of their game and company. And as someone say, though both products are MMORPG, the name of the products are hardly similar. I don't think anyone will confuse DAoC with Mythica. If you are talking about the potential future player being confuse, well, all I can say is that although I have heard a lot about DAoC, I have never heard of Mythic before. Because, as long as a game is good, I don't really care about the game companies behind them. And I don't think many players, especially the casual ones, really go and look at the company's name.

Seriously, this has nothing to do with whether Microsoft throws their weight around when it suits them. What Mythic is doing now is a separate issue from Microsoft throwing its weight around. I wonder will people feel the same if, lets say, Mythica is a Blizzard or Bioware game and Mythic is sueing them for it.
Post Wed Dec 24, 2003 3:29 am
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Right, it's a little different then the Windows/Lindows thing. Somebody might (if they were very stupid) buy Lindows by accident if they were sent to pick up a Windows upgrade. But nobody is ever going to set out to buy DaOC and accidently buy Mythic.

The worst that might happen is somebody might think Mythica was actualy made by Mythic. This would require a knowledge of who Mythic was in the first place, combined with a lack of knowledge of Microsoft and new online games. Even in this unlikely situation, it's unclear if it would actualy cause any damage (unless Mythica utterly sucks). Some might say it would be more likely to damage Microsoft to have Mythics name associated with their product.
Post Wed Dec 24, 2003 3:44 am
Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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If Mythic is allowed this case, and granted i understand there point though i strongly disagree with it, then the courts will be granting permission to countless other similarity cases. Rules are Rules Period. if the game was called Mythic i might understand, but would still disagree because one is a company name and the other is a game. My name is Mike and i should have the right to sue anyone that has a business with Mike in the title, NO WAY i don't think so. It's a small world folks but there's room enough for all of us so put aside the EGO'S and understand it's just business and nothing personal. Personally i am apalled by Mythic's descision to go through with this and i certainly hope the courts use this case to make an example.
Madigan, World Designer
The Road to Allysium
Post Wed Dec 24, 2003 5:06 am
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Originally posted by Ammon777
They must be worried about on-the-shelf customers. But good point, who looks at the company name before the product name?

Actually I do but I'm just a guest and if it says EA or Derek Smartyboys name I don't buy it. 100% guaranteed.
Post Fri Dec 26, 2003 5:42 am

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