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Victory At Last - Pointers from a Legend
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Paws of Doom
Paws of Doom

Joined: 11 Sep 2002
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Location: San Diego
Victory At Last - Pointers from a Legend

You should have seen the looks on their faces when they realized the Nerevarine was a girl! Regardless, she fulfilled her quest and has conquered Dagoth Ur and a few thousand Cliffracers along the way..

The game was daunting at first, the sheer scope of it is magnificent, but the wonder soon turns to irritation as small things get in the way of what should be a good experience. Here's a few things I have learned as Nerevarine, and would like to share with you. If you already know these things, dont care, or heard them elsewhere, good for you. I heard Badger's cries from the wilderness here, and I was a bit overwhelmed as well by the early difficulty. But now Im the Chosen One of course, and that's all in the past.
May Dibella bless you with Her grace.

-Use Candles For Markers. How many times have you left a dungeon forgetting about a bunch of loot on the ground in a dimly lit area, or waste time or get lost running around in a blight storm looking for that one cave entrance? An easy thing to use are small candles.Throw down one next to a stack of loot, or outside a cave entrance, or explored area while you go do something else. The smallest ones are 1 lb. apiece, they shouldnt be a burden to have a couple on you at all times, and their flicker can be seen from pretty far away.

-Never Rest With A Blue Mana Bar. You say majika, I say mana. Regardless, get some more experience toward whatever art you are trying to master. Alot of times, just using the leftover blue up before bed has paid off with another level.

-Stay Light! How heavy you are determines how high you can jump. Try and keep your encumbrance down, it does effect how fast you move and how high you can jump, even with the Jump spell. You'll see the difference when hiking, if you arent able to jump high, you will have to go the long way around alot of mountains.

-Slowfall Is A Great Exploration/Transportation Aid. Just get to the top of a mountain, leap off and cast Slowfall. You can really cover alot of ground this way. Throw down a Mark spell, leap off, and you can scope out a pretty good slice of the countryside Recalling and gliding in a different direction each time. You can even use a potion of Levitation and go up as high as you possibly can, then cast Slowfall when it wears off and glide forward as far as you can. Nice for crossing huge obstacles at times.

-Sell To The Same Vendors Every Time. How rigid you want to be with this one is up to you, but it's sure is nice to be able to know where something is that you have sold, if you need it for a quest or something. Nice D'oH! reversal

-Use Invisibility To Get Out Of A Jam. Sure you're gonna die? Drink an Invisibility potion and sneak away to fight another day.

-Choose Your Mission Central Wisely. I went nuts and wiped out all the Buoyant Armigers and made their base in Molag Mar mine, simply because I could Almsivi Intervention to the temple there, and Divine Intervention right next to Sadrith Mora's Mage Guide from practically anywhere on the east coast. Plus, I had my own personal Jail! Anyway, You can be in any major city in seconds when your home base is in Molag Mar or Sadrith Mora, or from anywhere on the east coast for that matter. I still had a Western Command in Shenk's Shovel in Caldera, but as the missions moved East, it turned into a vault.

-Learn Hand-to-Hand Fighting. This is a great thing to know, with it you can knock down and stun not only people you dont want to necessarily kill, but creatures as well. By the time I had completed the main quest, I could lay out most all monsters with my bare hands. Then, any subsequent blows with a weapon are truly deadly. Practice on the pens of slaves you'll come upon countless times in the caverns of Vvardenfell. Forget the Twin Lamps, use the Kajit and Argonians for punching bags, you'll be suprised the levels you can get from beating the heck out of them.

-Pug The Sujamma On The Spot. What's the use of potions sitting around in your inventory, if they arent being used? Especially the heavier ones like Sujamma @ 5lbs! Towards the latter part of the game, Id also guzzle down immediately any Fortify spells. The next few enemies faced cursed the day I darkened their doorstep!

-Use Bound Weapons When Traveling. I kept finding myself getting to my destination, and my trusty Holy Nuclear Sword Of the Platypus is half-charged because of all the riff-raff I had to dispatch en route. Keeping an extra sword or whatever around adds to encumbrance, and usually deals sub-par damage. Bound weapons do quite enough damage to dispatch the more common wandering foes and Daedra and they weigh nothing. Enchant a ring or amulet, or even a light shield with bound longsword/mace/axe and you'll get to your destination with fresh magic damage to deal from your primary weapons.
The Bound Bow is probably one of the most convenient, powerful weapons, and the best thing to clear out annoying cliffracers before they even know what hit 'em. With it on about a 15 sec duration, it's enough time to dispatch any ankle biters or flyers, and then it switches back to whatever else you were using. Too convenient!
Now if I could just put together a bound crossbow...

-Use Hammers As Found. If you arent going to sell them, those armorer's hammers are another skill to work on. It is pretty nice to have the ability to completely repair down in the depths of one place or another if you hit a chest with hammers. The better the hammer, the lighter it is. Later on you might want to even keep a couple "master" or higher on you, just to put a fresh edge on your weapons and knock a few dents out of your armor before a big fight.

-Mark/Recall Are Two of the Most Important Spells. Whether it is trucking up loot from some dank cavern, or getting you out of peril or finishing a quest, it is very handy indeed. But it also has a couple other important uses, such as an exploratory point of referance. You find out quickly how big Vvardenfell really is when looking for a dungeon or something or other, trudging around can start to be a real drag. And time-consuming. I use this one alot for when I end up out exploring underwater. Forget swimming back, mark the shore. Mark a central spot in the neighborhood of what you're looking for, then bolt forth into the unknown. Didnt work out? Find something else? That's cool, because youve got your original spot marked, and even if you are in an underwater cave somewhere one ZAPP and youre back on the original search mission. And, we now know the dungeon is not to the West. So bolt forth Northward into the unknown!
In combat, if you cannot take much damage, Mark/Recall can buy you the ten paces you need to lay in with another fireball/arrow/spitball whatever. Mark just outside dungeons before you go down, if you dont have a particularly important Mark already set. It's sure nice to not have to run all the way back up, especially if you have gone thru several doors. The best Mage's Guild guide to have a Mark at is Flacassia Fauscius @ Vivec, she can send you to all the important towns. Almsivi and Divine Intervention have their purposes, but nothing beats a well-placed Mark spell.

-Use Disposable Minions As Cannon Fodder. I had 4 Bone Amulets that I always had with me, a cadre of skeletons at my disposal. Just like a Diablo Necromancer, after a while they arent really to do any damage, that's not really their purpose. They're your decoys. They buy you time to get your ducks in a row. Crunch all you want, I'll make more! Letting them take potentially crippling hits from a Bonewalker or something else is a good thing, let them take the heat. It will give you time to take out another foe, or another weapon. The launch of an arrow will send them at anything it hits. I'd sit a short distance from a Daedric ruin, summon a mess of creatures, then peg an enemy Daedra or three with arrows. Then just sit back and watch the fun, and maybe summon a Flame Atronach to finish the job on the whole fight from a distance! Of course, then later you get into personal Flame Atronachs, and it gets really fun. Just watch that splash damage!

-Let Them Come To You in Melee. It's to your advantage to take a solid position and let enemies charge you. Unleash your thrust hit as far out as possible, then jump back before they strike you. Repeat. Then lunge at them with a final chop blow and it's pretty much over. And it looks really cool. Never just stand there and take damage unless you have no choice, or you like taking damage.

and last but not least-

-Alter The Game Content To Your Liking. Be happy with it, especially a great game like Morrowind. This is no twenty min deathmatch, lots of time and money is invested in the game, use the editor to it's fullest. If you havent edited game content before, this is a good game to start on. It's very straighforward and you dont have to script anything for basic changes. Some things in the game are annoying, like some of the armor styles, especially with a female character. Others are just plain stupid, like potentially great items like the Umbra sword having Soul Trap "on cast", or the handful of other things that made me just say aloud "huh?"
These things can all be changed quite easily in the editor. I have a female Nord, who is a 2-Handed Sword Weilding Maelstrom of Death Incarnate. She looks great in standard steel armor and chainmail, but all the other more hardier styles just look downright stupid on her even with the femme armor plugin. So, I made her a set of armor that I upgraded the numbers on as she found better armor. That way, she never has anything more than what she has found, and she looks great. I stopped upgrading it a long time ago tho, because she would be flat-out overpowered and the game would be worthless to me. So just use your better judgement on when to say when, you dont want to be invincible. I liked how the Imperial steel pauldrons looked on her, but they were so weak. So, I made her own and gave them the properties of something sufficient, and that's it. I'd found plenty of far better pauldrons, so I had no problem making her an optimal set of her own. I play alot of the game in 3rd person view too, so lame looking armor is an unnecessary eyesore. Also, sometimes when she took damage she did this stupid sounding gag and cough or something. It was so irritating and sick sounding, that I took another female pain sound (from another game!) and used it in place. Some purists might not care at all about this sort of thing, but to me it helps the immersion factor. I purrsonally enjoy nice screenshots too much to be unhappy with a game's appearance if I can help it, and repetitive irritating noises wear on me quick.

edited punctuation and all that - i didnt even think about it getting sticky
“Then away out in the woods I heard that kind of a sound that a ghost makes when it wants to tell about something that's on its mind and can't make itself understood, and so can't rest easy in its grave, and has to go about that way every night grieving.”-Mark Twain

Last edited by xSamhainx on Sat Apr 03, 2004 10:54 pm; edited 3 times in total
Post Wed Mar 24, 2004 7:58 am
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Leader of the Senate
Leader of the Senate

Joined: 06 May 2002
Posts: 303
Location: Morrowind

Nice job on the post, lots of good info, and congrats.
Post Wed Mar 24, 2004 7:35 pm
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Joined: 21 Mar 2002
Posts: 7570
Location: Third Hero of Erathia

Very well-written and informative. You've earned yourself a sticky, Sammy.
=Proud Member of the Non-Flamers Guild=
=Benevolent Dictator, X2/X3 and Morrowind/Oblivion Forums=
Sorry. No pearls of wisdom in this oyster.
RIP Red Wings How 'Bout Dem Cowboys!
Post Wed Mar 24, 2004 10:17 pm
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Old Fogey
Old Fogey

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I'ld like to add one tip to this thread

I found it out by accident. If you enchant an object with a constant effect bound item, then use the bound item and then repair it, the bound item becomes permanent. Now you have a weightless item that gives you the bonus of the item as long as it is equipped. I wanted a constant effect bound spear spell once and so enchanted an amulet. While repairing my stuff I went too quickly and repaired the bound item, lo and behold I could never get rid of it after that. I did it by accident again, I ended up with three bound spears.
Just watch out you don't stress yourself out.

REMEMBER... Many saves, many slots!!!
Post Mon Jun 14, 2004 1:22 am
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Head Merchant
Head Merchant

Joined: 19 Jan 2005
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Location: Holland... Yeah where Peter Pan comes from..:D

Here's a tip for unendless lvl's.

1. Become ultimate with most mayor and minor so you're about lvl 60 at least.
2. Get in jail for a heavy crime (how hard is that).
3. You're skill will become lower but you're lvl wont i think so you can train again!

(good way to get luck to 100)
When the saga ends the spirit doesnt die.. when elder scrolls continues the saga i'll get addicted again
Post Wed Mar 23, 2005 12:45 pm
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The Old One
The Old One

Joined: 15 Dec 2001
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Good post.
Post Thu Mar 24, 2005 8:32 am
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

Joined: 25 Dec 2004
Posts: 19

Heh.Good tips there.Mind if I add a couple of my own? No ? Good then
1.Get LOADS of Money!!!
2.Get Mentor's Ring from the tomb near Seyda Neen.
3.Complete Sugar-Lips Habasi's quest in which she wants you to secure the South Wall Cornerclub.Talk to the high elf who is the master of security.
4.Train untill you have 100 Security.
5.Equip the ring.
6.Continue training yourself AFTER you have 100 security!
7.Become uber-strong.
When I finished doing that i had a Nord who was somwhere about lvl 200+
Hope you understood everything!
Post Wed May 25, 2005 8:03 pm
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City Guard
City Guard

Joined: 26 May 2005
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I have a pretty good tip for everyone

1. Choose Alchemy as a minor skill
2. Talk to Ajira in the Balmora Mages Guild and keep buying her Crab meats and kwama eggs then sell them back to her until she has about 160 of each.
3. Steal the Masters alchemy kit (all 4 pieces in the Caldera mages guild upstairs).
Keep making restore fatigue potions out of eggs and meat.
5. Alchemy will go up meaning you level up fast ( mages will like this since it ups your intelligence meaning more Magika)
6. Sell the huge amounts of potions to Creeper ( the scamp in Ghorak Manor in Caldera who buys them for full value)
7. If he runs out money wait for 24 hours and all his money will come back again ( He has 5000g)

This is my fast and easy way to level up and earn a large amount of gold
Hooray for long haired weirdos!!!
Post Sat May 28, 2005 2:43 pm
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Head Merchant
Head Merchant

Joined: 19 Jan 2005
Posts: 50
Location: Holland... Yeah where Peter Pan comes from..:D

I allways get them to 1000 and i trade with nalcaria and in the balmora temple for heal and magic potions.... U should also get from everything grandmaster instead of master... U can find around sadrith mora...
When the saga ends the spirit doesnt die.. when elder scrolls continues the saga i'll get addicted again
Post Sun May 29, 2005 9:55 am
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City Guard
City Guard

Joined: 26 May 2005
Posts: 140
Location: England, Manchester

Well it is a really handy trick at the start of a new game
Hooray for long haired weirdos!!!
Post Sat Jun 04, 2005 3:40 pm
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