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Gothic 3 only on PC?
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Il Buono
Il Buono

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Originally posted by bigkabuto

Trust me , i am sick and tired of PC's. I remember when Gothic came out, totally crazy about that game, my pc by that time was a AMD Athlon 1ghz, with 512 MB RAM, a Geforce 2 Pro etc....but the game ran quite choppy , unless i downgraded lots of visual settings in the game...but hey c'mon, that's not what i want, i want the full experience. So i had to save money and eventually bought more RAM, but it barely helped ...that's crazy.
Whatever recently released game i tried at that time, games never really ran very well on my PC, and i kept buying better hardware, eventually i got a Geforce 3, but it still wasn't enough....and that is just ridiculous.

Now that's bullshit! I got exactly the same configuration(AMD1GHz Athlon + 512MBRAM Geforce 2MX 64MB) back then and I could play Gothic at full detaill with the greatest distance. Gothic 2 had to run at 160% of view distance, but also at full detaill and it only got a bit shaky in town. But that was for everyone -> it was a common prob, the PB's should have fixed with a patch. (the Germans got that with DndR)

About your controllers -> Buy a gamepad if that's your problem with pc gaming. I for one prefer the keyboard above a gamepad for almost every game except racers and beat'm ups.

Btw, if you think I'm a complete pc-fan, you should bare in mind that I have still a PS2 and a sega megadrive in the house.
For example the endless remakes Chekote talked about, are for me ok -> if a game gets better and better like Gran Tourismo it's allright. For the tekkens: 1, 3, 5 are the ones you can buy. -> this will give you a better view of the evolution then buying each tekken.
But chekote already tipped of the greatest advantage of pc-gaming: hacking, mods, level editors, ... Imagine the world without the great mod for DndR so that us English gamers (I don't speak it, but I play it and watch it) can have it too.
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Post Thu Oct 13, 2005 7:25 pm
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Head Merchant
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Originally posted by Whailor
Personally I don't care about consoles, they're not a serious 'tool' in my eyes. They're limited with just one functionality and I don't want such limits. Not to mention that some PC games, which unfortunately were ports from console ones or ported to console games, suffered from this and a good game was lost in the process. So as far as I care, let the console people do their stuff, but overall consoles ruin good PC stuff

Truth is some rpg's for consoles are just terrible, while could be good on pc. Take Jade Empire 2 for instance the game was just horrible and oversimplified. Anyway, a "limited" functionality means nothing to me, the only thing on a house that has multi functionality is a pc, so you would not buy a tv , a radio, a dvd player, etc just because they have one use ? it is just stupid

Remember though that some console games are just brilliand, all final fantasy's were GREAT rpg's, with depth and variety, and great story lines too. Zelda games have the absolutly best gameplay i have ever tasted, shooting arrows from a horse and controlling it that great is just amazing, bosses are great to have too and all battles are really memorable. Not that pc could not have those things too, but the analog way you control everything is just more fiting, and pc games tend to have no boss fights generally, just stonger monsters as you advance

Finally for the current crop of games, like Oblivion and Gothic 3 it seems xbox is powerfull enough so that can be as good as on the best of pc's of TODAY out there, and surly a new video card in 2006 will give better frame rates, AA and higher res to gothic 3 pc version, but not anything much more than a xbox version.

Of course pc games coming late 2006, early 2007 will look FAR better than any console, and then is the time for me to get a new pc probably. But i would like to play gothic 3 on xbox for now, and not be forced to get a lower end pc of today comparing to a much better or cheaper one in 2006 end / early 2007 that can play the more advanced than xbox 360 games
Post Thu Oct 13, 2005 9:41 pm
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Originally posted by nasos_333
Remember though that some console games are just brilliand, all final fantasy's were GREAT rpg's, with depth and variety, and great story lines too. Zelda games have the absolutly best gameplay i have ever tasted, shooting arrows from a horse and controlling it that great is just amazing, bosses are great to have too and all battles are really memorable. Not that pc could not have those things too, but the analog way you control everything is just more fiting, and pc games tend to have no boss fights generally, just stonger monsters as you advance

Thats exactly the reason I have consoles. But as I said, those diamonds in the rough are quite rare. Zelda is a prime examples of how amazing console games can be. I dont know why they dont do more of that game type on the PC. The closest I have seen recently is Beyond Good and Evil, which was excellent but too short.

Originally posted by nasos_333
Finally for the current crop of games, like Oblivion and Gothic 3 it seems xbox is powerfull enough so that can be as good as on the best of pc's of TODAY out there, and surly a new video card in 2006 will give better frame rates, AA and higher res to gothic 3 pc version, but not anything much more than a xbox version.

Thats just the power aspect though. If that were all that mattered I would lose interest in my PC every time a new console generation appeared. But the fact is even though I try them out, I always get bored (waaaay before the PC catches up), because I simply prefer the types of games I get on my PC, and the ability to mess around with the games inner workings and extend their life so much more just makes it perfect.

I can 100% completely understand that when you dont have the money, consoles are an absolute godsend, because they *do* let you experience a lot of what the PC can offer. But if you have the money for a full blown PC, and love to do more in a game that just the basic features that the developer implemented, then there is absolutely no contest.
IMHO my opinion is humble
Post Thu Oct 13, 2005 9:58 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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Originally posted by nasos_333

Remember though that some console games are just brilliand, all final fantasy's were GREAT rpg's, with depth and variety, and great story lines too. Zelda games have the absolutly best gameplay i have ever tasted, shooting arrows from a horse and controlling it that great is just amazing, bosses are great to have too and all battles are really memorable. Not that pc could not have those things too, but the analog way you control everything is just more fiting, and pc games tend to have no boss fights generally, just stonger monsters as you advance

Well thats a matter of taste really. I think most console games
are targeted to younger audiences (nothing bad with that of course)
and I couldn't bring myself to buy a machine to play these kind of coin
op like games. Oblivion and G3 would be a point of interest ofcourse but
I wouldnt buy a gaming platform for 2-3 games. It all boils down to
preferences ...

Originally posted by nasos_333

Finally for the current crop of games, like Oblivion and Gothic 3 it seems xbox is powerfull enough so that can be as good as on the best of pc's of TODAY out there, and surly a new video card in 2006 will give better frame rates, AA and higher res to gothic 3 pc version, but not anything much more than a xbox version.

Oh boy, another victim of the next-gen console super-hype
Look, there is no denying that the consoles finally seem to catch up with
the current high end pcs (as you said) but keep in mind that:

a) PS3 uses a modified G70 and Xbox360 the R500 (not exactly leaps
and bounds ahead of the R520 except in programmability) So gfx
performance should be on par or mildly ahead of todays high-end pcs

b) RAM... yeah yeah the consoles ram is more optimized, the PC's
more generic... thats a bit of balderdash really: compare 512 MB total
of system and GPU ram (xbox360) with a pc system of 2GB RAM and 512 MB
GDDR3... you need memory to Load all those textures and normal maps.
Anyone Seen what 256 MBs more on the X1800XT can do for High res AA,AF
not to mention HDR and Complex-longer shaders? RAM-resources already
seem to be an issue with the Xbox. Remember a discussion about oblivion
performance (and for other games too) With or without HD for the xbox?
You told me yourself the other day that the latest xbox Oblivion screens
seem downgraded (I am not talking about the shadows but scene detail).

c)Processing power. Well Ok the Consoles are multithreaded and game code
in them will surely be optimized for it (you can get a dual core pc too if thats
your cup of tea) But the Leaders in game innovation (carmack I think and
others) have already disputed the (immediate at least) gains of parralelism
in game design and implementation.

Originally posted by Chekote

I can 100% completely understand that when you dont have the money, consoles are an absolute godsend, because they *do* let you experience a lot of what the PC can offer. But if you have the money for a full blown PC, and love to do more in a game that just the basic features that the developer implemented, then there is absolutely no contest.

Post Fri Oct 14, 2005 6:41 am
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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I hope Gothic 3 comes out on Xbox 360...otherwise, as much as I want it, I might not get it. I'm happy with my computer setup now....everything is setup just the way I like it and everything runs fine. But, it's just not quite fast enough to meet the minimum specs for Gothic 3. It's tempting but, I'm not going out and buying a new system just to play Gothic 3. And a few years from now, when it is time for me to get a new system, Gothic 3 will be old news and probably won't even interest me then. I use to prefer games on the PC over consoles, but not anymore. It's too much hassle and bullcrap. I like sitting close to a monitor as opposed to sitting far back from a TV when I play a game, but I'd it's not that big of deal, I could sacrifice. I REALLY enjoy sticking a console game in the machine and KNOWING it's running and the code is executing exactly the way it's spose to. No tweaking or wondering this or that or worrying about this or that. Just stick a console game in, start playing and enjoy.
Post Fri Nov 04, 2005 3:22 pm
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Where’s my Banana?!?!
Where’s my Banana?!?!

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You are a prime example of why the console industry is the way it is (shallow and all about fancy graphics). Your statement:

"Gothic 3 will be old news and probably won't even interest me then"

Shows that you dont care about good games. All you care about is that its the latest thing. That makes me quite sad for you, because there are soooo many great games that are old.

If I had bought a PC a year or so after G1 / G2 came out, I would still get the game because its an amazing game. Whever its "old news" or not shouldnt mean anything to a true gamer. Thats something only the gaming equivalent of a fashion victim would say...

Sorry if thats a bit harsh. But I get quite irritated when I see casual gamers destroying my beloved industry...
IMHO my opinion is humble
Post Fri Nov 04, 2005 4:37 pm
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Il Buono
Il Buono

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Chekote, you do come over as a bit harsh, but on the other hand: "I'm still playing Gothic 1." -> So I know what you've felt when Snow wrote "Gothic 3 will be old news"
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Post Fri Nov 04, 2005 8:58 pm
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Gaidal Cain
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ya, he's right though... its kinda dumb to bring RPGs out on console, cause it kinda defeats the purpose.... Only real RPG that's come out on Xbox is Morrowind and the PC version was twice as good.

keyboard/mouse rocks the casbah
Post Fri Nov 04, 2005 10:47 pm
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Where’s my Banana?!?!
Where’s my Banana?!?!

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Yeah it was harsh, sorry. He hit a nerve.

For the record I have nothing against any game coming out on any system. More exposure is a good thing as long as they dont lose sight of whats important (Ala the crusifiction of Deus Ex 2).

I just dont like the "If its not shiny and new, I'm not interested" attitude. Hell I still play SNES games regularly and they are as fun today as the day they were released.
IMHO my opinion is humble
Post Sat Nov 05, 2005 1:19 am
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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People, people, people

I've been playing video games before you all were born, so you all can take a step backwards. Thank you very much. Look people, if you want to dwell in the past go right ahead. Watch your Threes company reruns all you like, go drive your van with the heart window on the side. Go boot up your Lode Runner for your Commodore 64. And while you're doing all that, I'll be moving on....to new, shinny, bigger & better things. Let me guess, none of you use a microwave I'll bet? Charcoal grill for everything, right? Hmm, well great.

Pc games are dwindling in popularity, thank god. It's only a matter of time folks.
Post Sat Nov 05, 2005 8:30 am
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Guards Lieutenant
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Re: People, people, people

Old people are ridiculous sometimes.
Post Sat Nov 05, 2005 10:57 am
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Late Night Spook
Late Night Spook

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Harrumph. Not all old people are ridiculous, young man... same goes for you youngsters, I hope.
Personally, I'm more of a console gamer, but if a game is good I don't care about the platform it's on. Yes, I still play my old Atari 2600- and SNES- titles just like Chekote does, but I'll also get a 360. I'll play the G3 version which comes out first, no matter for which system.
Post Sat Nov 05, 2005 1:39 pm
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Il Buono
Il Buono

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Now Snow, you hitted my nerve. You are saying that you already played pc games before I was born -> I'm 26y and I started with my first arcade game at 4y old (then played for a longtime nothing, but that doesn't matter at all.) Secondly, I'm an electronical hardware design engineer, so you were saying something about using old material again?
A good game never dies: Pacman, Tetris, .... Most of the games on console are still nothing compared what comes out on pc, what is logical since you pay a lot more for a pc then a console. The reason why pc games are cheaper is in fact been said here already: Sony, M$ and Nintendo need to get their c-huge chuck of the price for the game.

-> This leads to the logical sollution: you pay your consoles hardware trough buying games.
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Post Sat Nov 05, 2005 5:50 pm
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Where’s my Banana?!?!
Where’s my Banana?!?!

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Re: People, people, people

Originally posted by Snow
I've been playing video games before you all were born, so you all can take a step backwards. Thank you very much.

Funny. Like you even have the slightest clue how old any of us are. If you played games since before I was born, then you played games on some kind of paper print out, room filling, vacuum tube monstrocity. Now thats dedication!

P.S. I dont use charcoal, I rap my foodin banana leaves and put it in a hole in the ground with dried cow dung. Yes, I am *that* retro!!!
IMHO my opinion is humble
Post Sun Nov 06, 2005 2:43 pm
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Unknown Destiny
Unknown Destiny

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Let's not turn this into a fight, 2 points I'm trying to reach here. First, another platform to play the game on will never hurt. Second, PC version will always be the best.
Post Sun Nov 06, 2005 3:48 pm
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