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Evil Islands: Forgotten in Astrale - Russian Demo @ 3D Gamer
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Stranger In A Strange Land
Stranger In A Strange Land

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Evil Islands: Forgotten in Astrale - Russian Demo @ 3D Gamer

Despite being a Russian item, I've included this <a href="http://www.3dgamers.com/news/more/1096483661/" target="_blank">demo</a> of Nival's 'Evil Islands: Forgotten in Astrale' from 3D Gamers in case it heralds future activity in this title. 3D Gamers' newsbit indicates some uncertainty whether this is an expansion to the original Evil Islands or not - I rather enjoyed the original, so I'd appreciate if one of our Russian readers could indicate what the deal is.
Post Fri Dec 30, 2005 9:08 am
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Keeper of the Gates
Keeper of the Gates

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Hi, I'm russian.

They don't say anything about whether this is an expansion or not. But it's a standalone demo version, you don't need to have the first game.

They are also saying the Minimum and Recommended Requirements.

They mostly say the requirements and how to install (That you need 420mb non-compressed hard drive space and 300mb for installation) I'm not sure what they mean by non-compressed hard drive space, but I think they mean, before installation (Or maybe their installer works like some other games where it first unpacks to a temporary place and then start the real installation).

The game does not support networked game (Internet/Lan).

That's basically what they are saying.

Edit: I just took notice that the filename is: evilislands_addon_demo_rus.exe
It might indicate that this is actually an expansion.
And I also noticed that there is another readme file and it basically continues what they say on the mainpage. Troubleshooting and other related things.
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing" -Edmund Burke. Mentioned in Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.
Post Fri Dec 30, 2005 9:16 am
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Hey, really weird news this. Didn't play Evil Islands until just a year or so ago (I never got around to it, until after having played SS) and I'd certainly play a game built on the very same engine today. And if it's a new game on a new engine, even better...
Post Fri Dec 30, 2005 2:28 pm
Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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Kind of an old game to have an expansion for, no?
Post Fri Dec 30, 2005 3:07 pm
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Paws of Doom
Paws of Doom

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Evil Islands was one of those games that was really fun to play right outta the box, I had a great time with it for a week or so. Unfortunately, after a while it became so ridiculously hard that it was impossible to go on, party being wiped out every 5 mins. Id rather quit a game than be forced to cheat because it's so unbalanced, because one or two little cheats will not do the trick, you have to "live cheating" the rest of the time in the game. Might as well flip God Mode on at that point.

Hopefully theyll have QC this one a little more, I'll have to try this one out..
“Then away out in the woods I heard that kind of a sound that a ghost makes when it wants to tell about something that's on its mind and can't make itself understood, and so can't rest easy in its grave, and has to go about that way every night grieving.”-Mark Twain
Post Fri Dec 30, 2005 3:22 pm
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Keeper of the Gates
Keeper of the Gates

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Hmmm.....I never cheated once in the game, and I had no real problems winning it. There are some parts that force you to rethink your strategy, but I actually thought it was harder in the beginning and got easier as you got closer to the end. In my opinion the balance was perfect, and it was the challenge that I really liked.
Post Fri Dec 30, 2005 9:48 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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It's been a while and I remember very little about the original. I do remember that I waltzed through some parts and had to meticulously step through some parts. I remember that I saw the end coming and it actually ended how I'd imagined. Most of all though, I remember that I really enjoyed it and hoped it would have a sequel. Hope this is it!
Post Sat Dec 31, 2005 1:04 am
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Hindukönig Guest


The game really stunk, especially when it came to characters, story and dialogues. IMHO.
Post Sat Dec 31, 2005 2:26 pm
Keeper of the Gates
Keeper of the Gates

Joined: 09 Jul 2005
Posts: 100

It's certainly not a game that you would play for complex character interactions or detailed storyline. Still the gameplay was alot of fun, at least in my opinion. Certainly not for everyone though.
Post Sat Dec 31, 2005 5:44 pm
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Head Merchant
Head Merchant

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I translate site CRPG.ru's interview with Altavista's Babel Fish Translation. Here are the results:

Cursed Earth - perhaps, one of the most loved by domestic geymerami games. Splendid drawing, that grips geympley, outstanding subject, excellent ozvuchka and music, on top of that and action occurred in the universe of alodia - it is not surprising that the game became cult. For the long five years, the worshippers of the cursed Earth awaited the announcement of the second part, but vainly, and, when already almost all gave up hope, Nival Interactive and Matilda Entertainment declared about the development... of addona to Heath of five-year remoteness by the name "the cursed Earth: Forgotten in Astrale ". Motion undoubtedly not expected, but original and sufficiently curious. Therefore we decided to be connected with one of the leaders Matilda Entertainment, Grigoriy Bogdanov, and to explain as much as possible about the project. I hope that our conversation will be to you interesting.

CRPG.ru (Aleksandr kulyaev): How do you do, Grigoriy! Be presented, if you please, to our readers.

Matilda Entertainment (Grigoriy Bogdanov): How do you do! Me they call Bogdanov Grigoriy, I am one of the developers of continuation to the "cursed Earth", participate on this project in the role of the manager of project and the chief developer.

CRPG.ru: Say, as did appear this uncommon idea of the creation of addona to the game, five years after its output? The worshippers of the "cursed Earth" already gave up hope, and here this gift. Project did grow from the amateurish mode or course on commercial product was undertaken originally?

Matilda Entertainment: Majorities of participants in the project - worshippers of original game. After passing it far and wide, to us it was wanted continuation. Since, it was evidently not at the horizon of similar games, 4 and my comrades, decided to try their forces independently. But, when we explained that the result is completely qualitative, then they proposed company Nival Interactive (to creator of original game) to render us assistance in the completion of project, an improvement in its quality, the attraction of inaccessible to us specialists. Nival agreed:) But concerning timetable - besides directly the development of game, the part of the time it is shrewd to resolution of near-production questions, and in the final stage - to testing and bringing the game to the reliznogo quality.

CRPG.ru: However, what from itself does present project briefly?

Matilda Entertainment: Continuation to the dear game with the new possibilities, new subject, many new locations, missions, it is specific outfitting and armament, and by many others. It would not be desirable to copy the words of press release, but there everything is said in the essence.

CRPG.ru: The history of those forgotten in Astrale will be stretched on four islands, three old and one new. Us do await new heroes and new subject?

Matilda Entertainment: Yes, certainly. In the subject each with its nature, external special features is used about 50 studied characters, supply with sounied by professional actors. In essence, these are the new persons, but will be somewhere encountered the old, familiar on the original game, characters (we they tried to select most picturesque of them).

Topical line has a certain connection with the "cursed Earth", developing the part of the events represented there, but in essence it it narrates about entirely another story of this peace. By the way, the subject has 2 tail pieces, and a certain nonlinearity on the motion of its development.

CRPG.ru: I.e. the action of addona does occur almost simultaneously with the action of the oirginal'nykh "cursed Earth"? Does imply a similar nonlinearity the variability of the decision of some of Quests?

Matilda Entertainment: The action of addona is located in the temporary section close to the original game. In certain cases, the characters will prove to be in the situations of the preceding events "cursed Earth", in some - they can observe the consequences of the events of original game. The end of the subject of continuation occurs substantially later than the end of events in PZ.

In Quests there will be the nonlinearity, and random events, and tasks for the period. However, this is used not too frequently. Usually despite the fact that the purpose in Quest one, method his fulfillment - several. I.e., if, for example, it is necessary to procure the sacred artifact, then it is possible to try to pass to it "right through" through the protection of enemies, and it is possible to attempt to sneak and to steal this object. But, I repeat, they will be and purely nonlinear tasks - it is possible to go to one side and to take away something, or into another and to make still anything.

By random events are implied the situations, when the decision of Quest is not obvious: there are several versions of fulfillment, but which of them it will operate - it is unknown even developers.

Everything is clear with the tasks for the period. It did not have time - bonus did not obtain. To lose because of the nonfulfillment of task for the period it will be cannot.

I, certainly, there will be the secret tasks, where they are mixed and nonlinearity, and chance, and time, and puzzle. In a word, everything, to that we have enoud fantasy and time. It is special for the worshippers of game!

CRPG.ru: Sounds intriguyushche and to mnogoobeshchayushche! Give a little let us have a talk about the characters and the subject. What it is possible to speak about main hero? How it they do call, who it is such? I, judging it is said it has permanent companion, who passes from the island to the island, truth whether this?

Matilda Entertainment: Main hero call Kir-A-Cit- la, it dzhun. For its brevity they usually call simply Kir.
It with its family conducted entire its life after the high walls in the servitude. It knew how to run, but it were vowed to return, to free family and to take vengeance upon enslaver. Its world view was formed on the basis of the books, in environment of which it grew. The adventures, which wait it after the walls of lock, forced it to partially reexamine their views, in what it greatly helped Kel' - second main hero.

Kel' - young, active and undispairing girl, who accompanies of Kir in all his adventures. It was borne and grew in the slums Of suslangera, one of the islands of the empire Of khadagan (it it was present in the original game). Success and desperate rashness repeatedly saved it from it would seem hopeless situations. Natural fascination helps Kel' easy to start acquaintances, and responsive heart and capability for mutual anxiety make with its most reliable friend.

Together these heroes will pass since the beginning of the actions of game almost to the end itself. To them will be sometimes joined other characters, but this will be strictly temporary phenomenon.

CRPG.ru: Combat will become more scale? To what extent will be strong tactical component and will change balance? In the "cursed Earth", it is remembered, it was necessary entire first island to creep on the "belly" and to attack the enemies from behind:)

Matilda Entertainment: In addone we tried to improve the better that they took from the mechanics PZ. In the game there will be several large battles with the participation to 80 characters, where the heroes of player help the union troops under control of computer - without the participation of heroes it will be impossible to overcome hostile Army for union troops. For the victory it is necessary to use different craftinesses: to sometimes carry out the diversion before the attack basic forces, to sometimes help allies in the most important directions, to sometimes support with their incantations or is begun into the system on the level with the simple soldiers.

Besides the large battles, there will be small, with the participation of several or one allies.

The balance of game is completely altered in comparison with PZ: we specially developed such system of balance, which makes different of the tactics of passage possible. In particular, instead of one of "universal soldier" we introduced 3 classes. In the beginning of game you should select class for both characters. Thus, in all are obtained 5 combinations of the cooperation of the characters (we excluded one, since she only introduced unbalance).

As far as polzan'ya is concerned, we substantially decreased the quantity of time, which must be conducted on the belly, and the majority of missions even in the beginning of game can be passed with the aid of the rough force. Nevertheless, there is and it is pure stealth task, to be discovered in course of which - it means to lose.

CRPG.ru: I.e. role system did undergo essential processing? What from themselves do present the classes? Was changed the system of habits, were added new, pererabotany old?

Matilda Entertainment: I make it difficult to name the component of game, which they did not reexamine almost completely. In the role system, as 4 already he said, we introduced the classes, based on the main habit of the character,: to force, adroitness or reason. On the basis of the selection of main habit, the character obtains secondary. Thus, strong hero will not be able to become expert in magic or shooting from bow, but he will be able to the perfection to master any type of short-range weapon, to improve health and "load capacity".

The balance of the habits between themselves is so altered, and I hope that we succeeded herself in making all habits more useful. We simply removed the excess skills, which are not entered in our idea. New habits we did not add, but made some little useful previously habits - those more claimed. On the whole, one of the purposes of processing balance was simplification in its perception and minimization of error from the side of player in the selection of a trend in development of character.

CRPG.ru: Describe, if you please, about the fourth island. There will be this certain mysterious alodium or the sequential area of the battles Of kanii and Khadagana?
Matilda Entertainment: Fourth island, Dzhigran, place the beginning of the actions of game and their end. Dzhigran - peace of eternal autumn. On this earth reigns fading and death - result of monstrous, on their power, invocations of reckless nekromanta and great magician Of fireza. From the there is no time efflorescent earth evil magic drank almost all forces: field they do not bear, forests die, almost all beasts disappeared. Population of alodium, in essence, concentratedly in the fastened cities.

There is and one additional special feature: Dzhigran is hidden by magic incantation. A similar magic, if you remember, was used in Yazes island from the first "alodia". For this very reason all have long ago forgotten about existence Of dzhigrana, although there is no time it was the center of the opposition of the empires Of kanii and Khadagana.

However, opposition on the alodium continues despite the fact that the possibility to obtain reinforcements from others it is world almost it is absent. Almost - because this "reinforcement" will become main heroes... However, against this better to learn directly from the game.

CRPG.ru: One cannot fail to touch one additional important detail - graphs. Nevertheless, five years - enormous period even for the staggering cursor PZ. There will be qualitative changes in the visual part?

Matilda Entertainment: The cursor of the cursed Earth was foremost at the moment of the output of game both on the quality of picture and the effects and on the system requirements. 4, for example, on its computer I could play only on the lowest tuning.

In spite of the five-year age of game, visually it still looks sufficiently well in comparison with other role projects, although we did not improve the graphic cursor of game. We improved detailing characters in the game, so that, if we neglect "those forgotten in Astrale" on the highest tuning, then graph it must not cause rejection even in not familiar with the original "cursed Earth" players.

CRPG.ru: It did remain before of saundtrek or you did add new melodies? Were assigned to ozvuchke of characters actors, who worked at the original cursed Earth, Nazarov, Len'kov, etc?

Matilda Entertainment: We seriously renewed saundtrek of game, in particular, only new music is used on the new island. In all are created about 20 minutes of new music. By the way, wrote the same its composer as the large part of the music for the original "cursed Earth", so that, I think, we succeeded herself in preserving atmosfernost' of music. Composer they call Andrey fedorenko.

As far as actors are concerned, yes, was possible to draw some people, which participated in the sounding of the "cursed Earth", but, unfortunately, not all.

CRPG.ru: And, nevertheless I will ask, about the system requirements. To 80 characters in the sequence - this is much. Of what configuration it will be sufficient for the comfortable game?

Matilda Entertainment: System requirements were not stiffened. First, we optimized and made work of the cursor of game more stable. Secondly... to the cursor indeed of 5 years, so that system requirements have a weight only on the highest tuning. However, minimum requirements are such:

Windows of 9shch/982000/.khp, DirectX 7.0
Pentium II AMD 233 mHz
64 Mb. OZU
8 mb. 3D of videokarta
1 Gb on the hard disk

As you see, on the contemporary measures - generally it is not possible to name this requirements.

CRPG.ru: Well and sacramental: But when? Do plan you to let out game in the West?

Matilda Entertainment: The output of game should be expected in the second-half of January, at least we rely on this period.
Concerning the output of game in the West... Reliz of game is planned only on the Russian market, so that this will be of its kind exclusive gift from companies Matilda Entertainment and Nival Interactive to all our fans of the original "cursed Earth".

CRPG.ru: Now, when the basic works on the game are behind, did appear some thoughts about the following project? Do want you to continue the mastery of genre RPG or there is the desire to be switched to something new?

Matilda Entertainment: there are many ideas of new projects. Certainly, already is certain experience of the development of role games, and therefore the continuation of work in this the field - most preferable for us version, especially as operation code is also sharpened on RPG. however, there are other genres, in which we want to try our forces, but admixture RPG will be in any event.

CRPG.ru: That zh, Grigoriy, the thanks to you is enormous for the interesting and very meaningful answers. We will with the impatience await output "the cursed Earth: Forgotten in Astrale "and the announcement of new projects from Matilda Entertainment.

Matilda Entertainment: Thanks for the interest in the project! Entire good!
Post Mon Jan 02, 2006 11:35 am
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