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Best Oblivion Moment so Far?
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Leader of the Senate
Leader of the Senate

Joined: 10 Jan 2005
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Location: Boston MA
Best Oblivion Moment so Far?

No spoilers please!

My best moment:
I was running around a large crypt room getting chased by 5 battle axe wielding bandits! I had snuck in the room and buried a few arrows in a bandit while frying him with Flare not realizing he had 5 friends. My Magika was depleted.

So there I was running around the room dodging around pilars and rock debri trying to stay alive while my Magicka slowely rose. I eventually got cornered in a dead end hallway. I depleted my partially restored magicka by roasting the two closest bandits and then I equipted my shield and longsword. Assuming I was done for, I yelled "come on f*ckers!" at the screen and somehow managed to take out the 4 remaining with some well timed blocks and swings. One of them had armor that was glowing with a white outline - not sure what that meant but when he collapsed in a heap against the wall I screamed "Yeah!"

I had the smallest sliver of health left but it was just amazing!
"For Innos!"
Post Fri Mar 24, 2006 4:31 pm
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You ought to copy your "too funny" thread post into here, too.

Gonna sticky this for a little while. Let's try and keep it tight-to-topic, folks.
=Proud Member of the Non-Flamers Guild=
=Benevolent Dictator, X2/X3 and Morrowind/Oblivion Forums=
Sorry. No pearls of wisdom in this oyster.
RIP Red Wings How 'Bout Dem Cowboys!
Post Sat Mar 25, 2006 2:34 am
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Paws of Doom
Paws of Doom

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Anyway, I was cruising around down in some dungeon, and I finally came to a big long room. This was the first of such rooms down in this dungeon, and actually the first "real dungeon" I had been in so far. I was still fairly green at that time.

To my suprise, i was poking around the room when a large block of floor I stepped on rushed upward toward a bunch of spikes mounted on the ceiling, with me on it. Luckily, I was pretty much to the side of them, and didnt really incur that much damage. The spikes were tall as I am, effectively stopping the trap from flat-out crushing me. Still, I was pretty hurt. When the trap let down, I jumped to the side and looked up, checking out the spikes and seeing if there were any more in the room.

Suddenly, I hear the telltale battle cry of some loathsome bandit, rushing at me from the other side of the room to the left of me, carrying on about what dead meat I was, or something to that extent. Like I said I was pretty new at this point, still lvl 1, and being caught off guard with a torch in my hand and injured, fumbled a second out of sneak mode and grabbed my sword, not knowing how strong this guy was or even if there was another behind him. It didnt look like he was going to hit the trap, and if he did, I figured he wouldnt trigger it.

Suddenly, the floor cuts out from under him one block after the one I had triggered the trap with, and he just disappears. Walking over to the edge, I look down and the poor sap was taking a nap on a bed of spikes! The floor rushed back up, and I reached over from the side and looted his impaled corpse. It was pretty funny, gave me a good laugh
“Then away out in the woods I heard that kind of a sound that a ghost makes when it wants to tell about something that's on its mind and can't make itself understood, and so can't rest easy in its grave, and has to go about that way every night grieving.”-Mark Twain

Last edited by xSamhainx on Sat Mar 25, 2006 7:31 am; edited 1 time in total
Post Sat Mar 25, 2006 3:28 am
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Village Dweller
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Best Computer Game Moment That Happened to be in Oblivion

I am in my first bandit hideout. Sneaking around I see two groups of bandits hanging out down below.

I sneak down around the side and get right behind one of the bandits. "What the hell", I thought and decided I would sneak attack the one closest to me and then run for it.

I attack and kill him with one shot and start backing away. One of the bandits screams about the attack and then, because he couldn't see me in sneak mode, he thinks another bandit did the killing and starts attacking. The bandits then proceed to attack each other until the last three finally see me. After a long battle with a lot of running, I take out all three.

The fact that it wasn't scripted is amazing. Bethsoft has gotten much closer to a living world than any other game ever.
Post Sat Mar 25, 2006 4:09 am
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Re: Best Computer Game Moment That Happened to be in Oblivio

Originally posted by dkhalsa
I attack and kill him with one shot .... One of the bandits screams about the attack and then, because he couldn't see me in sneak mode, he thinks another bandit did the killing and starts attacking. The bandits then proceed to attack each other...

I too entered a fort near the imperial city, and in sneak managed to snipe a bandit. I was about to post the experience, but saw the above quote.

It is indeed amazing that the level detal includes being able to start a fight between a band of thieves. I sat quietly, in the darkness, waiting for the insueing conflict to pass. By the time it was over 4 of the 5 bandits were dead, and the remaining one was hurt badly. He was easy pickings.

By the same token, I certainly dont think the engine could have allowed any similar event to occur for a sneak melee strike. Further strengthing my opinion that melee was totally ignored by the developers.

But over-all while I was in the moment, it was awe inspiring.

-= XmirroR =-

Post Sat Mar 25, 2006 10:28 am
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Imago Storm

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In the first dungeon, I happened to steal the pants of one of the Emperor's bodyguards. By accident. No, he didn't notice.
Is that clear?
Does that make sense?
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Post Sun Mar 26, 2006 8:06 am
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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I was out wandering around on horseback and got attacked by wolves. I got off the horse to fight them. They attacked the horse, and the horse stomped them to death with its front hooves which I thought was pretty cool.
Post Sun Mar 26, 2006 8:33 pm
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Stranger In A Strange Land
Stranger In A Strange Land

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Not my best moment but a silly one. I was walking to Cheydinhall (sp?) from Imperial City and I found my horse wandering around that I'd abandoned earlier outside the City, so I decided I might as well ride him. Galloping along and a wolf ran after me from out the forrest. I was too lazy to get off the horse and I figured we would be faster and I'd leave him far behind in the dust. Nope. Turns out a horse is a about the same speed as a wolf. And bandits. By the time I reached the city walls, I had two wolves and fours bandits right behind me. The guard and the stable woman ran in to help but the two wolves and a bandit took me down. The horse ran off, though.

I think I'll just walk in future.
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Post Sun Mar 26, 2006 9:25 pm
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Regauarding horses, I was riding the donated horse, and managed to get to Skingard(sp?) and I had been riding full on... I didn't stop for anything and never noticed that I had picked up some wolves. That is of course until I dismounted. Once I was off the horse the wolves were right there and were attacking my horse. They ( at first ) ignored me and the guards and the people nearby, I intevened, trying to save my horse, who was actively fight them off.

I appearently and inadvertantly struck my horse enuf times that once the wolves were dead it attcked me. I hadn't read the manual throughly enuf to know I could submit to a friend. So I did what I thought was best, and mounted the horse... Everything quickly was under control. I put the horse in the stable, and dismounted. The horse re-engaged its attack. WTF? I dodged his blows and escaped the pen, shutting the fence behind me. I went about my business in the city and days later came out the horse still attaccked me, I mounted him again and rode him to the next city. Same story different day.

In the end, I re-read the manual, and releazied I could submit to a friend, but unfortunately my horse died before I could complete the SUBMIT procedure. Thus I am not sure it would have worked. Very weird indeed.

In the same vein I wanted to mention that I find it odd, That I can enter a tavern but even touching a mug ( with my red hand ) is a crime. However I can jump onto the tavern's bar and do a full dance kicking everything everywhere via the HAVOC system; and no one blinks an eye.

It's off topic, I know, but on the otherhand, had things gone differently, and more realistically, they both would have qualified as great experiences... Alas...

-= XmirroR =-


Last edited by XmirroR on Thu Mar 30, 2006 10:12 am; edited 1 time in total
Post Mon Mar 27, 2006 6:47 am
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Leader of the Senate
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I have a melee story. But first - in response to what was posted above - melee is not an afterthought. If you stand toe to toe and try to slug it out bad things can happen. Have you noticed that when you fight people that they tend to circle you and you can lose track of them? If that happens you can take serious damage. Have you tried repaying them with that tactic? Here is my story....

I'm sneaking deep in a crypt and I hear a voice - "who's there? Oh its you. You've got me on edge with all that slinking around...". So he has company I'm thinking. I sneak around the corner and there are two conjurers who see me so I back myself into the last room and get out of sneak mode. The fire throwing conjured goblins wear me down as I'm taking out the conjurers. As soon as they are dead the conjured disappear. I was sloppy and I'm about 25% health but I'm thinking the battle is over so I approach a body to loot.

Nope. The "slinker" rounds the corner. You see he wasnt talking to the other conjurer. The Radiant AI is very cool - he was talking to one of those dinasaur looking bipedal lizards who stun you if they land a hit! My first shield block on his charge leaves me at less than 10% health. My only option is to treat him like an arena opponent. I start to sidestep swinging, circling trying to get behind him. I can see he's taking damage but more importantly he is clearly befuddled as he loses track of me! This has convinced me. If you want to be a melee fighter - even in heavy armour like I am - you need to learn to DANCE.

Another tip: Notice those deseased zombies have ONE ARM? Circle to the side of the stump...
"For Innos!"
Post Mon Mar 27, 2006 1:32 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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I'm currently lvl 3 and I have a interesting thing happen that I havnt seen in a game before. Im sort of mage archer type character. Anyway I was horse riding toward a town when I saw a cave in the distance, so i rode up to it. Now it turned out that the cave was filled with imps! I decided I better clean out this cave, anyway I came across a room that has a river down the middle of it. I ended up shooting a wandering imp once then he flew down near the water of the river and I emptied another arrow in him making it fall down into the water. But he survived and flew back up from the water just to get arrowed agian and fell one last time into the water. I found it fun to play agianst these imp creatures because it was like a fps, me with my bow and them with thier fireballs.

Post Mon Mar 27, 2006 5:07 pm
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Protector of the Realm
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My level 3 battle mage beats everyone in the arena. What a freaking joke!
Arguing over the internet is like competing in special olympics. Even if you win, you are still retarded.
Post Mon Mar 27, 2006 11:09 pm
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Keep it on topic folks.
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Sorry. No pearls of wisdom in this oyster.
RIP Red Wings How 'Bout Dem Cowboys!
Post Mon Mar 27, 2006 11:24 pm
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Leader of the Senate
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I can't post my story from last night because it would be a spoiler. All I can say is that the Oblivion Deamora Knights are really scary!!!!!!
"For Innos!"
Post Tue Mar 28, 2006 1:29 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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In one quest I found you have to save a small village by finding a mage that lives nearby in a ruined fort. On the way to the fort I was attacked so I was being very careful, using sneak and keeping an arrow knocked/drawn on my bow. Also, I had no idea what to expect from this mage...was he going to be hostile or what?

Anyways, as I'm creeping around the fort looking for this mage I hear a voice that sounds like its coming from directly in front of me! At this same time my journal updates and my trigger finger must have twitched because the arrow shot from my bow and lodged itself in the invisible mage! I saw the tell-tale effects of a spell being cast and thought, "UH-OH, HOSTILE MAGE!!". I plugged him with a few more arrows before realizing he was calling for help from the crazy person (me) that was attacking him!!

I stayed in Sneak and he lost track of me, calming down in the process at which time I came out of sneaking and went to speak with him to see what his deal was. He was like a big, invisible pin-cushion with my four arrows sticking out of him and was very easy to find.

After speaking with him and advancing the quest I went into Sneak mode again to see if he had anything good in his pockets to "borrow" and there were my four arrows!! I left them there because I couldn't imagine being able to stealthily extract them and asking him for them back would have just been too awkward.

"Excuse me Mr. Invisible Mage Sir, would you mind too terribly if I yanked out those Silver Arrows I mistakenly lodged in your torso?"

LOL, I just left him to figure it out...who knows, those arrows might still be sticking out of him!

Post Wed Mar 29, 2006 10:15 pm
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