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RPG's, what's good about them? what sucks.
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RPGDot Forums > CRPGs General

Is multplayer important in an rpg? Would you prefer pweettyness, or gameplay?
I'd prefer games that are have both.
 100%  [ 3 ]
I'd prefer games that look pwetty and have lots of talking but dodge gameplay, but it's made better by the look.
 0%  [ 0 ]
i like to munch on babies.
 0%  [ 0 ]
multiplayer and gameplay all the way, and dave rawks my hot pink socks.
 0%  [ 0 ]
Total Votes : 3

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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

Joined: 28 Jul 2004
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RPG's, what's good about them? what sucks.

Hey all.. well i've been reading a decant amount of thigns that people say on here.. and i've played many many many many an rpg, probably more hten most of you.. cus instead of sitting here typing away on my little rpg forums, i play.. constantly. 7am - 4am the next day, everyday. with only 3 hours of sleep and a few cups of coffeea and coke. and ofcourse meals, but hey.
i've played just about every mmorpg, normal rpg, just about all of them. and generally speaking wether you like it or not, the hack-n-slash rpg's are the most interesting. games like morrowind were a complete flunk. i couldn't keep my eye's open for longer then 5 minutes playing that game. sure it had some good idea's, but who wants to stand arround in town talking to npc's for an hour? before being sent outof town to get a piece of wood, to have to come back and talk to some more npc's for another hour or three? thats not an rpg. thats a book sure occasionally you get to slain some enemy's, but there not hard. it's no strain, the hardest thing i found was simply reading all this crap that i didn't particularly care for, because it wasn't interesting. where as a game like, diablo 2, fairyland, priston tale, et ect, they have great storylines! quests wether you choose to take them on or not, and only about 2-3 minutes worth of talking, if not less. so you don't get bored reading about what happens in every game. e.g. "oh no, the evils from the north are taking over our village please help!" and anyway, if they put it that shortly, and bluntly, it might be half exciting cus you'd know what you had to do then.
anyway anyway, my point is ! a game that you have to stand in town talking to npc's so much with less doing something.. is kinda gumbo, specially when it's only a single player game, haha so verry, verry sad?
wait i have another point to add before i forget.. rpg's that aren't multiplayer are simply foul ^_^! to put it in the kindest words i can. except fallout, that game was seriously sxy. but generally speeking, non multiplayer rpg's are foul.

---- working rpg's ----

rpg's like ultima, runescape, fairyland, ect ect, are good fun because you can not only run around hacking and slashing, talking to npc's ( for all those sad people who love that type of thing ), and buying new equipment to change your appearance, you can also work ^_^. which usually acompany's hackers, but hey, either way, working is a great aspect of most rpg's that have it.

---- first peprson rpg's? ----

theres some seriously great rpg's, deus x, System shock 2.. oh, my goodness, don't get my started, system shock 2 was the sxiest game ever invented. cyber netic upgrades == lvl up, killstuff, no dumb npc's to bother me ^_^, although, might i remind people who hate hack-n-slashe's.. uh. your decantly dumb if you like first person rpg's but hate hacknslash, cus there kinda the same thing. ( except in morrowind, but as i said before, taht game was a flunk, so i don't even count it as a game, more like a book. an un-interesting book ) but anyway, i meen serious, first person shooter rpg's your just doing the same thing right? running around.. shooting people, kulling mass army's of monsters or people, picking upo the gear they had, running on to the next room to continue the kulling. same thing, different veiw. so get over it ^_^

---- Dungeon seige ----
This was a great game, verry exciting! awsome monsters, great way of leveling up, although, had a TERRIBLE ending.. i remmeber.. i played this game for a whole week straight with one of my freinds at a lan.. we got to the verry end, and spent the next whole week searching for a temple of some sort, i do believe we found it, and all it did, was take us back to the beggining of teh game, wth? that kinda ruined it for me :/ but apart from that it was a great game! although i do believe, i missed something.. cus i remember your spose to get hte pieces of something.. but anyway
old game, but great!

---- Diablo 1 ----
sure, hack-n-slash, my fave game. i started palying it when i was like 7 or 8 cus i had the beta. it was a verry exciting game, great storyline! great setting, although, a decant number of bugs in multiplayer ( even after it was relized and fully patched ). i waited like 3 or 4 year sfor diablo 2, to get shocked as it was one of the dodgest games i've ever played in comparisin.

---- Diablo 2 ----
sure hack-n-slash again! and nothign like the original, has a great repplay ability, why.. you may ask? ffs play it and find out darned book readers. Just make sure you have the expansion pack! and fully patched and you'll love it! oh, and don't be a necromancer or a paladin ( everyone i know who's been either one of them has hated it.. wonder why ?!? ) anyway.. has a greant storyline, great sitting, awsome npc's! who actaulyl say interesting things. cool chickens in the starting town, cool missions taht you can choose to do or not, but with great rewards. only reall mission you have to do if you want, is kill the boss to be able to get to the next town, as like most! rpgs.. fps, you have to clear each room to get to the next, so don't nock it, for foul gameplay, just because your no good at it ^_^

---- Fairyland ----
Ha-ha, yerp sounds relaly queer don't it? but hey if your really a true rpg'er, who will actaulyl test games for gameplay, why not. it's amaingly enough got great gameplay, hundreds of quests, liturally. and you get to have a cute little pet follow you around, i got to the max level of this game.. for the time i played it, now i think the max is like 100 ,but when i played the max was 50, that took a few months.. but i got there, and it was a verry rewarding game.
specially if you like anime tpye stuff, or games where they use some cartooonish. but too be honest, my first thoughts when i saw the ingame of this game, was, omgoodness.. FO im not gonna play that, but it ended up being a really great game. ofcourse i got forced to paly it ^_^ girls.. what good are they! just jk

---- Priston Tale ----
Great game, fast, or slow, depending on how you like it storyline is ok, items, level up's, monsters, all look great/have great idea's in them. i'd go so far as to say this rpg is worth paying for, cus i am going to! >_< but yeah, persnal preference, but deafainantly i'd have to say give this game a whirl.
( you can get to lvl 40 for free, then gotta pay, but hey, thats like what, 3 months worth of gameplay? )
and i challenge anyone out there, taht if you create an account and get to lvl 40, i "might" be able to help out with payments and stuf.f. but anyway..

well anyway.. tahts all for now, ill continue my crazy post later. work time now :/ then back to gaming!
later all, feell free to reply and call me a bstard, or a hero, or what ever you want. ^_^ and remember don't take it too seriously, cus.. it's jsut a game! and what i've written is jsut personal preference.
Soroxide - lvl 38 mage (priston tale)
-Silence- - lvl 27 Fighter (priston tale)
E|Phaerie - lvl 49 mage (fairyland)
E|Phaerie - lvl 83 mage (diablo II)
E|Phaerie - lvl 70 archer (Runescape)
E|Phaerie - lvl 34 mage (RiskYourLife)
Post Wed Jul 28, 2004 1:35 am
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Joined: 23 Dec 2002
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I totally agree! I mean, the only fun in an rpg is to level up so you can kill harder things. It's clearly funner than getting involved in a plot or some non-sense like that.

Wait a minute...

No. It's not.
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Post Wed Jul 28, 2004 2:03 am
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Noble Knight
Noble Knight

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Soroxide, normally I'm not particular about people's grammar, but is their any chance you could go through your post and work a little magic with capitalization, proper periods, and sentences? Everything melts into a big mush. It's almost like reading Finnegan's Wake, except I don't think you're going for the stream of consciousness effect.
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Post Wed Jul 28, 2004 5:00 am
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Last Man Standing
Last Man Standing

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Re: RPG's, what's good about them? what sucks.

I can see that you are very opinionated man, but who cares, right? 90% what you just wrote I simply disagree (and 10% didn’t understand), let’s break your post

Originally posted by Soroxide
i've played many many many many an rpg, probably more hten most of you.

Examples you provided are MW, Diablo, Fairyland, Prison tale, Ultima, Runescape, Deus Ex, System Shock, Dungeon Siege (mentioned Fallout), hardly many, many, many games. Maybe you should stick to FPS since apparently role playing is so not for you.
Originally posted by Soroxide
the hack-n-slash rpg's are the most interesting…
sure it had some good idea's, but who wants to stand arround in town talking to npc's for an hour..?
diablo 2, fairyland, priston tale, et ect, they have great storylines…!
anyway anyway, my point is ! a game that you have to stand in town talking to npc's so much with less doing something.. is kinda gumbo
rpg's that aren't multiplayer are simply foul ^_^!
uh. your decantly dumb if you like first person rpg's but hate hacknslash,

These are just YOURS opinions
On the site note did you know that there are some people who would like to challenge and pass the game without combat?
Diablo an DS great story line?
Originally posted by Soroxide
games like morrowind were a complete flunk.

Although I didn’t enjoyed that game I can hardly say it was a flunk and sales just prove my point.
Originally posted by Soroxide
---- Dungeon seige ----
This was a great game, verry exciting

Unless you like being pull on the string like cattle to the butcher house then yes it was great and same amount of fun (for the cow)
Originally posted by Soroxide
it's jsut a game! and what i've written is jsut personal preference.

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Post Wed Jul 28, 2004 2:17 pm
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Late Night Spook
Late Night Spook

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Well, I think a great deal of the RPGDot forums users have played many, many, many CRPGs. And there are as many different tastes as there are users.

I, for example, was so bored by Dungeon Siege I deleted it after two afternoons of sporadic playing: it was generic-looking, had a boring, generic plot, and for me it lacked atmosphere.
Despite this fact I have a deep-running love for 1st-person shooters, which goes back to 1992.
So... no, not everybody who likes shooters needs to like Dungeon Siege, one of the biggest gaming disappointments for me.
Post Wed Jul 28, 2004 5:32 pm
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Where’s my Banana?!?!
Where’s my Banana?!?!

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@ Soroxide

Well that was...... interesting.

I realy cant be bothered to explain all the errors in your logic, but simply wish to say:

You are wrong.

And yes, thats my oppinion also
IMHO my opinion is humble
Post Wed Jul 28, 2004 7:25 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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Thanx guys for replying ^_^ and yeah i am an oppinionative person, not too much so tho in reall life don't worry bout that. Most of my spelling mistakes are kinda on purpose so i'm more individual. But yes i can go through and fix a few things up if you want. Also sorry if some of the things i said where a bit, uh.. Strong sounding, i was just upset about something.
Oh and i totally agree with you there Jaz, dungeon seige was missing something, my girlfriend hated it for some reason, and she's a huge rpg fan too..
Seth.. know some one called Insanemal? If not, nevermind, just the name seth isn't too common and i know an rpg crazy seth. =)
Also uh.. an rpg with-out combat? that's called an Adventure game ^_^
Theres a big difference. Oh and one more thing, chekote, what was i wrong about? ^_^ That for an rpg to be a great/fun rpg it has to be multiplayer in same way? or? That games with more character devolepment are better then games that are mainly only storyline based?
Oh and Diablo 1, the reason i say it had a good storyline, well.. did you ever play it? It was one of the first great rpg's, the single player storyline was incredible. I don't remmeber alll of it anymore, but from what i remember, The Dark Wanderer, well, knight who found this stone.. that could unleash teh devil ( he placed the stone in himself to stop it from unleashing hell, so he tried to hold it's power within himself ) eventually his body couldn't take it anymore, and he turned into the devil, he corrupted people and guards, ect ect, from teh town, turning them into skeletons, monsters, and making an army to take over. Anyway, there was a lot more to the storyline then that. Like the town drinking water got poisoned by a bunch of demons who tried to kill everyone aswell, you had to go down to the caves and kill them. but anyways. ( by any chance did you not read what all the npc's said? like you enjoy doing? ^_^ )
And Dungeon siege was great too, just takes some patience, and possible learning how to use the compass ^_^ to work out where you are, and a little intellegance. But i assure you if you play it for longer then an hour or two and talk to a few people you'll work out the storyline.
Soroxide - lvl 38 mage (priston tale)
-Silence- - lvl 27 Fighter (priston tale)
E|Phaerie - lvl 49 mage (fairyland)
E|Phaerie - lvl 83 mage (diablo II)
E|Phaerie - lvl 70 archer (Runescape)
E|Phaerie - lvl 34 mage (RiskYourLife)
Post Thu Jul 29, 2004 2:43 pm
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Where’s my Banana?!?!
Where’s my Banana?!?!

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I am still reluctant to have an in depth discussion about this, but here are a few points:

1. Multiplayer is NOT required to make a good RPG, but can be fun if done right (Which most of the time it just isnt).

Good RPG's without Multiplayer:

Gothic Series
Fallout Series
Zelda Series (Excluding the new four swords, which wasnt that good anyway)

2. Storyline and Character development usualy go hand in hand. You quote Morrowind as being boring because there are reams and reams of stuff to read and quests you need to do, and yet you quote diablo as having optional quests that you can ignore.

I personaly do not like morrowind, but 99% of its quests are optional, you can complete the game without doing them. Diablo on the other hand, you can ignore the quests, but you will never finish the game.

Seems like you have it back to front

3. You quote Diablo & Dungeon Siege as having great stories. Sure they might be fun in their own limited way, but if you want a truly great story, you need to play a real RPG (PlaneScape Torment being a prime example) and not a hack em up like those.

Comparing the story in Diablo or Dungeon Siege to PS:T is like comparing He-man to The Lord of the Rings.

4. You claim that Diablo is a real RPG because it has lots of fighting, and RPG's with no fighting are simply adventure games. If thats the case, you cant call diablo an RPG either, its just a hack em up. (Not my oppinion, just proving a point).

P.S. the aggresive tone of your posts is a little over the top, try and tone it down a little. examples:


( by any chance did you not read what all the npc's said? like you enjoy doing? ^_^ )

your decantly dumb if you like first person rpg's but hate hacknslash

so don't nock it, for foul gameplay, just because your no good at it ^_^

IMHO my opinion is humble
Post Thu Jul 29, 2004 3:57 pm
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Late Night Spook
Late Night Spook

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There are adventures which include a great deal of fighting... the so-called action-adventures (another favorite genre of mine). What they don't include (in most cases) is detailed character advancement.
Post Thu Jul 29, 2004 4:31 pm
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Stranger In A Strange Land
Stranger In A Strange Land

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Too many issues to hit on so I'll just pick two...

Dungeon Siege...worst...roleplay...system...evAR! It takes intelligence to appreciate it? I stopped playing when I saw the icon flash to say I'd completed a quest I didn't even know I had (too bored - obviously wasn't paying attention) and when I realised I was only watching the health bar in combat and pressing the potion button. Honestly, this is an old joke but it's the only RPG that plays itself without bothering the player with pesky things like interaction, story, choices...

NPCs...I'd say NPCs are very close to the heart of any good RPG for me. If there's no interesting NPCs with meaningful dialogue -- forget it.
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Post Thu Jul 29, 2004 10:55 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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PlaneScape Torment really, really, really sucked ass. The mindnumbing crippling boredom of clicking trough endless amount of boring text got to me like 8 hours into the game and i broke the friggin cd. One of the reason ppl in their ignorance tend to hate rpg´s is because rpg nuts are saying this game is the evolutinory peak of rpg´s, which its not, and assume that if this is as good as it gets then the whole genre must suck. This game is not a underrated masterpiece, it didnt sell well because its a bloody awefull game.
Post Thu Jul 29, 2004 11:41 pm
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Troll, troll, troll the boards / flaming all who read / merrily merrily merrily merrily / a life is what you need

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but it's generally considered polite to at least be consistent with your BS. You two should go buy copies of Postal2, Daikatana, and Outpost. I'm sure you'll find them entertaining.
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Sorry. No pearls of wisdom in this oyster.
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Post Thu Jul 29, 2004 11:58 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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Nice poem there m8.

Care to point out the inconsistency in what i wrote, and yes i would buy postal2, daikatana and outpost if they were good games, but their not, so I wont.
Post Fri Jul 30, 2004 12:09 am
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The inconsistencies were in the first post, not yours. As for your feelings on PS:T, it seems to me that you would be better suited to "RPG-lite" games. There's nothing wrong with that, although this site tends to cater to and appeal to people that actually enjoy a good story and NPCs with personality even if that entails a fair bit of reading to get.
=Proud Member of the Non-Flamers Guild=
=Benevolent Dictator, X2/X3 and Morrowind/Oblivion Forums=
Sorry. No pearls of wisdom in this oyster.
RIP Red Wings How 'Bout Dem Cowboys!
Post Fri Jul 30, 2004 12:48 am
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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Dont get me wrong RPG´s are my favorite genre by far. I was looking at that top 100 list, and of those 148 rated i had play 79, so im not a total RPG noob

I just dont like PS:T.
Post Fri Jul 30, 2004 1:45 am
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