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My review of WOW so far.
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RPGDot Forums > World of Warcraft

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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 09 Feb 2003
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My review of WOW so far.

Experience - EQ 65MAGE/59 MAGE/54 Druid/52MONK | DAoC 2 50/Scouts, 50 Paladin, 50 Necromancer, 50 Wizard, 50 Cleric | FFXI - 30 Whitemage/BST, many other low levels | Majormud 50 Ninja/42 Witchunter/57 Druid/54Warrior | SB - Merlin | Planetside - Rich Rahl | City of Heroes - Rahl | EQOA - Lachdan 28 Mage | Neocron - Merlin | TheRose - Dhelvanen |

BETA's - AC2, EQOA, AC1, Lineage 2, Neocron, Shadowbane, Horizons, Saga of Ryzom, RYL, WOW, Lineage, and many MUDS with abunch of other games I cant recall.

Well, I have played to level 24 as a Mage, 15 as Warlock, 12 Priest, and 8 Warrior. The Stress Test Beta is very polished to say the least. I wasn't looking forward to this game very much until now. Now I would have to consider myself a fanboi perhaps.

Graphics - 8/10 | The graphics have a very fantasy/warcraft look, which fits the game, everything is very colorful and flush. I have yet to see anything that doesn't fit into the Warcraft theme. I would have given WOW a 10 for graphics, however there isn't enough detail for people with really high end systems. The people who have spent 2-5k on pc's will be alittle dissapointed with the lack of a WOW factor from the graphics. However, to give blizzard credit, they are much, much better than I had expected, past experience has shown to me that blizzard usually gimps the graphics in favor of gameplay. This time they didnt. If you are coming from a EQ/DAoC background, the graphics will be quite a refreshment from the usual "try to make it look as real as possible" aspect.

Sound - 9/10 | Sounds in the game are almost surreal, given you have a decent sound card. I only have 1 complaint about the sound, and that is lack of it when you are out adventuring, add a little music please.

Gameplay - 10/10 | The gameplay is among the best I have ever seen in any MMORPG, completely staggering to think how much work went into this aspect. They have created an MMORPG that doesn't really feel like one. This game is very fast paced and fun. Nuff said

Characters - 8/10 | The character customization options that WOW has are great, but in need of height/weight/age toggle sliders.

Twinking - 10/10 | All armor has level restriction which is nice.

Mounts - 10/10 | I don't think anyone in the stress test has gotten high enough to try them yet, but they look fantastic, and there are many more options with mounts in WOW, than EQ ever had.

Quest System - 10/10 | Hands down the best questing system in any graphical MMORPG that has ever been released. They hit the nail on the head with this, and it adds a ton to gameplay considering you never really feel like you are "grinding"

PowerLevelling - 10/10 | Once again Blizzard heeding the call of MMORPG'ers has really made pl'ing difficult and almost not even worth the time. The only real PL you can do is finishing off quest mobs.

Depth - 9/10 | I haven't played the game long enough to have much of a grasp on the depth of the game. So far it has been splendid, however I have heard from many high level friends that the game is lacking in alot of aspects for high end armor/weps/jewelry etc... Again, though, this is beta, Blizzard may just be waiting to add some of this later.

LAG - 9/10 | Must give credit where is due, Blizzard has completely suprised me and im sure many other people with the polish that this game has. There has been very little lag the entire stress test, and what lag there was wasn't enough to actually effect gameplay any significant amount. Sure there are lag spikes, but just recall how HORRIBLE Funcom's Anarchy Online was at release. Or remember AC2 beta? WOW is month's ahead of those when released.

Item's - 6/10 | The items in the game are nice, you can get "uber" items, however - they will look just like the "normal" items when you wear them. EQ has done the best job of implementing items you could "show off" I really hope I am wrong about this, but alot of people hated DAoC, because they used the same armor textures for everyone. I really dont want to look like every other person out there, except maybe dyed a different color. People want that "uber item from god knows where that everyone wants" We like the feeling of walking into town and having every other person say "d00D OMG what iz taht fatz staff you have?!" It gives the players without the item the want/desire to get it, and the ones with it, the extra showoff factor that helped eq so much.

Final Thoughts = 9/10 OVERALL

This game is by far the best, graphical MMORPG that has ever come out... PERIOD - If you can't get past the graphics then I seriously feel sorry for you. Blizzard has taken every bad thing out, and combined all the good things that EQ/DAoC/etc had. The end result is an MMORPG that will go down as one of the best ever.
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Post Tue Sep 07, 2004 9:44 pm
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Small Tiger
Small Tiger

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Re: My review of WOW so far.

Do you want to become an editor here in RPGdot or what?What do you ahve in mind.
(Firefox_Mythos)(Παντος)Reaperfox(Ρουβαλης)Tezafox Katsaridoktono(Ντουσικος)Che(Ταγαρης)Crusader(nokos)shadowfox(Μηχελης)aquafox(Στελιος)thunderfox_gomos(Γιωργος)
Post Tue Sep 07, 2004 9:51 pm
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You don't have to be an editor to post a game review, as long as it is fair and well-reasoned. Fanboys and trolls need not apply. Strangely enough, the true purpose of these forums is the exchange of mature thoughts about CRPGs so I'm not sure why you'd question this post. This thread should have been posted in the WOW forum, but it can be moved.
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Sorry. No pearls of wisdom in this oyster.
RIP Red Wings How 'Bout Dem Cowboys!
Post Tue Sep 07, 2004 10:24 pm
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Where’s my Banana?!?!
Where’s my Banana?!?!

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I dont think patriot means any harm, its just easy to misunderstand him.

@ aldreth:

Thanks for the info, I hope its as good as you claim it to be.
IMHO my opinion is humble
Post Tue Sep 07, 2004 10:46 pm
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Small Tiger
Small Tiger

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[quote="Chekote"]I dont think patriot means any harm, its just easy to misunderstand him.

That's what I meant.
(Firefox_Mythos)(Παντος)Reaperfox(Ρουβαλης)Tezafox Katsaridoktono(Ντουσικος)Che(Ταγαρης)Crusader(nokos)shadowfox(Μηχελης)aquafox(Στελιος)thunderfox_gomos(Γιωργος)
Post Tue Sep 07, 2004 11:02 pm
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souls will cry
souls will cry

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Originally posted by patriot
That's what I meant.

what's what you weant?

Firefox, Thunderfox, D3@th[fox], $h@d0wfox, Aqu@fox, D3m0n[fox]
Post Wed Sep 08, 2004 1:38 am
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Robar the II
Captain of the Guard
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[quote="patriot"][quote="Chekote"]I dont think patriot means any harm, its just easy to misunderstand him.

That's what I meant.
Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 7:38 pm
Post subject:


Originally posted by patriot
That's what I meant.

what's what you weant?

Now im just confused who ment what and why is it so hard to understand lol and bye the way i would definitly say your review has drived me into and even deeper frenzy of wanting wow so thank you so much
Don't succumb to lies, to do that is to sink to the level of an idiot. If you want to obtain true wisdom never take anything or anyone for granted.
Post Thu Sep 09, 2004 1:20 am
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Unknown Destiny
Unknown Destiny

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Not a much of a problem, WOW will be out in 15/10, this time i am so right.
Post Thu Sep 09, 2004 1:13 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

Joined: 19 Jun 2003
Posts: 12

Great review!

I´m also an old experienced EQ/DAOC player and I find the comments about WOW in general very positive.

Hopefully the euro-beta will start soon so I can try this game.
Post Mon Sep 20, 2004 7:57 pm
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