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Chromanin Found
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Helpful Friend
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Originally posted by Dakkath
oh yeah...

Wulf must have forgotten the password for his wolverine_men account.

I think mods can prove it to you that they aren't the same person. IP check does it.

-=Captain of Militia of RPGDot Shadows=-
-=Leader of Mercenaries of Gothic Rogues=-
-=Proud member of NFG=-
-=Forever one soul of Seekers of Chromanin=-
Post Thu Apr 28, 2005 9:56 am
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Most Exalted Highlord
Most Exalted Highlord

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Yes, there is indeed a winch in Quentin's area. Well, very generally in Quentin's "area". There's a winch behind some goblins and a troll, which opens, at some point, the door in the mountain not too far from the winch. There's no anomaly with that winch, it is a PART of the quest you'll do at some point. One thing what I do suggest to you, Optik, is - do NOT touch any winches until you actually have a quest or request to do so. Winches in G1 are somewhat bugged and if you use one at a wrong moment, then there's a very good chance that at needed moment, the winch will simply not work.
Been there, done that . . .
Post Fri Apr 29, 2005 8:39 am
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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This thread is precious, thanks for the laugh everybody. Well done!
Post Thu Jun 09, 2005 10:37 pm
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Village Dweller
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Good day all you TRUE believers. No one yet knows me, for I am a fresh-faced newb. I have owned and repeatedly played Gothic ever since it first came out. When I first completed Chromanin I found it to be a bit Anti-Climactic, to say the least. Then I hear rumors of an alternate ending, so I search, and I wind up here. After reading things that Wulf has said I am compelled to register and reply. I have only read up to page six of this thread, but after I post this I will continue reading the rest of the pages, so forgive me if I state something that has already been thunk. I have not YET found the true Chromanin, but I know how. The right page of the Chromanin books tell you the location of the next book, but the left page is the more important page. Before the next book is found, you must adhear to the conditions set forth on the left page. For example the first book says; "He who is willing to renounce all depravity and wnders on the path of righteousness, shall know where the source of my power lies hidden. So that he might use it to break the chains of this world and prove worthy to receive Chromanin." This is how I take it to mean; never turn on marvin mode, never use cheat codes, never unlock a locked chest or pick a pocket. Never hit another person, never harm a person, and never ever kill a person. All these conditions must be true before the next book is found. The second book says; "Carried from the tides of time, Chromanin's visions have opened my eyes. No price could be high enough to ever renounce my faith in them, for it touched my heart too intensely." The people in the sect camp see visions, and at one point in the game Lester gives you the chance to renounce your faith the Innos to impress Baal Namib. The gods are listening, NEVER EVER renounce your faith in favor of the demon Sleeper. Book 3 states; "Oh, Ancient Gods, How can it be that a man like me, simple and unworthy, may receive such great a legacy. I feel great fear to lose all of it again by a slight faltering in word or deed." This one is not as clear to me, but I believe it holds the path you must follow through the rest of the game. You must be humble, do every quest given to you, and never ask 'what's in it for me?' Never ask for rewards, and be thankful when rewards are given you. Also, I believe it says you must join the fire mages. It is a great legacy you are receiving, you have only been there a short time and you are a Magus of Innos, who are you to be such a power man!?! Not only that, but you will soon lose your status as fire mage when the old camp considers you a traiter. Apparently the fear to lose all of it again by slight faltering in word or deed was not unfounded. Book 4 says; " I dare not hope to be in the presence of Chromanin one day. Gone are the days of wasting and wailing. So easy it will be to acheive absolute perfection. I'm not far from it." This is the most simple yet at the same time hardest book to follow. You clearly need to acheive absolute perfection. Perhaps you need to have found everything growing in the land and defeated every enemy. The fifth book says; "But I shall not walk this path alone. This honor is mine. I must accept to share the power within myself with the worthy ones who are to come and find me. I hope they're coming soon..." This one is also very simple, you must find the book with other people. ". . .with the worthy ones. . ." ONES plural. Chromanin will share his power with the worthy ONES, not worthy ONE. There are two people in the whole land who will follow you. Bring one or both of them along. You will have already acheived perfection, so there will be no monsters to hurt them or scare them off.
True, if all of these stipulations are met you will lose a lot of experience because there are some quests you cannot accomplish. You can't impress the gurus because you can't hit Harlok to make him get back to work, you can't steal from Cor Kalom, you can't impress Baal Namib, but if what Wulf said was true that the living Chromanin gives you a large bonus of experience points I believe these experience points will compensate for the ones you have lost. Remember, you are not playing the game to solve ALL quests, you are playing the game to solve all quests in the RIGHTEOUS way, and if you are forced to fail some, that is the price of a righteous life.
P.S. Wulf, just to play devil's advocate, when you said you found a mysterious man high up in a cave on a cliff, are you sure you are not thinking of Gilbert, the man outside the Old Camp, near the Orc Land, who is hiding from the Guards? I assume you are not, seeing as you are the master, and I do not intend to insult you or doubt your infinite wisdom, I just wanted to throw out that possibility.
Post Sun Dec 04, 2005 8:35 pm
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The Shepherd
The Shepherd

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Welcome to the forums LeftyNinefingers.

Some good idea's you have, very debateable. No, Gilbert isn't the guy refered to - i'll send you a forum PM with some further info's.
Forever aches my wretched soul, for Chromanin locked in that dark hole, though crypted key i've yet to learn, he knows one day i will return.
Post Mon Dec 05, 2005 12:18 am
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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I meant to inquire before, but it slipped my mind. You said the old man gave you a quest, what was this quest, what did he ask you to do, where did he ask you to go.
Also, you were running around the fog tower caves and fell into a hole. Do you recall if you were using a torch or a light spell, or was it completely dark. The reason I ask this is was the hole always there and you just didn't see it because it was dark, or did you have a light and the hole opened up beneath you?
Just so you know, I do not doubt, but I do not blindly believe. I believe the truth, and only the truth. As it is now, I am limited to believing in the POSSIBILITY that the Old Man exists. I am(yet again) replaying Gothic, following the path of the righteous and the only bad thing I have done is smoke the three kinds of weed. Until I am strong enough to enter the fog tower I do quests that do not require violence ot theivery to complete. If I were to form an opinion I would have to say I think perhaps another ending to The Stranger does exist because the way it is now just doesn't make any sense. There is no logical reason for it, other than being an obligatory easter egg. The meaning of the left pages of the five books don't make much sense, but then again most of the other books are pointless, like the poetry book, recipe books and astronomy. However, I read somewhere, I think it was on WoG that PB themselves said another ending does not exist. However they are a biased source and would probably not reveal the answer to their most hidden of secrets, so I don't hold much weight behind their answer. The only ones I know of who have found the old man are Wulf and Wolverine_Man, and the information you both have provided is limited. I believe Wulf, because you are not claiming to have answers, only questions. You found something you can neither explain nor duplicate, and are searching for answers as well. However I do not believe Wolverine_Man to be telling the truth. He is enigmatic and provides only limited, cryptic clues as though to make us believe he is holding back. If the Old Man indeed is hard to find and only occurs rarely and only after a sequence of events under a certain set of circumstances, then it would be extremely hard for any one person to have figured out these set of circumstances enough to claim to be an expert on the subject, as does Wolverine_Man. It is in my professional opinion that he is simply trying to make a name for himself. If you are not lying, Wolverine_Man, I suggest you offer us believers something a little more usable. No more of this enigmatic crap. You don't have to give all the answers, just provide a clue that is actually followable and helpful!
Ironically, I was just watching a public access lutheran worship service as I was typing this, and the pastor said, "the path to righteousness is faith in him. . ."
Perhaps one way of playing the game would be to play normally as one would, stealing, killing, and then once the first chromanin book is found and read, the one in which it tells you be righteous, you renounce your former ways and from then on do only good. This would mean quests that require you to steal or kill can be done, just as long as you do them before you find the first chromanin. However I feel this is a stretch, and perhaps may try it that way after I finish the game I have going now where I do no wrong whatsoever.
Post Mon Dec 05, 2005 2:19 am
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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Well, on around page 25 of this thread now, the end is in sight anyway. I have but one thing to say;

Damn I hate doubters!

All they ever do is waste valuable space on the screen with posts that always say the same thing; "you're so foolish for believing. . ."
This thread COULD have been informative, and fun to read if people contributed constructive ideas, even if it were nothing more than simple wishing. After all this IS a fantasy game, yet most of the pople here don't seem to have a single shred of imagination combined between all of them. Douchebags, the whole lot of you doubters. All you do is waste my time. I'm trying to read informative ideas and then I come across you doubters complaining about someone else having a creative idea that YOU deem foolish. Go the FARK away! You can berate others for being immaginative all day, it will never stop them, it will only make you look like a douchebag. Some of you doubters even have the balls to claim logic is on your side, when it is clearly not, and I will use logic to prove it. Intro to Logic, first semester at the Unniversity of Minnesota, Duluth we were taught the simple concept of IF, THEN, THEREFOR. IF the old man is provable, THEN the old man can be found, THEREFOR the old man exists. IF the old man can be found, THEN the old man is provable, THEREFOR the old man exists. IF the existence of the old man can be disproven, THEN the old man cannot be found, THEREFOR the old man does not exist. However, the old man CANNOT be disproven, then the possibility that the old man exists also exists. What this means for all those eight-year-olds out there is this; The old man cannot be disproven, he can only be proven. Much the same as bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, aliens or even God, LACK OF EVIDENCE IS NOT EVIDENCE TO THE CONTRARY! LACK OF PROOF IS NOT PROOF IN THE NEGATIVE! NOT FINDING THE TRUTH DOES NOT MEAN THERE IS NO TRUTH TO BE FOUND! Do I need to beat this concept into you idiot doubters out there anymore!?! Just because something has not been found does not mean something cannot be found. Seeing as the only answer one can get in this whole stupid argument is actually finding him, I suggest everyone's effort would have been better spent doing a thematic search using the scientific method. There are a finite set of variables, however many there are, there is a limit to the number of possibilities. If everyone who wasted their time and my time by posting stupid criticism would have helped in the search, each person tryin out one predetermined set of variables, the answer would have been found by now. Once all possibilities are exhausted, and no old man is found, then it would have been logical to say he probably does not exist. But you didn't do that. Without even trying to find him you declared him unreal because you didn't believe he existed. That is the epitome of stupid and illogical. Seeing as how only a handful of people actually tried to find him, the vast number of variables was overwhelming, and those who strove not to prove themselves right but to find the truth were weighed down by the time consuming and mundane task of doing it all by themselves.
All of you punks who criticised other's efforts and immagination should be ashamed of yourselves. No one was harming you, it wasn't like they were advertising or recruiting believers. All they did was express their opinions and ideas which we here in the great country of America have the God-given right to enact, and you went out of your way to tell them to be silent, or that they were foolish, simply because you lack imagination. I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hampster, and your father smelt of elderberries! Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!
Post Tue Dec 06, 2005 1:00 am
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The Shepherd
The Shepherd

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A well argued probability concept of which i totally agree, the negative concept is used repeatedly by todays politicians, - - - "there is no evidence to suggest otherwise" - - - is blatant reverse contradiction being used to their advantage.
I would truely have loved to see chromanin 'the old man' once again but alas, it can never be - i have stopped playing gothic for good, i played almost every other day for four years for you good guys but it wore me out, left me completly exhausted. I somehow felt it was my duty to solve the riddle - i tried so hard for the gothic community. It affected my health (i played it through the night)but i am recovering now - i will never play it again!
"Truth" is a precious element of life, it is the most basic element. Even love is not stronger than the truth unless it is part of it. What is truth to me..? . . . it gives me strength - without it i am lost.

The beautifully made chromanin quest is fading fast, when G3 appears it will sink into the sunset and be gone forever.
Forever aches my wretched soul, for Chromanin locked in that dark hole, though crypted key i've yet to learn, he knows one day i will return.
Post Tue Dec 06, 2005 12:11 pm
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Grand Mage
Grand Mage

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I think you need to finish reading this thread Lefty. Not only was the old man disproven in the code, but his existance was flatly denied by the developers. You can believe with all your might but it will not change the simple fact that he never existed.

I wish he HAD existed and I searched exhaustively for any hidden code and even took the time to contact the game designer for hints. I completely disassebled the game code, there is nothing there. It was a sad day when NicoDE said the old man did'nt exist, but that does'nt take away from a great game. I have never blamed wolverineman.........he got me to play the game again and try different things.
Chris: Dad, what's the blow-hole for?

Peter: I'll tell you what it's not for, son. And when I do, you'll understand why I can never go back to Sea World.
Post Wed Dec 07, 2005 4:47 am
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Yeah, sure. Whatever, Uritziel.
Post Wed Dec 07, 2005 8:05 am
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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Bloody hell Wulf, could you be anymore melodramatic!?!

And you're right Uritziel, I haven't finished reading the post, for it contains no information.

You all suck, get a life.
Post Thu Dec 08, 2005 11:35 pm
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The Shepherd
The Shepherd

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(Bloody hell Wulf, could you be anymore melodramatic!?! ) . . .

those that know me understand my sense of humour . . just another episode along the way of finding the old man.

By all means continue to post if there's anything significant to offer, i am always here to see this thing through to the final solution.
Forever aches my wretched soul, for Chromanin locked in that dark hole, though crypted key i've yet to learn, he knows one day i will return.
Post Fri Dec 09, 2005 12:32 pm
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Grand Mage
Grand Mage

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Originally posted by LeftyNinefingers

And you're right Uritziel, I haven't finished reading the post, for it contains no information.

Exactly what information do you think this thread SHOULD contain? Of course it has no information on how to find something that does'nt exist lol. This thread DOES contain one simple fact......a DEV saying it never existed.

@Squeek, You can "whatever" your way all you wish. I did the work to try and find the old man....and I got the proof from the DEV. Like it or lump it, I don't care if you can't accept facts in life.

@Wulf, why don't you invite these "believers/dreamers" to your usegroup so this nonsense does'nt continue to clutter the forums?
Chris: Dad, what's the blow-hole for?

Peter: I'll tell you what it's not for, son. And when I do, you'll understand why I can never go back to Sea World.
Post Fri Dec 09, 2005 1:12 pm
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The Shepherd
The Shepherd

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Uriziel your constant hounding reminds me of a broken record player, we are all aware of where most of the clutter comes from, please do not stress yourself. Please do not sit by this thread for evermore like some praying mantis waiting to strike, there are better things to do.
The usergroup membership has the knowledge and competence to see this through, you need not over-concern yourself, we will let you know when it is solved, you must learn to exercise some self control as we do. Have you tried some other games? - i can highly recommended hack and slash dungeonseige-2 perfect for unwinding.
Forever aches my wretched soul, for Chromanin locked in that dark hole, though crypted key i've yet to learn, he knows one day i will return.
Post Fri Dec 09, 2005 5:52 pm
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Originally posted by Uriziel
This thread DOES contain one simple fact......a DEV saying it never existed.

The fact is you came forward, quoting what you claim a DEV told you. And now you are misquoting that to suit your position.

That claim and your claim to have thoroughly checked the code are as unverified as wolverine-men's original claim that he saw the old man (technically less, since Wulf says he saw the old man too).

Wolverine-men's claim is difficult to believe for many reasons expressed here, so your claims seem much more likely. But facts are facts.

Myself, I would have dismissed this as a hoax long ago except for Wulf. I'm glad I didn't. The discussions in the usergroup have been interesting and fun.
Post Fri Dec 09, 2005 6:27 pm
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