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Republican Revolution Continues
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Paws of Doom
Paws of Doom

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Republican Revolution Continues

Well, now that the dust is finally settling, I thought it might be a public service to actually post this election year totals. Regardless of what you may see or hear in the coming days, this was a solid victory for us on the Right.
I hear the whole "system is broken because we didnt win" argument being thrown around here at work, on talk radio, and on message boards, as it always is when they lose. You know, complaining about the electoral votes, etc.
The truth of the matter is, we won handily. The Presidential race is just icing on our overall victory over old nemesis's like Senator Tom Daschle, the Democrat leader in the Senate. He's out of a job now, and him being tossed out on his rear is quite a significant victory in itself. I wont go into why I think the race turned out as it did in this post, that is for a later time. I just want to compare what we have so far, and the sheer scope of it.

Dubya wins with 51% of the vote
- Bush @ 58,879,766 51% 274 Electoral votes
- Kerry @ 55,311,035 48% 252 Electoral votes
Bush roughly 3-1/2 million more popular votes, 22 electoral
Took Florida this time with 52%

Senate & House of Reps - basically net gain of 4 Senate seats & 1 House seat
Republicans retain total majorities, and make a gain of 5 seats
-Tom Daschle, Democrat minority leader defeated. First senate leader defeat in 52 years

Just off the top of my head, some notables-
-Republicans took the Indiana Governors mansion,
-Voters tossed out 4 of the “Texas Five”, Democratic incumbents in Texas delegation
-Kentucky Democrat Nick Clooney, father of actor George Clooney defeated(har!)
-11 states banned Gay marriage, every state it was on the ballot. The lowest percentage was 57%, the rest over 60% & Mississippi 86% voted for the ban.
-Legalizing dope went down in Alaska by 50+%
-Here in California “3 Strikes” law upheld. Two time violent felon commits 3rd minor crime, goes up the river anyway for good.
-Florida passed “Parental Notification” law for abortion-seeking minors
-Arizona passed law requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote and proof of immigration status to obtain government services.

Theres a few more things to add here and there, but Im already in trouble here at work today and behind because of all this going on!
“Then away out in the woods I heard that kind of a sound that a ghost makes when it wants to tell about something that's on its mind and can't make itself understood, and so can't rest easy in its grave, and has to go about that way every night grieving.”-Mark Twain
Post Wed Nov 03, 2004 11:08 pm
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I hope you dont mean me.

I am not even allowed to vote, and I didnt do any research so I wouldnt know who to vote for if I did. (Sure I heard plenty of propaganda, but I would never vote on that info alone).

My comments in the other thread are simply about the whole US political process. They have nothing to do with any particular election or its results.
IMHO my opinion is humble
Post Wed Nov 03, 2004 11:48 pm
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Risen From Ashes
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I think Sammy just wanted to sum up some of the results, not comment on you, Chekote.

I'm pleased with some things that happened during the election. I was disappointed that none of the Libertarians I voted for on the state level won (State Attorney General, Auditor, Treasurer, Senate and House), although I didn't really expect them to win in such a heavily Republican state. I'm angry that Initiative 1 passed (did people even read that thing?!). I'm luke-warm on the Amendments to the state constitution.

Basically, I got what I wanted on the national level and lost a bit on the state level. I'll live.
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Post Thu Nov 04, 2004 12:03 am
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Paws of Doom
Paws of Doom

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I hope you dont mean me.

Wasnt commenting on you, Chekote. I chat on other more shall we say "aggressive" forums that had their fair share of sore losers totally spazzing out about the electoral votes and their significance. Things dont go their way they want to declare the whole thing invalid. You guys at least had a reasonable and coherant discussion about it instead of just shooting your mouths off. Like I said, I got way behind on my work because I was messing around on forums arguing with people most the morning. Someone always has to get the last word, you know. On the radio this morning, a caller into a local show I listen to on the way to work wanted to abolish the electoral college, and wouldnt you know, the people I work with that live shall we say "alternative lifestyles" hammered away at it as well. I work in a pretty divided office politically, and that was the theme around the ol' coffee pot this morning was people carrying about the electoral votes and how the system in general is flawed.

My opinion on it is the same as my opinion on the constitution - leave it alone, once we start messing with it we open the floodgates. Yes, it may sound far too simple to just say that, but hey that's my opinion.

Everyone prolly thinks I watched the whole thing on the edge of my seat, when in fact I went home after work and drew the blinds and watched "The Pit And The Pendulum", and took a very lengthy cat nap. Not like I didnt care about the election, more like wake me when it's over. I flipped on the radio now and then to see if there was a huge landslide or anything, but for the most part got all my main info when I woke up this morning. Im not interested in exit polls or media spin, they are always wrong and like I said before, just fed up with the whole thing in general.

Pleasantly suprised this morning tho ='.'=
“Then away out in the woods I heard that kind of a sound that a ghost makes when it wants to tell about something that's on its mind and can't make itself understood, and so can't rest easy in its grave, and has to go about that way every night grieving.”-Mark Twain
Post Thu Nov 04, 2004 4:46 am
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Darrius Cole
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I actually got all but one thing I wanted on the state and local level.

My victories
We lenghthened the terms of our city aldermen.
We passed an amendment to allow the state to issue GO bonds.
We passed an amendement to define marriage as between one man and one woman.
We defeated a property tax increase.
Both my Senator and Representative passed.

My Losses
An amendment to lengthen state congressional term limits. This was minor.
And of course, I lost on on the Presidential ballot. Congratulations G.W. Bush.
Several congressional seats in states I could not vote in. I guess those aren't really my losses.

To look for a silver lining (from the Democratic view, for Republicans the entire cloud is silver) perhaps several things I have hoped for will get done. Namely, I hope abortion will get banned and hopefully, the Democratic Party will pull itself toward the center. I think it was too far to the left.
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Post Thu Nov 04, 2004 10:17 pm
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Secret Agent Lawanda
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Originally posted by Val
I'm angry that Initiative 1 passed (did people even read that thing?!).

I'm almost afriad to ask what you didn't like about that initiative Val. Almost.
I would have also thought you'd have a stronger opinion on amendment 3. Send me a PM. I'd like to hear why your lukewarm on it.
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Post Fri Nov 05, 2004 1:17 am
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Paws of Doom
Paws of Doom

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hopefully, the Democratic Party will pull itself toward the center.

I sure hope so. Even tho it's helped us Republicans out quite a bit politically, it's just not good to have the opposition party freaking out like they are. I think there are going to be some big personnel changes. For one, DNC chairman Terry Mcauliffe's days I think are numbered, if not they should be. The 2002 congressional disaster was one thing, but after this one, he needs to be demoted to Al Sharpton's aide or something. I'd actually recommend a Clintonista purge in general, and a re-asessment of just how far they want to let certain one-issue special interest groups determine the direction of the party itself.

The moderates need to take back their party, and halt the constant "kiddies in the sandbox" scandal-mongering, demonization, and personal destruction thing that is just annoying the living hell out of everyone.
“Then away out in the woods I heard that kind of a sound that a ghost makes when it wants to tell about something that's on its mind and can't make itself understood, and so can't rest easy in its grave, and has to go about that way every night grieving.”-Mark Twain
Post Fri Nov 05, 2004 10:18 am
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Darrius Cole
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Well, you are obviously a Republican (or at least vote that way) I am obviously a Democrat (or at least vote that). What do we have in common? The first thing we say when think about the last election and the DNC is that Terry McAuliffe has got to go. I would not do a purge of all things Clinton though. Clinton is the only Democrat who has defeated Republicans in 20 years, you have to keep him.

What I would personally recommend is a wholesale change in the party stance on abortion. They should try to outlaw it. I live in the south, what you may call the Bible Belt or Deep South. I can tell you from first hand experience that abortion is what is responsible for that sea of red that we all see on the electoral map. I have heard entire sermons on how you should not vote for anyone who is not opposed to abortion no matter what else they do or don't do. And I do mean sermons from the pulpit on Sunday morning. Many of these people (white, evangelical, christians) vote religious/moral issues and nothing else. They were already angry over abortion, so when gay marriage got on the ballot (even though there was no one lobbying FOR gay marriage, I might add), they couldn't take any more and came to the polls in droves.
Always with you what can not be done. Hear you nothing that I say? - Master Yoda
Only the powerful are free. - Darrius Cole
Post Fri Nov 05, 2004 7:12 pm
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Originally posted by Darrius Cole

What I would personally recommend is a wholesale change in the party stance on abortion. They should try to outlaw it. I live in the south, what you may call the Bible Belt or Deep South. I can tell you from first hand experience that abortion is what is responsible for that sea of red that we all see on the electoral map. I have heard entire sermons on how you should not vote for anyone who is not opposed to abortion no matter what else they do or don't do. And I do mean sermons from the pulpit on Sunday morning. Many of these people (white, evangelical, christians) vote religious/moral issues and nothing else. They were already angry over abortion, so when gay marriage got on the ballot (even though there was no one lobbying FOR gay marriage, I might add), they couldn't take any more and came to the polls in droves.

How exactly did gay marriage get on the ballot anyway? Is that the "dirty trick" that was expected from Rove and company?
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Post Fri Nov 05, 2004 7:27 pm
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What's wrong with abortion? You'd get rid of a wart because it inconvenienced you... why not a non-term baby which would be so much MORE inconvinient and possibly detrimental/fatal to your health. If you didn't want the baby why would you want to risk post-natal infection or delivery room fatality? Both are rare but still occur even in the US.

It's not like you're endangering the species ... and it's safer than deliberately triggering a miscarriage, which women have been doing for centuries or millenia.

Of course, we're guys so we shouldn't have a say in it.. not even if it's ours. It's the woman's body and health so it should be her choice. I would hope to never see an abortion decision put forward on a national poll EVER. If it passed women would have to flock to Mexico or Canada or head to Europe to have abortions... un-neccessary strain on those countries health services.

Kids have it hard enough these days without having to be born to a loveless home or living out their childhood at an adoption facility. We cannot make people stop having sex ... but we can stop children being seen as 'accidents'.

No, abortion issues shouldn't end up on a ballot any more than a vote of 'should being gay be illegal'. Some things have absolutely NO business being decided "by the People".
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Post Fri Nov 05, 2004 7:27 pm
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Republican devolution

Originally posted by EverythingXen
What's wrong with abortion? ...

"Thou shalt not kill," is what it comes down to I think. That and they probably think that not having the option of an abortion will keep their kids from doing IT, but I think they will be glad to have one when their daughter gets knocked up.

Too bad there isn't a "Thou shalt mind thine own business" commandment.
"You two are a regular ol' Three Musketeers."
Post Fri Nov 05, 2004 9:07 pm
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Darrius Cole
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Before I begin I have to write my disclaimer(s):
1. dteowner, the couple of days I promised you are over.
2. In a few moments I will be a Democrat aguing against abortion. Yes it is true; it probably should go in a history book somewhere.
3. I have no intention of changing my party affiliation; Not yet anyway.

First, I want to state my position on abortion. This is also the position I believe the Democratic party should take when I mentioned that above.

Abortions should be legal when the pregnancy places the mother's life in abnormal danger compared to normal pregnancy. All other times they should be categorically illegal.

There are so many rationales why abortion should be illegal. The first and most important is that the child (or embryo, or zygote, or whatever word you want to use) is a separate, living human being. (This is the foundation of my abortion belief.) It has just as much right to live as does any adult. Thus, it is not a wart that you can rightfully get rid of simply because it inconveniences you.

All of your other arguments break down when examined closely.

-The fact the people have been doing it is irrelevant to its justification.

-The power to make the decision and the responsibility for the consequences of the decision should rest with the same person.

-Just people are going to go somewhere else to do wrong is no reason to make it legal here.

-Many children are born to difficult circumstances but the mentally healthy ones all want to live.

-Abortion should not have to go to a ballot. No group of people have the right to take away someone else's right to life. Thus abortions should be illegal unless it is an honest attempt to save the mother's life. This technically agrees with you last point, but I think you intended to communicate a different idea.

@Jung - I think that is the trick everyone has been referring to. It worked like a charm.
Always with you what can not be done. Hear you nothing that I say? - Master Yoda
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Post Fri Nov 05, 2004 9:54 pm
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Originally posted by Darrius Cole

@Jung - I think that is the trick everyone has been referring to. It worked like a charm.

Diabolical! I guess most figured it would be some sort of smear or scandal.
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Post Fri Nov 05, 2004 10:11 pm
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There are so many rationales why abortion should be illegal. The first and most important is that the child (or embryo, or zygote, or whatever word you want to use) is a separate, living human being. (This is the foundation of my abortion belief.) It has just as much right to live as does any adult. Thus, it is not a wart that you can rightfully get rid of simply because it inconveniences you.

There are so many rationales as to why abortions should be legal. The first and foremost is that you do not speak of a human child. You speak of a POTENTIAL child. The mother has a right to decide over her body.

Should condoms be illegal since they hinder the same process, only at a different stage? Should people be forced to do it whenever they can, since otherwise would "kill" "children"?

You completely disregard how it impacts the parents life. You choose to advocate one life and disregard other. What about rape etc? Is it ok to force people into having babies?
Post Fri Nov 05, 2004 10:27 pm
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Darrius Cole
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Ohh, but I DO speak of a human child. He just hasn't developed all of his organs yet. Let's say that I took a human being at the earliest stage of its individual life, when it is a one(1)-celled organism, and unraveled the DNA of that cell and compared it with the DNA of its mother. Would the DNA test show that this is the mother or would the DNA comparison say that this is someone else? The DNA would show that this one cell is NOT a part of the mother's body but is a DIFFERENT PERSON because only half of its DNA matches is mother; half of the time it won't even be female.

Condoms are entirely different because all the cells they deal with are part of one person or the other. DNA tests have been run on condoms to prove that. Sperm cells are not children; they are part of the man that made them.

I am not disregarding the impact on the parents' life. The parents disregarded the impact on their life by not realizing the impact of sex. (I am reminded of a thread where it took several posts to explain to someone that the purpose of sex was procreation). If the mother's life is in danger, the mother has the right to choose to save her own life. However, it is wrong to kill people because they inconvenience you, but don't threaten your life.

When I was in the tenth grade, I said to a friend of mine (paraphrased), "I am against abortion unless the mother's life is threatened or it is rape." He said,"why not rape?" I said, "a woman should not be forced to be a mother against her will." He then replied, "What is that to the baby? He's already here. Whether she has been raped or not it is still the same thing, killing a baby." I realized he was right. That is when I adjusted my position to take into account a reality.

It is not okay to force a woman to have babies against her will. But, that is called rape, it should be and is illegal. Still, the baby did not rape her. One act of evil does not justify killing an innocent child.
Always with you what can not be done. Hear you nothing that I say? - Master Yoda
Only the powerful are free. - Darrius Cole
Post Fri Nov 05, 2004 11:17 pm
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