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Why can't I enjoy the Gothic games?
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Leader of the Senate
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Diegos voice from gothic 1 was awesome fit his character perfectly but in two he sounded like a clown.

Most of the voice acting is good theres a few annoying ones but those are on purpose.

If you wanna see bad voice acting play Prince of Qin and Seal of Evil.

There chinese voices speaking english, when they laugh and you see in the speech bubble "HA HA"

They actually say the words ha ha ad not actually laugh LOLer pickles.
Post Fri Oct 28, 2005 4:39 pm
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Grand Mage
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Originally posted by crpgnut
The combat is less of a chore and to be honest, I prefer real-time combat to be quickly resolved........... I just want to get the fights over with, preferably with magic.

The combat CAN be quickly resolved without you losing a drop of blood if you know how to play

Editted because that was out of line..........sorry.
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Peter: I'll tell you what it's not for, son. And when I do, you'll understand why I can never go back to Sea World.

Last edited by Uriziel on Sat Oct 29, 2005 9:42 am; edited 1 time in total
Post Fri Oct 28, 2005 9:12 pm
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High Emperor
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Originally posted by Paul999999

If you wanna see bad voice acting play Prince of Qin and Seal of Evil.

There chinese voices speaking english, when they laugh and you see in the speech bubble "HA HA"

They actually say the words ha ha ad not actually laugh LOLer pickles.

LOL!! EXACTLY. Anyone who says Gothic's voice acting is terrible has truly not experienced the abysmal voice acting on display in "Prince of Qin".
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Post Fri Oct 28, 2005 9:31 pm
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High Emperor
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Originally posted by Uriziel

It is obvious now, you are NOT a gamer. You want a clickety clickety click game where you are UBER character. You want to watch a movie, not PLAY a game....and i hate you with all of me. People like you force the devs to dumb down the games, simplify the controls to where a 14 IQ can be a master, and release so such moronic clickety clickety click crap. And please be girlieman enough to admit it. The games you have mentioned you like are so friggin simple to beat it is laughable if it was'nt so sad.

Don't you think you're being a bit harsh here?
All shall hear the words of Karras...the words of Karras
Post Fri Oct 28, 2005 9:37 pm
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Village Dweller
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crpgnut, "Yep I love Morrowind"

Hey guys, Can't you see where crpgnut is coming from? Don't waste you time!! I have finished both Morrowind and Gothics. Morrowind is just a truck-load of coal. Gothics are handful of diamonds. crpgnut, if you are to live up to your name...finish the game first and stop making premuture ejac...
Post Fri Oct 28, 2005 11:07 pm
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Il Buono
Il Buono

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@Uriziel Crpgnut has a right for his own opinion. However to write this opinion in a part of the forum full of Gothicfans isn't quite tactfull too, your commentary is a tadd out of line.
You are going right against the person while you could have just said: "If you want to be that uberwarrior you obviously want to be, just get the 'marvin' codes and play gothic like that. Then you will see that the quests are absolutely not linear. -> You have a main story line, but there are numerous quests you can solve on different ways. What you have done so far is just starting to play the game, crpgnut and not getting a full view on the game."
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Post Sat Oct 29, 2005 12:04 am
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Leader of the Senate
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Its just when people post things about a game they dont like and say they arent good when they are the best part of the game it just makes them look even more retarded and its hard not to flame them.

For Example the combat? The combat is fun as hell One Handed and Two handed weapons learning new combos from teachers its fun.

Compared to morrowinds dull stiff boring combat and 99% of the attacks never hit anything like you were swining around a stick with elephant crap taped to it.

See when i say how much a horrible game Morrowind was everything thing i say is right and most people agree with me but the fanboys will try to make up some bs but they know they cant change the facts and after a few more posts they usually shut up
Post Sat Oct 29, 2005 1:04 am
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Eager Tradesman
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lol, what Uriziel said before was just hillarious!!!
especially about the IQ!!!
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Post Sat Oct 29, 2005 3:03 am
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Mostly Harmless
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This was such a nice thread on the first page. Now the friendly atmosphere is gone because some people (usually always the same people!) decided their opinion is worth more than crpgnut´s.

Please be more polite and stop the bashing.
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Post Sat Oct 29, 2005 4:43 am
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Fearless Paladin
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Originally posted by Uriziel
It is obvious now, you are NOT a gamer.

This is an RPG site not an Action site, Uriziel. Perhaps you should be visiting another site? Combat was always the weakest point of the gothic games.

RPG's should be based on the skill of the character not the skill of the user. It is easy for an experienced player like myself to cruise through the first 2 chapters without spending a single skill point and using a branch. How is that possible when the character has not evolved at all (through training etc)? Try getting anywhere in Wziardry without spending your skill points, how far do you get?

I hate this aspect of modern rpgs..Fable et al...at least the rest of gothic/TES games are good enough to make up for it.

As for the voice acting I played the german version even though I am an english speaker and I loved the german voices, sounded cool and very atompsheric.
Post Sat Oct 29, 2005 7:05 am
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Late Night Spook
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Of course there are games with worse voice acting... there always are. The voice acting in 'Indigo Prophecy' was, for example, a mixed bag... some lines brought totally flat, others fit the situation quite well, yet both were spoken by the same actor. Worst voice action I ever experienced was in the German version of Dune 2, one person who probably didn't even speak German read all lines of all troop types from a slip of paper. It was hilarious, while the English language versuiion was marginally better in this regard.

Compared to this, the G1 English version voice acting was superb, but compared to the original version it was just mediocre.

What's the most important part of a game is a matter of taste. Period. When crpgnut prefers variety in combat and character building, that's his good right. We both like Morrowind (and the rest of the Elder Scrolls series I presume), but he likes it for the skill system and combat while I like it mainly for the paperdoll and lore.

And what's this nonsense about someone not being a gamer if he loves clickfest games? As long as someone loves and plays games, they're gamers. The types of games are totally unimportant. While bjon045 seems to prefer CRPGS with less action components, I like the likes of Fable just as well and puzzle games even more... and we're still both gamers.

The RPGDot games forums are a place where people can go and ask questions about games, and receive helpful answers. If these questions are met with ridicule, it's no wonder people are leaving. Rabid fanboyism is a wonderful way to ruin a place.

It's actually possible to like/dislike more than just one game, and it's well possible to post about liked and /or disliked games in a mature manner. Heed Gorath's words. Mindless game- and gamer-bashing isn't wanted here.
Post Sat Oct 29, 2005 7:32 am
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Unknown Destiny
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I acutally played Morrowind, and always wondered why my sword didn't hit. One more annoying thing about Morrowind is the loading spots. And of course, the dead world. It is quite bigger than Gothic's, but also, it is quite more dull IMO.

For those who say fighting should be based on the skill of the character not the user, well, I have to not agree to you. I think that it should be like Gothic's, a skilled user can kill almost all beasts, but with character's skill it can be a lot easier.

Gothic maybe limited in character building, for the fact that you can't go as a pure thief, a mage or anything like it. But I think that is reasonable. I mean, a mage will have to fight some melee battles sometimes, so he can use some strength and skill in melee weapons. Same goes for a thief.

Sound acting, I think it is quite good in Gothic, better than Gothic 2 if I may add. And also better than Morrowind's, at all costs, Morrowind NPCs were just a disaster, and I think many agree on that.

I apologize to you on behalf of Gothic fans, crpgnut. Hope you accept it. I am sure they didn't mean any harm, after all.
Post Sat Oct 29, 2005 11:22 am
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Il Buono
Il Buono

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It just hitted me why I dislike Morrowind even a bit more -> The Journal. Man, if you'd go like me solving all the quest at once, the journal of Gothic is by far more readable then Morrowinds. After some time you just didn't knew anymore how that one quest was you actually camed for in Vivarendel (or sth like that) cause you tried to work and solve on all the other quests you could do there.
Another thing that maybe a reason for crpgnut's view on the games is perhaps the view itself -> I like that 3th person view from Tomb Raider and I dislike fps view (compared to the previous one, I mean). An isometric view can sometimes be done, but I'm rather unimpressed when this is used in other then strategy games.
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Post Sat Oct 29, 2005 12:02 pm
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Gaidal Cain
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Different strokes for different folks I guess. While I wasn't the biggest fan of Gothic I, and while Gothic II has a lot of elements I would change, while playing the game I cannot help feeling this is one of the best roleplaying games to ever have come out... because there are so many things it does right.

I think the best RPGs to date are

1) Neverwinter Nights
2) BG II: Shadows of Amn
3) Gothic II vs. Morrowind

None of these games are perfect, but they are all very good. They also are kind of difficult to compare, and I'm sure most people will disagree with my choices. BG II, for instance, is nowhere near as good as the other games, graphically, while morrowind has a very crappy combat system, controls and character development balance. but there are things in all these games that only those particular games do right. In Gothic, I feel that magic should've been left out of the game.

I'm sure I'll catch a lot of crap for this, but I am a low-fantasy fanatic. Gothic is an awesome game, that more than any other game interjects the unique "middle-ages" feel into itself. Just looking at the screenshots for Gothic III reassures me that the next Gothic game will have that same element. What I also loved in Gothic II was the combat system. They changed it, apparently and I read a lot of reviews that say the combat system was tedious, but I'm not a fan of the mouse and I think the combat system in Gothic was awesome... the combos you did with the weapon at hand, and the fact that your own skill in combat could allow you to do things someone else playing your character could not in that exact period. Like defeating the orc or shadow beast early in the game by making sure it couldn't hit you, due to the good placement of a few sword thrusts right before it attacks.

Also, I need the 3rd person view. I cannot get into 1st person, and I hate shooters. That's probably what made me unable to get into a lot of games like the otherwise magnificent daggerfall.

I'm from Belgium, but my German is marginal while I'm an English prodigy, so I also played the english version, and I must say, the voice acting is a major let-down for english fans... I hope they'll learn from that and employ some good voice actors for the English version... they'll have a lot to compete with, as you will surely know if you have checked up on the voice cast for oblivion (including stars like Patrick Stewart).

I thought another great thing about Gothic, aside from its world, perspective, combat system and immersion, was its stab at a unique character development system. Too many games just steal the original D&D system and switch it up a little. I thought the learning points were a marvelous idea. To learn how to do something and only afterwards be able to do it, it's great, and I wish they'd have developed it further. which would tie into the combat system, in the perfect game. Imagine having to learn different moves to combat others with your weapon. Imagine having to use LP to learn how to block or do a thrust or learn a new attack. Imagine starting a fight and thinking up a series of blows to kill your opponent. Parting the Wind, slash. The Wading Heron, slash. Sheathing the Sword, thrust. Next opponent. That would be the greatest system I've ever seen; character development through actually learning new moves, instead of just killing creatures to do more damage. Imagine ending the game being able to do the same damage you could when beginning the game, with the only difference being you're now able to channel the damage into solid, indisruptible flows of combat efficiency to defeat your foes. sounds like the best system ever to me. It didn't go all that far, of course, but Gothic made an effort to push the boundary, and that's inspiring.

I love the professions as well - I wish I could've done more with it. I wish you could learn a lot more about being the blacksmith, like all the kinds of weapons you could possibly make. I mean imagine the first thing you learn to make is a dagger, and eventually, you could progress into making an awesome katana or even fit yourself with a well-crafted plate armor of your own make, and, hell yes, design. I think these things could really push the boundaries of a game, they have never been fully explored, and the best job of exploring them so far has been Gothic, in my opinion.

the bad points of gothic:

- unable to customize your character. Not only can't you pick who you play, by name and appearance, but aside from the combat development, your character is pretty much fixed from the beginning. I think it would be a small change to allow the player to pick a name aside from "Nameless Hero" (I think a nameless hero would choose to name himself anyway, you know) and pick his appearance, down to gender (This game would be a lot more appealing to women, and, yes, sadly, men as well (lol), if you could actually play a woman)

- the countless animals to deal with. I think gothic's combat would be done a lot more justice if you would fight more real people or orcs and less nameless animals including even rats and insects (come on) who just happen to be hostile and ever in your way. You're not going to use your sword to battle flies to the death, I mean jesus.

- Not enough quests. Gothic is such a detailed world it should be easy, especially in the world of Gothic III which is supposed to be much bigger, to make a lot of useful and developing side quests that aren't of the "fetch this, kill that" genre, but fit better with the political currents that are very dominant and inspiring in Gothic. Otherwise, I think more activity in the cities in terms of trade and such would be awesome. Like, enabling you to buy a house, for instance, or even build yourself a keep at a distant location of your choice. Can you dig it?

Overall, gothic II for me was one of the most inspiring games I've ever played, and that is not an easy feat. While it had its faults, any game has them and gothic had very little, and did very well in what it did do. On top of that it had a lot of innovation and promise for even more innovation in the next gothic, which looks to be shaping up. I can't wait for it to come out, to be honest.
Post Sat Oct 29, 2005 2:58 pm
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Gaidal Cain
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btw, the reason crpgnut likes morrowind better than gothic is because he's a magic user.

morrowind's most awful trait was its combat system for people who don't use magic. To not use magic in morrowind was awful, because the entire game was one big magic-only superfest. you HAD to use magic, otherwise there were a lot of things you couldn't do, and the combat would be the most boring thing about morrowind for the entire game. Aside from that, I trained myself to be perfect in morrowind combat by attracting a lot of rats and mudcrabs, donning heavy armor and a shield and letting them hit me while I went to eat or watch tv, come back every break to save my game, fix my armor, take a health potion and see how all my stats went up by a whole lot. That was what was bad about morrowind. The game didn't count on warriors, it only counted on mages. And crpgnut enjoys mage games.

Gothic is not a mage game. The magic system is not very intricate or extensive, like it is in morrowind and the DnD games. But that only makes me like it more, because I'm not a fan of magic in its high-fantasy form. Gothic is a warrior game and I love it.
Post Sat Oct 29, 2005 3:14 pm
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