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Gothic 3 Suggestions
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RPGDot Forums > Gothic 2 General

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Fearless Paladin
Fearless Paladin

Joined: 11 Jan 2002
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Location: Upstate NY, USA

I would like to see the character classes be a little more flexible. Warrior-OK, Magician-OK, Custom-OK. Let us have a "Mixed" or "Custom" class character who can learn anything, from Swordplay to Magic! The Paladin is a good compromise, but why can't he learn to make Runes and learn the different circles of Magic? Let the player decide what areas their hero is going to specialize in without being limited by class.

I think, (in general) the map size of G2 is pretty good and I wouldn't push for too much expansion there. It could be utilized better though, to add more quests and stretch out the game's storyline. A few more "underground" areas, maybe some treehouse "Camps" in the forest. Of course, the graphics will have to be improved at least a little.

And please, unlink the Bow/Crossbow and similar skills training! You shouldn't have to waste your precious skillpoints learning two skills, if you only want to learn one!

I'll agree that we definately need shields and personally, I'd like to have the ability to mix-n-match Armor. I think an Armor setup similar to the one used in "Crusaders of Might and Magic" would work well with Gothic.

I'd also like to see them make more use of the ability to jump and pull yourself up onto roofs and other objects. And please, keep the 1st / 3rd person perspective option available. 3rd is fine for running & traveling, but when it's time to fight, I like to drop it down into 1st for better accuracy!

More birds, butterflies, fish or other "Ambient" critters would be good. And I'll agree that a few more non-plot related quests would be a good thing. Mana regeneration would be OK, if they paced it right. I mean, it regenerates overnight while you sleep, so set the pace so that it would take 8 in-game hours to completely regenerate your Mana.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents worth.
Post Tue May 06, 2003 3:01 am
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City Guard
City Guard

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Not meaning to be rude, but why does everyone want gothic 2 to have armor separated into pieces? Almost every other rpg does that. Just play them. Single armor pieces are just a unique factor to gothic. I like having a little variety between my rpg's so its not like paying the same one no matter what i play. Its nice to get a good piece of armor and be set with it, rather than getting a pretty good armor but a total crap helmet or what not that makes you look stupid and is nearly worthless. Anyone feel the same way?
I don't do autographs.
Post Tue May 06, 2003 3:07 am
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Head Merchant
Head Merchant

Joined: 14 Sep 2002
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If you are going to improve on graphics you have to do it right. So.... I think that rain should be better looking than gray lines from the sky. They could have it where whenever it rains certian scripts run so if its raining tree B has animation of water droplets. And certian in game hours after it rains puddles appear. Personally rain is a great factor to add to game play. Other wise more wandering NPC's, and NPC's out side of camps that arent theives, like a banished mage or a bloodlusting warrior, ect. that would wander the landscape.

I wil tri my bestest too spel
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Post Tue May 06, 2003 4:08 am
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Evil Timmy
Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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Have loot/XP/difficulty scaling. Have purely optional quests whose difficulty and reward are proportional to your level, so you can do them any time you want and still be rewarded.

Add little things, especially those that are easy to reuse. For example, have a house that starts building after you complete up to a certain point in the story, and have it be slightly more built every time you complete another quest. They did this in GTA3 with one of the buildings (where Asuka is beating up on the Columbian), and it was incredibly cool to have your progress charted like that.

While true non-linearity is both impossible to achieve and not good for the storyline, at least give us splits in the storyline for a few missions, where we have the choice to do different tasks for different people. This adds quite a lot to the replayability of the game.

Make our decisions really affect the game's outcome. If we run into a broken-down wagon delivering supplies, give us the choice to defend it while the driver goes to town (at great personal risk), just walk off, or steal his supplies. And give us consequences or rewards: if we help him, the shops he supplies would give us a bit of a discount; if we don't help him, they may increase their prices or refuse to sell us some of the more valuable items; if we kill him and make off with his goods, we may have a temporary gain, but the shopkeepers he supplies will hate us and the town guard may even get involved (especially if we had a prior record).

Don't make multiplayer a huge thing, but rather focus on the single player game. It's a nice addition, but if there's enough choices in the game and generally enough to do, you'll keep players entertained for a long time on SP alone. If there's really enough people asking for it, release it as an expansion, with extra content designed specifically for multiplayer.

Update the graphics engine. DirectX 9 will be the standard for quite some time (DirectX 10 is supposed to be released in 2005 with Windows Longhorn), and many of the games to be released in the next few months (Deus Ex II, Half-Life 2, Doom3) will convince people to upgrade their systems with DX9-based video cards and generally more powerful hardware. Get your pixel shader groove on.

Release the International and German versions simultaneously. Please. For the sake of your fans. And be sure to feed the press with a regular dose of screenshots and the occasional movie, as well as hiring a good distributor who can get good placement on store shelves and make an eye-catching box. Getting your game seen gets your game sold.
Post Tue May 06, 2003 6:43 am
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Late Night Spook
Late Night Spook

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It will be a different (licensed) Graphics engine this time, anyway.
Post Tue May 06, 2003 7:26 am
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Keeper of the Gates
Keeper of the Gates

Joined: 21 Apr 2003
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<quote>Not meaning to be rude, but why does everyone want gothic 2 to have armor separated into pieces? Almost every other rpg does that. Just play them . Single armor pieces are just a unique factor to gothic. I like having a little variety between my rpg's so its not like paying the same one no matter what i play. Its nice to get a good piece of armor and be set with it, rather than getting a pretty good armor but a total crap helmet or what not that makes you look stupid and is nearly worthless. Anyone feel the same way?</quote>

IMO, there's only two reasons for doing pieced armor...

1) To allow for character ambience -- i.e. I think my character looks better with a helmet with horns on it, rather than one with a face guard.

I'm not a big fan of adding something like pieced armor just for that.

2) Support a more complex combat system, that would allow swings to the head, swipes at the legs, thrusts into the torso, etc., etc., etc. Then pieced armor (as well as knowing how to each type of attack) becomes important. Not having a good helmet would hurt you against flying animals, while not having good leg armor would be a detriment when faced with crawling animals.

That may be a nice addition, but I'm not sure if making the combat more complex is really necessary.
Post Tue May 06, 2003 9:09 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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I have to agree with gdgrimm that ( speaking for myself ofcourse) it doesnt seem worth the effort to make the gothic series another paperdoll rpg. Also as someone else pointed out, the way armor is handled as part of/reward for acceptance to a certain guild (not to mention status identification from npcs) is integral to the series handling of character development and in my opinion rather unique. It also sets very nicely that feeling of "belonging" to a guild and achieving that goal after "hard work".

On the other hand I too would like even more ambience and I dont consider TheSleeper8119 's suggestions too extreme. Blame Pirahnabytes for spoilling as if you like, but it seems that more ambience of the kind of added wild creatures with various behaviours are simply a matter of writing more content since they already know how to script them into the game.Why not for example packs of wild boars or Deer in the woods when the males would have the same aggressive behaviour as most of gothic's creatures while the females and young flee the PC (as per the sheep fleeing the wolves in GII). OK, I have started raving here (not to mention sound silly), but I consider the series immersive atmosphere its greatest strength. Thats what hooked me on the first part, what made me waiting with bated breath for II and will preserve my status of lifelong fan should it be thoughtfully nourtured in the future instalments. Keeping the ambience up and adding to it furthter would please, I am certain, any hardcore fan of the series and would make certain it "Sticks out" among the yearly onslaught of various rpg titles .

And last (but certainly not least) my major concern would be the story. There have been some remarks about it going a bit downhill in comparison to G1 (though I myself cant comment not having played the full version yet). But in this area it seems we have good news already, since M.Hoge commented somewhere that it will be "gritty and dark" along the lines of the first installment I would imagine.

Ok rave over.

P.S Do you think the Devs from Pirahnabytes browse these forums at some time. I was wondering about the probability of getting a "Come and code it yourself you freaking geek" reply.
Post Wed May 07, 2003 1:33 pm
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Noble Knight
Noble Knight

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okay come and Code it yourself geek lol jo_nik lol even thou i dont work for them lol
Need NEw Signature lol
Post Wed May 07, 2003 2:13 pm
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Late Night Spook
Late Night Spook

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The PB devs do browse these forums from time to time.
Post Wed May 07, 2003 2:40 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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Location: Greece

Why thank you Dbesing. Very kind of you to take the load off the Devs backs too. But I was hoping I got such a reply from the Devs themselves. Them having the right to reply in such a manner (being the ones who actually have to listen to outrageous demands and doing the hard work to produce said code), and not some smart alec taking an easy shot when provided an obvious pass for it (I was practically begging for it ).

Anyway I do believe that more ambience is not too much to ask (just more content as I said before).

Post Wed May 07, 2003 3:04 pm
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Rafter II
Head Merchant
Head Merchant

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I would like to see more types of weapons (spears and staffs). I would love to see the animation of the students like in Gothic1 practicing their skills in these weapons. The staffs would be magic and non magic. An assassin type NPC that is hunting you down like in Morrowind’s Tribunal
I like the idea of sitting down having a smoke but while you’re resting you are recovering health points at a slow rate.
Post Wed May 07, 2003 4:04 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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By the way ,since many of you have mentioned graphics, has anyone heard anything about which graphics engine PB is going to use ?

You know I remember a rumor, that circulated way back before GII's german release, about them using the codecreatures Engine (formerly of Phenomedia) for Gothic II. That plan ofcourse was cancelled (if it ever existed) as we know today but could that Engine be a candidate ?

I would personally very much like it to be so. I downloaded a demo for it from Guru3d.com and it looks spectacular .

On the other hand it brought my rather decent comp to its knees averaging
at 25 fps (it is actually an early benchmark) So (even if that bench was released when the engine was still under development) it couldnt support GII A.I load .But what about GIII (1-2 years from now and being targeted to system specs of that period)?

Post Thu May 08, 2003 7:27 am
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Grand Mage
Grand Mage

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After seeing the codecreatures demo, all I can say is HOLY SHIT!

G3 would be absolutely breathtaking using that engine
Chris: Dad, what's the blow-hole for?

Peter: I'll tell you what it's not for, son. And when I do, you'll understand why I can never go back to Sea World.
Post Fri May 09, 2003 4:40 pm
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Noble Knight
Noble Knight

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personally i've seen the halflife 2 new enigne at work, and it'll blow gothic 2 away if they dont get it out before sep, the places and people are so f'in real, they even have the muscles of the body that move then the characters does , they done so much with half life 2 http://www.planethalflife.com/half-life2/ < website lol
Need NEw Signature lol
Post Fri May 09, 2003 9:57 pm
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City Guard
City Guard

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I think it would be cool If G3 had mana regeneration.

Also, it'd be cool if the arrows travelled like actual arrows. An arrow wouldn't go that slow in real life. Make them quick so being an archer or whatever type of character is easier and more satisfying.
I don't do autographs.
Post Sat May 10, 2003 12:37 am
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