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Morrowind v. Gothic
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RPGDot Forums > Morrowind - General

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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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Originally posted by Gorath
But the question is if you want replayability and complete freedom or if you´re the story driven type. I usually prefer games which tell a story, and I play them only once. I like freedom, but I don´t want to have to search for story pieces.

I agree....A good story is always better in a game than no story.
Imagine Max Payn without the story....Not good.
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Post Sun Jul 18, 2004 5:10 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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Originally posted by GhanBuriGhan
Hehe, this thread is so old, I was stunned to read my own post in it, I had completely forgotten it.

As to the MW-Gothic controversy: its been said, its all a matter of taste. I would throw in that I actually like both games equally (and thus to my mind they are actually not THAT different). Gothic has is stronger in the story and the "aliveness" of the world, TES has its strength in size, freedom (be what you want, go where you want, do what you want) and in the extensive lore. I am just happy both series exist and have (now confirmed) sequels in the making. I hope both sereies learn from each other and produce perfect games (according to my tastes of course ). Life is good.

We can always hope that they learn from each other, to make better games for us
And remember...Only you shape your own future.
Post Sun Jul 18, 2004 5:13 pm
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Keeper of the Gates
Keeper of the Gates

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dont have time to read this entire thread but simply the series is completely unique... and by a long way the best game i've played. i also started playing morrowing after gothic 2 and it is a good game but it doesnt even nearly compare with Gothic the world is enourmous but dull and their aren't any particularly sort of striking or beautiful features in it like the ones you see in gothic. Umm the quests they can be quite fun to play through. but they really have little variety and about 70-80% of them boil down to killing or stealing something for someone. The characters are also a little boring and you never get any proper friends or mortal enemies. oh and on difficulty well both games are fairly easy after a while morrowind just becomes stupid after you've stolen the best of everything and gothic is slightly harder but the dificulty tails of towards the end. Gothic has a brilliant story and great characters who all have proper speach (not just text) an also the landscape is great to explore as there are always more secrets to find
Post Sun Aug 01, 2004 2:40 pm
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Village Dweller
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I think they're good at different things, Morrowind is great because of all the mods making it much more beautifull and much more complex than in it original state.. in MW it's possible to do almost anything (using mods) like if something irritates you, for example you cant bash locks or doors, you just download a mod and suddenly it's an option. Almost everything imaginable has been done mod-wise. MW feels more like roleplaying than Gothic, much more freedom. Gothic1 was a fantastic game while G2 (with the addon) didnt impress me at all and it became dull quite fast, a totaly uninspiring story and the quests where just awful.

MW really needs to be experienced with a bunch of good mods, for example the hi-res textures, tree-addons, flying birds etc makes it better looking than the somewhat blocky G1/G2.

The "living world" from Gothic put into Morrowind would be a perfect RPG I dont like the stiffness in MW..
Post Sat Aug 21, 2004 9:57 am
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Unknown Destiny
Unknown Destiny

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I can say hat gothic is much better, but i'll say that Morrowind is much better, but at last they two go draw, the first time i played gothic, i found it a good game, after i finished it, i switched to Morrowind, i found it horrible, so i immeiaditly deleted it, then i tried it another time and another time and another time, after i tried it 6 times, i decided that it is a good game other wise why all these people love it, so i played it and now still playing it, but for the first time i started to love it, gothic is better from the actions, but Morrowind is deatailed, like the weight thing, in gothic there is no such thing, you can carry 200 weapon and your character would be like a horse, and there is the tired thing in Morrowind and the disaeases thing, and at last many deatailed skills.

The Fight
Morrowind VS Gothic

Bad actions 0-1 Good actions: Gothic jumbes and strikes Morrowind with all action.

Bad dialogue0-1 Good dialogue: this time Morrowind gets ready for another jumb, but gothic changes the plan and strike Morrowinf on the dialogue.

Detailed things1-0 Non-detailed: Gothic another time jabs at the data files of Morrowind, but this time Morrowind swings and gives a hit on the low data-files of gothic.

Many species1-0 Two species: this time Morrowind with a fast strike attacks gothic making it fall.

Grat game1-1 Great game: At last they two got tired, both of them go and sits on a seat:
Gothic: "you see how i racked your dialogue" .
Morrowind: "Yeah, but i jammed your Data .

What a Great Fight!!!!!!!!
(I hope it is not sonsidered as flaming)
Post Mon Aug 23, 2004 12:43 pm
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Village Dweller
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I prefer gothic 2. One simple reason. Morrowind's Fondu Pot of Infinite Cheese.

You become a demi-god in practically no time. Nothing is a challenge after the beginning of the game, and you tend to either slaughter things or get slaughtered even there. There is very little work involved in becoming powerful. You quickly acquire things that are extremely ancient and rare and quickly are a super-hero. The problems with morrowind's gameplay are too thorough and far-reaching to be reasonably fixable by a mod or mods, too.

In gothic, you start as a nobody. You work some to become a commoner. You make effort to become a respected citizen. You actually dedicate yourself to the militia because it's the best way to get armor, and you are darned proud of yourself when you get that militia armor. And you work hard to fight for your king and become a paladin. By the time you have your paladin armor, it has become a symbol of honor because you, sir, are a faithful paladin (or a self-serving mercenary).

Whereas, in Morrowind, let's face it -- if the whim struck you, you could slaughter your whole great house of choice, much less all of Vivec, and this is before you've finished a whole lot of quests. This means, as Mr. Omni-Hero, the only thing to strive for is your reputation, given your ridiculous might. But when the NPCs are such ants, who cares what they think of you? Being this much more powerful than the NPCs breaks and ruins the experience for me.

This means that gothic is sadly the more enjoyable game for me, even though Morrowind was prettier and had way more and better content.
Post Sun Feb 06, 2005 7:12 am
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Fearless Paladin
Fearless Paladin

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Gothic 2 is far better in all aspects except maybe graphics. Also for the aforementioned cheese.

The dialogue was more personal in Gothic 2, rather than the dull cut and paste dialogue that every citizen would say in Morrowind, the combat was more interesting in G2, it had a tighter story and a better difficulty curve throughout. I found exploring more rewarding in G2 as well, in MW it became somewhat dull when you came across yet another nest of easy kills and dull loot.

G2 is what MW should have been, and what Oblivion has a slim chance of being, or beating.

The single redeeming feature of MW is the ease of modding it, but this is a "double-edged sword", in that it also means that you get a lot of low talent people making very poor mods which swamp the few good ones under.
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Post Sat Feb 12, 2005 1:43 am
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I dont know what you gus have been arguing... I just saw the Topic and wanted to post my statment...

I've played bouth MW ang G2 but not G1... (have'nt got a hould of it yet...)
But in my opinion the Gothic games is better 4 the new Action RPG players... cuz there you dont have so meny small choises... My oulder Brother just started with Morrowind, and he havent got a clue to what skills and so on to choos... he wanted a good sneaker and chose Imperial... Im not the brightest of ppl, but I know if you want a god thief/assasin you choos Wood-elfe or something... If he had started with Gothic2 he would better have know the effekt thies choises do on the Charakter... (I think)

I started with Gotick... But my brother and I have diffrent tactiks... I create about a 1000 of dirfrent charakters to trye to find the ultimat... and my big bro has the if it dosnt go to well 2 bad or fix it later :p
WotN, Wiking of the North...
Post Mon May 02, 2005 7:01 am
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Village Dweller
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Just because I'm bored and 45 minutes until I go home (and play some more Gothic )...

I find it odd that Gothic and Morrowind are compared so often. Or perhaps it's just the 'notice' Syndrome, where you think about something and all-of-a-sudden see it EVERYWHERE. Anyways, it's not really a good point for me to exclaim that one game is better than another regardless of my personal preference; it would poison any point I was trying to make--unless the point is X > Y.

Coding elegance

Morrowind - Crashes a lot. Nearly unforgiveable. (Tweaking audio/speaker settings helped some.) The interface is well done IMO, a couple of minor additions would have been nice but nothing major.

Gothic - Crashes a lot + quest breakers. (Tweaking audio/speaker settings helped a LOT.) Save/reload on quest breakers. The interface can be very, very frustrating at times. I'm p***ed just thinking about it.

Character development

Morrowind - Almost limitless excepting that ANY chosen path will lead to an uber character. The diversity in look and feel is endless via birth sign, skills, clothing and armor. The customization options are amazing and various mods help add difficulty and lessen item drops.

Gothic - You're the same guy every time. Advancement is more difficult and more rewarding than Morrowind (I haven't finished the game yet). Dunno about any mods and I don't think anything is really necessary.


Morrowind - Die rolls & grinding. Helpful would have been a "Use least powerful attack." Enemy AI is pathetic and view distance sucks. I think view distance may apply to AI distance, and reducing AI distance was recommended for anyone with less than a top-of-the-line CPU in their system. So if you had a lesser machine you got lesser game mechanics, which sucks.

Gothic - AI was a little better. The wolf pack behaviour was cool but it was all exploitable. Just run. Or use the bow on top of something tall and fire until the enemy is dead. The use of the mouse/keyboard for combo moves was nice.

Story, Plot, Playthrough

Morrowind - As non-linear as it gets. Wonderful. The story wasn't very engaging but not horrible (voice acting would have helped considerably.) Pretty long and FedEx-ish at times. Enough choice that you can play the game and enjoy it for months without ever finishing the main quest (=me). The journal sucked but improved with either Tribunal or Bloodmoon.

Gothic - Non-linear at the outset, somewhat comparable to Morrowind but with FAR less choice outside of the main quest. Good voice acting for the most part (even in the English version). FedEx quests abound here as well. The journal was concise and very well done.


Morrowind - Dull for the most part, occasionally engaging. I LOVED the racism in the game and some of the greetings. I liked the conversation system but feel that it could have been improved on, both with voice acting and a better method of conversing. Attidude was okay (a little buggy) but should have played a more important role.

Gothic - Named characters are well done but there's an awful lot of generics wandering around. I LOVED the attitude you get from most people; it sucks you into the game immediately. "I'll have a stalk for ten ore. Heheh, come back anytime, brother." Gotta love it. Some of the best dialogue I've heard but there's some REALLY out of place stuff as well.

I could go on but it's time to go home and play. I like both but they're each a little different. Can't complain as long as I'm enjoying myself.
Post Thu Jun 09, 2005 8:28 pm
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Nicely done "eggrock"...
I agree with you...
Gothic is more fun, basicly becaus of the "feel" and the fact that you gett sucked in to the game...
When you have some mor spare time id love if you hald something more too say...
WotN, Wiking of the North...
Post Thu Jun 09, 2005 8:55 pm
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Protector of the Realm
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after reading eggrocks thing i realized just how much people compare gothic to morrowind and theres not realy any good reason for it anyway what was the point of my post?.............................................
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Post Fri Jun 10, 2005 8:52 pm
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There is no point in comparing them... but there is a point in diskussing whitch of the two is the best...
WotN, Wiking of the North...
Post Sat Jun 11, 2005 12:37 am
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Protector of the Realm
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and that point is?
# It's a badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger badger, badger, badger, badger, badger,badger.
Mushrom, Mushroom.....#
Post Sat Jun 11, 2005 7:29 am
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Dunno... I know whitch of the two I prefer... and now I dont cear what others say... Gothic owns Morrowind is OK...
WotN, Wiking of the North...
Post Sat Jun 11, 2005 9:18 am
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Protector of the Realm
Protector of the Realm

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morrowind is the greatest rpg of all time
# It's a badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger badger, badger, badger, badger, badger,badger.
Mushrom, Mushroom.....#
Post Fri Jun 17, 2005 5:32 pm
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