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New rule against spamming
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Il Buono
Il Buono

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@chekote: Myrthos?!? If you said Val I could believe you. *Mumbles*Throwing me in a shredders huh.

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Post Fri Feb 20, 2004 8:40 pm
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Where’s my Banana?!?!
Where’s my Banana?!?!

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But there is a feeling of happiness while your limbs are torn asunder in Val's shredder.

I feel nothing but fear in this thread
IMHO my opinion is humble
Post Fri Feb 20, 2004 9:58 pm
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Spoiler of All Fun
Spoiler of All Fun

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It doesn't say "Spoiler of all fun" just for fun.
Kewl quotes:
I often have an odd sense of humor - Roach
Why quote somebody else, think of something yourself. - XeroX
...you won't have to unbookmark this site, we'll unbookmark you. - Val
Reports Myrthos for making me scared and humbled at the mere sight of his name - kayla
Post Fri Feb 20, 2004 10:18 pm
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Il Buono
Il Buono

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But he is just a Dutch guy, while Val: She's a woman. They are much more inventive in finding new ways to hurt, make you go crazy and eventually kill you or drive you to a suicide.

Btw, spoiler of all fun. Ain't a spoiler sth that you can put on the back of the car to maintane ballance? Gives a new meaning to your title, doesn't it?
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Post Sat Feb 21, 2004 1:22 pm
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Dr. Doom
Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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Originally posted by Bartacus
(wimen).They are much more inventive in finding new ways to hurt, make you go crazy and eventually kill you or drive you to a suicide.

Never! Never i tell ya!
nope , there is NO woman that can do this to me.
Not even something beautiful with not so many (read ->none) clothes on.
(and for the smart@sses under ous, I'm not gay )

but on topic again,
i 'm not a big poster on these forums.
the main reason i 'm here is to help out the lost souls with some problems with divine divinity.
but even there @Val is faster then me

soo i never found any spammers out here.
but on every forum has them.
so this "rule" of getting a warning and a reduced postcount is a good thing.
because that's what spammers want to, increasing postcounts.Ofcours that would not work with Flamers.
Ofcours, the moderator has to observe and analyse the conversations, because sometimes it's a thin line between "post" and "spam" in my opinion.
Want some proof? On the the Larians forum (Dev of divine divinity) (nice forum btw) there are several topics like "a to Z words" were the members can post 1 word. The other has to post another word wich follows the alphabet.like
Member1 : Ape
Member2 : Bread
Member3 : Computeretc....
here's a link : a to z word

if I was a moderator i would consider this major spam, and closed the topic.
what would you think or do if YOU were a moderator?
and what would @Myrthos do in this case?
They say that the universe is infinite,
I say: “how infinite is that what lies beyond it?”
Post Wed Feb 25, 2004 1:25 am
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Spoiler of All Fun
Spoiler of All Fun

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It all depends on what you define as spam. We had topics like that too, for a while they can be fun. I don't see that as a real problem. The actual problem on the Divinity forum (and some other forums too) is that there are some people there who just have to reply to every topic created. Whether they have something to say or not. They just say something. There are hardly any topics left that haven't derailed into something off-topic.
As a consequence I only visit the Beyond Divinity part, where the same thing applies but atleast it's a limited number of threads.
Kewl quotes:
I often have an odd sense of humor - Roach
Why quote somebody else, think of something yourself. - XeroX
...you won't have to unbookmark this site, we'll unbookmark you. - Val
Reports Myrthos for making me scared and humbled at the mere sight of his name - kayla
Post Wed Feb 25, 2004 8:35 am
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Small Tiger
Small Tiger

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I'll tell you what spam is.(joke)

Spam is:
Pork with Ham
Sodium Nitrite

And that's it! It seems almost innocent. But I wonder what "Pork with Ham" means?!

A 2oz. serving of SPAM luncheon meat contains 170 calories, (140 of which are fat calories!) 16 grams of fat, 40mg of cholesterol, 750mg of sodium, and 7g of protien. It has no carbohydrates, fiber, Vitamin A or Vitamin C, and no calcium.

A little SPAM luncheon meat recipe:

Slice SPAM Luncheon Meat into 4-6 square slices. Broil or heat in skillet. Scramble 4-6 eggs. Layer eggs, meat, and one slice American cheese between toasted English Muffin halves. Heat 10 seconds in microwave. Makes 4-6 SPAMBLED Egg muffins.

Mmmm-mmm good.

You can order SPAM luncheon meat "merchandise and apparel" if you call 1-800-686-SPAM. And really, how can you resist any of this?!

and can also be:
Spam is one of the greatest annoyances on the Internet today. Also known as UCE, bulk e-mail, e-mail marketing, and a host of other less favorable names, spam is a byproduct of the commercialization of the World Wide Web. The word 'spam' has more or less entered the general lexicon as meaning 'that e-mail I don't want'

ISPs contend that spam ties up disk space, wastes bandwidth, and annoys customers. ISPs argue that they must waste time and money implementing filters; and even those aren't very effective. Spammers, for their part, maintain that they are providing the user with opportunities. Outlawing spam, they argue, is de facto censorship. Advertising is everywhere, and there's no reason why e-mail marketing shouldn't exist. In the United States, several states have passed anti-spam laws.

If e-mail marketing is legitimate, by comparison the methods most spammers use are shady. Spammers almost always forge headers to avoid ISP scrutiny and the inevitable surge of complaints after a batch of UCE is sent out. They also utilize open relays, which are mail servers configured to send mail from any source. Most often, these open relays are in foreign countries; for this reason communicating with the mail server's admin is often difficult.

Most spam is fraudulent. The most notorious sales pitches include penis enlargement devices, herbal Viagra, the infamous Nigerian mail scam, "Work at Home", methods to get a college degree Quick and Easy, porn, MAKE MONEY FAST, Ponzi schemes, and weight loss pills. The Federal Trade Commission has set up an e-mail address for you to forward spam that you believe is fraudulent; the address is uce@ftc.gov.

The fuel of a spamming operation is e-mail addresses. Spammers utilize a variety of methods to get e-mail addresses, some of the most common being:

WWW spiders. These spiders are configured to pick out e-mail addresses from WWW pages, whether it be mailto: links or plaintext addresses like uce@ftc.gov. Some also correct address munging: for example, uceNOSPAM@ftc.gov will be corrected to uce@ftc.gov.
Usenet spiders - By and far the quickest way to recieve spam is to post to Usenet without munging your e-mail address, especially in an active newsgroup. Many harvesters scan newsgroups, looking for e-mail addresses.
Dictionary attacks. In this sort of attack, spammers play a guessing game. Common words from the dictionary are used in an attack on a specific high-traffic site; if the mail server replies with an invalid address, the address is no good. If the mail server DOESN'T reply, the e-mail address is good. Sites with short domain names are frequently the victims of these sort of attacks - somehow, www.WeightWatchersofSaltLakeCityInc.com is just too long.
CD-ROMs Spammers will burn CD-ROMs full of these addresses and sell them to one another, ensuring that your daily deluge of spam is kept up.
A spammer obviously needs Internet connectivity to spam. Most ISPs prohibit spamming of any sort, and will usually clamp down on a spammer the second he starts to spam. The ISPs that tolerate spamming are called spamhausen; as word spreads that the ISP tolerates spam, more spammers use it. Spamhausen are usually blocked at the router level by organizations like MAPS and ORBS; however, this has the side effect of blocking legitimate sites as well, with Peacefire being a notorious example.

Of course, a 'live' e-mail address is worth far more than a dead e-mail address which the owner rarely checks. To verify that you are actually opening your spam, a number of tricks are used:

The classic 'REMOVE ME' scam. This is one of the oldest tricks spammers use to verify e-mail address; it consists of a small note at the bottom of the e-mail saying, "If you do not wish to recieve further mail from us please reply to this e-mail with the subject line 'REMOVE'" The assumption behind this is that the reciever will be so fed up with spam that he will actually reply to the message.
The 1x1 GIF With the onset of HTML e-mail comes HTML spam. HTML spam will often contain a 1x1 transparent GIF. When you open an e-mail with this GIF, a request is sent by the e-mail client to download the GIF, thus telling the spammer that you have been reading spam
False subject lines are often used with the method described above. These can be disguised as a 'failed message' notice from Postmaster, your friend telling you to check this out, blank subject lines, and a lot more
Lawsuits have been filed against spammers, with the most famous being Cyber Promotions vs. AOL. Cyber Promotions was run by a man named Sanford ("Spamford") Wallace, who sent out a staggering amount of spam. AOL, of course, blocked his domain name, but Wallace constantly circumvented AOL's blocking system by registering different domains (cyberpr0m0.com, cybrpromotions.com). Eventually, AOL sued and won in court. However, lawsuits are a time-consuming and costly option. In some cases, the spammer actually sues the ISP, claiming censorship.
(Firefox_Mythos)(Παντος)Reaperfox(Ρουβαλης)Tezafox Katsaridoktono(Ντουσικος)Che(Ταγαρης)Crusader(nokos)shadowfox(Μηχελης)aquafox(Στελιος)thunderfox_gomos(Γιωργος)
Post Sun Aug 22, 2004 12:12 am
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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hi I am new here to this site.....I heard from a reliable friend of mine that this was a good site and the forums here aren't trash like some *cough gamerankings cough* sites. I would judt like to say hello to everyone.
<IMG SRC=http://img17.photobucket.com/albums/v50/FireBot/Photoshop%20Portfolio/Misc%20Stuff/PWN3D_Stamp.jpg>
Post Fri Aug 27, 2004 10:53 pm
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Mostly Harmless
Mostly Harmless

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Well, the good old times with less than 5% spam are long gone. I think we´re still way below 50% in every forum except AOT.
The negative side of the low spam ratio is that we seem a bit cold sometimes.
Webmaster GothicDot
Post Fri Aug 27, 2004 11:49 pm
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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Welcome, MissNMaN!

You're damn right about the fact about the gameranking sites. Another happy registered user to this forum
The Object Of War Is Not To Die For Your Country, But To Make The Other Bastard Die For His.
Post Sat Aug 28, 2004 11:19 am
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Bread Alert
Bread Alert

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Welcome, MissNMaN!

Just a tip, you're not allowed to have pictures larger than 3600 pixels in your signature.

Tabbrowser Extensions
Post Sat Aug 28, 2004 2:52 pm
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Kiwi Boy
High Emperor
High Emperor

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Warmest welcome to you too, MissNMaN!

And another tip, we are quite illiterate to "elite"-speak. Consider yourself lucky that nobody here has truly freaked out when you used a bunch of numbers replacing the more appropriate alphabetical letters.

Originally posted by Gothic
The negative side of the low spam ratio is that we seem a bit cold sometimes.

Maybe it's me. Your use of sarcasm is sometimes really cold.

Last edited by Kiwi Boy on Tue Aug 31, 2004 4:09 am; edited 2 times in total
Post Sat Aug 28, 2004 6:08 pm
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Small Tiger
Small Tiger

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You should check jowood's site(english).It's fool of spam.Even one of the moderators write crap all time.I don't want to say that's bad.No way it's okay but it would be better with out spamm.Another good thing in the rpgdot is the thing with the avatars and especially with signatures.The forums get worse when someone puts a signature(200x200).It looks bad.I prefer rpgdot.It's quite good.
(Firefox_Mythos)(Παντος)Reaperfox(Ρουβαλης)Tezafox Katsaridoktono(Ντουσικος)Che(Ταγαρης)Crusader(nokos)shadowfox(Μηχελης)aquafox(Στελιος)thunderfox_gomos(Γιωργος)
Post Sun Aug 29, 2004 1:29 am
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Last Man Standing
Last Man Standing

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At some point or another everybody did, do or will post some really annoying crap.

Now regular spammer does this is out of two reasons I can think of.
1. Post-count – some users want to have BIG number so it feels important.
2. Being anal – some people get aroused by being able to piss off others.
And age has nothing to do with it.

As in regards to moderators, they are only humans and power corrupts - absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Money - An article which may be used as a universal passport to everywhere except heaven, and as a universal provider of everything except happiness.
Post Sun Aug 29, 2004 3:09 am
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Risen From Ashes
Risen From Ashes

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Hi MissNMaN! Welcome to the Dot.

@Seth: So I'm corrupt, eh? *blows the dust off the chipper/shredder*
Freeeeeeedom! Thank heavens it's summer!
What do I have to show for my hard work? A piece of paper! Wee!
=Guardian, Moderator, UltimaDot Newshound=
Post Tue Aug 31, 2004 7:45 pm
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