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Shoes of St. Rilms
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Head Merchant
Head Merchant

Joined: 07 May 2002
Posts: 55
Shoes of St. Rilms

This is a temple quest, I can't remember which one. I've been told to find the "Shoes of St. Rilms" in the "depths of Ald Sotha". I've cleared out everything that I can find in Ald Sotha - nothing. I thought the word "depths" might refer to it being under water, but I've also circles the ruins out quite a ways, and I don't see any under-water entrances on the map. If they're actually just lying by themselves underwater, I'm gonna go tell the temple chick to go pound sand, because I hate looking for stuff underwater.

One thing I forgot to mention: The shrine statue inside gets a pop-up description like I should be able to talk to it, but when I try, I get no response.
Post Sun Jun 02, 2002 5:11 am
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Well, I got those shoes from Ald Sotha without any trouble. Didn't even know they are a quest item. Ald Sotha is a Daedric shrine, have you looted all the chests? Most often one chest is semi-hidden and hard to spot behind the statue. IIRC, the shoes were in a chest. They were not underwater IIRC. They were definitely IN Ald Sotha, not someplace on the outside.

About 'depths': Isn't Ald Sotha multi-level, with the shrine on the lowest level? I think that's what 'depths' means.

About the statue: could be that you have to have certain skills at a certain level or be a certain level before a specific statue will talk to you. I know that Sheogorath talks to me, but some others don't (yet).

Good luck with the shoes!
Post Mon Jun 03, 2002 6:11 am
Village Dweller
Village Dweller

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I dunno about the level or ability to speak to them since I could only speak with Azura... But one thing I do know -- Speak with Azura (Azura's shrine on your map) if you want Azura's Star
Post Mon Jun 03, 2002 7:28 pm
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Head Merchant
Head Merchant

Joined: 07 May 2002
Posts: 55

I've been in there three separate times, and each time had to fight re-spawned Dremora Lords, and have found nothing. It's only a single level shrine, but I even flew up and checked in the nooks and crannies around the ceiling. Still no shoes. I believe there are two chests behind the statue, but they're not in them. I even did a "detect enchantment" spell in every place in there and the only thing that shows up are a couple of swords from dead guys. These shoes are enchanted I assume?

Speaking of talking to the statues, I have the feeling that the reason I don't get a response from him is because I already talked to him in ANOTHER shrine. I hope someone can confirm this, but I believe that there can be mulitple shrines for any given lord or whatever they're called. If so, that makes it a bit easier to find him when and if I complete a mission for him. Since many of the shrines don't even show on the world map, and because the utterly useless journal doesn't say where you were when you talked to him, it's gonna be a bitch finding the correct shrine again. I hope I can just go any shrine that's devoted to a given lord. Can someone confirm this?
Post Tue Jun 04, 2002 7:56 pm
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Hm, that's weird. Those shoes ought to be there. Have you checked every chest/crate/barrel in the whole dungeon?

Yes, the shoes are enchanted. Detect E should find them (not tested).

Well, 'multi-level': I meant to say: Isn't Ald-Sotha the Dungeon with several 'floors' before you reach the shrine proper? I simply call the entire dungeon a Daedric Shrine, with the shrine itself being just the central point of the Shrine Sorry for the confusion.

If Ald-Sotha ismulti-level, have you checked all others foors as well? I could've sworn the shoes were in the shrine, but it seems not.

If all else fails, use the Construction set to find them perhaps?

Shrines: No idea if you have to go back to the shrine you got the quest from or if any shrine of that lord would do. Best to keep notes IMHO
Post Wed Jun 05, 2002 5:01 am
Head Merchant
Head Merchant

Joined: 07 May 2002
Posts: 55

I'm gonna give it one more shot tonight, and if that fails, it's time to add them myself. One problem: How do I do that? I've only looked at the construction set once, and I couldn't figure out how to view items at all. If anyone knows the console command to add the Shoes of St. Rilm, I'd be eternally grateful.

I'm not going to say that this is a confirmed bug, but I'm 100% sure that I'd never been there before, and they're definitely not in the main shrine room.

As for taking notes, my desk is littered with them. Problem is that I only started doing this after I'd already gotten up to 100 pages in my journal. For everything in those 100 pages, I've had to back-track and fill in the gaps as I go along. Now my monitor is plastered with Post-it notes of names and places that are mentioned in my journal but where I have no other details. Every once in a while I'll come across a match.

I spent a whole evening creating a "phone book" for Vivec with the name of every character and where they are, just because I was tired of getting lost. I'd be happy to post it if anyone is interested.

Anyway, just in case someone reads this and only gave it a quick scan...

REPEATING MY QUESTION: Does anyone know the console command to add the Shoes of St. Rilm?
Post Wed Jun 05, 2002 10:59 pm
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Hm, in general it works like this: player->AddItem "Gold_100" 999

This adds 999 gold to your gold.

Perhaps somthing like: player->AddItem "ShoesofStRilm" might work.

I'll check when I'm back home.
Post Thu Jun 06, 2002 5:32 am
Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 18 Dec 2001
Posts: 27

I just cleaned out that temple tonight and the shoes are in the temple. You should be able to find them directly behind the statue, in a chest between the statue and the two chests on the floor. The chest is hard to see because of how dark the room is.

it will look something like this:

H<-back of statue
_____l_llllll_<-chest with shoes
___________l___llllll__<-chests on floor
Post Thu Jun 06, 2002 6:40 am
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Village Dweller
Village Dweller

Joined: 06 Jun 2002
Posts: 6

I got the statue of Molag Bal in one of the Daedric shrines to talk to me tonight... got a really nice mace out of doing his little quest for him...
Post Thu Jun 06, 2002 8:19 am
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Head Merchant
Head Merchant

Joined: 07 May 2002
Posts: 55

Thanks for all the replies. I did indeed find the shoes directly behind the statue, in a lone chest that I hadn't seen the previous THREE TIMES I'd been in there. Jeez, what a pain.

I did find them in the construction set, and they were listed as being in "chest_11" or something like that in Ald Sotha. Speaking of items in the construction set, is the place that an item is listed at accurate and up to date with my current game? In other words, if I've lost an item, and it says it's in such and such town, will it really be there, or does it only tell me the default/original location? I've lost a stupid piece of paper that's supposed to prove Yngling-Half-Troll is corrupt, and I got that long ago when I killed his diseased rats. Now it's nowhere to be found.

Back to talking to the shrine statues, I have confirmed that there are multiple shrines dedicated to specific Daedrae. So even if you get a quest from a particular Daedra in one shrine, you can apparently get your reward in another that's dedicated to him. Haven't been able to complete one for them to confirm this though.
Post Thu Jun 06, 2002 11:30 pm
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Tsk, just what I said in my very first reply: look in the semi-hidden chest behind the statue Good to see that you finally got them, though.

Just in case you run into something like this again: the console command is
player->addItem "Shoes of St. Rilms",1

where the '1' is the quantity. As long as you know the exact name of the item, you can give yourself anything you want. I suppose it won't help you with that paper, though.
Post Fri Jun 07, 2002 4:51 am

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