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Pirahnna Bytes: you guys need to....
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RPGDot Forums > Gothic - General

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Hey darkshape...all I want to say is that you are the horses ass. You come in here and act like you know sooooooo much about games...And u might...Im not saying your a liar but what do you care? Come to the console!? For all the game developers know you could be some console junky who just wants consoles games and wants pc to die. I think if they needed a manager they would get one. And he/she would not be you!! You can complain about the controls all you want and how its not going to sell. Some games just dont sell. And I think most companies will give this game a good review because every(close to) reviewer has liked it. and if it dosent get good reviews...Some games go unnoticed. And because the majority of the U.S. is too stupid to use a pc should everygaming company just go to console? there are those of us that like complicated things. Im not using myself as a barometer or anything because I have only played the demo. But jesus man dont offer advice to people who dont a)want it and b) need it. They can figure out what they want themselves I assure you.
Post Mon Dec 03, 2001 12:49 am
Noble Knight
Noble Knight

Joined: 23 Nov 2001
Posts: 214

I Just want to Make it Clear to Everyone that Darksharp, the Guy Who started this thread, should be shot.

NOw as for the Publisher..i dunno.

but i do know that this is THE BEST 3rd person action adventure i have ever encountered..

I Wonder why It is Not more Advertized ? its not even listed as a New arrival at most game shops ? what a shame

What a Awsome game, i logged somewhere Near 100 hours of gameplay,,,,yes thats right 6 days Non-Stop 15-20 hrs. per day, and thats just doing the Quest for joining the old camp .i assume there is prolly another 20- 30 hours could be gotten out of this

Man what a Huge game, i say that if you have ANY complaints. then just you show me the game you just spent millions of hours developing , and we will see how your Shit turns out, you complain? Dont Play, you miss out. otherwise Shut Your face.

as for any bugs, my only bug, happened regularly later on in the game was some access Violation. ( i just saved game more often after that ) Big Deal !!

i ran this game In Max - 1024x768 and was absoutly Beautiful,

and for the story- well i just say that that is how movies are done ? what are sequels for ? at least ya dont have to re-invent another story line, which could cut down on Lots hours Development time.... that would be what i would want ? since how this is such a great game, it wouldnt be too hard for them to give us some more of the same...

ANYWAY : Hats Off To Ya at the Piranha Bytes Team. thanks for such a Great Game.

P.s I would just hope that everyone could experience this, I know It Takes Years of tedious Headaches to develop anything even Near this Quality

p.s.s i will not resopnd to this thread. as it may cause a flame. )
Post Mon Dec 03, 2001 1:55 am
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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Ah the clueless fanbois have spoken. Heh.
No one likes the truth, most of all fanbois.

OK well I'll tell ya what, I'll come back in three months when the Trist report come out for the holidays. Gothic will have sold 25k. If that.

No sales = no money for PB.

And that will be tough to ignore.

So with no operating capital based off of sales, how exactly will PB/Xicat fund 1-2 years of developement of Gothic 2?

Have fun kiddies.

BTW my original post was for the PB people. Fanbois opinions mean squat.

PS: PC games I'm currently playing...Gothic, RTCW, Etherlords, DAoC, Sacrifice. Yep I hate the PC. LOL

[ This Message was edited by: Darksharp on 2001-12-02 20:16 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Darksharp on 2001-12-02 20:18 ]
Post Mon Dec 03, 2001 2:14 am
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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Posts: 26

this is sooo funny. this guy wants to talk shit but i wanna know what his credentials are. If he comes from Funcom he can eat shit. He probably does come from some BS company if he is in the game industry. This game is awsome and does cater to a more intelligent, imaganitve gamer. If you work for a company then you make games for morons which is the unfoortunate style now a days. This game offers so much more than almost any single player RPG out there. You will be hard pressed to name ONE game that has been designed and pulled off like this one. Dont flame this game just cuz of controls or some minor bugs, which they are all minor. IF you were to name the game company you work for i bet i could point out 6 trillion bugs with your game. Every game has bugs and if you were a true designer or had ever even beta tested something you wouldnt even be saying half the shit you are saying. This game is different and unique and designed for a more intelligent person and you are mad becuase it tries to do something different. Thats pretty lame man.
Post Mon Dec 03, 2001 8:10 am
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well, he did say he like the game for one thing. He never said it "sucked shit" as some of you have put it...

As for the controls, yes. They will hurt sales. I consider myself a very hard core gamer. I buy at least one game if not more a month. All Im going to say is this...if it wasnt for the controls of this game I would be playing it a LOT more. How much time do you think a casual gamer will give this if its the only game he buys every 2 or 3 months..?
Post Mon Dec 03, 2001 3:35 pm
Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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What the hell, Kae? Rage control problem? Out of Clearasil? LOL. What... are you about 15? You can't read either (like Llama)? Amazing how people just skim information and ignore alot of salient points a poster makes. They're just so interested in getting their point across they ignore alot of what actually was said. Kinda sad.
Anyways, I clearly stated in one of my posts that my company released a PS1 title (actually we've released 3 or the last 4 years...total sales of 2.8 million worldwide). We're currently deving a PS2 title. I'm pretty sure Funcom hasn't done any console deving.
As for bugs, our testing dept. ensures that we ship with no bugs. It's in our contract with Sony. That's the difference between consoles and PC games. PC games ship with a ton of bugs (i.e UIX, AO, etc.) because of their "ship it broken, patch it later" mentality...console games rarely if ever ship in that state.
We might ship with a few C or D bugs (under 5). But definetly no B or A bugs. That includes quests, dialogue, falling thru world, pathing issues, etc. Game dev talk.
Oh wait, I forgot I don't work on games, right Llama? (evil grin).
To the poster above, thanks for noticing that I said I like the game. Almost half the people have decided to ignore that point. Which I have made 6 times now. Truly idiots.
Well I've got too many good games to play..This is a waste of time spending any effort at all on fanbois who can't comprehend simple posts.


[ This Message was edited by: Darksharp on 2001-12-03 10:09 ]
Post Mon Dec 03, 2001 4:00 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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What is wrong with you people?... Darksharp was not flaming the game in his first post or any of the other ones... He was however stating facts of the industry (and any industry)...

I personally LIKE the controls in Gothic now that I have learned them, but most people will not bother to do so... Like Darksharp was saying, we are fanboys... I am a fanboy... I take the time to learn the controls and take pleasure in them, in fact I even like the learning process in itself...

I am also a developer (not of games though unfortunately) and know that the people that sits on the real money does not want things to be complicated... Even the smallest inconvenience can make the customer walk away from the product and this is even more true about the cumputer gaming industry than it is in mine (business systems)... Developers simply does not have the luxoury of ignoring this, even we users (in this case gamers) do...

Most people will just say “I haven’t got time for this” and throw it away (play the demo and not buy the game)... Now, we here can all just say “F**k them, they are stupid” about it, but fact is that these people make up the largest part of the consumer base and if the largest part of the consumer base doesn’t want to buy the game then that equals terrible losses for PB (or at least not so much income as they could have gotten otherwise)... Something that I would hate to see happen since I love Gothic and would like them to make lots and lots of money so that they can make more games like it... If the game would have had simpler controls it might appeal to a broader spectrum of cusomers as well as still be tremendously attractive to us hard-core gamers...

Now, about the porting to consoles I am not so sure... I agree that even the crappiest titles on consoles can sell very well in comparison to PC games and that there is a lot of money to be made in that part of the bussiness, but then you have to buy a license from the console-makers and fork out with a lot of money... I would imagine that Darksharp works for a very large and very wealthy company that has already got all the licenses it needs and that his advices holds true when applied to such large companies... However I do not think that it holds true in small-scale game development...

I do not agree with all that Darksharp is wrighting and the parts that I do agree with I do not perticularly like... But to say things like “he should be shot” are just so terribly stupid and unworthy that I almost feel ashamed to be a part of the gaming community (I dont though since I didnt say it nor agree with it)... and to say that he is wrong is unfortunately just a sign of being plain ignorant and unaware of the true facts of industry...
Post Mon Dec 03, 2001 4:07 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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Posts: 32

Thanks Chirox. You're an intelligent person. you obviously can see the big picture.
I salute you, sir.
Actually we were a small game dev house, our title was very successful and we were bought out. Life is very good.

[ This Message was edited by: Darksharp on 2001-12-03 10:13 ]
Post Mon Dec 03, 2001 4:11 pm
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High Emperor
High Emperor

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Were you guy purchased by big money I hooked up with three guys back in the early ’90s and spent 5yrs growing a company that we sold for 850K shares of their stock. When we wee finally able to dump the shares it was going for $14+. Every nice indeed.
By the way, don’t mind LIama…He has issues.

The first thing I do when I get a game is hit the Settings/Options menu and set the game up and then tweak it as I play. At first I found the controlling of the game, as opposed to the game controls, awkward. But coming from the FPS world I was not prejudiced on control structure of RPGs. So once I got used to it, the game went rather smoothly.

As for the bugs…I agree with you totally. Way to many for a released ver. I now work for a software company that has developed a product that runs on NT and there are always bugs that slip through cracks. But they are usually associated with product enhancements and are fixed within a week or two, which is what you would expect with a product the sells for $20K (base price). Games on the other hand sell for an avg. of $40 and when you think about it they deliver a lot of bang for the back. Especially Gothic, one of the most advanced games I’ve played since Deus Ex. I find it really hard to fault the dev. team for all the bugs. The publisher should have tested the product they were going to distribute to make sure it was ready and if it wasn’t, withhold distribution until it was

"That one hurt..."

Post Mon Dec 03, 2001 7:03 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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I am a professional software developer and my area of specialty is Graphical User Interface design. I have doing this for over 15 years and make a good lot of money designing user interfaces for commercial software products. I am also a hobbiest game developer (because the game industry doesn't pay squat unless you have about 5 games under your belt).

Anyway, with all that out of the way, I must say that the Gothic user interface is one of the worst I've seen in a game with such technical excellence elsewhere. Clearly, the GUI was an afterthought. I don't mean the movement keys and action keys, I mean the Inventory, Stats and Journal screens. (The Action mechanism is very strange and I still find myself goofing up from time to time.) These screens don't use the mouse! The keyboard driven interface lead me to believe that the game was ported from a console game to the PC! You have your hand on the mouse already, why not use it to interact with the screens? The Trading interface is the worst of all of them. In the demo, I kept giving all of my stuff away because I didn't know I had to put the ore in the left side (or other goods) to match the value of my side. It is very cumbersome using the keyboard to cycle through your inventory sections to get back to the trade spots in the middle to remove an extra item you didn't mean to trade.

Anyway, while I agree that Console development is much more lucritive, I would still like to see the PC also be a target platform for future development. Thats where the hard-core RPG fans seem to be most condensed.

Oh, and Gothic is in the top 3 favorite RPGs I have ever played (and I've played a lot!). I felt more like it was happening to me in Gothic than any game since Ultima 9 Ascension and Daggerfall before that. (Hence the "Role" in Role Palying Game). The world seemed more alive to me than any RPG game so far too. I would eagerly anticipate Gothic 2. So Pirahna Bytes, if you're listening and want a GUI consultant in the future, I'd be interested.
Post Mon Dec 03, 2001 7:04 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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i dont have a problem, i just like making fun of people who say they are in the industry when they are not. BTW im in the undustry too, but i wont tell u what games i have been involved in
sound familar?
Post Mon Dec 03, 2001 7:27 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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The difference between yourself and me, Kae...(and I'd liked to point out, you are oh so WICKED...so very, very WICKED..lol)...is I walk the walk and talk the talk. I know things only somebody on the inside would know via alot of years with in the industry. And I can back it up.

Not that I care what a teenage fanboi thinks, but I'm just curious...why is it you refuse to believe I work on games for a living? Becuase I treat you like a fanboi? That the game industry views fanbois (like yourself)with contempt?

Do you know what a NDA is?
Do you really understand how the bug process works at a game company? The milestone process? The contractual obligiations said developer has with publisher in relation to those things? No you don't.

I'll let it go at that. Never try to convince an idiot, that they're idiot. It's impossible.
Post Mon Dec 03, 2001 7:58 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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agreed - make this game for PS2 and beef up controls and speed of the game, and you have a winner.

its perfect for console. and it would solve the bit about choppy machines and poor engine complaints (like myself) because the PS2 could run this game better than any machine out there.

agreed - no need to re-invent the wheel. the controls suck. they are odd to use especially for me a right-handed gamer. i found having to go in and customise my controls usefull, but still a pain in the ass. the controls could have been way better.

also would be fixed when made for PS2. plenty-o-buttons and would have made for faster battle and more movement capabilities.

-my own adddition- fix the damn swimming controls. how many times am i going to near-drown my self because the bastard heads straight down if i try to even turn a bit?
Post Mon Dec 03, 2001 9:27 pm
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Eager Tradesman
Eager Tradesman

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darksharp.. dont you know your either a fanboy or a troll. you might as well just except your fate along side your jedi brothers.. your a troll.. anyone who posts on a game forum that doesnt lick the balls of the makers is a troll.

take 5 minutes to explain that you like a game and mention one flaw and the 5 minutes was wasted to the fanboys.

i too know my place as a troll. atleast im willing (like you) to share bad things about games. fanboys just seem to want to over glorify games and make them seem so epic they could change your life.

its the same kids you see playing games 3 billion times over and over and keep saying it gets better. or the kid that brags about watching the same movie every night because it changed his life. then you tell him it was weak and he comes at you with an axe and an ice pick because it feels to him like you just slept with his mom and sister at the same time.

lets all give wicked a tissue because his life is this game. some day he will play an outstanding game and cry at all the hours wasted.

p.s. wicked is the champion of suck.
Post Mon Dec 03, 2001 9:37 pm
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High Emperor
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Keep posting darky, you prove my point about you not being a developer each time you move your fingers. Your lack of intelligence within your last several posts has proven that you were trying to hide behind some mature mask, when in all truth you are just some deprived little teenager that has come up with the brilliant idea that he can live some alterego through his computer monitor. Now, onto some other comments, just for you.

To come to this forum and act all high and mighty because you think telling us you are a game developer, is laughable to anyone that has done job research within that industry. Wealthy/successful game designers/developers are few and far between because the market is so flooded with new graduates thinking they can be the next John Carmack, and it doesn't happen.

I'm not a "fanboi" (lol), I don't run any sites for Gothic, I don't participate in any Gothic fansite features other than this single message board on a once per day basis. I haven't been waiting for this game since day one, nor did I ever try the German version first just to satisfy my Gothic desires. I didn't even buy this game the day it came out. All of those qualities and much more cause a person to be labeled as a fanboy. You use it as a shield to hide behind because you are unable to carry on a remotely mature conversation without getting confused and frustrated over the fact that people that you have never met know you are lieing through your teeth.
BTW, my system is great. 1.4 Athlon, GeForce 3 running WInXP Pro with a gig of Ram. Stable as hell.

I suppose my system has something to do with
1. The broken quests
2. The frying pan exploit
3. Sword making exploit
4. Falling out of the world in the forest
5. Collision issues
6. Sound bugs
Shall I go on?

Wow, my system is only an Athlon 800, 512 RAM, Voodoo 5 5500 and a SB Live!

Only problem I've had so far is disappearing land in the forest, but not your amazing "falling out of the world" issue.

I like Gothic...did I not mention that? Let me count how many times I said that...1...2...3...4...5 times...hmm.

How many times did I claim you DID NOT like Gothic? Let me count how many times I said that...5...4...3...2..1... oh that's right, I never did...hmm.

Since you feel this uncontrolable urge to prove your age and act tough by attacking my personal character I'll refer back to my statement about your being an deprived teenager. I strongly suggest you get out of the house more, find a significant other male, female, dog, cat, whatever floats your boat and take some time away from the internet for a while. You seemed to be wrapped up in some dreamworld that even you cannot escape.

If, for some reason you seem to have it stuck in your head that developers have great jobs and make great money, then I direct you to check out what has happened to Black Isle Studios, Looking Glass, Cavedog and other companies that have made some killer games. They're history now, or in severe finacial trouble and are cutting employees by the dozens.

If you want to make 30k-40k a year, live with roomates and work 18+ hours a day, then please, go right ahead and become a developer. But I found something much more useful to do with my Computer Science degree and became a computer consultant for a widely known manufacturing company. I work 8 hours a day and made ~120k last year.

Llama, my suggestion: take some reading comprehension courses and get laid. I'm done with you like a used condom, fanboi. (dusts off his hands, washes them in anti-bacterial soap).

lol! On the Wit Scale with of 1-10, 10 being most witty, you scored a 2, with a 0 for originality.

Here's a hint about real life, child. Those that talk about sex all the time are the ones that aren't getting any.

Enjoy little fella!

PC games ship with a ton of bugs (i.e UIX, AO, etc.) because of their "ship it broken, patch it later"

No half-twit, there is a huge difference here that you fail to understand. Console games have one platform to be developed for, all the playstations are the same, all the gamecubes are the same, all the playstation 2's are the same, all the dreamcasts are the same, all the x-box's are the same...

PC A does not equal PC B. When you test a game it can work perfect on one configuration and fall completely to pieces on another. There has not been one single PC game to come out within the past several years that has not required patches to fix the numerous problems it has with the hundereds of thousands of different computer configurations all the different people that buy the game have.

PC game developement companies generally have a few dozens PC's, half high-tech and the other half bottom of the line (for the game specs), some companies even throw a BELOW specs computer in the mix. They then test it on that small variety of PC's and get it working.

[ This Message was edited by: Llama on 2001-12-03 15:58 ]
Post Mon Dec 03, 2001 9:48 pm
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