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Joined: 22 Jan 2004
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Well? Bow or Crossbow? Which is the best at dealing out damage and what is the most powerful missile weapon in the game?  |
Sat Mar 13, 2004 9:06 pm |
A Shadow of My Own Self

Joined: 17 Aug 2003
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With crossbow you do more damage than a bow. But a bow is still faster than the crossbow. And also while using crossbow your character will kneele when he's shooting (it's too heavy maybe) thus you can shoot if the ground goes up a bit, you'll only hit the ground. |
Sat Mar 13, 2004 9:24 pm |
The Shepherd

Joined: 20 Sep 2003
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There is nothing faster than the bow,
We all know that the crossbow is the more powerful, but speed has its advantages, if you get in with the first shot, say against an elite orc, the bow is more able to "sustain" or maintain the quicker hit-rate. Try to find the
"Demon-bow" (85) damage, awesome speed.  _________________ Forever aches my wretched soul, for Chromanin locked in that dark hole, though crypted key i've yet to learn, he knows one day i will return. |
Sat Mar 13, 2004 9:27 pm |
Old Fogey

Joined: 11 Nov 2003
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I thought the crossbow was fast enough, but you do have to be careful shooting uphill as a master. I think you kneel to steady your shot. The dragon hunter xbow does a heck of a lot of damage with one blow, so if your good enough, the speed is not an issue. Takes out an orc elite in 3 or 4 shots. It's best to experiment. Try both and use the one that does the best for you. The other thing about bows is you need more dex to use them than xbows. The DH xbow requires 85 dex and the dragon bow I think Wulf is talking about needs like 90-100 dex to use. I never found a demon bow, but the dragon bow you can buy in ch 4 or 5 does 85 or 90 damage. _________________ Just watch out you don't stress yourself out.
REMEMBER... Many saves, many slots!!! |
Sat Mar 13, 2004 9:57 pm |
The Shepherd

Joined: 20 Sep 2003
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Location: North/West.England |
Yes thats true, your own preference, what your comfortable with i suppose.
But speed is speed, an orc elite from 100 metres with 2 shots is quicker than
a crossbow with 3 shots, so then your on to the next target quicker, the "edge" is with the bow and even more when the targets are almost on top of you, if i remember i cleared the complete perimeter fence of orcs with the demon bow only (no weapons) and as a mage, and no magics. By the way the demon bow is a rare item.  _________________ Forever aches my wretched soul, for Chromanin locked in that dark hole, though crypted key i've yet to learn, he knows one day i will return. |
Sat Mar 13, 2004 11:21 pm |
Old Fogey

Joined: 11 Nov 2003
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Location: the heart of acadiana they like to call it |
Sorry, should have elaborated. Three or four is when you first get the dex for it, once your dex goes up, shots to kill is two or three. Cleared that one room in ch 6 pretty awfully quick with it.
I never once saw the demon bow. I have obviously missed something. Did you buy it or find it? What world did you find it in? Just curious. Have to try it out. I'm pretty sure I have a merc saved with high enough dex to use it. Just a small hint now, don't want to spoil for anyone else. _________________ Just watch out you don't stress yourself out.
REMEMBER... Many saves, many slots!!! |
Sun Mar 14, 2004 12:42 am |
The Shepherd

Joined: 20 Sep 2003
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Hey there jmurdock,
Your "detective" mind would put even "Columbo" to shame,
yes, you assume correctly, the demon bow is'nt available in a "normal" game.
That means it would not be available to a "sincere" game player as yourself.
P.S is that new avatar really you?  _________________ Forever aches my wretched soul, for Chromanin locked in that dark hole, though crypted key i've yet to learn, he knows one day i will return. |
Sun Mar 14, 2004 10:30 am |
Village Leader

Joined: 22 Jan 2004
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Thanks for all your replies I think ill go for a bow...damn annoying u gotta cheat to get the Demon bow  |
Sun Mar 14, 2004 1:29 pm |
Keeper of the Gates

Joined: 13 Sep 2003
Posts: 108
I noticed that in the early stages a bow requests far more dexterity than crossbow which is stronger. I think it is good to use crossbow first but not specialise in it. then later when you have enough dexterity you should specialise in bow. _________________ Team wins a war, not an individual. |
Sun Mar 14, 2004 2:17 pm |
Old Fogey

Joined: 11 Nov 2003
Posts: 1285
Location: the heart of acadiana they like to call it |
The avatar is not quite me.
Thanks for the hint. _________________ Just watch out you don't stress yourself out.
REMEMBER... Many saves, many slots!!! |
Sun Mar 14, 2004 4:59 pm |
Village Dweller

Joined: 05 Jul 2003
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I prefer the crossbow. You need virtually no skill to get good at it (spend those precious skill points elsewhere!). It deals out damage, although it is rather slow. Especially because (as I said) I was into using skill points for other things. Like Alchemy, that made things alot more fun.
Now ask me if I used the bow or crossbow. I didn't, for the most part. Only for shootable buttons, and other things. I just powered my way through the game. I was a paladin (shut up, I'm a cheapass and I know it). You don't NEED the crossbow for killing things the second you get any of the holy spell things (whatever they are called, it's been a while since I played the game). They are far more efficient. Its how I beat the final boss.
Wait a second. I think I may have used the crossbow on the Ice Dragon. But I mean, speed want an issue there, so it doesnt matter a whole lot what you use in that case.
But I still hold true to my keeping skill points credo.
And I don't remember about cost issues. Money isn't an issue AT ALL except for the beginning of the game. It's a bitch to try and scrape up 1000 gold to get in the monastary. Yeah.
Sun Mar 14, 2004 11:33 pm |
Eager Tradesman

Joined: 27 Feb 2004
Posts: 45
It seems to me from experimenting with the process, that the speed at which you fire arrows from a bow or bolts from crossbow depends not only on the item but also your skill with the item in question. Yes a bow is going to be faster then a crossbow given the same skill level in both but if you have your dex pumped up; which you can if you steal, and plunder as much as is possible to get the gold and exp necessary to raise your dex level then add to it with potions; you can kill orcs with one or two bolts easy fairly early in the game (by the time you enter the VoM the first time in chapter 2) assuming you get hold of the bigger crossbow (55 damage/40 dex required) which can be found if you explore around the island (thats means going swimming too) But you will have to commit to working on your crossbow skills at the expense of other things and do the old save and keep trying thing to kill beasts until you aquire decent weapons to use vice trying to buy em and working with junk early on like I think some ppl do.
You can get an Orc Slayer one handed weapon early in the game with very little effort beast killing wise if you just go do it and then add the strength needed to use it with combo rings and added strength from teachers. that can make up for lack of skill with a one handed melee weapon if you want to work on your range killing skills early on.
Plus if you move about more slowly and think like an assassin (killing one at a time and quietly) you will find that many beasts, and enemys can be killed at a distant one at a time without alerting a whole group who come charging at you. Just fire from a distance where only one can be picked up by your weapon and the others will be oblivious to their fellow orc, lizard man, etc. falling down dead at their side. |
Fri Apr 02, 2004 5:09 am |
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